Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Christophe may run 9.93 - 9.95 this season but I dont see him going under that. Less than a year of weighttrainingis not going to bring him to the 9.8 range. it takes a good 2-4 years of intense work to get to that level. He is still young and it takes a while for the body to adapt to heavy training and sync with his natural speed..... despite his race in Rome being almost perfect, his form to me seems just a little awkward. In reality, and this has been stated before, Lemaitre will need a new moreexperiencedcoach to take him to the next level.... This year, Lemaitre will shine in the 200, and he will dip under 20 more than once.
I would discount Bolt's time. He didn't get out that quick and he probably eased off at the end since he was winning. He can run alot faster. But CL ran a great race...he just might catch Powell before the summer is over. Who knows...Gay has alot of injuries..CL could medal at the WC definitely
Just for information : the top this year in 100m.

1.Steve Mullings : 9,90
2. Usain Bolt : 9,91
3. Asafa Powell : 9,93
4. Mike Rodgers : 9,96
5.Ngonidzashe Makusha : 9,97
6. Christophe Lemaitre : 10,00
7.Walter Dix : 10,00
8. Dwain Chambers : 10,01

Sorry if I made any mistake.

So today, Christophe is in the top 8 (and even top 6).
</div><div>I hope Christophe can stay in top 8 in 2011 and of course 2012.</div>
Thanks for the info, white is right. It is very good to see Christophe doing this well early in the year. I look forward to seeing him race online soon.
I'm very excited about his season so far. Christophe is only 2/100ths off his personal best in the 100 from last summer. He acheived this with only a 0.6 wind and in the early part of the season. July and August is when guys get into their peak sprinting condition and run the fastest times. Both Christophe and his coach know what they are doing. He should easily break his p.b. in the 100 and 200 the next time he steps on a track. I'm waiting to see that magical high 9.80's time by the World Champs. Keeping my fingers crossed that he stays healthy and has a great year!
CL's race against Bolt and Powell will be broadcast on the CBC (CBLT in Toronto - Canadian Broadcast Corp) from 2pm to 4pm EDT today. It will provide a good opportunity to examine the race in HD.
An analysis of the Rome 100m race showed that CL took 42 strides, UB took 41 1/4 and AP about 44+ (not easy to be precise because of camera changes and his feet not always shown). CL lost nearly 1/2 stride to UB in the first 15m and at the end his stride length was equal to UB's; and CL's last stride was 3.00m. CL tightened up very slightly in the last 15m (who could blame him) but overall he had great fluidity. Why the importance of stride length? because strength training will increase cadence especially at the start. CL is, as WL has been telling us for years, is the real deal.
These words came from Lemaitre himself...

"For the Olympics, my aim is to try and win the gold in the 200m."

Asked if he would compete in the 100m, the 20-year-old said: "Things can change but normally NO."

"For the world championships [in September] my goal is to reach the final of the 100 and 200m and try to finish fourth or fifth," he said.

"I came to this race [in Rome] because Bolt and Asafa are really great sprinters. So I will try just to work on my technique and run hard against them."

"For now, I have no plans to run the 100 metres at the London Olympics,"Â￾ he said ahead of his eagerly awaited 100m showdown with Jamaicans Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell in Rome on Thursday night.

"I'm better at 200 metres. I have more chances. My ultimate goal is obviously the gold medal."Â￾ Edited by: j41181
meeting of Geneva, Switzerland: 4x100 : 39.23 for CL and his team mates from his Aix les bains club: 2nd after Canada 39.13
The Aix les bains club is not an "amazing" team. And run near 39"00 is great for this team.
We already talked about this.

The 9,80 is not mentionned because the wind was strong.

Same answer forj41181 ;)
Yohann Blakeran this 9.80 with a 2.2 tail wind thats over the legal win aid limit
Hey, an older news, but maybe a good news : Pierre Carraz, Christophe's coach, will "probably" don't train Christophe after 2012. I hope a world coach will take Christophe...

Le maître et son élève ont désormais les yeux rivés sur les échéances à venir, avec en point de mire les J.O. londoniens en 2012.<em style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; ">« J'ai promis à ses parents de l'entraîner et le suivre jusqu'aux Jeux Olympiques de Londres en 2012. Après, il sera sans doute temps pour moi de raccrocher[/i]».</span>
To the poster who asked the question about Blake I would just like to put some respective into this thing.

