Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

Have white guilt and P.C influenced the proudness of most Americans( both black and white) in the USA ?
In that way that lot of black americanss hate white americans and whites feel more guilty becuase there have come so much stronger media technologys in the last centurys to promote white guilt and hatred against whites( altrough they probably don't reasie it)
Do you guys know if nationalism is decreased in the let say last 30 years p.c is from 80's officially .
I like to know becuase I think probably next to to other factors I think Nationalism is important for economie with technology and also make you less likely to be corrupt with golden sax bank etc. when it can be dangerous for economy of the country.

extreme Journalists and there thinking

Maybe next to the wrong thinking that whites have only accomplised things becuase they were racist, bad and becuase of this whites and others have invented things like spaceshuttle and 'people of colour' for example the famous penis gourd.
they think P.C. is great becuase of this that non whites are the supressed underdogg and so in there eyes they have to hype every accomplise of them espacially of blacks and portrate whites only in a bad way.

This is not only making hate against whites but also make white feel guilty, and not much proudness in the majority white countries or at least much less and this is next to white guilt and hate against whites also bad and maybe even a factor in world economy this time .When will the P.C. people or anti racist( think it is not racist to always talk bad about whites) with lots of influence in media realise how bad it is what they are doing....
I even understand that the Jew journalst( altrough they are not all jews) are mad against whites becuase of world war 2 but I hope they know the people of europe didn't now they would be killed except a few.No only whites can racdicalize if ther dad freazes to dad by another group, an important thing is that not a few people can have to much power.But what some journlast with power are doing now is extreme in the opposite direction and if you hurt whites you hurt the whole world indirectly.
Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers

By Aaron Task | Daily Ticker – Thu, Jul 21, 2011 3:02 PM EDT

Putting pressure on an already lousy job market, the mass layoff is making a comeback. In the past week, Cisco, Lockheed Martin and Borders announced a combined 23,000 in job cuts. (See: Another Retailer Bites the Dust: Borders Doomed by Amazon Deal, Davidowitz Says)
Those announcements follow 41,432 in planned cuts in June, up 11.6% from May and 5.3% vs. a year earlier, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Meanwhile, state and local governments have cut 142,000 jobs this year, The WSJ reports, and Wall Street is braced for another round of cutbacks. This week, Goldman Sachs announced plans to let go 1000 fixed-income traders.
If these trends continue, we may soon be talking about losses in the monthly employment data -- not just disappointing growth, says Howard Davidowitz, CEO of Davidowitz & Associates
"Everything in business is confidence," Davidowitz says. "You lose confidence and businesses can't deal with that [and] who could have confidence with what's going on in Washington?"
Davidowitz is bipartisan in his criticism, calling the U.S. political system "dysfunctional and deranged." (See: "A Bunch of Morons in Washington": Howard Davidowitz Handicaps the Debt Ceiling Debate)
Still, the restructuring expert is a longtime and vocal critic of President Obama: "There has never been in a situation in my lifetime where a guy increases the debt by 40%, GDP growth is on the way down, Food Stamps are up, millions more are unemployed -- and to accomplish this we spent $4 trillion."
But it's an open question whether any president or policy mix could do much to revive the economy after the bursting of the credit bubble.
In This Time is Different, co-authors Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart demonstrate that financial crises are typically followed by severe recessions, slow recoveries, subpar growth and greater frequency of recessions in the decade following the crisis. (See: Bernanke In Denial About Economy's Fate, Vincent Reinhart Says)
"No one believes the economy, Obama or not, is going to improve," my Breakout colleague Jeff Macke says in the accompanying clip. "Time [is] the only thing that heals."
An Economy Destroyed

Superb piece by the always knowledgeable and insightful Paul Craig Roberts...

July 21, 2011

The Enemy Is Washington

An economy destroyed

By Paul Craig Roberts
Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

If the rating agencies downgraded Treasuries, the company executives would be arrested for the fraudulent ratings that they gave to the junk that Wall Street peddled to the rest of the world. The companies would be destroyed and their ratings discredited. The US government will never default on its bonds, because the bonds, unlike those of Greece, Spain, Ireland, are payable in its own currency. Regardless of whether the debt ceiling is raised, the Federal Reserve will continue to purchase the Treasury’s debt. If Goldman Sachs is too big to fail, then so is the US government.

