Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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man how time they are not caught they are clean,really if is certanly they are on ped if they arent caught we cant say anything against them,our problem is not black sprinters,is white sprinters who cant run under 10 seconds.......we want to be equal with black sprinters but our sprinters cant even go sub 10,dont talk about world record or take gold in olympics,how i say a couple of times,it's a shame for rich european country,they can create elite athletes at other events but cant create elite sprinters (100,200,400) why we dont have a couple of white sprinters who came under 10seconds,why we dont have a sprinter to came under 13 seconds in 110 hurdles?now we start to make first steps,cl and adam gemili on 100,cl in 200,jeremy wariner in 400,sergey shubenkov in 110mh,(when i say now i mind from 2000 to now)so the problem is not black athletes who cheat,the problem is white sprinters who cant go fast...and not because they cant,because they think black are better and is a loose of time to go in sprint,or because in europe they arent properly trained,why european black sprinters are slower then carribean black sprinters?i dont think the answer is just ped,chambers was on ped but he wasnt with much faster....
and you know why jamaican run so fast?because they eat ganja :D :)) if our sprinters start to take a diet with 1 kg of ganja per day all of they will be in 9.7 range :))
man how time they are not caught they are clean,really if is certanly they are on ped if they arent caught we cant say anything against them,our problem is not black sprinters,is white sprinters who cant run under 10 seconds.......we want to be equal with black sprinters but our sprinters cant even go sub 10,dont talk about world record or take gold in olympics,how i say a couple of times,it's a shame for rich european country,they can create elite athletes at other events but cant create elite sprinters (100,200,400) why we dont have a couple of white sprinters who came under 10seconds,why we dont have a sprinter to came under 13 seconds in 110 hurdles?now we start to make first steps,cl and adam gemili on 100,cl in 200,jeremy wariner in 400,sergey shubenkov in 110mh,(when i say now i mind from 2000 to now)so the problem is not black athletes who cheat,the problem is white sprinters who cant go fast...and not because they cant,because they think black are better and is a loose of time to go in sprint,or because in europe they arent properly trained,why european black sprinters are slower then carribean black sprinters?i dont think the answer is just ped,chambers was on ped but he wasnt with much faster....

currently the problem is not about black or white, it's about european vs americans and caribeans, in europe we don't have the drug connection
even those descendant of slaves living in haiti or south america don't have that connection, so they don't go sub 10 either

ofcourse america could produce a white sprinter and give him the same medication, but they don't do it because it's the most racist country regarding athletics, that's why this site exists

one would have to be very guillable to think that bolt is natural
man how time they are not caught they are clean,really if is certanly they are on ped if they arent caught we cant say anything against them,our problem is not black sprinters,is white sprinters who cant run under 10 seconds.......we want to be equal with black sprinters but our sprinters cant even go sub 10,dont talk about world record or take gold in olympics,how i say a couple of times,it's a shame for rich european country,they can create elite athletes at other events but cant create elite sprinters (100,200,400) why we dont have a couple of white sprinters who came under 10seconds,why we dont have a sprinter to came under 13 seconds in 110 hurdles?now we start to make first steps,cl and adam gemili on 100,cl in 200,jeremy wariner in 400,sergey shubenkov in 110mh,(when i say now i mind from 2000 to now)so the problem is not black athletes who cheat,the problem is white sprinters who cant go fast...and not because they cant,because they think black are better and is a loose of time to go in sprint,or because in europe they arent properly trained,why european black sprinters are slower then carribean black sprinters?i dont think the answer is just ped,chambers was on ped but he wasnt with much faster....

I agree Raul..My take is this - It is common knowledge that Blacks develop muscle at an earlier age than Whites. Therefore, at high school level, they will be more developed and 'noticed' first...another is that Sub Saharans overall have a body structure that giver them a very slight advantage - long legs, arms with short torso's and higher hips. It is noticeable.

In my opinon, it all comes to determintion and the proper training for the right indivudal. A shorter limbed runner can be just as fast if trained based on his structutre. I think failure for athletes to progress has to do with that they are trained and developed at what is consdiuered the right way, but not the right way for the specific individual.
No one can deny that some white sprinters have and still do take performance enhancing drugs. As for me personal opinion, if convicted, I will not think of them in the same light. Take the kid from Swiss kid, Pascal Mancini, he was busted and is facing a two year ban. I could care less about him anymore and the same with the other posters on this board. A cheater is a cheater whether he is black or white.

