Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I told it:Bolt,Blake,Gay,Gatlin and probably Powell healthy were very far of Lemaitre.
I dont want to see to Lemaitre being 6th or 7th with 9.94 or 9.96.
He made smart decission, now 100% running 200 and his target is bronze medal and 19.7 :shy:

Come one Lemaitre, you can get it¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

I agree...but with the 1.5 positive wind and fast track, Christophe would not have medaled but I bet he would have run 9.90 or so in the final.
The 200 heat startlists are up. They actually gave LeMaitre a break! He could walk the 200 and beat everyone in his heat you have a link to the 200 startlists? Is Lamaitre running (on TV) tonight? I tried to google this but all I get is articles about Bolt.....:help:
He is running later on tonight. It is time for him to make european olympic history. He should break Pietro Menneas long standing record but will it be enough to medal. I sure hope so. There are some sights showing it. Try and click on sports later on. Then look for an olympic link if you can't get it on tv.
Now it will begin heats 200m.
On Thursday the big final, where Bolt will try WR(is possible, the track is very fast), Blake will get probably very good time and Lemaitre is the favourite i think for bronze medal and perhaps european record.
People like Weir,Martina or Spearmon(perhaps his big rival)will be very dangerous for him in his quest for bronze medal.
Christophe qualified easily for the semis.

He ran a faster time than Bolt, even though Bolt had a nice +.9 wind, and Christophe had to deal with a -.1 wind. Plus, Christophe ran the last twenty meters looking around with his head twisted and in the last five meters he didn't just slow down, he put on the brakes.

Hopefully, his 20.34 will get him a good lane for the semis. For Christophe, it's all about the lane draw. He doesn't want to get totally rooked, like the Borlees did in the 400.
Faster than Bolt?We should to be serious, Bolt ran 50% hehe.
Blake 20.3 too, at 60%
Both are very far of Lemaitre.
The league of Lemaitre is for the bronze :wink:
Well, the final is another thing altogether, but in the heats, Christophe was faster than both Bolt and Blake, and Christophe has been in the only heat with a negative wind.
Okay, there were only two qualifiers faster than CL, so he should get a good lane draw in the semis. The two were Weir, the Jamaican who came out of nowhere at their trials, and Quinonez, who ran the best time. Quinonez ran hard all the way through and set a PR of 20.28, so he will not be a factor later.

The bad news is that no important competitors were eliminated.

There are now six athletes really in the running:


Martina looked least impressive in qualifying. None of the other top five had to put out too hard. Hopefully, Weir will be hurt by his lack of experience running rounds, although that may matter more in mid distance than in sprints.
Lemaitre "looks" tired almost always after of his races, you dont worry :biggrin:
Tomorrow he will get 20 low and in the final 19.7

Come on Lemaitre¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

He's in shape. The tiredness is an unfortunate side effect of nervousness. If he could ever truly calm himself at one of these championships, we'd see an incredible time.

The good news is that Bolt and Blake will be nervous about each other, and everyone else will be nervous about Bolt and Blake in the final. I don't see anyone going in with genuine confidence of victory.
Very bad luck for Lemaitre in semifinals.
His semifinal is the hardest with big difference.
Blake,Lemaitre,Spearmon and Ndure semifinal nº1:mmph:
Bolt will run with very bad runners.
The last semifinal only Martina and Weir like good runners.

Lemaitre has to run very fast tomorrow probably 20 flat and 2º place.
Very bad luck for Lemaitre in semifinals.
His semifinal is the hardest with big difference.
Blake,Lemaitre,Spearmon and Ndure semifinal nº1:mmph:
Bolt will run with very bad runners.
The last semifinal only Martina and Weir like good runners.

Lemaitre has to run very fast tomorrow probably 20 flat and 2º place.
With Blake, Spearmon and Ndure in the final this semi final could have the two fastest losers in it. I hope Lemaitre at least comes second because the two fastest losers get two atrocious lanes in the 200 final.

He's in shape. The tiredness is an unfortunate side effect of nervousness. If he could ever truly calm himself at one of these championships, we'd see an incredible time.

The good news is that Bolt and Blake will be nervous about each other, and everyone else will be nervous about Bolt and Blake in the final. I don't see anyone going in with genuine confidence of victory.

He looks like that in all his races...he may not be breathing correctly. Little fixes like that can drop his time easily...he still is a work in progress....his semifinal is going to be tough. Hope for the best
He looks like that in all his races...he may not be breathing correctly. Little fixes like that can drop his time easily...he still is a work in progress....his semifinal is going to be tough. Hope for the best

I'd dearly love to see a Lemaitre who shows confidence and enjoyment at being there.
Our commentators (generic sports broadcasters and celeb fill-ins) pointed out how stressed he looks. The other guys all wave, smile look like they are pleased to be doing their stuff.

