Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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There is one thing that concerns me a little. The coach thinks Lemaitre is overstriding in his sub 10 race. I don't see this at all. Does he have a huge stride? Yes but he should! That is always going to be his biggest advantage. It is possible to overstride but he is far away from doing that. He just needs to run his own race. Don't tighten up or over analyze the race. Just go out there and do what he has done for 5 years now. He needs to be confident and stay loose and relaxed as he is running. Good luck Christophe!
Greetings from France. And thank you all for the updates about CLM. Despite I'm french I only heard about him two weeks ago when he did his sub-10. Track&amp;Field is sadly a very confidential sport here in France, where the sport scene is dominated by football (soccer), tennis, rugby or swimming. Even fencing or sailing is more popular. Besides, white kids are discouraged to take part in this port. I remember a french tv host, Christine Bravo, complaining, on another french tv program, that her fast daughter couldn't join a track&amp;field team because the coach told her no non-black could succeed in this sport. The french black athlete, Pascal Gentil, then answered her "that's because we (black people) are genetically better"...<div>Here's the video of the event :</div><div>
<div>But my post was mainly motivated to inform you that the weather will not be good tonight. We're experiencing a big cold-down (?) since the beginning of the week, with rain and storms. And sadly it appears that it might rain on the Stade de France tonight. The temperature should be around +25°C. Do you think it could affect the athletes tonight?</div></div></div><div>Here's MeteoFrance's map (click on "soirée" to get the 8 p.m. weather) :</div><div>
Yes that will affect alot of them. Bolt and Powell are so juiced up that they will still run fast. It will affect the other sprinters. What a bummer. It's too bad they couldn't have the meet on Saturday or Sunday and hope for better weather. Of all the nights to have bad weather, it had to happen now. Oh well. What can you do? Let's see what happens.
My biggest concern is that LeMaitre has only managed to train twice in the past week, owing to media requests. He needs someone to say "no" to some of those requests, as training should be a priority. The diet comments weren't promising either. If all he's done in the past week is eat hamburgers and give interviews, it may not be a good day. Anyway, I'll be praying for a miracle, as nothing would be sweeter than an actual win over the big boys.
Looking forward to this race. firstly the race between Bolt/Powell. Then...<div>
</div><div>Lemaitre/Blake/Bailey. I'm thinking Lemaitre comes 4th - 5th today. I don't see him beating Blake. I'm thinking he wont beat Bailey either now. butI'mnot sure. Will be great if he goes under 10 again. I'm thinking a 10.01 for him, but who knows. OH if he gets a good start then he's a lock for sub 10, otherwise it depends on the wind.</div>
white lightning said:

What's with this quote in the article -"There was never a reason why white men cannot sprint. There are just far fewer with the fast twitch fibres in their make-up." Is this accepted science? Is there actually a physiological difference in muscle fibres which can be distinguished between the races? Or is this guy just talking out of his ass?
well, I'm supposed to go this afternoon to Paris for the "Meeting Areva".I will go to the "Stade de France" for the first time.I guess it's a good opportunity: I will try to see Lemaitre and co.

After that, I will do a report of what I have seen.
Thank you Lisa D! try and get some video
icsept said:
white lightning said:

What's with this quote in the article -"There was never a reason why white men cannot sprint. There are just far fewer with the fast twitch fibres in their make-up." Is this accepted science? Is there actually a physiological difference in muscle fibres which can be distinguished between the races? Or is this guy just talking out of his ass?

yes, this is correct. in the early 90's a scientist did a study on fast and slow twitch muscle. the conclusion being that 25% of whites have the proper ratio to be sprinters and that 60% of blacks have it. with only 3% of those being Olympic quality. with that said if you had a 10 man 100m finale, 3 or 4 out of the 10 should be white.
albinosprint said:
icsept said:
white lightning said:

What's with this quote in the article -"There was never a reason why white men cannot sprint. There are just far fewer with the fast twitch fibres in their make-up." Is this accepted science? Is there actually a physiological difference in muscle fibres which can be distinguished between the races? Or is this guy just talking out of his ass?

yes, this is correct. in the early 90's a scientist did a study on fast and slow twitch muscle. the conclusion being that 25% of whites have the proper ratio to be sprinters and that 60% of blacks have it. with only 3% of those being Olympic quality. with that said if you had a 10 man 100m finale, 3 or 4 out of the 10 should be white.

