Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Now I rest my case. I told you guys he had way more to lose than to gain by not running both events! Tonight proved it as he looked like crap. You cannot blame it just on his lane that he was in. That is only part of it. So now what happens when they might not even win a medal in the relay? He will go home with nothing. You are racing the same men either way. You might as well race at both the 100 & 200 meters. Nothing to lose as and maybe you win a medal some how against these cheats.

Yes they are cheating. Jamaica could field 10 guys who run sub 20. It's getting stupid and it is so blatanly obvious. Another Jamaica Sweep. Nothing to see here from a tiny island. Yes they have talent but no one has that much talent. Even in East Germany it wasn't as obvious as it is now. Who is this new guy Weir? It makes me sick. Bust these guys. It's ruining the olympics as you now who will win before every race is even contested with these video game times. People are so gullible to think they are clean! I'm pissed off.
Well, isn't it about time someone from France posts about what a great coach Carraz is? Time to post about how we should never doubt Caraz or Christophe, about how they have a great plan, about how they don't need to train like every other sprinter? How about telling us that he really isn't completely out of breath at the end of every race, while his competitors are celebrating by doing push-ups?

I'm so angry I could spit.

Well, that was it. The one and only time a track athlete is on the world stage, and we would have been better off if Christophe had sat out both the 100 and 200. At least then, he wouldn't have looked like a slow, slow, slow white dude who had no business being on the track.


Nothing good to be said. He lost a huge amount of ground AFTER the curve and ran a downright pedestrian time. The sort of time you would expect from your basic Jay Connaughton or somesuch. Embarrassing. Humiliating. Awful.

Oh, well. At least he's the best at dancing over little orange cones--thanks to the brilliant Carraz.

And don't start talking to me about 2016. This was his chance. Only runners on steroids continue remain at their peak when they're 26.
The CF pessimists got it right.

I don't consider myself as someone who's pessimistic... But i was just trying to be neutral about the situation. Lane 2 is a nightmare for a lot of runners. Look at the statistics from the eliminations. And not just for the london olympics. Beijing , athens , etc.. Lemaitre should've abandonned the competition as soon as they told him he'd be running in lane 2.
CL didn't win, ok, but he's young, he still has much to improve and he will have more opportunities. So why have you lost faith?
Well, finally Lemaitre can not with his very bad lane, and weak time for him, and far of medals :embarassed:

Im sure that if he was in "easy" semifinal and he got 2nd place after Bolt with 20.2-20.3 and after he runs in lane 6, he could to get bronze medal and 19.7-19.8

Really i think that "the luck" was very important this time. im sad by it.
Now I rest my case. I told you guys he had way more to lose than to gain by not running both events! Tonight proved it as he looked like crap. You cannot blame it just on his lane that he was in. That is only part of it.

Agreed. But it certainly wasn't helping.
The over-the-top Bolt and Blake hype, the unfair lane assignment after recording the third fastest qualifying time, and the knowledge that no one seems to care so many of his competitors are drugged would have unsettled anyone. Let's hope his spirit is not irrevocably crushed.
CL didn't win, ok, but he's young, he still has much to improve and he will have more opportunities. So why have you lost faith?

I think people still stand by him, its just such a disappointment after showing so much promise. He has went backwards this year, he should just write the whole year off, that's how bad it was. His coach has no idea how to train a sprinter with lemaitres body type, he should have been doing heavy compound lifting sessions 5 times a week, with explosive oly lifts and movements, he was blessed with speed, but he has no power and caraz hasn't changed ****.
Nearly an hour later, and I still want to kick something. Can anyone point me in the direction of Pierre Carraz's ass?
And stop saying that blacks use peds. While it is not proved anything, they all are clean.