Too many olympic champions have been busted. Show me one bit of evidence that links Borzov or Wells. I've seen a litle about Mennea but I still have my doubts. Pietro Mennea made Christophe look like a bodybuilder. He was so damn skinny but he sure could run. Kenteris was probably on something most likely but there was never an official ban. I would vote guily for Kenteris while the others I still admire.

Take a look at some of the names of black sprinters.

Carl Lewis
Jon Drummond
Tim Montgomery
Maurice Greene
Michael Johnson
Florence Griffith Joyner
Marion Jones
Ben Johnson
Linford Christie
Justin Gatlin

Countless americans and Jamaicans. I'm not going to even keep naming guys and girls. It's obvious that most world champs and olympic gold medalists are doing something. Very few are caught. This is a damn shame. I would not support Lemaitre if he were caught. Unless it's legal, don't do it period!

If whites have to cheat to win then screw winning. I just want the sport cleaned up so sub 10's and sub 20's would not become more and more common. The distances have gotten stupid as well with the times as well.
If whites have to cheat to win then screw winning. I just want the sport cleaned up so sub 10's and sub 20's would not become more and more common. The distances have gotten stupid as well with the times as well.

White Lightning, man I want to ask you a couple of things, because I truly have mad respect for you and all your contributions in this site. Your consistency and knowledge is amazing and I understand your desire for our peeps to dominate sprints again like we did back in the 60's or early 70's etc but is it that important really?
I mean seriously, let's say we dominate sprints again, what do you think will happen? Jews will come out and say "OH, whites dominate sprints, they are the superior athletes now" or instead they will find in what sporting event Negroes are having success and focus on it like there's no tomorrow?

Seriously man, we dominate and win over 70% of the events in Summer Olympics and pretty much everything in Winter ones, so what if Negroes and Asians have some sports they excel too ? We are like what, 15% of the total population worldwide? We can't dominate everything, can we? Or you really believe that sprints are so important? Mate, once let's say we dominate sprints, the media would focus on Hip Hop industry and say "Here you go, here are all the could have been great sprinters of today"...........I mean don't you see what they do with HW boxing? I mean that title was like the most significant individual sporting crown and once the Jews realized that Eastern Euros came to stay, they discredited and demeaned the whole thing OVERNIGHT.........So what's the point of the white man to even starting to fly and throwing fires from his mouth when we have lost the most important battles named a) Banking system B) Educational GLOBAL system and C) Media power of course............... I mean they are out there ruining whole nations through their bank thugs and international monetary gangs and you want white athletes to dominate sprints? Dude I don't even know if white people exist as a kind in the next 100 years, let alone to dominate sprints.
I am disgusted with many aspects of current society outside of sports. I do support certain organizations and I vote if there is anyone worth voting for. They took it to Ron Paul very hard but I'm happy he has stayed in the race despite the best efforts of the neo cons and the media.

I want whites to do good in the sprints because we can compete. Whites can win olympic medals again. While I agree that the zionist run media will mostly ignore our future champions, it might help to change the public perception that whites can't run or jump. Even a football player like Peyton Hillis has helped to slightly open the door for guys like Gerhart, etc. My hope is with a few more Lemaitre types, we can make some progress in all of the sports.

As far as the other things outside of sports, it will take a complete meltdown. We would need to start over and that just may happen someday with most of the countries around the world going broke. Of course we know this is by design but more people are waking up.