Thanks for the info.
I have read a couple of reports that the fast twitch muscle argument is now not so clear cut as originally thought. According to later researchthe statistical correlation of muscle fibre type to a sprinters 100m times is poor. Any comments? <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Also white lightning I agree with you (again) that Lemaitre did not over-stride in his 9.98 run; but he did tighten up in the last 25m.
if so many people have fast twich muslce, then it tells you atn the most , that if you have them that you are not really slow.So a lot of others factors are their along training to be a real speedy.
I believe CLM did over-stride at the end of his run. If your legs are too far out in front of your hips it slows you down. He has to keep his strides slightly shorter and he'll run faster. He has really good finishing speed, and if he can keep his strides tighter (the way they are in the middle third of his sprints) he'll set another PB. This is just my opinion though.
The way I understand (and apply) sprint theory is that the purpose of the high knee lift is to allow the leg sufficient time to pick up high backwards momentum so that as the foot hits the ground it does not slow the runner down but drives the runner forward. The only way to drive forward is to push backwards - asNewton's Third Law. Hope this makes sense!
freddie said:
The way I understand (and apply) sprint theory is that the purpose of the high knee lift is to allow the leg sufficient time to pick up high backwards momentum so that as the foot hits the ground it does not slow the runner down but drives the runner forward. The only way to drive forward is to push backwards - asNewton's Third Law. Hope this makes sense!

this echoes the information the fastest person i've ever personally associated with said. he was the fastest player on the Arkansas Razorbacks (routinely racing and outrunning the black all-American sprinter who played cornerback).

he would say that his teammates would joke that he picked his knees up so high when he ran that he was going to hit himself in the chin ... of coursetheir jokescame after he outran them.

he said the key to running fast was good knee lift, and for the same reasons shared by freddie.
Thanks for the kind words Freddie. I also agree with the high knees theory. I have pointed this out in the past. What an exciting day. The humidity is at 37% right now but it is warm at 8.00 Paris time. It won't be long now.
Be careful to accept in absolutism any study that invlovles race these days, esp. when involving blacks.What study from that 90'sar youreferring to? What was the sample size used for both groups black and white. Were the athletes trained or untrained or both? I'm not saying that there isnothing to be learned from their observations but only question the vaildity of such sweeping conlusions.For instance, any one remeber the Cornell University study that conlsuded that whites were gentically inferior to blacks because, after observing a sample size less than thirty people, they lacked diversity and were more susceptible to illness (all of which was total hate filled, Marxist baloney, btw)?

What is the motive here? When we observe black dominance in some field,say certain sports, the scientificcommunity will look for genetic reasons to validate it. But when whites dominate some aspect of society, say academic success, sociologists will postulate white racism and denounce the Bell curve. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Back to fast twitch lore: We can sure as heck find evidence on our side refuting thatblacks have more of thise kind of muscle; a muscle that has now been locked into black athletic lore along with having "extra" muscles and in their calves that make them jump higher. How about the highfast twitch fiber makeup of Olympic lifters, all of whom are white? How about the study that observed Olympic lifters untrained in the sprintsout perform black spirnters over 20 meters at the 1960 Mexico Games?What those studies don't bother to talk about here is the environmanetal and social factors. I guess all that fast twitch black fiber is the reason why they dominate the mail delivery industry too.
Edited by: Alpha Male
Well, we didn't get to see LeMaitre in his first race (4X100). Pognon couldn't catch up to him to give him the baton. Optimistic interpretation: LeMaitre is too fast. Pessimistic interpretation: LeMaitre is too nervous, and took off too hard.

Eh, bien. At least he won't be tired for the 100!
In the 4 x 100 Relay, England won the race. Italy was 2nd with Poland 3rd. France was disqualified after Ronald Pognon running the first leg couldn't get the baton to Lemaitre. I don't know if I've ever seen the baton not be exchanged even once. Crazy. One question I have is why is Lemaitre not running the anchor leg anyways. He is by far the fastest sprinter they have. It was good to see Pickering out there.
They showed Lemaitre in the dressing room sitting next to Bolt. As the cameras were on them, Bolt was making rabbit ear signs or west side signs behind his head. Christophe didn't know what was going on.
Lemaitreis a bright spot in the 100 meter race. literally and figuratively.

once again, we see a race where only one White man hasn't swallowed the kool-aid for his whole life ... the notion that Lemaitre is the only White man who can run with the big boys is ludicrous.
Bolt : 9''84</span><div>Powell: (9''95)</span></div><div>Lemaitre : (10''09).</span>

</span></div><div>They all underperformed. Suboptimal conditions probably.</span></div>
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