There is no budget focus on the illegal wars and military occupations that the US government has underway in at least six countries or the 66-year old US occupations of Japan and Germany and the ring of military bases being constructed around Russia.

The total military/security budget is in the vicinity of $1.1-$1.2 trillion, or 70% -75% of the federal budget deficit.

In contrast, Social Security is solvent. Medicare expenditures are coming close to exceeding the 2.3% payroll tax that funds Medicare, but it is dishonest for politicians and pundits to blame the US budget deficit on "entitlement programs."

Entitlements are funded with a payroll tax. Wars are not funded. The criminal Bush regime lied to Americans and claimed that the Iraq war would only cost $70 billion at the most and would be paid for with Iraq oil revenues. When Bush’s chief economic advisor, Larry Lindsey, said the Iraq invasion would cost $200 billion, the White House Moron fired him. In fact, Lindsay was off by a factor of 20. Economic and budget experts have calculated that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have consumed $4,000 billion in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs. In other words, the ongoing wars and occupations have already eaten up the $4 trillion by which Obama hopes to cut federal spending over the next ten years. Bomb now, pay later.

As taxing the rich is not part of the political solution, the focus is on rewarding the insurance companies by privatizing Medicare at some future date with government subsidized insurance premiums, by capping Medicaid, and by loading the diminishing middle class with additional Social Security tax.

Washington’s priorities and those of its presstitutes could not be clearer. President Obama, like George W. Bush before him, both parties in Congress, the print and TV media, and National Public Radio have made it clear that war is a far more important priority than health care and old age pensions for Americans.

The American people and their wants and needs are not represented in Washington. Washington serves powerful interest groups, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street and the banksters, agribusiness, the oil companies, the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and the mining and timber industries. Washington endows these interests with excess profits by committing war crimes and terrorizing foreign populations with bombs, drones, and invasions, by deregulating the financial sector and bailing it out of its greed-driven mistakes after it has stolen Americans’ pensions, homes, and jobs, by refusing to protect the land, air, water, oceans and wildlife from polluters and despoilers, and by constructing a health care system with the highest costs and highest profits in the world.

The way to reduce health care costs is to take out gobs of costs and profits with a single payer system. A private health care system can continue to operate alongside for those who can afford it.

The way to get the budget under control is to stop the gratuitous hegemonic wars, wars that will end in a nuclear confrontation.

The US economy is in a deepening recession from which recovery is not possible, because American middle class jobs in manufacturing and professional services have been offshored and given to foreigners. US GDP, consumer purchasing power, and tax base have been handed over to China, India, and Indonesia in order that Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate CEOs can earn more.

When the goods and services produced offshore come back into America, they arrive as imports. The trade balance worsens, the US dollar declines further in exchange value, and prices rise for Americans, whose incomes are stagnant or falling.

This is economic destruction. It always occurs when an oligarchy seizes control of a government. The short-run profits of the powerful are maximized at the expense of the viability of the economy.

The US economy is driven by consumer demand, but with 22.3% unemployment, stagnant and declining wages and salaries, and consumer debt burdens so high that consumers cannot borrow to spend, there is nothing to drive the economy.

Washington’s response to this dilemma is to increase the austerity! Cutting back Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, forcing down wages by destroying unions and offshoring jobs (which results in a labor surplus and lower wages), and driving up the prices of food and energy by depreciating the dollar further erodes consumer purchasing power. The Federal Reserve can print money to rescue the crooked financial institutions, but it cannot rescue the American consumer.

As a final point, confront the fact that you are even lied to about "deficit reduction." Even if Obama gets his $4 trillion "deficit reduction" over the next decade, it does not mean that the current national debt will be $4 trillion less than it currently is. The "reduction" merely means that the growth in the national debt will be $4 trillion less than otherwise. Regardless of any "deficit reduction," the national debt ten years from now will be much higher than it presently is.
Anyone believe this?