At the end of the day, sports is just another form of entertainment whether playing or watching. Just like movies, books, music, etc. It would be a sad world without sports in my honest opinion. It gives us a source of pride in an anti white world. I hoping things will somehow get better in the future. Just like in all aspects of society, we can't give up. We need to fight harder!
Oh yes and one more thing to make my post totally complete, in case you tell me the usual "man sprints "is used" as the epitome of athleticism blah blah it's important to dominate this event blah blah" the key word is the "is used" have to think by who and make a little historical research (which I am sure you have done, I don't doubt you in the least).
Man in the modern Olympics from 1896 until 1932, the most important events used to be like in the Ancient Olympics, marathon (totally white dominated back then), wrestling, discus throw (that's right) and from the modern events gymnastics and swimming had a great following. Maybe the "chosen" media try hard to convince us that the 100m race was always the "king of the track" but that's a blatant lie, they used it only after Owen's success at the Olympics of 1936, in their propaganda against Germany and Hitler. If Owens did not exist back then and a white man won the title in 100m, that race would become popular thanks to propaganda only post 1984 for obvious racial reasons of course.
If it was a black woman named Taquaanita Laquisa Jones who won booty clapping or throwing little rocks on the ocean, the same Jewish mass media propaganda would ignore the white dominance in 100 or 200 races and would use the success of Taquaanita Laquisa to prove black athletic supremacy and booty clapping as the top sporting event in history. Seriously, you really don't see what's going on here? There's no sub 10sec barrier and all this crap, all this is just propaganda, I could name 1 trillion sporting barriers that only white men have broke, do you see anyone care? NO.......Why? Cause we have lost media and educational power in every major University around the world, that's why!

The whole anti-white problem is way deeper than some guys might think, way deeper. Anyways sorry for my ranting, we can go back to track and field.

Now what would upset me at these Olympics would be for our peeps not to win any of the long jump, high jump and pole vault events, considering how many elites we have in all these super athletic events. Especially in long jump, if a white dude doesn't win it this year, then I won't waste my time on these losers again!

I see your answer white lightning and I believe that our great peeps as Valery Borzov, Amin Harry, Pietro Menea, Allan Wells, Booby Morrow, Kostas Kenteris, Harris Papadias, Jeremy Wariner, Christophe Lemaitre and many others (especially women) have proved it many times already.
Now have you seen any elite Negro rower, cyclist, swimmer, triathlete, weightlifter or gymnast among many other raw athletic events? I know I haven't :)
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Zeus: Just for the record there is Gregory Bauge a French cyclist who has won the world track sprint title a few times but he has been disqualified for missing drug tests. Sound familiar! Also, a guy called Louis Martin won a LH weightlifting silver in the sixties. But this short list makes your point.
We need to get back on topic soon but let me say another thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Should more white sprinters and athletes in general cheat in order to win? I wonder what most of you guys would say. If your racing against a huge number of cheaters who win the medals, (I'm no saying all but alot), maybe if you can't beat them, join them. What are you guys thoughts on this?

Maybe it's too much to ask for more drug testing and for more honesty. I sure wish it wasn't that way.

Ok one last question. If Christophe could take something to make him break the world record in both the 100 & 200 meters, should he do it assuming that he probably wouldn't get caught? I will await some answers on this. In my honest opinion, I think Christophe is the only clean one out of Bolt, Powel, Blake and him. He just doesn't show any signs that I've seen from countless other black & white sprinters who cheated.
We need to get back on topic soon but let me say another thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Should more white sprinters and athletes in general cheat in order to win? I wonder what most of you guys would say. If your racing against a huge number of cheaters who win the medals, (I'm no saying all but alot), maybe if you can't beat them, join them. What are you guys thoughts on this?

Maybe it's too much to ask for more drug testing and for more honesty. I sure wish it wasn't that way.

Ok one last question. If Christophe could take something to make him break the world record in both the 100 & 200 meters, should he do it assuming that he probably wouldn't get caught? I will await some answers on this. In my honest opinion, I think Christophe is the only clean one out of Bolt, Powel, Blake and him. He just doesn't show any signs that I've seen from countless other black & white sprinters who cheated.

It would be more than shocking if Christophe was on something. He has the torso and shoulders of a 15 year old just starting puberty.
We need to get back on topic soon but let me say another thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Should more white sprinters and athletes in general cheat in order to win?

My friend, again I believe you might miss my whole point..........To make my answer a short story, here are the things I am focusing :

