Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Way to go Christophe!!!

Congratulations to you White Lightning. You have been steadfastly predicting this moment for literally years. I've always been impressed by your refusal to become cynical about what at times seemed like a losing situation. And now here it is...THE DAY AT LAST.

Thanks for the vid Albinosprint. Gonna go around the "mainstream" sports sites now and gauge the mood, if mood there be. Guessing they'll memory-hole it. We'll see.

Edited by: Poacher
Poacher said:

Way to go Christophe!!!

Congratulations to you White Lightning. You have been steadfastly predicting this moment for literally years. I've always been impressed by your refusal to become cynical about what at times seemed like a losing situation. And now here it is...THE DAY AT LAST.

Thanks for the vid Albinosprint. Gonna go around the "mainstream" sports sites now and gauge the mood, if mood there be. Guessing they'll memory-hole it. We'll see.

I've already read that he has some black blood in him
Yeah that is too funny. A pale faced blonde hair and blue eyes white kid and they can't believe that it is possilbe. Lol.

Think about this guys. In the 1988 Olympic Finals, 7 of the 8 sprinters were proven to be on performance enhancing drugs. Including Carl Lewis. They busted Ben Johnson and made him a scape goat while they looked the other way for the others. At that point in timethe world record was 9.79 and yet all of the guys had to cheat to run those times. People are kidding themselves to think that guys like Bolt, Powell and Gay are clean. I guarantee that the majority of the top sprinters always have and always will cheat. They usually get away with it too.

The majority of the time, the doctors, trainers, the coach, and the sprinters are way ahead of the drug testers.

Lemaitre just may be the fastest clean sprinter ever when all is said and done. I hope they catch some more of the cheats. If the world record was put back to around 9.79, Christophe would not be that far away. The fact that the mens record of 9.58 and the womens records of 10.49 are on the record books is a joke!

What a brilliant day. Christophe has made us all proud. He is the man! Congrats again to my favorite sprinter in the world. That's why I call him PepeLeFlew!
Edited by: white lightning
Only two men in the history of the world have ever run faster at the age of 20! Christophe Lemaitre is faster than Bolt, Powell and Gay at the same age! He is special and he will be a force to be reckoned with for a very long time.
Edited by: white lightning
It's scary to watch a guy built along the lines of a half miler do this. I hope if he goes into heavy off season weight training he hires a trainer that knows what he is doing in terms of strength and power training. Leblanc might have ruined his career because of poor weight training and various sprinters have bulked up and slowed down. His talent mirrors Wlad Klitschko circa 96'.......
gotta love his coach. Rather than let it go to his head, the coach pointed out some areas of his race that were below par.
Fantastic... what he's saying in effect is there's more to come, he hasn't achieved to the fullest.
I agree wholeheartedly... there's at least 9.8s in there
this link, originally posted by freedom1, not only has an excellent photograph of Cristophe in front of the official clock, but i think it also has another photo that is a big part of The Master's success ...

look at the photo just under the aforementioned one. it is a picture of Lemaitre joyfully celebrating with (White)teammate Manuel Reynaert (who finished sixth in the Championships). in addition to his natural talent and hard work, i think it this kind of support and comradery that has been essential to Christophe's success.

just compare Lemaitre's teammates to the "team" that Craig Pickering has to live with. you know, those guys who openly hate him. remember?

there is a HUGE difference, and the results are justthe demonstrable part of that.
I just came home to the Good News - FANTASTIC!!!! I knew it was coming and I'm so happy it's finally here.
Congratulations to Christophe. A historic race.
Plus I'm also very happy that it came in a race that he won. His time and victory are the only story here.
If it had happened in a race that he lost to some black sprinter, there would have been a lot of 'buts' about his race. All credit and praise and respect to Lemaitre.
Looking forward, hopefully this is the first of many sub-10 times for Lemaitre; AND will open the door for other white sprinters to participate and excel in the sprints.
Does LeMaitre get any kind of prize money for running sub-10? I thought that at one time, one of the shoe companies had a million dollars for the first Caucasian to do it.
No but it was offered at one time when Matt Shirvington was running. Addidas was said to offer him a million to be the first white guy to go sub 10. It never happened although he was damn close.

This race will open financial doors for Lemaitre everywhere though. He will have countless companies want him to help sell their products. He also will now start to get invited to the big money meets where only the elite sprinters get to compete. It is the start of his road to becoming a millionaire. He deserves everything. The kid is so humble.

The sky is the limit for Christophe. I am anxious to see what he can do in the deuce tommorow. I hope he has enough energy left to win and set a new personal best. What a day it has been. This whole weekend is going to be fun!
I liked the comments from the two placegetters, both black guys who,as we've seen in the 60m celebrations from 6 months ago, are highly supportive of Christophe and generous in their praise. They KNOW he can run fast and don't seem to find it a threat

"Martial Mbandjock, second in 10.08, had his first words for the winner: "I have to congratulate Christophe. This day will long be remembered as the fastest French 100m ever. We all have a contribution in this record in pushing Christophe to do it."

Ronald Pognon, third in 10.34, who lost his national mark, was also full of admiration, "records are made to be broken, I'm happy for him as he is a very talented athlete and has a lot more in him for the future."
Funny story for you guys. I've been up since late last night on and off pacing back and forth like a caged animal. So much nervous energy that I didn't know what to do. Couldn't sleep. You get the point. Ever since it happened, I'm still kind of in a state of disbelief. It's like I'm sleeping and haven't woke up yet. To wait so long for something to happen and finally see it become reality is unreal. Lol. I even have the pic of Christophe next to the electronic timer as my screen saver on my computer. That way I know it's real. Everytime I look at my computer I see that pic that is worth a thousand words. Hehehe.

