Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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arrête de raconter n'importe quoi, tu fais honte à ton pays, où as tu vu que les médias français disaient que tous les athlètes espagnols étaient dopés, tout ça parce que tu as des marionnettes humouristique de canal+, ou noah qui a dis ça, ça devient LES MEDIAS FRANCAIS disent que TOUS les athlètes espagnols, c'est avec ce genre de raccourci ou d'amalgame débile que l'on a vu certains espagnols vexés et faisant ce même amalgame, confondre des marionettes humouristiques avec le peuple français et développer une xénophophobie anti-française !

donc te fais pas le relais de ces généralités dangereuses et pathétique !

the problem is not the french media, but every media
it seems that a white athlete who wins will be suposed to be guilty of using PED, but they never joke about the jamaicans, while it's so obvious that there is something going on there

kenteris was said to be guilty in every media for example
the problem is not the french media, but every media
it seems that a white athlete who wins will be suposed to be guilty of using PED, but they never joke about the jamaicans, while it's so obvious that there is something going on there

kenteris was said to be guilty in every media for example

super exemple avec KENTERIS ! :biggrin1:

si il y'avait bien un mec dopé c'était bien lui !

il y'avait déjà depuis longtemps de très gros doutes sur les performances de THANOU et celles de KENTERIS, quelques jours avant les JO d'athènes alors que des officiels venaient les voir pour un controle antidopage, ils ont disparus tous les 2, et ils ont été inventer un accident de moto je crois pour expliquer leur disparition, il faut être aveugle pour ne pas voir qu'ils voulaient échapper à ces controles !

très mauvais exemple avec kenteris...! :icon_smile:

En france j'entends beaucoup plus de doutes contre les performances jamaicaines en sprint que sur les footballeurs espagnols, écoute des gens comme MARYSE EWANJE EPEE, elle dit ce qu'elle pense !
super exemple avec KENTERIS ! :biggrin1:

si il y'avait bien un mec dopé c'était bien lui !

il y'avait déjà depuis longtemps de très gros doutes sur les performances de THANOU et celles de KENTERIS, quelques jours avant les JO d'athènes alors que des officiels venaient les voir pour un controle antidopage, ils ont disparus tous les 2, et ils ont été inventer un accident de moto je crois pour expliquer leur disparition, il faut être aveugle pour ne pas voir qu'ils voulaient échapper à ces controles !

très mauvais exemple avec kenteris...! :icon_smile:

kenteris was probably cheating, i don't really care
but what i hate is that he was said to be guilty while this was not proven

En france j'entends beaucoup plus de doutes contre les performances jamaicaines en sprint que sur les footballeurs espagnols, écoute des gens comme MARYSE EWANJE EPEE, elle dit ce qu'elle pense !

i love her work, she is very open about what is happenig in soccer for example (all these african kids who are brought in europe to play soccer)
but she said that she had trouble because of what she told, she is rarely welcomed on TV shows
kenteris was probably cheating, i don't really care
but what i hate is that he was said to be guilty while this was not proven

i love her work, she is very open about what is happenig in soccer for example (all these african kids who are brought in europe to play soccer)
but she said that she had trouble because of what she told, she is rarely welcomed on TV shows

It's true Kenteris was the only one in Europe who had the access to the same BALCO PED that only the elite of the U.S.A team was using then :wink: .Playing with the same "science" the americans had for years !!! And i'm talking about very very expensive stuff !!!
I know him personally and I have personal seen him in training running upper 19.6x 2 months before the 2004 Olympics.
And those that think that you can run fast just by using PED and nothing else....then they just have NO relation with pro t&f sports... just regular keyboard jockeys . PERIOD

I can even comment in Kenteris's coach training methods that are tottaly diffident than every one else I have seen !!!
It's true Kenteris was the only one in Europe who had the access to the same BALCO PED that only the elite of the U.S.A team was using then :wink: .Playing with the same "science" the americans had for years !!! And i'm talking about very very expensive stuff !!!
I know him personally and I have personal seen him in training running upper 19.6x 2 months before the 2004 Olympics.
And those that think that you can run fast just by using PED and nothing else....then they just have NO relation with pro t&f sports... just regular keyboard jockeys . PERIOD

I can even comment in Kenteris's coach training methods that are tottaly diffident than every one else I have seen !!!

why did he miss a drug test while he had undetectable stuff?
maybe he used too much of it?
why did he miss a drug test while he had undetectable stuff?
maybe he used too much of it?