He won't be a marketers dream or a real star in public's imagination till he learns to "be cool".... Sally should give him lessons, though I'm not sure most people can ever learn it.

Certainly looks like he will challenge for the bronze as many of us have been predicting
Guys... he has to run 100% tommorow to beat Spearmon and get the 2nd place. Ndure is not a challenge for him this year.

Blake will get the first place and Christophe the second to get a good place in the the final .... hopefully lane 6 ot 7.
Hope he saves something for the final in 2 days and not give everything in the semis...

Is Pierre Carraz with him or is he tottaly alone in London as usual.?
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Very bad luck for Lemaitre in semifinals.
His semifinal is the hardest with big difference.
Blake,Lemaitre,Spearmon and Ndure semifinal nº1:mmph:
Bolt will run with very bad runners.
The last semifinal only Martina and Weir like good runners.

Lemaitre has to run very fast tomorrow probably 20 flat and 2º place.

This is really a terrible semi-final heat! 4 of the top runners in the same heat as mentioned above.
Lemaitre will have to run full out just to qualify (only the 1st 2 places automatically qualify), and it's possible he might not qualify.
Plus this heat has 3 of 4 white guys who qualified for the semis, and 1 of the 2 Japanese runners. So by putting them altogether in the same heat, they have basically eliminated the chance of any non-blacks to make it into finals, with the exception of Lemaitre. And for him, they've made it very, very difficult.

Likoúrgos-Stéfanos Tsákonas

Jared Connaughton

Yohan Blake

Bruno de Barros

Christophe Lemaitre

Wallace Spearmon

Jaysuma Saidy Ndure

Kei Takase
This is really a terrible semi-final heat! 4 of the top runners in the same heat as mentioned above.
Lemaitre will have to run full out just to qualify (only the 1st 2 places automatically qualify), and it's possible he might not qualify.
Plus this heat has 3 of 4 white guys who qualified for the semis, and 1 of the 2 Japanese runners. So by putting them altogether in the same heat, they have basically eliminated the chance of any non-blacks to make it into finals, with the exception of Lemaitre. And for him, they've made it very, very difficult.

Likoúrgos-Stéfanos Tsákonas

Jared Connaughton

Yohan Blake

Bruno de Barros

Christophe Lemaitre

Wallace Spearmon

Jaysuma Saidy Ndure

Kei Takase

Im the last for conspiracy theories, but seriously??....Bolts semi heat is ridiculously weak. He will jog at 50% the whole way in 20 flat. Someone wants either Christophe or Spearmon out of the final. N'dure is not a threat.
I honestly think Bolt will win no matter what, barring injury or weird occurrence, but if there WERE a conspiracy, I think the powers that be would assign heats in order that Bolt and Blake don't have to work too hard to get to the final, then once there, they'll be rested.

Their rivalry, while really not that interesting, to be honest, is probably going to be pushed as a headline, and if they're rested the chances for a really fast final result will be better.

There needs to be something else beyond that Black chick who won that gymnastics medal for the liberal media to harp on so that the media isn't so "racist" in focusing on Phelps/Lochte.

I hope I'm wrong, naturally, but I fear that Christophe isn't mature enough to be in the Olympics right now. He isn't a killer like the others, in that he'll drug himself to oblivion AND train, too.

He relies too much on his natural talent, which, while in a perfect world would be world-beating, just isn't going to cut it in this corrupt, cultural marxist hellhole we call 2012.

I will respect any man who is honest and wins honestly. For that I respect ALL the sprinters who bring their talent and work ethic to the games without taking shortcuts. All the others—White, Black, etc, who cheat can go take a hike.