A) My white people (men and women) have dominated sprints for many years before (Men's 100m Gold medal winners in modern history (post 1896) are exactly the same, 13 whites, 13 Negroes, in 200m 13 whites against 12 Negroes and so on......The marathon for example includes 18 whites, 6 Negroes and 2 Asians). If one counts the gold medal winners in ATHLETICS ALONE, from 1896 until 2008, whites have won over 70% of the medals in all events. If one counts the total medals from all events in track and field in the last world championships, whites still win slightly more than Negroes in an event as Track and Field that according to the "Chosen" media, blacks dominate with ease. Even the world and Olympic records between whites and blacks in all events of track and field are even (I think whites own even more actually), so what's the point mate? Do you see anyone informing the people for such REALITY? No, nah, nah, nah, they pick and choose what they will show us and what they will promote, conquer and divide right? So, what we need to do is to regain control of the media, control of the Internet, control of the education, so we can inform our fellas (and not only) THE PLAIN REALITY..........but how we will achieve that when I didn't find a single member in such site to help me to construct a little page in a major site such Wikipedia? Once again, my point is that it's US to blame first, for the lack of action and then the "enemies", they just do what WE DON'T DO and that is called Propaganda from their side, while we have all the historical sources, facts, numbers to enlighten the world, we still won't.......So who's the one to blame my friend?

B) Again, even if our white peeps will smash the records and win 1 trillion medals in every running event there is, who controls the media? Who dismantled and literally humiliated the value of the most prestigious individual sport's crown (HW Boxing) overnight? You get the point my friend.

C) As long as we continue to lose power in the Media, Universities and Banking systems, nothing can save the pride, dignity and future of our race.

D) Is there anyone out there who is willing to help in the construction of a totally HONEST, BASED ON REALITY, FULL OF FACTS AND NUMBERS, NON RACIST IN THE LEAST, athletic dominance of our white kind in the world of sports? If not, then you get all the answers you might seek my friend :)
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We need to get back on topic soon but let me say another thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Should more white sprinters and athletes in general cheat in order to win? I wonder what most of you guys would say. If your racing against a huge number of cheaters who win the medals, (I'm no saying all but alot), maybe if you can't beat them, join them. What are you guys thoughts on this?

Maybe it's too much to ask for more drug testing and for more honesty. I sure wish it wasn't that way.

Ok one last question. If Christophe could take something to make him break the world record in both the 100 & 200 meters, should he do it assuming that he probably wouldn't get caught? I will await some answers on this. In my honest opinion, I think Christophe is the only clean one out of Bolt, Powel, Blake and him. He just doesn't show any signs that I've seen from countless other black & white sprinters who cheated.

I really like Christophe the way he is and what he stands for now. I believe Christophe is clean and I don't believe many sub 10 sprinters are. Christophe's himself said he hasn't gained any strength in the weight room in 4 years. This is not acceptable. But it happens to be some of the best evidence to support that he is indeed clean.

Should he cheat? PEDS help every sport but perhaps none so much as track. If his competition is on juice, Christophe will never be able to compete at the top level. I believe that Christophe has more natural ability than Yohan Blake in the 200m for example. But I dont think CL is going to be running a 19.26 any time soon (if ever). Yohan blake is a walking pharmacy very similiar to a 1988 Ben Johnson and I hope he receives a similar fate. If CL doesnt cheat, he will forever lose to less talented runners who do. I think thats really the situation he finds himself in today and I think that will remain this way as I do not think he will resort to cheating.

Its a shame that it has to be this way but even so I do not think he should cheat. Although my curiosity would love to see what he could do if he did.
I really like Christophe the way he is and what he stands for now. I believe Christophe is clean and I don't believe many sub 10 sprinters are. Christophe's himself said he hasn't gained any strength in the weight room in 4 years. This is not acceptable. But it happens to be some of the best evidence to support that he is indeed clean.

Should he cheat? PEDS help every sport but perhaps none so much as track. If his competition is on juice, Christophe will never be able to compete at the top level. I believe that Christophe has more natural ability than Yohan Blake in the 200m for example. But I dont think CL is going to be running a 19.26 any time soon (if ever). Yohan blake is a walking pharmacy very similiar to a 1988 Ben Johnson and I hope he receives a similar fate. If CL doesnt cheat, he will forever lose to less talented runners who do. I think thats really the situation he finds himself in today and I think that will remain this way as I do not think he will resort to cheating.