[h=1]Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities[/h]By HOPE YEN - Associated Press | AP – 7 hrs ago

[h=3]Related Content[/h]

  • HOLD FOR RELEASE July 26 at 12:01 a.m.; Charts show median net income and wealth …

WASHINGTON (AP) — The wealth gaps between whites and minorities have grown to their widest levels in a quarter-century. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics, according to an analysis of new Census data.
The analysis shows the racial and ethnic impact of the economic meltdown, which ravaged housing values and sent unemployment soaring. It offers the most direct government evidence yet of the disparity between predominantly younger minorities whose main asset is their home and older whites who are more likely to have 401(k) retirement accounts or other stock holdings.
"What's pushing the wealth of whites is the rebound in the stock market and corporate savings, while younger Hispanics and African-Americans who bought homes in the last decade — because that was the American dream — are seeing big declines," said Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who specializes in income inequality.
The median wealth of white U.S. households in 2009 was $113,149, compared with $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks, according to the analysis released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. Those ratios, roughly 20 to 1 for blacks and 18 to 1 for Hispanics, far exceed the low mark of 7 to 1 for both groups reached in 1995, when the nation's economic expansion lifted many low-income groups to the middle class.
The white-black wealth gap is also the widest since the census began tracking such data in 1984, when the ratio was roughly 12 to 1.
"I am afraid that this pushes us back to what the Kerner Commission characterized as 'two societies, separate and unequal,'" said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau, referring to the 1960s presidential commission that examined U.S. race relations. "The great difference is that the second society has now become both black and Hispanic."
Stock holdings play an important role in the economic well-being of white households. Stock funds, IRA and Keogh accounts as well as 401(k) and savings accounts were responsible for 28 percent of whites' net worth, compared with 19 percent for blacks and 15 percent for Hispanics.
According to the Pew study, the housing boom of the early to mid-2000s boosted the wealth of Hispanics in particular, who were disproportionately employed in the thriving construction industry. Hispanics also were more likely to live and buy homes in states such as California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona, which were in the forefront of the real estate bubble, enjoying early gains in home values.
But those gains quickly shriveled in the housing bust. After reaching a median wealth of $18,359 in 2005, the wealth of Hispanics — who derived nearly two-thirds of their net worth from home equity — declined by 66 percent by 2009. Among blacks, who now have the highest unemployment rate at 16.2 percent, their household wealth fell 53 percent from $12,124 to $5,677.
In contrast, the median household wealth of whites dipped a modest 16 percent from $134,992 to $113,149, cushioned in part by a stock market recovery that began in mid-2009.
"The findings are a reminder — if one was needed — of what a large share of blacks and Hispanics live on the economic margins," said Paul Taylor, director of Pew Social & Demographic Trends. "When the economy tanked, they're the groups that took the heaviest blows."
The latest data come as President Barack Obama and congressional leaders try to reach a deal to avoid a U.S. default on its financial obligations after Aug. 2. Democrats and Republicans have been wrangling over proposals that could cut trillions of dollars from programs such as Medicare and Social Security; they are divided over whether to bring in new tax revenue, such as by closing corporate tax loopholes or increasing taxes for the wealthy.
The NAACP and other black groups urged Obama to resist deep cuts to housing assistance or safety net programs, saying it would disproportionately hurt urban areas with high poverty and unemployment. The U.S. poverty rate currently stands at 14.3 percent, with the ranks of the working-age poor at the highest level since the 1960s. Some analysts believe the poverty rate will climb higher when new figures are released in September.
"Typically in recessions, minorities suffer from being last hired and first fired. They are likely to lose jobs more rapidly at the beginning of the recession, and are far slower to gain jobs as the economy recovers," said Harrison, who is now a sociologist at Howard University. "One suspects that blacks who lost jobs in the recession, or who have tried to help family members or relatives who did, have now spent whatever savings or other cashable assets they had."
Other findings:
—About 35 percent of black households and 31 percent of Hispanic households had zero or negative net worth in 2009, compared with 15 percent of white households. In 2005, the comparable shares were 29 percent for blacks, 23 percent for Hispanics and 11 percent for whites.
—Asians lost their top ranking to whites in median household wealth, dropping from $168,103 in 2005 to $78,066 in 2009. Like Hispanics, many Asians were concentrated in states like California hit hard by the housing downturn. More recent arrivals of new Asian immigrants, who tend to be poor, also pushed down their median wealth.
—Across all race and ethnic groups, the wealth gap between rich and poor widened. The share of wealth held by the top 10 percent of U.S. households increased from 49 percent in 2005 to 56 percent in 2009. The threshold for entry into the wealthiest top 10 percent, however, dipped lower: from $646,327 in 2005 to $598,435.
The numbers are based on the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation, which sampled more than 36,000 households on wealth from September-December 2009. Census first began publishing wealth data from this survey, broken down by race and ethnicity, in 1984.
I keep seeing news which should make it clear to everyone that our current "recession" isn't getting better but of course the dinosaur media puts their lies to it (aka spin) and the sheeple don't know what is going on.

