Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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It's funny how we all are now a little spoiled by watching this kid run. The world had never seen a white sprinter go sub 10. Then Christophe has done this three times already this year. It has us a little spoiled. I want to see more white sprinters step it up. I think next year we might just see another major break through. To be honest, Cerutti, Blum and Pickering have not developed like we thought they would. Here is to hoping that Lemaitre will help be an inspiration to them to get back on track!

Chrisophe Lemaitre is just amazing to watch. He has ice in his veins. The kid never panics. Even when he is losing, the majority of the time he reels in his opponents. His confidence in his abilties is unmatched by any other current white sprinter outside of Wariner. This is the type of self belief that and sprinter needs to reach the next level. You have to believe before you acheive. I have said it before and I will say it again. Lemaitre fears no one! He aspires to be the fastest man in the world someday. That self confidence will take him a long ways!Edited by: white lightning
mastermulti record split 10m is in this moment Bolt with 0.81, Gay and Greene 0.82 and after someone with 0.83(like Asafa Powell)
Lemaitre and his 9.98 en Valence his max speed was 0.85 since 60-80m.
His max speed in Rieti and his 9.97 and 9.98 i dont know, 0.84 with luck and 0.85 easily i imagine.
He has improve his first 30m, if he get it he will be in elite.
I think that down 20s in 200m straight is not hard, becauseexperts tell that you improve about 0.3 straight in comparation in curve.
So if Lemaitre hasPB 20.16, if he is 95-100% he could down 20s easily

Zellgadiss, I have seen you quoting lots of intermendiate and split times - how is the data measured and by who and where is it published? All I know about Lemaitre's splits isseeing him take 2 meters out of sub-10 runners in 50 meters!
And thanks for comments WL re: the discrimination in Canada. Also LoLy - nearly 1/4 of our country is from France and the Canadian Broadcast Company still ignores the Frenchman!
Freddie my times about Lemaitre are OFFICIAL taken by PJ Vazel expert,coach and he work for IAAF too, and i know him.
The times for Rieti in this moment i dont have them for splits 10m, sorry
And in Valence he gets his top speed since 60-80m in 0.85.

freddie said:
Canadian National TV (CBC) ran a two hour program of the Continental Cup late last night.  But showing a white man winning a sprint race was judged to be too politically incorrect for their sensibilities; so the 100m race and Lemaitre was simply editied out of the program as if he didn't exist.  I am really upset, can someone please help me calm down!

I can't even believe this BS! shame on the CBC. unf-ing believable!
so why don't some of the Canadians on this board contact CBC and hear their story.

They may have something reasonable to say or they may splutter and stumble or have some rehearsed spiel (in which case you'll know you're correct).

Put it to them!
freddie said:
re: the discrimination in Canada. Also LoLy - nearly 1/4 of our country is from France and the Canadian Broadcast Company still ignores the Frenchman!

For some people, White and Frenchman are 2 defects! ;-))

for information, here is the web site of CL's athletic club with the latest news, program..:
Edited by: LoLy
let's imagine when he'll have work out his lower and upper body to reach bolt's level.... how fast will he runs... check the huge diffence below

Of course, in order to achieve Bolt's physique (or any of the Jamaican sprinters musculature) he would need to visit the island and be hooked up with the same "medicine man" that they are. Uh oh! I now expect an indignant response from ZELLGADISS!
FootballDad you feel better telling it?Because you and the other people that ONLY want talk about it, looks that feel better, that you feel happy by tell it.
I prefer tell that have Lemaitre by to improve, and of course he will improve his body in the next 5 years sure. And not find excuses, excuse,excuses....
I have contacted the CBC in Canada with the following message:

The CBC recently televised a two hour edited program of the Continental Cup Track and Field event from Croatia. I did not see the premier event track event: the men's 100m dash. I read afterwards that it was a particularly exciting race with a competitor from France making up a two meter deficit and winning by half a meter.Was it inadvertantly cut?
freddie said:
I have contacted the CBC in Canada with the following message:
<div>&lt;SPAN lang=""&gt;