If i am not mistaken the Olympic Committee and IAAF as well as WADA, paid to Kenteris 370,000$ and to Thanou another 340,000$ for slandering of their names and false doping accusations. The official trial which finished back in 2010 found both athletes not guilty and the reason they could not make it to the drug test that day the accident they claimed to have. So what are you guys talking about? They ruined the career of two superb athletes and you still accuse them for steroids that they never used probably? The wins of Kenteris back in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 are 12,11,10 and 9 years from now, I thought USADA and WADA could examine testers of 10 and 15 years back............Guess what??? They examined the tests of Kenteris and they found that he was not juiced, or if he was, he wasn't more than the rest 7 blacks he smashed in the finals!

Even if Kenteris used PED's, something that the kidos in here, especially the "newbies" should know that it was never proven that he used PED's, but let's say even if he did, what that means? That a white man who uses the same steroids that American Negroes have access to (BALCO) smashes the Negro in the so called "black dominated" sport of sprint? Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, man that's like another case in our favor then, the white genes prevailed again!
why did he miss a drug test while he had undetectable stuff?
maybe he used too much of it?

That was Tzekos fault combined with the eager from WADA to catch the two Greeks. The irony was that 2 days before the incident Maurice Green also failed to attest the same drug test and NOTHING was said about it in the press ;) See the difference.

Of course the Balco's aka "The Clean" was used as usual around November~January (bulking period) of the same year and had nothing to do with this case something else was used 2 days before the Opening Ceremony (masking agent or stimulant ). Routine procedure in 99.5% of all Pro elite athlete that participated in those Olympics and not only ...

Sorry for the off topic
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Even if Kenteris used PED's, something that the kidos in here, especially the "newbies" should know that it was never proven that he used PED's, but let's say even if he did, what that means? That a white man who uses the same steroids that American Negroes have access to (BALCO) smashes the Negro in the so called "black dominated" sport of sprint? Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, man that's like another case in our favor then, the white genes prevailed again!

exactly, this is the point
It's true Kenteris was the only one in Europe who had the access to the same BALCO PED that only the elite of the U.S.A team was using then :wink: .Playing with the same "science" the americans had for years !!! And i'm talking about very very expensive stuff !!!
I know him personally and I have personal seen him in training running upper 19.6x 2 months before the 2004 Olympics.
And those that think that you can run fast just by using PED and nothing else....then they just have NO relation with pro t&f sports... just regular keyboard jockeys . PERIOD

I can even comment in Kenteris's coach training methods that are tottaly diffident than every one else I have seen !!!

PED's dont make you Faster, they make you Stronger. You need to be fast to run faster and what added strength makes you faster!

Ben Johnson was fast, a natural 10.1 - 10.2 sprinter, but the PED's made him freakishly strong - 600 pound squats and 400 pound bench press at a body weight of 185 pounds. THat power developed helped him explode out the blocks at almost full speed, and the strength/power to maintain it throughout the race, this helped him run 9.79
PED's dont make you Faster, they make you Stronger. You need to be fast to run faster and what added strength makes you faster!

Ben Johnson was fast, a natural 10.1 - 10.2 sprinter, but the PED's made him freakishly strong - 600 pound squats and 400 pound bench press at a body weight of 185 pounds. THat power developed helped him explode out the blocks at almost full speed, and the strength/power to maintain it throughout the race, this helped him run 9.79

Ben Johnson was not naturally fast and could never have run even a 10.2 without PEDs. His performances were the result steriod use starting in his teens. He was the slowest guy on his team as a youth. There never was and never will be anything naturally fast about Ben Johnson. You want to know what PEDs can do for a slow sprinter? Read about Ben Johnson.
diamond league monaco on 200 m, with 0 wind and perfect conditions:


2 of them are the main competitors of Lemaitre for Bronze. It sounds good for Lemaitre for a medal, if he can run as he did lately in London.
I can speak from experience the effects cold weather has on blacks. I'm of mostly northern Italian decent and my body just love cool climate. if I had to run on a cold damp day I knew the race was in the bag. the blacks would tight up and run all sluggish and slow. I used to pray for 70 degrees and a light rain. London will be optimum climate for CL. of course I'm sure it won't have any real affect on the yam gangs video game like times, but we can always hope.
I just read that article and I'm not liking what CL has to say about the double.