Here's one sentence from a CNN update from yesterday:
If the $14.3 trillion debt limit is not increased by then, Americans could face rapidly rising interest rates, a falling dollar and shakier financial markets.

WHAT? WHAT? We've been more than facing that for years, you lying pieces of garbage!!! We live it every day, and every day it gets worse. These constant lies really tick me off, even though I expect the dinosaur media to throw out steaming hot piles of lies everytime they "report" on something anyway.

More from CNN today:

The Dow closed down about 266 points, or 2.19%, as investors worried about the weak economy. The selloff pushed the S&P 500 into negative territory for the year. "Now that we have solved the debt ceiling issue, (I call BS on that) the market has moved on to the other data (BS on that too, because a lot of them know the debt issue is far from over), which has taken a significant turn for the worse," said Ryan Detrick, senior technical strategist with Schaeffer's Investment Research. The Dow suffered an eighth straight day of declines for the first time since October 2008, when the financial system was in the depths of a crisis (we are still in the depths of a crisis, you cultural Marxist swine!). The Dow also finished below the psychologically important 12,000-point mark.
Last edited:
Anyone believe this?

[h=1]Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities[/h]By HOPE YEN - Associated Press | AP – 7 hrs ago

[h=3]Related Content[/h]

  • HOLD FOR RELEASE July 26 at 12:01 a.m.; Charts show median net income and wealth …

WASHINGTON (AP) — The wealth gaps between whites and minorities have grown to their widest levels in a quarter-century. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics, according to an analysis of new Census data.
The analysis shows the racial and ethnic impact of the economic meltdown, which ravaged housing values and sent unemployment soaring. It offers the most direct government evidence yet of the disparity between predominantly younger minorities whose main asset is their home and older whites who are more likely to have 401(k) retirement accounts or other stock holdings.
"What's pushing the wealth of whites is the rebound in the stock market and corporate savings, while younger Hispanics and African-Americans who bought homes in the last decade — because that was the American dream — are seeing big declines," said Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who specializes in income inequality.
The median wealth of white U.S. households in 2009 was $113,149, compared with $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks, according to the analysis released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. Those ratios, roughly 20 to 1 for blacks and 18 to 1 for Hispanics, far exceed the low mark of 7 to 1 for both groups reached in 1995, when the nation's economic expansion lifted many low-income groups to the middle class.
The white-black wealth gap is also the widest since the census began tracking such data in 1984, when the ratio was roughly 12 to 1.
"I am afraid that this pushes us back to what the Kerner Commission characterized as 'two societies, separate and unequal,'" said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau, referring to the 1960s presidential commission that examined U.S. race relations. "The great difference is that the second society has now become both black and Hispanic."
Stock holdings play an important role in the economic well-being of white households. Stock funds, IRA and Keogh accounts as well as 401(k) and savings accounts were responsible for 28 percent of whites' net worth, compared with 19 percent for blacks and 15 percent for Hispanics.
According to the Pew study, the housing boom of the early to mid-2000s boosted the wealth of Hispanics in particular, who were disproportionately employed in the thriving construction industry. Hispanics also were more likely to live and buy homes in states such as California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona, which were in the forefront of the real estate bubble, enjoying early gains in home values.
But those gains quickly shriveled in the housing bust. After reaching a median wealth of $18,359 in 2005, the wealth of Hispanics — who derived nearly two-thirds of their net worth from home equity — declined by 66 percent by 2009. Among blacks, who now have the highest unemployment rate at 16.2 percent, their household wealth fell 53 percent from $12,124 to $5,677.
In contrast, the median household wealth of whites dipped a modest 16 percent from $134,992 to $113,149, cushioned in part by a stock market recovery that began in mid-2009.
"The findings are a reminder — if one was needed — of what a large share of blacks and Hispanics live on the economic margins," said Paul Taylor, director of Pew Social & Demographic Trends. "When the economy tanked, they're the groups that took the heaviest blows."
The latest data come as President Barack Obama and congressional leaders try to reach a deal to avoid a U.S. default on its financial obligations after Aug. 2. Democrats and Republicans have been wrangling over proposals that could cut trillions of dollars from programs such as Medicare and Social Security; they are divided over whether to bring in new tax revenue, such as by closing corporate tax loopholes or increasing taxes for the wealthy.
The NAACP and other black groups urged Obama to resist deep cuts to housing assistance or safety net programs, saying it would disproportionately hurt urban areas with high poverty and unemployment. The U.S. poverty rate currently stands at 14.3 percent, with the ranks of the working-age poor at the highest level since the 1960s. Some analysts believe the poverty rate will climb higher when new figures are released in September.
"Typically in recessions, minorities suffer from being last hired and first fired. They are likely to lose jobs more rapidly at the beginning of the recession, and are far slower to gain jobs as the economy recovers," said Harrison, who is now a sociologist at Howard University. "One suspects that blacks who lost jobs in the recession, or who have tried to help family members or relatives who did, have now spent whatever savings or other cashable assets they had."
Other findings:
—About 35 percent of black households and 31 percent of Hispanic households had zero or negative net worth in 2009, compared with 15 percent of white households. In 2005, the comparable shares were 29 percent for blacks, 23 percent for Hispanics and 11 percent for whites.
—Asians lost their top ranking to whites in median household wealth, dropping from $168,103 in 2005 to $78,066 in 2009. Like Hispanics, many Asians were concentrated in states like California hit hard by the housing downturn. More recent arrivals of new Asian immigrants, who tend to be poor, also pushed down their median wealth.
—Across all race and ethnic groups, the wealth gap between rich and poor widened. The share of wealth held by the top 10 percent of U.S. households increased from 49 percent in 2005 to 56 percent in 2009. The threshold for entry into the wealthiest top 10 percent, however, dipped lower: from $646,327 in 2005 to $598,435.
The numbers are based on the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation, which sampled more than 36,000 households on wealth from September-December 2009. Census first began publishing wealth data from this survey, broken down by race and ethnicity, in 1984.
So your average Black family is collecting food stamps and either Welfare or working a minimum wage job and has a stash of Ben Franklins rolled up under their mattress.....:biggrin: Makes perfect sense to me.....:tongue:
An article entitled "The Coming Financial Collapse of the US"