The CBC recently televised a two hour edited program of the Continental Cup Track and Field event from Croatia. I did not see the premier event track event: the men's 100m dash. I read afterwards that it was a particularly exciting race with a competitor from France making up a two meter deficit and winning by half a meter. Was it inadvertantly cut?&lt;/SPAN&gt;&lt;SPAN lang=""&gt; </font>&lt;/SPAN&gt;</div>

I hope you hear back from them.
this blog is turning into a farce, iam sure its not what u were looking for white lightning
it definitely is the zone of a load of fat f**ks lickin each others balls .writing total incomprehenseble horse sh*t.[ except for the original guys] otherwise these blog have run their course. cant say it any clearer and what a pity
and fat football dad should stick to football along with the other ****s who jump on the band wagon
Hey Greyghost, I recommend you sit down and have another salted snack. This thread is on Lemaitre and not your own personal opinions of members of this site. Grow up instead of posting ridiculous crap which you know nothing about.
FootballDad you feel better telling it?Because you and the other people that ONLY want talk about it, looks that feel better, that you feel happy by tell it.
I prefer tell that have Lemaitre by to improve, and of course he will improve his body in the next 5 years sure. And not find excuses, excuse,excuses....
It was just a fun dig, ZELLGADISS, don't flip out over it. I wish Christophe the best, he should be a force to contend with as he matures and improves. The comparison photo with Bolt was just too much for me to hold back

Go Lemaitre!
greyghost said:
and fat football dad should stick to football along with the other ****s who jump on the band wagon
And you found what, exactly to be insulting, greyghost?? If you're in love with Bolt and the other juicing Jamaicans, that's you're problem and don't be offended when posters label you an afflete jock-sniffer. As for the "bandwagon", I ran track for a number of years, and still can put down a pretty good number, not bad for an alleged "fat" guy. Like my friend whiteathlete33 says, perhaps you should cut down on the salted snacks as it seems to be limiting the blood flow to your head. Edited by: FootballDad
Did something alien hijack greyghost's keyboard? Surly today, doesn't sound like him.

Freddie, nice work on a good suggestion by multimaster. Hope to see the reply.Edited by: Observer
Thanks for posting that documentary. I enjoyed it very much. Now to the rest of you guys, let's just get back to the subject of this message thread. I can't believe how many times we get off track when we are talking about the best white sprinter on earth. A guy who just won 3 medals at the European Championships. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT BEFORE. No white or black sprinter has done what he did. So please let's focus on Lemaitre. Thanks guys.

I'm anxious to see how he does in his last 3 races. He is tired and his legs feel heavy but I still get excited everytime he runs. You just never know when he might shock us again. This weekend should be interesting. I'm also looking forward to the full documentary of his 2010 season. I can't wait to watch that. Hopefully they will make an english version in addition to the french documentary.
white lightning said:
Thanks for posting that documentary. I enjoyed it very much. Now to the rest of you guys, let's just get back to the subject of this message thread. I can't believe how many times we get off track when we are talking about the best white sprinter on earth. A guy who just won 3 medals at the European Championships. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT BEFORE. No white or black sprinter has done what he did. So please let's focus on Lemaitre. Thanks guys.

I'm anxious to see how he does in his last 3 races. He is tired and his legs feel heavy but I still get excited everytime he runs. You just never know when he might shock us again. This weekend should be interesting. I'm also looking forward to the full documentary of his 2010 season. I can't wait to watch that. Hopefully they will make an english version in addition to the french documentary.

You're welcome WL, the other docu (of Canal plus) is not on their webpage yet but it will be in few days, and I'll post it then.. I'll try to add some translation (maybe Loly will help also)
I also want to say that you are extremely polite and well-educated and I appreciate that on this forum
bk21 said:
<div>I also want to say that you are extremely polite and well-educated and I appreciate that on this forum</div>

100% agreed

the season isn't over, but I'd like to know what the people around think of CL's time next year

my bet for 2011 (if not injured of course)

100m: 9.88
200m: 19.70 (new Europe record)

this numbers are based on:
100m: his coach said he's already capable of 9.92 (did he run that fast while training?)
200m: he has almost no technique (just compare with christian malcom technique during the 200m final in Barcelona). I think he can improve by half a second just working his technique)
Edited by: LoLy
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