Its a shame that it has to be this way but even so I do not think he should cheat. Although my curiosity would love to see what he could do if he did.

all Christophe has to do is take off from track during the indoor season and focus on building strength. He is capable of running 9.80 and 19.5
Oh yes and one more thing to make my post totally complete, in case you tell me the usual "man sprints "is used" as the epitome of athleticism blah blah it's important to dominate this event blah blah" the key word is the "is used" have to think by who and make a little historical research (which I am sure you have done, I don't doubt you in the least).
Man in the modern Olympics from 1896 until 1932, the most important events used to be like in the Ancient Olympics, marathon (totally white dominated back then), wrestling, discus throw (that's right) and from the modern events gymnastics and swimming had a great following. Maybe the "chosen" media try hard to convince us that the 100m race was always the "king of the track" but that's a blatant lie, they used it only after Owen's success at the Olympics of 1936, in their propaganda against Germany and Hitler. If Owens did not exist back then and a white man won the title in 100m, that race would become popular thanks to propaganda only post 1984 for obvious racial reasons of course.
If it was a black woman named Taquaanita Laquisa Jones who won booty clapping or throwing little rocks on the ocean, the same Jewish mass media propaganda would ignore the white dominance in 100 or 200 races and would use the success of Taquaanita Laquisa to prove black athletic supremacy and booty clapping as the top sporting event in history. Seriously, you really don't see what's going on here? There's no sub 10sec barrier and all this crap, all this is just propaganda, I could name 1 trillion sporting barriers that only white men have broke, do you see anyone care? NO.......Why? Cause we have lost media and educational power in every major University around the world, that's why!

The whole anti-white problem is way deeper than some guys might think, way deeper. Anyways sorry for my ranting, we can go back to track and field.

Now what would upset me at these Olympics would be for our peeps not to win any of the long jump, high jump and pole vault events, considering how many elites we have in all these super athletic events. Especially in long jump, if a white dude doesn't win it this year, then I won't waste my time on these losers again!

I see your answer white lightning and I believe that our great peeps as Valery Borzov, Amin Harry, Pietro Menea, Allan Wells, Booby Morrow, Kostas Kenteris, Harris Papadias, Jeremy Wariner, Christophe Lemaitre and many others (especially women) have proved it many times already.
Now have you seen any elite Negro rower, cyclist, swimmer, triathlete, weightlifter or gymnast among many other raw athletic events? I know I haven't :)

It's an antisemitic forum here ?

I 'm not here to read of the nazi propaganda !
guys especialy from usa & uk i want to give me a answer at this question: what race are jews and arabs? how race are on this earth and tell me? and than tell me white (nordic people) and jews are not in same race? caucasian race? wtf with so much racism,i love my race but i dont have other race,we caucasian arent superior to other race,all race are equal,exist only superior individ but not superior race,wtf is with some of you guys?
lemaitre will race tomorow in monaco!! he will have oponents like: tyson gay,asafa powel,usain bolt,nesta carter,mike rodgers,justin gatlin and lerone clarke,in this race will be the creme of 100m :D, hope for a good result and a good time!!
White lightning do you think is possible for our guys (men) to win all 3 medals in this year's long jump? Do you know the best jumps of this season?
What about 110m and 400m hurdles, do we have any strong guys this year?
When it comes exclusively to running and jumping events, in which ones we have hopes for medals at these Olympics? I think in High Jump and Pole Vault we are the favorites right?
Let's stick to athletics, this is an awesome thread and I have nothing but respect for white lightning, no need to ruin this post.

Do you honestly think that Christophe can really medal in any event, considering how the Jamaicans are fully juiced?
lemaitre will race tomorow in monaco!! he will have oponents like: tyson gay,asafa powel,usain bolt,nesta carter,mike rodgers,justin gatlin and lerone clarke,in this race will be the creme of 100m :D, hope for a good result and a good time!!

NO., Christophe don't run tomorrow to Monaco, there is not even of 100M of planned
Should more white sprinters and athletes in general cheat in order to win? I wonder what most of you guys would say. If your racing against a huge number of cheaters who win the medals, (I'm no saying all but alot), maybe if you can't beat them, join them. What are you guys thoughts on this?

Maybe it's too much to ask for more drug testing and for more honesty. I sure wish it wasn't that way.

Ok one last question. If Christophe could take something to make him break the world record in both the 100 & 200 meters, should he do it assuming that he probably wouldn't get caught? I will await some answers on this. In my honest opinion, I think Christophe is the only clean one out of Bolt, Powel, Blake and him. He just doesn't show any signs that I've seen from countless other black & white sprinters who cheated.

