Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Hello, I'm French and I read you since few weeks. I love this topic and of course white lightning, who is really implicated !

I look all the races and the time (chrono) of all runners, particularly Christophe Lemaitre of course.

The recent progress of Ryan Bailey and Nesta Carter is a big (and strange) surprise for me...

Well, about your question LoLy, I think you're really optimistic.

My predictions :

100m for 2011 : 9,91
100m for 2012 : 9,84

200m for 2011 : 19,85
200m for 2012 : 19,65 (maybe less)

So CL is young, don't forget that.

Maybe in 2013/2014, he could run less than 9,80 in 100m and 19,50 in 200m.

He will be the best European runner in history... and near the best runner of the world.

Don't tell Christophe to beat Usain Bolt. This guy is an ET ! 19,16 in 200m is awesome... If Christophe broke the 19,5 barrier, this will be already incredible no ?

PS : I'm sorry for my bad english... don't hesitate to correct me please 

Edited by: Twinsen9
Hi Twinsen9 im totally with you for the times in 100m for Lemaitre, in 200 i think that perhaps you are very optimistic hehe.
For the future less 9.80 i see it very hard, not impossible but well we will see it in the future.
And 19.50 bufff very very hard.
If Lemaitre can improve and get good times and any medal in world championship, it will be incredible.

Welcome aboard Twinsen9! I truly believe that CL is one of the Fastest, if not the Fastest clean sprinter of all time. when I look at the 10 sprinter this year, CL is the only one I think to be clean. the rest of them look allot like Ben Johnson did in '88. I see him running low 9.8 / 19.6 in the future. and if he can do that, in my opinion he we will be the greatest sprinter of all time.
@ZELLGADISS : You're right, I'm optimistic too 

But I think CL can really improve his times in 200m. He have a lot of progression's margin (it's english to say that ?).

But ok... in 2011, CL will be under 20". Maybe less 19,90 ?

Edited by: Twinsen9
umm im not sure Twinsen9 Lemaitre in this moment run very bad the 200m, the curve is very bad and of course he can improve so much. but half second?i think that is so much.
My opinion he can make the nextyear19.9x, if he down 19.90 i would be very surprised

he has allot to work on with his form. when he gets it under control, he will break 20.00 no problem.
@albinosprint : I'm ok with you :) (about clean)

@Zellgadiss : You're right again about his technique, he runs very bad... so, he runs very bad and do 9,97 and 20,16... so in 200m, I really think he can progress between 0,20 and 0,30 until end 2011. Between 19,86 and 19,96 (mid = 19,91).

19,91 with wind = 0. 19,86 with good wind et and good place (like Rieti).

Edited by: Twinsen9
I'm already looking forward to next season!
To really understand Lemaitre and his peak abilities without PED programs, I use his mistakes/age/ etc. and correlate their correction with his actual times:

100m: he can achieve 9.68-9.72(+/-0.05) with a wind of +1.7m/s temp.+30 celcius or hotter and some what above sea-level. this is all without drugs.

200m: sub 19.35s. He has many years to develop.
9,68 ? 19,35 ?

It's just awesome !

Remember :

French records (before Christophe Lemaitre) :

100m : 9,99 (Ronald Pognon in 2005)
200m : 20,16 (Gilles Quenéhervé in 1987)

European records :

100m : 9,86 (Francis Obikwelu in 2004)
200m : 19,72 (Pietro Mennea in 1979, incredible, 31 years !)

World records : 

100m : 9,58 (Usain Bolt in 2009)
200m : 19,19 (Usain Bolt in 2009)

If CL do that... (9,68 and 19,35) I will be very happy :) (and impressed !)
yes Twinsen9 it sounds sci-fi hehe tell in this moment 9.8 and 19.8 for Lemaitre in the future, sounds real, if he can down that times would be great and a surprise for me.
Results from today's Milan meet

1. 5 96 Christophe LEMAITRE1990 0.212 10.18
2. 4 100 Emanuele DI GREGORIO1989 0.135 10.42
3. 2 95 Peter EMELIEZE1988 0.188 10.42
4. 6 99 Simone COLLIO1979 0.177 10.48
5. 8 94 Jacques RIPARELLI1983 0.183 10.55
6. 7 97 Maurizio CHECCUCCI1974 0.149 10.64
7. 3 98 Roberto DONATI1983 0.185 10.80
8. 1 87 Gualtiero BERTOLONE1982 0.175 10.90
Normal race for Lemaitre at end of season.
The other runners are very bad compared to Lemaitre, so i imagine that he ran very alone.
Like almost always i see very bad reaction 0.21, he should to be 0.16 minimum. Other thing for train.
freedom1 said:
Results from today's Milan meet

