Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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May 10, 2008
LoLy said:
Lemaitre is supposed to practice weight training only once a week. And let's think that Lemaitre is not professional. he was graduating from college.

Also think his coach his a 70 years old retired high school sport teacher. He is benevolent (unpaid)!

Think also that France never had any world class sprint champion in the past. That means there is no "sprint school" with "sprint specialist coach" like in Jamaica or US.
These are interesting points, and gives me, as an American, a fresh perspective. It is almost like someone in junior high school running world class times.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
albinosprint you are obssesed with PED, if Lemaitre in 4 years get 10-12 kg more than now and he down 9.80 you will tell PED?????
<div>Bolt was 170 lbs or 76 kg about 4 or 5 years ago(the problem is that the last not updated in several years) You can see the profile of Bolt in IAAF, they tell that Bolt weight is 76 kg yet¡¡¡¡</div>
<div>In 5 years go 76 kg until 86 kg(some fonts tell it) or 93 kg(in his personal website put it) for me is not impossible.</div>
<div>He was teenager and now is adult.</div>
<div>Lemaitre too, he is not 100% proffesional, when he train very hard in the next years, you will the difference between Lemaitre with 20 years and with 24 years.</div>

ZELLGADISS, I just don't think you really grasp the concept of this site. I appreciate you love for athletics, but I think you would be better suited at the Track and Field News forums.


Aug 1, 2010
albinosprint the concept in this site is support to Lemaitre and give opinion about Lemaitre and his progression?or talk about PEDS?
Please i would like that you explain me then.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
albinosprint the concept in this site is support to Lemaitre and give opinion about Lemaitre and his progression?or talk about PEDS?
<div>Please i would like that you explain me then.</div>

the purpose of this "site" is to discuss, support & celebrate the Caucasian (white) athlete. the purpose of this "topic" is discuss, support & celebrate Lemaitre, but for some reason you keep going on about Bolt. out of your 18 posts you have mentioned Bolt 10 times and I'm starting to think you're a troll. the only reason I'm bring up Bolt is because you keep going on about him. if you would like to further the subject of Bolt being on PEDs, please go to the "is Bolt on drugs" topic like I have already pointed out to you on page 41 of this topic.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
He is treading on thin water. We are not here to discuss Bolt. If you like him fine. We are here to support european athletes. Quit ruining this thread. I will delete posts if necessary and even ban a poster if I have to. Please stick to talking about the topic. Thank you.


Jul 16, 2010
Dijon - France
miss Loly pointed out a point about Lemaître's coach Pierre Carraz and his training methods "à l'ancienne", a "vintage" coach with its negative sides but who instills the pure values of self trescendance and respect. here's and article about Carraz, I couldn't translate the link, it's just not possible I don't know why:

I translated the text as it is (sorry it's a bit long):

"PORTRAIT - Former gym teacher, Peter Carraz leads volunteer at Aix-les-Bains, the French sprinter, the fastest in history who is vying for the title of European champion in the 100m on Wednesday night.

Paradoxically, the Sprint likes to feed on the rules and past practice. In Jamaica, Usain Bolt trains at dawn on a grass airstrip, where nobody has ever really known where to draw the starting line. At Aix-les-Bains, Christophe Lemaitre grew up listening to the words without flinching an expert trainer in the former.

Peter Carraz, an ageless face placed on a body without curves, never did his job in athletics. "Volunteer," insists there as a referee brandished a yellow card. For years he joined the stage - a racetrack in fact - as soon as classes end, after a day in sweat as a teacher of EPS. Today, he said retirement. But in his day, not the least downtime.

"In a club like ours, it takes a little while to do," he says. Since last year, Christopher and the other sprinters in the group occupy much of my time. But I continued to train jumpers, runners, hurdlers. And, of course, everyone is housed in the same boat ... Jean-Claude Perrin, the former leader of French troops from the pole, it belongs to an endangered breed: "The club coaches, fans and selfless, able to identify young talent and to accompany them to the highest level. "

Peter remembers Carraz no mistake with his first meeting with the child prodigy. "Christopher had attended a race at a sports festival in a village. The trail was steep and a little twisted, but he caught the eye of a facilitator. It led me to the club. He was 14 years. Within weeks, he ran the 100 meters 11''80. A month later, he was 11''40. He was clumsy and uncoordinated, due to its large size. But I have never seen such a phenomenon. And yet, I had the chance to meet some very good athletes, throughout my career. "

Athletics, Peter Carraz has always lived without restraint, with largesse. Unsurprisingly, it was therefore decathlete. Becoming a coach, he admits today, through persistence, have been asked at least once to reach Paris, the Federation and the atmosphere elitist Insep. He refused. "What I should have been done in a place like that, so far from my mountains and my peace?" He asks, without waiting for an answer.

"We've always believed"

At Aix-les-Bains, he trusts that the media circus provoked by the time of his protege - 9''98 the 100 - do not disturb long. And he gets angry before the flood of questions about the historic significance of the performance, this insistent reference to the first white man under 10 seconds. "Speed has never been a matter of genes or skin color. Christophe has worked. And both, we have always believed without barriers set ourselves ... "

Peter Carraz 70 years. It looks good ten years younger with her complexion surfing instructor, but refuses to see beyond the end of the Olympiad (2012),. "I promised his parents to accompany Christopher to the London Games. After that, I probably too old. The top level is not what it was. Athletes are often capricious. "

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Excellent article. I love how they have never seen color as an obstacle to becoming a world class sprinter. If only more people in the world would just believe. It takes great genetics, proper training, good nutrition, and a positive attitue to be world class. What ethnicity you are is not the huge factor that they try to make one believe. There would be far many more elite white sprinters if we had a level playing field. Most whites either never try or are defeated mentally/psychologically before they ever step foot on a track. Only a very strong mentally and physically gifted white can do what Lemaitre is doing. There are many more out there but no one is looking for them. Maybe if Christophe can continue to break into the winners circle, others will follow like with Wariner.