BTW, off topic, but Serena Williams is an effing IDIOT.
I know only that Gemili is a turkish surname (second name). But Turkey confine with IRAN (Persia)... You know kurdish people? They lives in Turkey, Iran, Siria and Iraq. Many of them have blond hair... they speak an indoarian language like iranians... But they are caucasians. if it means something!
He is not west african or afroamerican. But most of cubans are afroamerican... haitian are mostly afroamericans... but speak french! So they don't run fast!
Probably in Italy there are some african descent (if you see renaissance art... and Othello! Or ancient slavery, that wasn't racial...). But it isn't a problem! I like it. It's a peculiarity! But what are the differences? We have no new Mennea! Only a very, very, very small group of people practice the athletic! But very, very, very, very, very, very small group!
In Jamaica? The majority!
The anglosaxon educational model is different from other countries (jamaica have an anglosaxon model, even if public... like USA, GB, Australia, NZ, South Africa, Trinidad, Nigeria etc...). In other countries sport is an hobby. Not opportunity. This is the difference. Infact Italy wins in particular sports like foil (Fioretto), shooting gallery etc...
But junior championship tell us that somethintg will change: we have winner throwers not only fron Cuba, but also from Trinidad and, i don't remember, Barbados(?)!
And in US swimming we have black peoples. Fast like white swimmers! The same! Like Lemaitre in track and field!
The difference is cultural, and doping! It depends from the type of sport... It's a country fashion! USA (and Caribbean) apart, the most important sport in the world, unfortunately, is soccer (football, calcio, futbol...)...
The majority play soccer from an early age (almost 10 years old). So when they understand that they aren't great soccerer, they are 17-19 years old... like Gemili! It's a fortune! A fenomenon... But how much fenomenon we lose?
When afroamerican people will practice all the sport like white people we see that there aren't differences.
And the black-white paranoia come from USA. People from USA have to reflect about this. This is a media "cultural" influence from '80. Doping and culture! But doping is a cultural fenomenon.
I'm sorry. I do not know if i'm clear. I am Italian. And often I translate literally from Italian. I read english, but i don't write or speak english regularly.

All the names mentioned are Caucasians. Gemili is not Arab, nor Turk, nor Mongol - LOL!
He is Iranian (Persian), and Moroccan (Berber) citizen of Britian.

Maybe you are blind or wish to be, but Gemili would pass for relative to Kenteris than Shirvington as an example. Not all White people are pale with light hair and eyes.
I know only that Gemili is a turkish surname (second name). But Turkey confine with IRAN (Persia)... You know kurdish people? They lives in Turkey, Iran, Siria and Iraq. Many of them have blond hair... they speak an indoarian language like iranians... But they are caucasians. if it means something!
He is not west african or afroamerican. But most of cubans are afroamerican... haitian are mostly afroamericans... but speak french! So they don't run fast!
Probably in Italy there are some african descent (if you see renaissance art... and Othello! Or ancient slavery, that wasn't racial...). But it isn't a problem! I like it. It's a peculiarity! But what are the differences? We have no new Mennea! Only a very, very, very small group of people practice the athletic! But very, very, very, very, very, very small group!
In Jamaica? The majority!
The anglosaxon educational model is different from other countries (jamaica have an anglosaxon model, even if public... like USA, GB, Australia, NZ, South Africa, Trinidad, Nigeria etc...). In other countries sport is an hobby. Not opportunity. This is the difference. Infact Italy wins in particular sports like foil (Fioretto), shooting gallery etc...
But junior championship tell us that somethintg will change: we have winner throwers not only fron Cuba, but also from Trinidad and, i don't remember, Barbados(?)!
And in US swimming we have black peoples. Fast like white swimmers! The same! Like Lemaitre in track and field!
The difference is cultural, and doping! It depends from the type of sport... It's a country fashion! USA (and Caribbean) apart, the most important sport in the world, unfortunately, is soccer (football, calcio, futbol...)...
The majority play soccer from an early age (almost 10 years old). So when they understand that they aren't great soccerer, they are 17-19 years old... like Gemili! It's a fortune! A fenomenon... But how much fenomenon we lose?
When afroamerican people will practice all the sport like white people we see that there aren't differences.
And the black-white paranoia come from USA. People from USA have to reflect about this. This is a media "cultural" influence from '80. Doping and culture! But doping is a cultural fenomenon.
I'm sorry. I do not know if i'm clear. I am Italian. And often I translate literally from Italian. I read english, but i don't write or speak english regularly.

yes. I read only yesterday that Jamaican sports officials despair that the kids only want to be sprinters (cultural) and pushing them into other events is proving very difficult. This of course limits Jamaican medal chances to about zero for distances over 400m or field events.

BTW DR-riders - I'm a DR rider too . 650
And your thoughts came across quite clearly.
yes. I read only yesterday that Jamaican sports officials despair that the kids only want to be sprinters (cultural) and pushing them into other events is proving very difficult. This of course limits Jamaican medal chances to about zero for distances over 400m or field events.

BTW DR-riders - I'm a DR rider too . 650
And your thoughts came across quite clearly.

If the high % of Type II muscle fibre people in Jamaica that give them an advantage in the short sprints has any base, then they are physically incapable in runnign long distances since Type II muscle gets tired very very quickly.This is the case of all people of african origin in the American continent and west Africa.

For the opposite reasons east africans are literally incapable of running sub-10.20 in the 100m
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