Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Bad race for lemaitre 20.03 and 3rd after spearmon, should be fastest loser.

Great start, he flew out of the blocks, was up on the guy in the next lane. On the bend he got left behind by every single person in the race, he had to use his great top speed to get back into contention. He nearly pipped spearmon on the line after he came out the bend 2/3 metres behind, he completely burnt him down the home straight, good and bad signs, but if he doesn't fix his bend he doesn't stand a chance
Bad race for lemaitre 20.03 and 3rd after spearmon, should be fastest loser.

Great start, he flew out of the blocks, was up on the guy in the next lane. On the bend he got left behind by every single person in the race, he had to use his great top speed to get back into contention. He nearly pipped spearmon on the line after he came out the bend 2/3 metres behind, he completely burnt him down the home straight, good and bad signs, but if he doesn't fix his bend he doesn't stand a chance

He should have fix by now. How come he doesn't improve nothing this year?
I think that Lemaitre was good.
The problem was his horrible bend.
Spearmon is bad in the curve and he was with good advantage.
20.03 is great time for semifinal, i hope that he has enough energy for tomorrow.

If Lemaitre runs in the seminfinal with Bolt he with only 20.2 would get final, it is bad luck really.

I must in bronze medal for Lemaitre yet :smile:
CL should have run the 100M too. He needs to hit the weights and he needs to get a new coach. I don't know how to say it any differently, but I think those are the things he should have done already. He can still take care of the last two and improve his times as well.
was good?...he just lost almost any chance to win Bronze. I'm so pissed of right now!!!

Do you know so hard is to get sub20 for to get final probably?
he had bad luck in the semifinal.
But i must in him for the final, if he makes good bend, he will be bronze :smile:
He has a better lane than 8 or 1 but he didn't look better than Spearmon in that semi final and it's obvious that it's a two horse race and about 3 runners or so are competing for 3rd. In retrospect if he doesn't win a bronze he should have run in the century too.
I don't think I'll have the stomach to watch Christophe run tomorrow.

His race today was nightmarish--and he knew it. I don't know about his start, but he was close to last place coming out of the curve. As usual he put on phenomenal top end speed, but you know what, guys? There are no medals for having the best speed over the last 70 meters. There are no world records for the top end of a race. He has to run the entire distance well. And he has not yet done that in any race this year.

This is just disgusting. I'm sick at my heart. As we feared all season this year, Christophe has regressed in every event. He's had a full year to improve his start, or his drive phase, or his curve running, or his endurance, or all four. He improved nothing. All of his best times and all of his best races are from 2011. 2012 has been lost.

God, this sucks. He's a one-trick pony. He has phenomenal "top end" speed. Unfortunately, he can't produce that speed on a curve, and it takes him far too long to build up to that speed.

I always thought Christophe could dominate the 200. But not without learning to run the curve. Dammit to hell. Third in his heat, and the most inner lane (no runner in lane one) for the final...

It's hard to see him higher than fifth in that lane. Maybe he eventually gets silver when Bolt, Blake, and Martina get caught by the testers (which will never happen).
as a result of that poor bend he now starts from the inside lane in the finals.. no-one to blame but himself.

It'll now need more focus on his bend running than ever before and he may leave himself just too much work to do on the straight
There aren't any ifs about it, he should have run the 100M too.
But Reb, ZELLGADISS says that if CL were to run the 100, he would have come in 90th place, and then been too tired to run the 200! :grin:
what he means to us

He gets lane 1 :(

I wish he would've ran the 100 too. If he could've replaced the guy who DNF, he could've joined in with an entire group who went under 10.00. I think it would've looked cool, the skinny white boy right in the mix with the baddest, steroided up brothers on the planet. You know, like contrasty.

He will continue to regress if he doesn't hit the weights.

It's hard seeing him squander his potential, but it's enlightening to see that the potential exists. I have no doubt he'd run super human times if juiced to the gills like Bolt and Blake. What he can do with how little strength he has is unprecedented.

In 71-72 Borzov really was the number 1 guy. It didn't last long, but it can happen.

The real downside is that the authorities are not going after the obvious cheats. The upside is that he did break that blankin 10.00 barrier that plagued us since the 70s (I believe Borzov could've done it).
I forgot that lane 1 is now 2. Ohhhhhhhh that is horrible it's most likely a 4th place or worse... I will have to watch the race again on replay to see if there are any technical corrections that can be made before the final tomorrow.
So, we now know that this is what CL HAS BEEN SAVING HIMSELF FOR! 3rd behind Wallace. The organisers wanted CL OUT. OBVIOUS. Giving him that horrible semi, whereas Bolt and Martina get the easier semi.
I don't think I'll have the stomach to watch Christophe run tomorrow.