If we were to switch the winds in both races, CL with a 2.2 wind would have run about a 9.93 (or a fabulous new PB of 9.94 with a 2 m/s wind) while Blake would have run about a 9.88 with a 0.6 m/s wind.

Also Blake has to do what is called a double peak, meaning he will have to peak for the Jamaican trials and peak for worlds.

CL on the other hand only has to peak once for worlds because he is so far ahead of the competition in France, so if the coaches are doing what they are supposed to be doing Blake should be closer to peak conditions right now.

If CL can catch a +1.5 wind when he is at or close to peak he will run a mid 9.8 or better.

He had a PB of 9.98 from last season and was consistently having reaction times of between 0.18-0.2 seconds, he seems to have dropped 0.05 from those reaction times.

So if runs the same as he did last year just his reaction times alone will put him in to the 9.9 low area.

He seems to have put on some more muscle and that seems to have transitioned into his explosivness out of the blocks.

All in all he seems alot better than he did last season and will be a force this year.

I already stated my predictions for him this year (9.89-9.81) but I think he will be closer to 9.81 than 9.89.
Seriously ? Closer to 9,81 ? I hope you're right...

So, about the 100m event in Ostrava, we can see that Christophe Lemaitre is in the top of the world for the moment !

1. Bolt : 9,91 (again)
2.Steve Mullings : 9.97
3.Daniel Bailey : 10.08
4. Kim Collins : 10.09
5. Lerone Clarke : 10.19

With 10,00, Christophe would be again third in this race ! It's a sure sign that Christophe is parts of the best of the word.
Christophe needs to believe that he belongs. I think this last race gave him alot of confidence like some other posters have stated. My question is why wouldn't he think he belongs? He won 3 gold medals at the European Championships. No white or black sprinter has ever done that. Christophe shows up when it counts the most. He has to believe that he can beat Bolt, Powel and Gay in his mind. This is part of it and it is alot more important than people believe. Gay now has an edge as he beat Bolt the last time they raced. That is in the back of Usain Bolts mind. Trust me. Tyson Gay is going to give Bolt some sleepless nights. Lemaitre can do the same thing if he can just get his first win or two against a few of the top 3. It will take a perfect race but he is more than capable of it.

I just can't wait for Christophe to hit his peak in around 4-6 years from now. Who knows what he is capable of. As long as they don't do the unthinkable and just have him run the deuce. That would be stupid. He needs to focus mainly on the 100 and also race the 200 on occasion and at the major champs.Edited by: white lightning
I'm totally serious about that 9.81, with a perfect race, a +1.5 wind and a CL at or near peak 9.81 is totally possible.
I agree...9.93 - 9.95 this year; i do think he will easily break 20 in the 200 this year. Christophe needs a good solid 2 yrs of purestrengthtraining while maintaining hisweightwithin 5 - 10 pounds. Once hisstrengthto body weight ratio is at a elite level, he will be one of the greats.
The one thing I love about Lemaitre is that he runs fast times consistently. All other of our sprinters show that one flash of brilliance and just vanish. Thank God Guliyev looks like hes coming around again. He ran a 10.08 and 10.16 two years ago. Its great to see him run a 10.16 with no wind after an injury plagued season last year. If Connaughton gets back in the 10.1 range this year I ll be happy and I still think Italys DiGregorio is going to get close to 10.00 soon. Call it a hunch.
"Christophe needs to believe that he belongs. I think this last race gave him alot of confidence like some other posters have stated. My question is why wouldn't he think he belongs? He won 3 gold medals at the European Championships"W/L

ah, I think the difference is that he knows the big three are a cut above any European opposition. It's unthinkable that they would not have beaten his times in all three races of the Euro championships.
This last race would have been, quite understandably, his biggest confidence boost yet.

My old coach Peter Crombie who is a many time world champion from 100 through 400 and also won the 65-69 years U.S champs 100 and 200 last year thinks Christophe a very fine 100 metre man but will excel in the 200.
I'm with the group who see a low 9.9s coming this year and a sub 20. It'll be good to watch.
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