1. 5 96 Christophe LEMAITRE1990 0.212 10.18
2. 4 100 Emanuele DI GREGORIO1989 0.135 10.42
3. 2 95 Peter EMELIEZE1988 0.188 10.42
4. 6 99 Simone COLLIO1979 0.177 10.48
5. 8 94 Jacques RIPARELLI1983 0.183 10.55
6. 7 97 Maurizio CHECCUCCI1974 0.149 10.64
7. 3 98 Roberto DONATI1983 0.185 10.80
8. 1 87 Gualtiero BERTOLONE1982 0.175 10.90

not bad for end of the season, with no one pushing him. I would like to see a video. with that "fell asleep in the blocks" start, it must have been wild to see him chase them down and beat out 2nd place by 2 tenths.
LeMaitre's reaction times are so slow you could clock them with a calendar. A lot of people write about him nowadays (not just here at cf) and it is the universal opinion that he is the most "raw" world class sprinter around. Dreadful reaction times, pitiful starts, strange running form, and poor finishing form, to say nothing of the complete inability to run a curve. So I won't predict a time for next year, because if he fixes all of those problems, his times will be jaw-droppingly phenomenal. But if he fixes none of those problems, he's not likely to improve much. He might need to graduate to a more proven coach, like Craig Pickering, because some of those issues should be fixed already.

I'll be optimistic, though, and say he cleans up his form at least a little. I'll also say that if he ever concentrated on the curves and developed his natural speed endurance, he would break the world record in the 400.

They ran against the wind in Milan today.
trackster you have all reason about problems of Lemaitre in his technique race and yes when he improve all it he will great runner worldwide, but while he dont make it his improvement will be few.

Although i think thatto tell thatLemaitre has some option for break a possible WR 400 is impossible.
He has big top speed, very good for 100m and with training he can run very good 200,but 400 is hard race and you have train it since teenager.

albinosprint said
"Welcome aboard Twinsen9! I truly believe that CL is one of the Fastest, if not the Fastest clean sprinter of all time. when I look at the 10 sprinter this year, CL is the only one I think to be clean. the rest of them look allot like Ben Johnson did in '88".

Coz he's white or coz he's skinny?

There have been a lot of lean black sprinters.
As for the built ones .... they typically have higher testosterone levels which lends itself to developing muscle should you want it.
Most top guys you've seen this year are older, do weight programs and have had time to develop physically.

honestly, what benefit is it to the thread to blurt out this stuff? I'ts harder to think up/research some intelligent contributions but more beneficial... and it doesn't "poison" newbies to the siteEdited by: mastermulti
Zell--Well, I'm sure most people on the board will disagree with my contention about LeMaitre and the 400, because the track board on this site is obsessed with the 100 at the expense of all other distances, but LeMaitre has the build of a 400 runner and, yes, unfortunately, the start of a 400 runner. More importantly, he has shown absolutely superior natural speed endurance despite having trained exclusively for the shorter distances. Endurance improves dramatically with age and yet he runs down far more experienced runners in the 200. With training, he could be a wonder of the world in the 400. Remember, Jeremy Wariner can run a 10.2 in the 100. LeMaitre's faster, but just as lean.

Mastermulti--I can't fault what albinosprint wrote. The indisputable fact of doping is that it's incredibly easy to pass drug tests but absolutely impossible to pass the eyeball test. Read the Rodomski book, for example. He was the steroid supplier to a lot of athletes, and he could tell, with a single glance, not only if a player was juicing but which roids they were doing--winstrol or deca or whatever, as they all had slightly different effects. As for sprinters, I've spent a lot of time watching old videos and looking at photographs, and there are simply no sprinters, black or white, from the natural era that remotely resemble the black sprinters of today. Ralph Metcalfe, Jesse Owens, Harrison Dillard, etc--none of those guys were bulky and none of them had bodyfat so low that you could see the veins on their throbbing deltoid muscles. That goes for Caribbean sprinters, too. Look at Don Quarrie, the Jamaican from the seventies, or Hasely Crawford, of Trinidad. These are skinny guys! But to see Asafa Powell and the like take their shirts off, you would swear you were in a bodybuilding competition. Massive bloated muscles with no bodyfat, incredible vascularity. Physiques like that don't come naturally. Where were they prior to the steroid era? You can't even find physiques like that in early bodybuilding contests. Albinosprint was right. To deny the evidence of the eyes is to, well, be in denial. LeMaitre deserves huge kudos for doing what he's done while at the same time passing the eyeball test (not because he's white, but because he's skinny and, reportedly, quite weak in the gym). He's the real deal, and I can't think of any other sub-10 sprinter you can say that about.
mastermulti said:
albinosprint said
"Welcome aboard Twinsen9! I truly believe that CL is one of the Fastest, if not the Fastest clean sprinter of all time. when I look at the 10 sprinter this year, CL is the only one I think to be clean. the rest of them look allot like Ben Johnson did in '88".