His race today was nightmarish--and he knew it. I don't know about his start, but he was close to last place coming out of the curve. As usual he put on phenomenal top end speed, but you know what, guys? There are no medals for having the best speed over the last 70 meters. There are no world records for the top end of a race. He has to run the entire distance well. And he has not yet done that in any race this year.

This is just disgusting. I'm sick at my heart. As we feared all season this year, Christophe has regressed in every event. He's had a full year to improve his start, or his drive phase, or his curve running, or his endurance, or all four. He improved nothing. All of his best times and all of his best races are from 2011. 2012 has been lost.

God, this sucks. He's a one-trick pony. He has phenomenal "top end" speed. Unfortunately, he can't produce that speed on a curve, and it takes him far too long to build up to that speed.

I always thought Christophe could dominate the 200. But not without learning to run the curve. Dammit to hell. Third in his heat, and the most inner lane (no runner in lane one) for the final...

It's hard to see him higher than fifth in that lane. Maybe he eventually gets silver when Bolt, Blake, and Martina get caught by the testers (which will never happen).

Lets see what happens tomorrow although i wont hold my breath. I really expected him to shock us with a better time and result. Lane 2 is a disaster for any sprinter, but especially a horrible bend runner.

The only good to come out of this, is it may push to work harder, to hit those weights and get much stronger. Lack of full body strenght is what is holding him back. The best curver runners are either - shorter in heigh with a low center of gravity, or sprinters with wide powerful shoulders/torso that provides balance and speed mainateance coming through the turn. Christophe is very weak on top and it shows. He needs to be motivated to lift harder and heavier, he needs no speed work - he was born with it! I wish him luck tomorrow.
Also, just watched the race again and see that Yoyam Blake is NOT BREATHING after the race at all. CL is dead and lying on the track. The CHEATING IS HORRIBLE AND SHOULD BE STOPPED.Blake has so much more there to give, and CL is all out. CL is my favourite athlete of all time, but he can not beat these cheats. I feel very bad for him. Good luck CL. A Bronze would still be a great result.
Keep positive guys; remember he has not let us down in a major competition since he false started in a semi as a teenager.
He got his best results when running only one event in a week. He is physically incapable to run 3 races in 3 days(6 races in 7 days was just a dream). He has not improved his bending performance at all and he is starting in lane 2 tommorow .....bye bye bronze 101%:cry:

I'm very dissapointed !!! He needs SERIOUS upper and lower body weight training and a new coach asap !!!

Still can't believe he lost to Spearmon !!!!
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Lane2 is very bad for him, but if he run fast since beginning and gets good bend, he will get bronze, im sure.

I see a lot of people here crying like babies.
He ran very bad bend today ok,but we should to be sincere, Lemaitre ran 20.03 with negative wind in a semifinal¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
It is incredible.
But he had bad luck with an incredible Blake and very good Spearmon in same race.
With better bend he would defeat easily to Spearmon but well he had bad bend, bad luck.

I think that NOBODY would imagine that Lemaitre can make 20.03 in a semifinal with negative wind time ago.

Im happy by Lemaitre but of course lane2 is very bad.

Come on lemaitre, run very hard since beginning, that your heart will get bronze medal¡¡¡

And the people here will have that eat his ugly words about him :mad2:
what makes you think Lemaitre will run a good bend in the final, when:

1/ he has lane 2
2/ he ran a bad bend in the semi (Lemaitre said so himself in an interview)
3/ he ran a bad bend in the heats (Lemaitre said so himself in an interview)
4/ he always runs a bad bend

Of course I hope I'm wrong. We are all rooting for him. We all hope he can take the bronze medal!
But honestly, it doesn't look good.....
Lemaitre doesn't need to feel like he represents the White race.

He's a young man who runs fast, and he's doing his best, and a Hell of a lot more than a lot of other White sprinters ever did. This is a man who destroyed the 10 second barrier--multiple times--and for that people will remember his name hundreds of years after all of us are dead.

He is the real deal.

I'm going to root for him and just be glad that he actually MADE it to the final. That in itself is something.

How old was Alan Wells when he brought home the gold? 28.

How old is Christophe?


White kids sometimes mature less quickly, but then live longer because of superior conditioning.

He hasn't even lost the race yet, so there's no reason to criticize him until it's actually over.

Maybe he's got something left. We'll see.

If he had no chance at all to win, he may as well go home now. It's a race and he's going to make us proud.

I believe this absolutely.

In a lot of ways, he's won already.
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