Just thought I would share that with you guys. By next year at the latest, he will be running in the 9.80's and he will be considered in the top 5 in the world in my opinion. I can't wait for tommorow. Also July 16th for the showdown with Bolt and Powell in Paris!
white lightning said:
No but it was offered at one time when Matt Shirvington was running. Addidas was said to offer him a million to be the first white guy to go sub 10. It never happened although he was damn close.
<div> </div>
<div>This race will open financial doors for Lemaitre everywhere though. He will have countless companies want him to help sell their products. He also will now start to get invited to the big money meets where only the elite sprinters get to compete. It is the start of his road to becoming a millionaire.  He deserves everything. The kid is so humble. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>The sky is the limit for Christophe. I am anxious to see what he can do in the deuce tommorow. I hope he has enough energy left to win and set a new personal best. What a day it has been. This whole weekend is going to be fun! </div>
Yes I recall this and Morne Nagel being offered a similar bonus from his sponsors. Shirvington had bad luck in never getting through this barrier. Lemaitre proved that a consistent 10 flat guy will eventually break through this barrier. Now he needs to be a consistent 9.9X guy so that he can do a 9.8X or lower....
This is an exciting beginning. The 10 second barrier was so psychological. It destroyed athletes and fans. Now it doesn't exist. It's like losing an old friend (or enemy).

With a good start, Christophe should be able to whittle more time off the 9.98 before this season ends.

I see the big race against Bolt and Powell going two ways. Either Christophe gets blown away so bad right from the start that he tightens up and posts a mediocre time. Or, he gets out well and gets pulled to an over achievment. Of course I'm hoping for the latter.

For me this has been similar to following boxing. For a while there, I wondered if I'd ever see a legitimate undisputed white heavyweight boxing champion. Quarry, Cooney, Bobick, Coetzee, Morrison, year after year. You guys know the story.

In recent years I thought for sure Macro, Shirvo, Nagel, or Pickering, would break through. It just takes one to break through.

He sure seems like a nice kid. Hope this doesn't go to his head. All the money, fame and women anyone could ever want will certainly be banging on his door.
Hihi, is he the future Usain Bolt? I guess he is better (in the 100 meters) than Bolt when he was 20.

As a young French girl, I'm very proud to see that Christophe Lemaitre, one of my favorite sportsman, is the first white male to break the 10 second barrier in the 100m (and he is now the new French record holder too).

I was surprised to see that the media in France speak about the fact that he is the first white to do this performance (it make the headlines, more than the fact he beat the French record).

"Christophe Lemaitre, blanc comme l'éclair" (translation : "white like lightning") is the headlineof the left-wing newspaper Libération; "Christophe Lemaitre, premier blanc sous les 10 secondes ("first white sub 10 sec") is the headline ofthe newspaper "Le parisien".
We were waiting for this historical moment (especially the most important sport French newspaper, "L'Equipe", which spoke about this blonde man which had to "avenge the white people who would not know how to run fast").

I just want to know if the media in the USA will speak about that (the historical performance of Lemaitre) or if it's not political correct (to say he is the first white)... Can someone tell me?
For instanceI notice your media don't speak about white athletes, but Caucasian athletes (in Wikipedia too).

I knew that he would do that today and I'm not disappointed! It was fantastic to see this "skinny" white boy who beat all the competitors (mostly black, strong and muscular).

And he is very cute too (viewpoint of a girl, sorry


Go go go!!!Edited by: Lisa D
Hi Lisa. Welcome to the board. We have had very few lady posters here but you are more than welcome. The US is very anti white in almost all aspects of society. They don't want whites to have pride in their culture, traditions or race. We here at castefootball are trying to help change that perception. It is normal and healthy to be proud of your ancestry and to root for your own people. Blacks, Asians and Latin People have always done this. Why should whites be any different. Feel free to post as much as you like.

Christophe is an amazing talent. I don't blame you for liking him. Lol.
What a historic day and a truly incredible achievement! I'm so happy with what this young man has done, and now, with the 800lb gorilla off his back, let's see where goes from here. Low 9.9s by the end of the year? High 9.8s? The sky is indeed the limit.

Here's hoping for a great showing on July 16th, and let's also hope that he can run some more of these &lt; 10s times in big meets so more people can see it.
Good work, Christophe! We all knew it was possible, but like any theory, we needed to see it proven to pronounce it an indisputable fact.

As happy as I am for CLM, I'm angry that countless thousands of young White kids -- boys and girls, but mostly boys -- were slotted away from track because they "couldn't succeed". We now see how another young white man -- still no more than a boy in terms of age -- came up from nothing, against ridicule, derision, and skepticism based solely on the color of his skin, and kicked that stereotype's ugly a$$ all the way back to Africa/Israel/Wherever.

They will now come for you, Christophe. The Marxist cult of anti-white supremacy, I mean.

"You'll never do it again!" they will cry.

"You're part African!" they shall claim.

"You're an anomaly, whose feats will never be repeated by another of your race!" they shall fume.

Ignore them. If you stopped today, I mean -- just hung up the spikes for good for whatever reason, you'd still be a hero for all time. What you did today really IS that incredible.

But you won't stop.

You'll keep gunning down the stereotypes one by one, because you are the one, Christophe.

Or rather, one of many young white boys who will follow in your spike-steps, who will say, "No, coach -- I'm not going to switch to the discus or shot put. I'm fast. I'll do the hun -- look at Lemaitre. He did it, and I'm bigger, stronger, and will be faster than him. He won't be the only one that's ever done it in under ten."

But you are the FIRST one, Christophe.


Now go ask all the bruthas and the wiggaz "how my ass taste?"
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