Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

In Ontario many dentists go broke because our government run health care only covers minimal dental procedures for the indigent. It's quite common to hear of a dentist to have mid 6 figure debts because of the equipment, office space and student loans.....
Occupy should have made reformed seperating of powers the main issue..

Just some observation.

WE all know the problems of golden sachs and how they hurted the America.
European banks were connected with americans with obligations etc.

But Know some Observation on the most in Crises being European countries in finance.
Ireland, greece,Italy,

Golden sachs Europe has base traditionaly In great brittain (londen city) It has big power in Ireland by Peter Sutherland( fined 16000 euro for hurting Ireland fiancialy he will laugh about it), who is both danger for the '99%' by him being both Politican and Banker.He leads Golden Sachs Interantional.With him being poltican and banker he is used to open the doors and get Golden sachers on a lot of important political positions.His Companion from Golden Sachs Monti is now president of Italy.Monti was European adviser form Golden Sachs and politic issues world wide.The you have Golden sachs Buddy Mario Draghi who was for some years in golden sachs for state finance and worked with Monti, now he is leader European Central Bank, who is now again renting for 1% or so and when it can't be payed, they get state money pumping in Golden sachs.Greece ex president Papadimos did not work for golden sachs but he worked but he was also a banker form Greece central bank in the past and state fiance in the past ( it is a fact that there was fraud with finance of greece in the numbers)in politics from 1994 to 2002 and getted Greece into the Euro zone, he also worked for Trilaterale where also worked Golden sachs big men Peter sutherland.back to Italy; not only Monti was combined banker ,politican of Italy Romano Prodi worked for golden sachs and was working for golden sachs in the past too.And the you have Tononi who was also banker for golden sachs and also politican minister in finance for Italy.
So you have Golden sachs guys with contradicting interest and trilaterate(trilateration the meaned the circles connected) with their statement in 1975 saying 'crises of economy' and economy should be made smaller.after Trilaterale big golden sachs in the 80's in europe and Jimmy Carter of Unitated Sates of 1976-1980 and his brzezinzki was his security adviser who worked for trilaterale and was strategic against Russia connection cold war, and was energy prodution.infrastructure adviser.

If montesquie lived now he would say to bring the democratic system back that you cant work in politics when you were a bankster and the other way round anc came with a four poltica in stead of Trias polica with the seperating of powers
Trilaterale said crises of democracy in ,which was conclusion of thier written report and they wanted to make democracy smaller which they did.We will now see how wrong they were but they don't care when getting rich.
some complot theory....

Some people are beginning to realize that there are some families that dominate the world.
Forget the political intrigues, conflicts, revolutions and wars.

It is no coincidence. Everything has been planned for a long time ago. Some call it a conspiracy or a New World Order.

To view the current political and economic events is essential to understand the small group of families looking to the past centuries has amassed much wealth and power.

We are talking about a six, maybe eight or thirteen families who dominate and control the world. In New York we have Goldman Sachs, the Rockefellers, the Lazard, the Loeb, Kuhn and the Lehmans. In Paris and London, the Rothschilds, Warburgs in Hamburg and the family of Israel Moses Sieff Baron.

Many people have heard of the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission (TLC). But what families dominate the world and have control over countries and international organizations like the United Nations, NATO and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

Let's first look at the world's largest banks, and in particular, their shareholders, which actually make the decisions. The world's largest companies are currently: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Bank of America shareholders: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, FMR, Paulson, JP Morgan Chase, T. Rowe Price, Capital World Investors, AXA and Bank of New York Mellon.

JP Morgan Chase shareholders: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, FMR Fidelity Investments, BlackRock, T. Rowe Price, AXA, Capital World Investors, Capital Research Global Investors, Northern Trust and Bank of New York Mellon.

Citigroup Shareholders: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR Fidelity Investments, Capital World Investors, JP Morgan Chase, Northern Trust, Fairhom Capital Management and Bank of New York Mellon.

Wells Fargo shareholders: Berkshire Hathaway, FMR Fidelity Investments, State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Management, AXA, T.Davis Selected Advisers and Rowe Price.

There is already a clear pattern emerged. With all the big banks we see the same four big names: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Fidelity Investments and FMR BlackRock. In order not to repeat them now called the 'big four'.

Goldman Sachs Shareholders: Large four, Wellington Management, Capital World Investors, AXA, Massachusetts Financial Services and T. Rowe Price.

Shareholders Morgan Stanley: Big four, Mitsubishi UFJ, Franklin Resources, AXA, T. Rowe Price, Bank of New York Mellon, Jennison Associates and Bank of New York Mellon.

Shareholders Bank of New York Mellon, Davis Selected Advisers, Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investors, Dodge & Cox, Southeastern Asset Management and ... the big four.

State Street Corporation shareholders: Massachusetts Fiancial Services, Capital Research Global Investors, Barrow Hanley, GE, Putnam Investments and ... the big four (ie self shareholder).

BlackRock shareholders: PNC, Barclays and CIC. Who is behind PNC? FMR Fidelity Investments, BlackRock, State Street Corporation and Vanguard. And who is behind Barclays?BlackRock.

We could go on for hours while tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Monaco or Liechtenstein pass. It is a network where the same companies coming forward, but never a name or a family.

In summary it can be said that the eight largest U.S. financial institutions (JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) for 100 percent controlled by ten shareholders, including four always present in decisions: BlackRock, State Street Corporation, Vanguard and Fidelity Investments, FMR.

Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve consists of 12 banks and is governed by a Board. To this council include representatives from the 'big four'. In other words, the Federal Reserve controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. These companies control the U.S. and global monetary policy without any oversight or democratic choice. These companies are the cause of the current global economic crisis, with the result that they themselves have become much richer.

The following companies are controlled by the big four: Alcoa, Altria Group, American International Group, AT & T, Boeing, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, DuPont, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, Honeywell International,Intel, International Business Machines, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, McDonald's, Merck, Microsoft, 3M, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, United Technologies, Verizon Communications and Wal-Mart Stores, Time Warner, Walt Disney, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, CBS and NBC Universal.

In other words, four companies determine what you eat, what you drink, what medications you are getting, what transportation you are driving, what operating system your computer is running, what type of computer you have, where war is, which oil is drilled, how your home fitted is what comes on TV, in which films, upcoming films and how much petrol costs. Since these companies as much as possible to gain wealth and power is not expected that the public health in their policies a high priority. That was the reason for the protest-occupy.

These companies control the vast majority of listed European companies and large financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB), but the names of the families that the 'big four' control never appear.

Bernanke: no interest rate hikes until 2014...
It always annoys me when people claim we have a free market economy. With interest rates sets by bankers and beaurocrats, that presumtion is assinine.
I watched a bit of the evening news on the Negro Broadcasting Company yesterday and Brian Williams, Chuck Todd et al. painted such a rosy picture of the economy and its prospects for 2012 that I thought we should just make Obama president for life and let Bernanke do as he pleases indefinitely. We're all saved!
I watched a bit of the evening news on the Negro Broadcasting Company yesterday and Brian Williams, Chuck Todd et al. painted such a rosy picture of the economy and its prospects for 2012 that I thought we should just make Obama president for life and let Bernanke do as he pleases indefinitely. We're all saved!

That's quite a contrast with this report, and a lot of others I see regularly on the internet. The gulf in perception and worldview between that promoted by the corporate media and that of the folks who use the internet for their views and information is extremely wide and growing wider all the time:
It's hard for me to tell, is the economy all that bad? I don't know a lot of people that are out of work or really having trouble getting by. I know there is a lot of bad numbers out there and the gloom and doom not to mention the claim of impending collapse is everywhere I go on the internet but I don't see it in real life. Anyone out there having it really bad or know people that are???
I know a few people who are having a tough time right now and have been for some time. Then again, my circle includes a lot of people who live in some of the most economically depressed areas in the country.
A lot of people are suffering in Las Vegas, but there is still a helluva lot of money here too. This city is a good example of how the U.S. is becoming a two-class society, with a good chunk of the middle class disappearing, mostly toward the poor end.
I know a few people who are having a tough time right now and have been for some time. Then again, my circle includes a lot of people who live in some of the most economically depressed areas in the country.
Same here. The economy is very depressed here in south Georgia where I'm at. I took a former student by the unemployment office last Friday and it was packed to the gills with people waiting outside. As an educator I had to take 10 furlough days this years and they are talking about laying off MORE teachers come next school year. Times like these make me VERY GLAD I retired from the Army!
Good morning Gentlemen,

Here on the Jersey Shore, things aren't good at all. As a walker, I see much more than most people going by in cars. There are many closed up buildings and many vacancy signs for office space. All sorts of for sale signs up on houses (people are trying to escape our taxes). Even the traffic is noticably lighter. There are many construction sites walked away from siting idle. Many families have grown children living home. Any job is deemed good at this point etc, etc, etc.

That's the way it is here

Tom Iron...
Good morning again,

Here's a website you'll be interested in I think,

Tom Iron...
Not so good here. Lots of homeless (people living under every bridge, literally) parolees, gangbangers, and just general riff-raff types have moved up here over the last decade. Not that long ago this was considered a nice community, almost idyllic. More and more it's just looking rundown. The state university and community college have been hit with major budget cuts, with lots of the faculty (especially part-time) losing work. A guy I know lost his job at a computer lab and now lives at the homeless shelter. The other day he was talking about trying for a dishwasher job, but he needs money to take some health class before he can be hired. Maybe next time I see him I'll front him some cash.
Just read an article that said the new hotel/casino (Revel) in Atlantic City is going to hire non-managerial workers for periods of 4-6 years. At the end of that time, the "employee" must reapply for his or her job in an open field of job candidates.

This is absolutely fiendish.

The "good" part is it may not matter too much anyway the way things are going downhill, at least in AC. Philly, NYC, and Delaware are starting gambling and AC may be done anyway. But I fear this type of hiring may spread.

Tom Iron...
Just read an article that said the new hotel/casino (Revel) in Atlantic City is going to hire non-managerial workers for periods of 4-6 years. At the end of that time, the "employee" must reapply for his or her job in an open field of job candidates.

This is absolutely fiendish.

The "good" part is it may not matter too much anyway the way things are going downhill, at least in AC. Philly, NYC, and Delaware are starting gambling and AC may be done anyway. But I fear this type of hiring may spread.

Tom Iron...

Tom, Atlantic City casinos actually posted their best quarter in quite some time just recently.
Good morning whiteathlete33,

What do you think of that hiring process?

Tom Iron...
Interesting reading...maybe two more years before the Great Collapse.
Two more if we're lucky. At this rate, it seems like 12-16 months until the onset of the Tribulation.
American Freedom News