WL I think your question is moot because it is not just a question of taking PEDs it is the response of the sports associations and the media. If Christophe (or any White) did break the world record (or win the 100m Olympic gold) by using drugs it would be dug up immediately - in other words they would get caught. I say this because the vast majority of the media discussion about drugs in sports today relates to White athletes. Case in point: When Bradley Wiggins took the Yellow Jersey in this year's Tour de France the first question he was asked by the French media was about drugs. And Lance Armstrong is now being hounded by the US law.
WL I think your question is moot because it is not just a question of taking PEDs it is the response of the sports associations and the media. If Christophe (or any White) did break the world record (or win the 100m Olympic gold) by using drugs it would be dug up immediately - in other words they would get caught. I say this because the vast majority of the media discussion about drugs in sports today relates to White athletes. Case in point: When Bradley Wiggins took the Yellow Jersey in this year's Tour de France the first question he was asked by the French media was about drugs. And Lance Armstrong is now being hounded by the US law.

every time they talk about drugs it's to belittle a white champion
they are saying in the french media that all the spanish athletes are on drugs, and that they succeed because of this
they put soccer in the list of sports where the spanish are using PED while soccer is a skill sport and PED use is not as important as in sprints for example
they say nothing about the sprinters but if a white sprinter wins tomorrow they will imply that he was using something

as for the question white lightnig made, i will support lemaitre, PED or not
and if they question his performances (if he starts using), i will say the same about the black athletes
in sprints you have to use something to win
to answer WL I don't think Lemaitre should go on drugs (or any other white athlete) in order to win: it's a ShortView of the subject; major doping programs and molecules are from 3 decades at most; it's a hort period regarding the whole past and future history of sport; even it's still difficult to catch cheaters, scientist are still learning and inventing new methods of testing which will be more reliable; in 30 to 50 years from now it will be extremely hard to cheat.. so my opinion in NO for drugs no matter what; things will settle even if it's frustrating now..

as for ZEUS; nobody thinks that sport is the most important thing in the world; but it's a gauge of force balance when there is no direct confrontation or war; and Yes sprint is the King of sports for one particular reason (not media); it's because it settles the whole human race maximum speed; now the human race can run at maximum as much as Bolt did 3 years ago

final point to WL: I follow this Lemaitre's forum almost every day, and it's by far the one that passionate ppl around here; a single post generates 3 pages of topic-unrelated posts (like this one); so could you make a second forum: "Christophe Lemaitre side-talk" to continue discussions like this one or the Zellgadiss-Rcsman fight there?
to answer WL I don't think Lemaitre should go on drugs (or any other white athlete) in order to win: it's a ShortView of the subject; major doping programs and molecules are from 3 decades at most; it's a hort period regarding the whole past and future history of sport; even it's still difficult to catch cheaters, scientist are still learning and inventing new methods of testing which will be more reliable; in 30 to 50 years from now it will be extremely hard to cheat.. so my opinion in NO for drugs no matter what; things will settle even if it's frustrating now..

the main role of WADA is to make you believe that it's difficult to use PED
actually there will never be a reliable test for HGH, insuline, and you can avoid being caught very easily when you take steroids
when someone gets caught it's because he took an exotic substance or because he was inexperienced regarding drugs

officially the french antidoping agency was testing an impossible to detect substance last year
look here since you are french:

this is proof that antidoping agencies are just here to make you believe that the sport is clean
every time they talk about drugs it's to belittle a white champion
they are saying in the french media that all the spanish athletes are on drugs, and that they succeed because of this
they put soccer in the list of sports where the spanish are using PED while soccer is a skill sport and PED use is not as important as in sprints for example
they say nothing about the sprinters but if a white sprinter wins tomorrow they will imply that he was using something

as for the question white lightnig made, i will support lemaitre, PED or not
and if they question his performances (if he starts using), i will say the same about the black athletes
in sprints you have to use something to win

arrête de raconter n'importe quoi, tu fais honte à ton pays, où as tu vu que les médias français disaient que tous les athlètes espagnols étaient dopés, tout ça parce que tu as des marionnettes humouristique de canal+, ou noah qui a dis ça, ça devient LES MEDIAS FRANCAIS disent que TOUS les athlètes espagnols, c'est avec ce genre de raccourci ou d'amalgame débile que l'on a vu certains espagnols vexés et faisant ce même amalgame, confondre des marionettes humouristiques avec le peuple français et développer une xénophophobie anti-française !

donc te fais pas le relais de ces généralités dangereuses et pathétique !
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