Coz he's white or coz he's skinny?

There have been a lot of lean black sprinters.
As for the built ones .... they typically have higher testosterone levels which lends itself to developing muscle should you want it.
Most top guys you've seen this year are older, do weight programs and have had time to develop physically.

honestly, what benefit is it to the thread to blurt out this stuff? I'ts harder to think up/research some intelligent contributions but more beneficial... and it doesn't "poison" newbies to the site

whats wrong Multi? Dingo ate your baby? just kidding! I think that because, allot of sprinters in the past have been caught cheating. not because he is white, the skinny part helps, but that's not it. also, notice how I said "in my opinion". not trying to make anyone think what I think or posion their minds. I'm just saying how I feel. and, because I like your posts(except the last one)
I'll try and explain why I feel this way.

Bolt, Powell & Carter? sub 9.79 just smells bad to me (Johnson, Gatlin, & Montgomery?). that goes for Gay also.

Greene - bought $30K in PED's said it was for a friend
Bolden - Greene's training partner / friend
Bailey - his Dr just got caught pushing PEDs
Burrell - actually think he was clean, though White Lightning doesn't agree with me. you never know!
Lewis - great and clean in the beginning, but can't beat them join them attitude.
Fredricks - like Lewis, was most likely using late in career.
Christie - caught
Mitchell - caught

I belive Calvin Smith was clean and also Mike Marsh, but when you look at the greats over the last 20 years, not allot of them shout clean to me. I do believe that if Bolt was clean he could be the first sprinter under 9.80 without drugs, but when a guy runs video game times it just kills it for me.

Lemaitre is just so raw and undeveloped that he shouts clean. I wouldn't be surprised if hadn't gone through puberty yet
you might just be looking at the greatest clean sprinter of all time.

just my opinion.

throw another shrimp on the bar-b!
I'm having trouble following the logic you guys are using as well. You say Lemaitre needs to start hitting the weights to get stronger, and develop a more powerful base. But when black sprinters did EXACTLY what you stated unequivocally that Lemaitre needs to do, you accuse them of juicing because of their physique. I'm pretty sure that's what mastermulti keyed in on. It doesn't make sense.<div>
<div>Michael LeBlanc.. he's 5 years younger than Gay and Powell, and much bigger than both. Do you guys think he's juicing?</div><div>
Two american sprinters who I think might be clean are Allyson Felix and Wallace Spearmon. They are two of the very few US Sprinters who don't look like Jay Cutler(Mr. Olympia). I have played sports my whole life and seen the p.e.d. crowd from a young age. I hate to say it but I can almost always tell from just looking at a guy. Whether he is black, white, mexican or asian, I can tell if they are natural. Sometimes I'm wrong but more often than not it's obvious. Some of these guys are so vascular that their veins look like snakes all over their bodies. It's so unnatural. I've even seen guys at the local level look like that. Being big is ok but not when you have no body fat and your huge.

Everyone from Roy Jones to Barry Bondsto Tim Montgomery have been doing massive steroids for years. To think that these current sprinters are any better is naive in my opinion. I do respect your opinions though mastermulti. It is good to agree to disagree on occasion. It makes the board a little more interesting. You are a valued poster and friend.

My biggest worry about Christophe Lemaitre is whether or is coach has enough experience to help take him to the top. Like some other posters said, alot of these flaws should have been fixed already. It's exciting to think of what could possibly happen but it will only occur if the problems are fixed in a very short time period. Sprinters get old fast. Get this kid the right coaching and training to take him to the top. That mightrequire hiring another assistant coach or some advisors. This kid needs to be surrounded by the best people to help guide him to the next level.Edited by: white lightning
Did his coach ever coach another world class sprinter? Sometimes athletes stick with club level coaches who have never coached beyond local meets. Does anybody know about his coaches background? You would think that Lemaitre would have a coach that had a few national level sprinters.
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