The collapse of the US will start with the financial bankruptcy of the states. California, Illinois and New York will likely be the first states to go bankrupt and this could happen a lot sooner than most people think. Once the Blacks quit getting their welfare checks and evicted from their Section 8 apartments, don’t expect things to stay peaceful.

Gerald Celente has been predicting financial chaos and riots for some time, and he was one of the few to see the subprime mortgage disaster coming. Canned food and ammunition will soon be more important than stocks and bonds.

200 million Whites could save the USA and even then the rich "elite" would lose almost everything but 200 million Whites and 100 million nonwhites can't. The USA is being bankrupted by supporting the rich "elite" including their wars and their nonwhite cheap labors. The vast majority of every group of nonwhites brought into the USA had been imported as cheap labor, black slaves, Mestizos, Asians, and on it goes so the rich "elite" can have cheap labor and the taxpayers support them and pay the nonwhites welfare to allow them to work cheap and keep them under control.

The West has set up an economic scam where Central banks print money that they loan to the people and government at interest. Wars are fought to advance not national interest but business interest and the amount the wars cost is far more then the amount gained but the cost is paid by taxpayers and the profits are made by private business interest. The nonwhites are brought in as cheap labor and when they won't work anymore a new group is brought in and the old group paid off with taxpayer money so they don't riot.

Now we are reaching the end game where the parasites have taken too much and they either must print more money or cut back, but to cut back leads either to riots and the rich "elite" going bankrupt but printing money leads to hyperinflation and chaos. The bailouts are the last gasp of the "elite" in order to help the parasites but the money just goes down a black hole and the problems grow. Before long the only choices will all lead to chaos.

An article entitled " US Economy “on the Brink of Collapseâ€￾"

The federal government is either going to commit to wild inflation or it’s going to run out of money. What happens if the United States government just plain runs out of money? When no one will lend us any more? When the tax revenues from a collapsed economy with massive unemployment won’t cover even the interest on previous loans and bonds? Eventually welfare and food stamps will have to be cut if not eliminated completely. Obama recently transferred money from food stamps so he could bail out a number of states, which are having trouble paying their teachers. Obama is struggling just to keep an illusion of “normalcyâ€￾ up through the November election. After that, many states WILL start running out of money for teachers (and everything else) and the Feds will have to find billions of dollars somewhere to pay back the food stamps program.

