Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Lausanne offers France's Lemaitre the chance to shine By Phil Minshull, Special to Universal Sports
MADRID, Spain -- Walter Dix and Asafa Powell obviously had other things on their minds than the potential World Championships 100m threat posed by Christophe Lemaitre during the last few days, while they were en route to winning at the U.S. and Jamaican Championships.

Nevertheless, the young Frenchman was probably paying close attention to proceedings in Eugene and Kingston.

He's so far kept his cards close to his chest about his thoughts of what went down but Lemaitre has probably mentioned to his confidantes that he's not seen anything to feel unduly scared about.

In the absence of Usain Bolt, he certainly should also fancy his chances at inflicting a morale-boosting defeat upon his rivals from across the Atlantic when he meets some of them at the Samsung Diamond League meeting in Lausanne on Thursday.

Dix's season's best of 9.94, with a following breeze of 1.3 metres per second in Eugene, is now well within the capabilities of Lemaitre, who is getting better with every race.

He has notched up two successive French 100m records in his last two outings, the latter being his 9.95 in Stockholm just over a week ago with slightly less wind on his back than Dix benefitted from.

The only confirmed opponents for Lemaitre in Lausanne at the time of writing are Powell and his compatriot Nesta Carter, who didn't earn one of the individual 100m spots on the Jamaican team going to Daegu, but it's almost certain that several top Americans will be on the start line as well.

However, Tyson Gay is now out of the Lausanne meeting owing to his hip problem and Bolt was never in, owing to what the meeting promoter Jacky Delapierre ambiguously referred to as ‘sports politics' last Friday.

What should also add to Lemaitre's optimism that the time might be right for him to get his first Diamond League win is that running in Lausanne will almost be like running on his home track in Aix-Les-Bains, which is just over the border and barely 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the Swiss city.

Family and friends are sure to be in abundance in the audience; a quick glance at the websites of Swiss newspapers shows that he is almost as big a hero in the French-speaking part of Switzerland as he is in his native France.

"Nobody knows whether I can keep progressing at the same pace but I think the European record will soon be mine," said Lemaitre recently.

The mark he is aiming at currently belongs to Portugal's Francis Obikwelu, who clocked 9.84 when he finished second behind a certain Justin Gatlin -- who was making more headlines in Eugene at the weekend -- in the 2004 Olympic Games 100m final.

Even if that time might just be a leap too far for Lemaitre at the moment, the Lausanne track is notoriously fast.

Leroy Burrell set a world record of 9.85 there in 1984 and the current meet record stands to Powell with 9.72, set in 2008, the equal fifth fastest time ever. In less-than-ideal conditions, Bolt sped to a time of 9.82 there last year.

If ever there was good opportunity for Lemaitre to dent the dominance of U.S. and Jamaican sprinting, this is it.
Twinsen9, Lausanne has little altitude(400-500 m), a little advantage,but mexico df i think that can have around 2500m or more, i think big advantage against sea level.
umm somebody know how will be probably the weather tomorrow in lausanne?
I hope that Lemaitre get good conditions, in adittion Powell told that he is not 100%, so is a big chance for that Lemaitre can win and get more confidence
good weather and I think he will run 9.91
Words from Powell in a interview together to Lemaitre: "If Christophe is still very close (Thursday), I will be happy for him as
well. That means he will get a personal best," Powell said, getting a
laugh from Lemaitre.

Lemaitre admitted he is probably not ready to become the first European to win over the distance in the Samsung Diamond League.

umm if Cristophe is close in 60m, i think that Powell will lose the race hehe....

I think Christophe is being modest although it won't be easy. Powell is a very explosive starter so it won't be easy for Lemaitre to try and run him down. I hope he does though and he smashes his p.b. in the process. Here is a great photo guys. Would make a nice poster!<div> </div><div>
Edited by: white lightning
yes white lightning, Asafa is very fast at beginning so if he get big advantage i imagine that he will win. But if Lemaitre is a little near of him at 60m, umm all is possible, but well i think that we have see the level of Powell tomorrow...