"Normally I will run the 200m, yes," said Lemaitre.
"I will probably give the 100m a miss. Unless there is a change of plan,where Pierrot (Carraz his coach) is eager to put me into the mix (for the100m).
"Maybe at the next Games (Rio-2016) Iwill do both."

this kids better pull his head out of his ass and run both or I'm going to be pissed.
I just read that article and I'm not liking what CL has to say about the double.

"Normally I will run the 200m, yes," said Lemaitre.
"I will probably give the 100m a miss. Unless there is a change of plan,where Pierrot (Carraz his coach) is eager to put me into the mix (for the100m).
"Maybe at the next Games (Rio-2016) Iwill do both."

this kids better pull his head out of his ass and run both or I'm going to be pissed.
If He finals in both and looks heavy legged in the 200 and doesn't win a medal then his coach will be vindicated. If Lemaitre misses out of the 100 final and looks heavy legged in the 200 and misses out of medal then I will be mildy disappointed. Also if he doesn't enter the 100 and comes 4th in the final I will disappointed too. The only scenario that won't disappoint me is a strong showing in the 100 and a strong showing in the 200 with a medal.
If nothing will change CL will take bronze medal in 200m,just if he had a bad day can loose the 3 place,i dont see martina or ashmede beat lemaitre in a good day even if they are in a good day too,let's hope he will run 100 too,he must to do that,that with conserve energy is a excuse,he dont conserve his energy in daegu and the result was good.GO LEMAITRE!!!
the real problem for Lemaitre, and all the sprinters who want to double, is the schedule.
Aug 4th - 2 rounds of the 100m
Aug 5th - semifinals and finals of the 100m
Aug 6th - off
Aug 7th - 1 round of the 200m
Aug 8th - semifinals of the 200m
Aug 9th - finals of the 200m

That's a LOT of races in a short period of time. It's very hard to recover from that tight schedule of intense races.
Plus Lemaitre isn't really known for his strength. I'm not sure he can hold up to top form if he runs all these races.
another reason for Lemaitre to run 100m. He is now part of the 100m legend. Watch this video on Bolt. There is a long part about Lemaitre, seen as a containder for Bolt

Thank you for posting this great video Loly. I really enjoyed watching it and I'm sure I will rewatch it again soon.

There is no choice in my opinion. Christophe has to do the double. Like I said before, he could false start or fall in the 200 meters and the dream would be over. At least with two events, you have a chance to make up for a huge mistake. Just ask Usain Bolt.

Come Christophe. Run the 100 meters. It is your destiny!
I totally agree with you WL.

Have a look at 100m and 200m schedule:
100m heat2012 august 4th12:30
100m semifinal2012 august 5th19:45
100m final2012 august 5th21:50
200m heat2012 august 7th11:50
200m semifinal2012 august 8th20:10
200m final2012 august 9th20:55

More than one day between 100m final and 200m heat. Isn't it enough to recover from the race (knowing that for 200m heat, Christophe won't have to run at maximum speed) ?

The only explanation I can find is that CL has to train specifically for 200m and when he's at his best on 200m, he can't be at his best on 100m (and reciprocally). Well, in that case it should be the same for other sprinters. Christophe has no real pressure on him for 100m. He can run more relaxed than for 200m for which he is cleary a medal contender.
i dont understand how the people here dont understand that his options in 100 for medal are nearly impossible while in 200 his options are very big.

I dont want that he runs 100m only for to be in the final :icon_mad:
i dont understand how the people here dont understand that his options in 100 for medal are nearly impossible while in 200 his options are very big.

I dont want that he runs 100m only for to be in the final :icon_mad:

Everyone understands that his chances of winning a medal in the 200 m are good and in the 100m his chances are less likely. That is clear to see. The 100m is Christophe's favorite race and the olympics is only once every 4 years. People want to see Christophe run. Caraz doesnt want to take a risk with Christophe. I understand that. Caraz will have Christophe only run the 200m. But Christophe is exciting and people want to see him perform on the greatest stage of them all in his favorite event.
From what I understand, Caraz is encouraging Lemaitre to run the 100m, but he seems to have decided not to for himself. Isn't it too late now anyway, even if he decided to? Doesn't he have to run 100m trials in france?
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