The Democrats will choose to print more money, and then the final slide into collapse and anarchy will begin. The Europeans know it. The Chinese know it, which is why they’re trying to unload US Treasury bonds. Despite all the propaganda from the liberals, most Americans know that the economy is in terrible shape. They believe their eyes, not the propaganda from the liberal evening news.
So we tax all rich people 50 percent. Whats the big deal? If I had 30 million in the bank I wouldin't care if the government took 15 million of it. People are greedy by nature which is why people with a lot of money tend to live in 13 bedroom houses that they don' need. Im far from a Socialist but if increasing tax rates for the people that can afford it isint such a bad thing. Its better than the alternative which would be anarchy in the streets and the collapse of society as we know it though its not going to happen. Maybe.
That's all besides the point, Drunkblackfan. The country as a whole is NOT undertaxed. Everybody (including "the rich") pay plenty of taxes. We have a runaway spending problem, replete with corruption, graft, crony capitalism, you name it. I didn't notice anything in Obumma's speech that addressed the real problem. Just just said "tax tax tax tax tax", but we'll keep spending like drunken sailors......
So we tax all rich people 50 percent. Whats the big deal? If I had 30 million in the bank I wouldin't care if the government took 15 million of it. People are greedy by nature which is why people with a lot of money tend to live in 13 bedroom houses that they don' need. Im far from a Socialist but if increasing tax rates for the people that can afford it isint such a bad thing. Its better than the alternative which would be anarchy in the streets and the collapse of society as we know it though its not going to happen. Maybe.

Sheesh, this is the bend over and drop your drawers attitude

Look, a guy that makes a million bucks can live in a house with 1000 rooms and spend it all on hookers and cocaine and that is a better way to use the money then to give it to the degenerative scum that runs our government so they can piss it away on their own hookers and cocaine and all of the other sh*t they do including---black run america, endless foreign wars, not guarding the borders, killing and spying on innocent people and furthering the degredation of western society. The leech that is the govt must be starved until it learns to live within its means or dies.
Here's some more advice for all you young fellas out there, for my whole life the Republican party has claimed that they will lower my taxes and the Democratic party has claimed that they will tax the rich. But for my whole life my taxes have gone up and the rich have gotten richer and paid less taxes. How long does it take before you learn to see through that bulllsh!t for what it really is???? It took me about thirty years before I wised up. How long did it (or will it) take you??
Here's some more advice for all you young fellas out there, for my whole life the Republican party has claimed that they will lower my taxes and the Democratic party has claimed that they will tax the rich. But for my whole life my taxes have gone up and the rich have gotten richer and paid less taxes. How long does it take before you learn to see through that bulllsh!t for what it really is???? It took me about thirty years before I wised up. How long did it (or will it) take you??

Great post exposing the phony left/right political paradigm, jaxvid! Hopefully this will help wake a few more of us up.
Great post exposing the phony left/right political paradigm, jaxvid! Hopefully this will help wake a few more of us up.
Excellent post and response!
The Fed's decision really inspired a lot of confidence in the stocks today. -283 on the day and much more negatives to be seen in the future with this decision, and I'm not just talking about the stock market.
That's all besides the point, Drunkblackfan. The country as a whole is NOT undertaxed. Everybody (including "the rich") pay plenty of taxes. We have a runaway spending problem, replete with corruption, graft, crony capitalism, you name it. I didn't notice anything in Obumma's speech that addressed the real problem. Just just said "tax tax tax tax tax", but we'll keep spending like drunken sailors......
For those on the fence about government waste, go to any office that is municipal, state run or federal see how many clerks are in the office and literally working at snails pace or doing nothing. Then visit a private office and see the clerks doing similar work. Also ask for a service that is related to the service that the government worker does but isn't directly the service. You will see the red tape and inefficiency at work. As bad as it is in western countries go to a third world country that is corrupt and you get in worse service, or visit a more corrupt region within the US or Canada and you will notice the same lax service and attitude...:thumbdown:
American Freedom News