Classic example


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

Compare and contrast

I was struck by the treatment of two different news stories I ran across today. The first one is about a private swim club that doesn't want a pack of 60 black kids in their pool. A lot of liberal blogs and websites are buzzing about this "hate"Â￾, and "conservative"Â￾ Matt Drudge even put the story at the top of his page. In other words, it's big news, and people are hearing about it nationwide. Didn't the owners of the swim club get the memo â€" ever since Martin Luther King, there's been no such thing as private property rights. If blacks or homos or whoever demand to use your property or your labor, you have no right to refuse them. That's discrimination, and it's evil. And to liberals and conservatives alike, there's no rational reason for the swim club's decision, because we're all equal, so the only possible explanation for this is "hate"Â￾ and "racism"Â￾, etc.

But there's another story about a pack of black kids that has a huge bearing on this. But no one's talking about it. In Akron, a white family attending a fireworks show was brutally attacked by about 50 black kids who were yelling "WE RULE NOW!"Â￾ The cops, naturally, were quick to announce that it wasn't a hate crime. And, naturally, this is strictly a local news story. Drudge buried it, even as he puffs the other story. But it's this rampant black violence which is the reason the swim club is not only within their rights to keep blacks off their property, they're also doing the right thing. The average black kid is a low IQ punk, brought up in a one parent "home"Â￾, raised on the streets, who has no respect for other people or their rights, especially white people.

Good for the swim club, and shame on the Akron police.
The double standard continues to exist. Whites need to stop being afraid that if they accuse blacks or racism they will riot.
Thanks for posting this Bart. I'm going to pass this on.
You can't even have a club with people you want to be around without being harrassed. They would be after the HE-MAN Women Haters Club if that were around today.
Why doesn't the gov't force hot women to go out with me, even if they don't like me. That's what I call good gov't.
The police are feckless when it comes to racial issues now. Black-on-white crime is NEVER labelled a "hate crime". They are not supposed to call it that for fear of being charged with committing the ultimate cardinal sin of post-America. But if it's the other way around, it's automatically a "hate crime" and Whites are once again reminded that they must repent for their "racist" attitudes and beliefs. If it's good for post-America it's good for the police.
The majority of people discriminate against others they do not want for many, many reasons. Sometimes people seemingly alike have big differences between them. For example, Albanians and Macedonians look and live alike but religion separates them. But what most people do is act under the radar and exclude others they dislike without drawing attention to themselves. The pool could have said they were all booked up as a pass.

Good piece,

That "We rule now" idea is exactly what happened in NYC when the fool, david dinkins was mayor. That's also the reason he was a one term mayor. I had a friend who was a lifelong democrat and he said his hand was shaking when he voted Republican against dinkins, but it had to be done.

Tom Iron...
Every crime is a hate crime is it not? Hate crime laws are ridiculous. I did read online somewhere that quite a few blacks have been charged with hate crimes against whites. The numbers were actually quite staggering. I will try and locate this information.
Pretty funny; the guy who kicked the kids out is a big time Obama supporter. Edited by: Fightingtowin
Private club owners should have the right to include or keep out whomever they like/dislike. The government has far surpassed it's authority & power to try and dictate what private citizens do with their land, etc. The Founding Fathers never intended such gross over-reaching by the government.
May I have your attention please, there is a negro in the swimming pool. Anti-bacterial soap is available at the lifegaurd station.
Bart, posts like these are what made you a castefootball MVP.

The icing on the cake is that the pool-owner was an Obongo supporter. I hope he's enjoying the hilariously nonsensical jewish media treatment he's receiving in the AmeriKa he so "longed for." I hope he sees the "CHANGE" he voted for. He's most likely way too guilty, stupid, and cowhardly to see through the bullsh*t are realize that nearly everything is about race with respect to politics and the MSM.