I'm not saying all black are on drugs, and I will say there are a good amount of whites I'm skeptical of also. Not for nothing, but Marion Jones & Maurice Greene never got caught and we all found out they were on PED's after a court hearing. so if you want to believe there is no cheating, that’s great, but don't you feel a clean athlete like Lemaitre is getting the short end of the stick somehow?

in my eyes Lemaitre took at least silver (if not gold) even if the score board doesn’t say it. Though no one has been caught yet and my never get caught, drugs are rampant. You can swipe the Jamaican sweep right off that list just like you can swipe Marita Koch off the 400m WR. She never got caught but we all now she was on drugs. Same with FloJo!

Let’s face it, Lamaitre ran a good time for a lane 3 draw. If he was on the yams I would say it’s a ok time, but I’m pretty sure he is clean as sure as I am the Jamaicans are dirty. I will say I’m pissed that he didn’t run the 100m. He should have ran the 100m and stop being a puss about it. Under his logic he shouldn't have ran the 200m either. like Gretzskys aid “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. He is young and should have handled the double no problem. If you can’t double in you early 20’s then forget doing it in your late 20’s.
Nearly an hour later, and I still want to kick something. Can anyone point me in the direction of Pierre Carraz's ass?

lets kick the cheating Jamaicans
Weir ran 19,84 , PB of CL is 19,80
Yes I should have said a near pb. It wasn't going to happen out of that lane. He looked flat or dead legged in the semi when he ran near 20 flat. Something is missing either he was sick, had food poisoning or is over trained.
We saw Pickering and Shirvington decline at young ages, so Lemaitre's regression this year is especially concerning. Something has to change. If he comes back next year with Carraz and no weight training, we'll be looking for our next prospect.

What was that German kid's name? :)
We saw Pickering and Shirvington decline at young ages, so Lemaitre's regression this year is especially concerning. Something has to change. If he comes back next year with Carraz and no weight training, we'll be looking for our next prospect.

What was that German kid's name? :)

Jeremy Wariner in the 400 also declined at a young age. Did he even try to make the U.S. Olympic team this year?
26 is not too old, Whites hit puberty later and peak much later as well. 26 is a great age to be at the Olympics next, he would even be good at 30. Guys like Pickering seemed too focused on breaking the 10 second barrier, in the interview you could see how much stress Pickering was showing, probaby a reason for his downfall. Christophe wants to win medals. If he weight trains and trains like the other sprinters then he will be a force to be reckoned with. Carraz is old and said this will the last time he is training Lemaitre.

Its not the end of the world

btw Wariner did try to make it but pulled out because of a hamstring issue, however he has never been the same since changing coaches. He was 24 in his peak., performing well even at 26.
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Jeremy Wariner in the 400 also declined at a young age. Did he even try to make the U.S. Olympic team this year?

He didn't declined with age ...his decline started the day he left coach Clyde Hart(Michael Johnson's coach) in 2008. He stopped taking the "magic juice" of Clyde ;)

By the way i'm
supporting 100% Christophe ... just more realist than others !!!
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No one should be surprised with this result.
Lemaitre did not put in the work this year to improve himself.
It's been obvious since the beginning of the season.
He didn't improve his endurance, he didn't improve his strength, he didn't improve his drive phase, he didn't improve his turn running.
I don't think I'm a pessimist, but I am a realist, and I've been skeptical all year.
We've all been living off hope from last season, but this season, Lemaitre just wasted his talent.
I don't hate the guy, but I am super disappointed that he didn't put in the work and dedication to improve himself. That's one thing that white athletes normally can be counted on for. Instead, he just tried to get by on natural talent and last minute preparations, like cramming for an exam.
But the Olympics are the big time. Bigger than the World Championships, and Lemaitre didn't do his homework and set himself up to fail.
Very, very disappointed in such a waste of extreme talent.
The only good is that maybe he's learned a lessson.

p.s. If ran the 100m, he would have come in 7th place; and then his 200m time and placing would be worse if he even got through to the final.
THe guy has no endurance. I've said this many times before - he's doubled over in exhausted after every race, and he's so young!
I lost a lot of respect for him today for not coming to the Olympics prepared.
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