Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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SWEET! We've waited to get this monkey off of "our" backs for a loooong time. I have always hated the trolls who came on here and stated that it is a "fact" that white men cannot run 100m faster then 10 secs. We always knew it was just a psychological barrier and now it's BROKEN! Let the flood gates open and more white sprinters break the barrier and the records!

What bugs me the most is that the current record times are held almost certainly by PED users which means, like Barry Bonds homer record, they will be darkening the record books forever.
jaxvid said:
What bugs me the most is that the current record times are held almost certainly by PED users which means, like Barry Bonds homer record, they will be darkening the record books forever.
Similar to the WR in the high jump, which is an event dominated by whites "who can't jump", being held by PED user supreme, Javier Sotomayor of PEDCuba. Considering his PED bans and suspensions, that record should be taken down. It will take a snitch to weed out the PEDs that the Jamaicans are taking, as the methods are so sophisticated that they are undetectable unless the testers know exactly what to look for.
As for Christophe, one look and you know he's clean! Viva Lemaître!
Watch this video and enjoy it guys. In super slow motion is Christophe storming to victory. Look at the form and the stride length. Pepe is also started to show the great lift off the track that all of the greatsprinters have. Poetry in motion!A thing of beauty! Viva Lemaitre! by: white lightning
this is soooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
41 1/3 strides - similar to Bolt. By the way I actually think his style is good; with good foot plant angle. Perhaps hisarms swing too much but so did Carl Lewis's.
Fantastic. As the French would say--"formidable!"

Oh, I can't wait to see it in real time, but the super slo-mo is pretty sweet. Congrats to all, but especially to White Lightning, everyone's friend on the track board. We all knew this was coming, back in the winter when Christophe started going below 6.6 in the 60, but it's still sweet when it actually happens.

The future is bright. Surely, he'll stop being so psyched out about his starts from now on.

May youth and good health be with Christophe always.
freddie said:
41 1/3 strides - similar to Bolt.  By the way I actually think his style is good; with good foot plant angle.  Perhaps his arms swing too much but so did Carl Lewis's. 

Welcome, Freddie! Actually I agree with you about his form (although I did not always think that way). After I looked more closely, I think it is actually very efficient in propelling him down the track.
white lightning said:
Watch this video and enjoy it guys. In super slow motion is Christophe storming to victory. Look at the form and the stride length. Pepe is also started to show the great lift off the track that all of the great sprinters have. Poetry in motion! A thing of beauty! Viva Lemaitre!

This is the semi-final, yes?
Yeah, that video is all over the web now, but it's the wrong race. There were eight runners in the final. Not sure what heat that was, but you could even see that he was letting up at the end, as if he didn't care about the time. Hopefully, someone will find the correct video soon. I'm sure the French news will cover it, even if ESPN doesn't.
look at that, I knew it was going to happen! still got a grin from ear to ear! Edited by: albinosprint
albinosprint said:
come on Lemaitre! I feel a 9.98 this weekend. this season needs a sub ten to redeem it from being the worst season ever.
First off, here's the link fixed so that it works:
Secondly, here's an interesting article: His start was still awful (DREADFUL .181 reaction time), and his coach said his form was awful (and he gives the details of what was wrong) because Christophe was apparently pressing. NEVERTHELESS, HE STILL BROKE 10. I mean, I hate to be looking AHEAD on a day we're all celebrating, but, based on this article, Christophe didn't run anywhere near his best race. Next stop 9.89!!!
albinosprint said:
look at that, I knew it was going to happen! still got a grin from ear to ear!

albinosprint, I got the same grin and sense of accomplishment like I ran the sub 10 myself. Couldn't be happier for you, White Lightning. You deserve this moment, make it last all weekend.
I agree totally with Trackster on the 9.89 and lack of form: He took 42 3/4 strides in the latest posted videov. 41 1/3 in the first posted video. Could be due to wind; but more likely nervous tension in the final. By the way the 41 1/3 strides is close to unique (only Bolt to my knowledge) as many sub-10 runners take 43+, even as many as 45 strides. Stride length is largely a function of body geometry and is usually developed first in an athlete; while cadence (stride speed) is more related to strength (actually power for the physicists here) and develops later with losts of plyometrics and hill running.
Ha--that's funny. I had just gone back and counted the strides myself. 42 3/4 is exactly what I counted, too. I said a long time ago, that, as sprint styles go, he looks like he's running towards a long jump pit. Yeah, Christophe is on the road to (more) great things. Once he's able to relax, the starts will improve, the running will be smoother and the times will just get better and better.
Freddie, did you notice, too, just how far he was traveling with each stride after midway? I was counting aloud, and it was like one..two..three, then a little later 17....18....19...., then a little later 27.......28......29..........30...........31. Watching the slow-mo and counting like that, you realize just how long he's airborne once he gets going. By about stride 25, I felt like I could leave the room, fix a sandwich, and have a glass of water, before his foot would land again. Incredible. Damned impressive, regardless of form.
Again I am speechless. What a race. What a day it has been! Did you guys also notice that he has decided to go for the double gold at Barcelona. I can' remember anyone achieving that since Wells or Borzov. I would have to go research it.

Hoping for another huge p.b. in the 200 tommorow. What a weekend.

Christophe Lemaitre is the real "White Lightning" and he will chase down the "Bolt" in time!
congrats to Christophe. HE will run much faster as he gets older and builds strength. PHase 1: Complete. Phase2: I believe to run 20.2 in the 200. Phase 3: Very intense training once this season is over. Lots of weights and plyos. The only way he will compete with the big 3 is to build up his overall body strength.
trackster said:
...By about stride 25, I felt like I could leave the room, fix a sandwich, and have a glass of water, before his foot would land again.  Incredible.  ...
Great line, and just about true!
Formidable! I knew this would happen sooner or later you would just need the blue chip talent to accomplish this. Maybe this could inspire fast White Americans who don't consider track and may not be a true blue chip football prospect or baseball prospect to take up track.
still pumped!
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