I suppose it doesnt matter much, as super-liberals like Jon McCain stood for the exact same racial policies.Edited by: Thrashen
The media should bug Butler National Golf Club. In the 90's ,they gave up the Western Open, so they could keep discriminating. And the other clubs just get a token black athlete to join , so they say they don't discriminate. Only a small number of people can afford an elite country club and a very small % of blacks can. So, they are not going to be swamped by minorities even if they allow them to join.
There may be other issues. To me the pool seems to be too small for 60 children. I also wonder if the children had enough adult supervisors, and if the pool had enough lifeguards available. Of course, the MSM will never tell you this.
From what I can gather, the kids couldn't swim. So although the pool is big enough for 65 kids, they were all in te shallow end. So that changes everything and that wasn't said. Also, there was another group that had the same problem and were asked to leave and left with no problem, prior to this incident (not the same day). That groups money was also refunded.

When You want to find things out, I suggest using to cross check through the local newspers. Many times, the local paper will give an unbiased view. It's when the MSM pick up the story that certain points of the story get censored to make the Whites look like racists.

Tom Iron...
P-NutLane said:
Police are spinless slugs, propped up on badges.

What do the police have to do with the pool situation? You are aware that some of the members here are cops aren't you?
Ya, I think most police are white males who have to deal with the media and blacks constantly.
Obviously not EVERY cop. God bless those policemen who truly protect and serve.
A big portion of my life I was STUCK in the middle of the negros gutter, and I NEVER had a cop protect OR serve me. And trust me when I say, I NEEDED help many times, only to have them tell me Im white trash, spit on me, cuffed me for no reason then aim a gun at me and ask me questions I dind'nt know the answer to, and whould have gladly told them if I did. Basiclly abusing the badge. Picking on those who arent protected by PC laws. Trying to get white males for statistical balance, because they commit such a small portion of the crime in America.
All that said, Im sorry if I offended any policemen here at castefotball, and I hope yall can forgive me. I understand if not. Ill try to keep posts positive in the future.
It was the thing about the 50 black kids jumping on those whites in Ohio that got me stired up. You see, I heard about the swimming pool thing on the news here in Texas, but just heard about the attempted murder in Akron today here at CF. Whats more, the videos on the internet I saw concerning it were of SPINELESS so called "police" promising that its not a hate crime. Thats plain treason to our forefathers.
P-NutLane, I have also had bad experiences with cops, white and black. I don't have respect for 95% of the cops out there because they show no respect for me or the laws they take an oath to uphold. There are a few good ones, and thank God I've come across a couple of them when I did. The problem is that they are charged with enforcing ever increasingly unconstitutional laws, and they appear to be fighting against freedom and liberty in the process. As things currently stand, they cannot be counted on to be on our side as long as they are working for the government, even if it is just in a small town.
Colonel_Reb said:
P-NutLane, I have also had bad experiences with cops, white and black. I don't have respect for 95% of the cops out there because they show no respect for me or the laws they take an oath to uphold. There are a few good ones, and thank God I've come across a couple of them when I did. The problem is that they are charged with enforcing ever increasingly unconstitutional laws, and they appear to be fighting against freedom and liberty in the process. As things currently stand, they cannot be counted on to be on our side as long as they are working for the government, even if it is just in a small town.

Respectfully then who can we get to be on OUR SIDE? One thing I've noticed is a whole lot of occupations are either portrayed as crooked of full of "the tribe." At least on WN sites. I was a cop for 5 years, 2 years jailer 2 1/2 on the road, and I was a damn good and FAIR cop.
Every cop I've met has been a descent guy. Better than other jobs and white collar men at least. P-Nut Lane you should have said what you just did and not the spineless slug comment, it was much more insightful.
I've some friends who were police officers, and good guys. I've never came directly across any who were on total power trips, etc. However, I'm hearing more cases these days of cops crossing the line. I think it's due to the mass federalization of local police. In preperation for coming martial law, the Feds are implementing their "approach" across PDs & Sheriff's departments all over our nation.
I've run into one bad cop, a number of years ago. Without his badge, most guys could kick his ass, and the cop knew it. He wrecked two cruisers in a one year period. Didn't see him around after the second incident.

Other than him, all the other cops I've dealt with have seemed professional and trustworthy. I've pretty much lived in mostly white rural areas so I think that might have something to do with it as I think whiter areas attract a better sort of law enforcement type.
Yeah Hock, thats a good point, although I've run into some butthead cops in white rural areas as well as black rural areas. I'm not trying to tick anyone off by my comments, I'm just sharing my experiences, and thats about all I have to go on.
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