And i hope that Lemaitre in his mind think that is possible win, because Powell is not same that 2,3 or 4 years ago...
In additon to Lemaitre, Pascal Mancini is entered in this race. I see him easily breaking his personal best. I'm hoping for Christophe to shock the track world with a win over Powel &amp; Co. I'm also hoping for Pascal to make his presence known internationally. I would be happy if Mancini ran around 10.25-10.35! I can't wait to watch this race.

Lemaitre will run between Powell and Carter , 2 very explosive starters. He should try to be near them at beginning for show at the end his increible final. If his training is improving, tomorrow is the day.
Because he has near the french championship and his shape have to be very hight in this moment.

Good luck LEMAITRE
10.25 for Mancini ? But his PB is near 10.50 no ? If Mancini ran 10.25, Lemaitre ran 9.8x or less :)<div>
</div><div>And I think Christophe can beat Powell. Asafa was in Jamaica few days ago, and with the flight between Kingston and Lausanne, Powell must be tired no ? And don't forget the time difference.</div><div>
</div><div>Edit : Oh, I forgot ! Christophe is training at Aix Les Bains. It's near... Lausanne.</div>
Edited by: Twinsen9
Mancini's PB is 10.41.

I think CL will run his first sub 9.90 and Saidy Ndure his first legally sub 10 (he ran 9.98 last year but with strong wind)Edited by: the argie
I think it will be extremely difficult for Lemaitre to run a sub 9.90 tomorrow. I'd be overjoyed if it happened, but not yet. Maybe with an illegal wind, but then it doesn't count anyway.

I'm going to go with a new PB of 9.93, not sure if that'll be enough to beat Powell. WL, have you made a prediction yet? You were awfully good at it during the NBA Finals, so let's hear it!!Edited by: foobar75
The weather is going to be cool. There is a chance of rain during the day.
If the weather is not warm, the times will be slower.
Glad to see you posting more in the track section foobar75. Yes I made a prediction of 9.89 but that is before I heard about the weather. Now I would just say the mid 9.90's to high 9.90s due to the weather. I was really hoping for a warm sunny day. I want to see some fireworks. I believe he is already in shape to run a 9.89 time but he needs perfect conditions. Let's hope the weather man is wrong which they often are.
I ask a question about Lemaitre to Ado Boldon on Twitter.

His answer :I think it will be great for the sport if he becomes a low 9.9 or 9.8 or better sprinter....huge!
I think regardless of weather we will see a new PR tomorrow for Christophe.
It just goes to show how "spoiled" we've become with CR's awesomeness, in that we can so casually discuss his running in the low 9.9s (and even lower!), when only a year or so ago we were still waiting for any caucasian to cross the sub-10 second barrier.

I hope he continues to "spoil" us by reaching his full potential! He's probably going to inspire a lot of other skinny kids of ALL races (but especially, hopefully White kids) that they don't have to be a roided up monster OR Black to run fast.

Even if CR never goes lower than his 9.5 (and God willing, he will!) he's done so much for Whites everywhere. The young guy's truly someone who will be in history as a groundbreaking athlete. This boy has, in a sense, redeemed the White race on the 100 meter track in the same way as the K brothers have redeemed Whites in boxing.

Except in Lemaitre's case, he isn't accused of being boring. Hopefully he CAN emulate Wlad and Vitali in winning some championships. Let's go, CR!
I think with a good start he will approach Powell but my persona;l opinion is he's not quite there yet.

The race is a tantalising spectacle to see how the first four places pan out.
Whatever happens all the top boys know Christophe is a player. Personally I think 4 guys within 1-1.5 metres.
I think a 9.91/2 will be a realistic figure for this year; anything more will be a bonus.
Any progress is good no matter how little - as long as it keeps happening (fingers crossed).
Will be looking forward to watching Lausanne live tonight on BBC3!
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