Jul 29, 2010
bk21 said:
miss Loly pointed out a point about Lemaître's coach Pierre Carraz and his training methods "à l'ancienne", a "vintage" coach with its negative sides but who instills the pure values of self trescendance and respect.
I didn't intend to be "negative" with Mr. Carraz. I was just pointing out what Oberver describe perfectly "It is almost like someone in junior high school running world class times"
(which is correct: I made a mistake, he isn't graduating from college, but from high school (Lycee in French)).

I think Mr Carraz did a great job with him. I'm justing wondering how capable he is to bring Lemaitre to a world class level.

Here is for exemple what the 4x100 coach from the french federation said in this article:

"And it pays. </span>By
analyzing and last year, racing Christophe Lemaitre every 10 meters,
"we realized that he had an amplitude of stride too large (3 m) between 80
and 90 m. </span>We've
passed this info to his coach, Peter Carraz: by shortening its
amplitude at 2.70 m on this segment, Christopher has gained in
frequency, and therefore speed. </span>We were not surprised to see him run from 10''17 to 10''04 within three weeks."

that also give an idea of how important on the" time", a technical point improvement can be

let's wait and see
Edited by: LoLy


Aug 1, 2010
I will talk then about Lemaitre, and i would like that the people talk about Lemaitre too, thanks(nothing about PEDS or another runners please)
I read in these days that perhaps Lemaitre run in Brussels in 27 august, will be great say that race and his progression against the other runners.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Thank you. We have too many trolls that come here and only want to degrade white athletes. This site is the only one anywhere that gives them support. We need to stay on the topic. There are many great athletes of all colors. We all know that. The purpose of this site is specifically to discuss the athletes of all sports of european ancestry. These are the guys that are often overlooked.

Christophe Lemaitre is taking a week or two off. He deserves it. From what I hear, he might run anywhere from 3-5 more races. It's hard to say at this point. I hope he is enjoying this special moment. He is the only man in european championships history to take home 3 golds in the sprints. The story is only beginning. He is a phenom!Edited by: white lightning


Aug 1, 2010
whitelightingi think that of course Lemaitre is phenom, and his nex target should be get best mark in 200m for white man.
19.72 of Mennea is false, in Mexico altitude +2000m, (in adittion i heard that he runned curve in two lines, when it is elimination), and this mark in altitud and with good wind, it would be a real +20 seconds.
So the mark to improve is 19.96 of Mennea.
I think that between this year and next one , Lemaitre will get it :)


Jul 16, 2010
Dijon - France
LoLy said:
I didn't intend to be "negative" with Mr. Carraz. I was just pointing out what Oberver describe perfectly "It is almost like someone in junior high school running world class times"
(which is correct: I made a mistake, he isn't graduating from college, but from high school (Lycee in French)).

I didn't say your comment was negative, on the contrary! as for what I said "a vintage" coach for meis a coach with excellent values..
it wasn't criticism, and Iappreciate your keen interventions on this forum


Jul 29, 2010
What do you guys from US think of John Smith?
Martial Mbandjock, 3rd at Euro champ, trains with him in the US. Smith is a reknown coach here in France. Do you think Lemaitre should train with such a coach?


May 10, 2008
LoLy said:
What do you guys from US think of John Smith?Martial Mbandjock, 3rd at Euro champ, trains with him in the US. Smith is a reknown coach here in France. Do you think Lemaitre should train with such a coach?
My impression is that Mr. Smith does many things to help his sprinters run faster, including getting dope for them.
John Smith, the man regarded as the world's leading coach, whose list of athletes includes the Olympic 100 metres champion Maurice Greene, is the latest high-profile name to be dragged into the biggest steroid scandal in history.

John Smith (athlete)"In an open letter, Boldon later accused Smith of doping his athletes and deceiving him.[1]"Edited by: Observer


Jan 22, 2009
Zellgadiss. That is such a typical remark about white a sprinter. Mennea ran on the same track as Jim Hines and Tommie Smith did in the olympics 1968. They also had good tailwind. Does that mean Hines didnt really ran 9,95? And that Tommie Smith didnt ran 19,83?

And when we´re at it: The second person ever under 10 secs was Silvio Leaonard with 9,98 (In 1977 I think). He also made it on high altitude. When Allan Wells won the olympics in 1980 Hines and Hayes were still the only two who ever done it.

So... That means that the first real sub 10 sprinter was Carl Lewis with 9,97 in 1983. And the first sub 20 ever is.... Pietro Mennea with his 19,96 in 1980.

That changes some innate perspectives, don´t you think?
whitelighting i think that of course Lemaitre is phenom, and his nex target should be get best mark in 200m for white man.
<div>19.72 of Mennea is false, in Mexico altitude +2000m, (in adittion i heard that he runned curve in two lines, when it is elimination), and this mark in altitud and with good wind, it would be a real +20 seconds.</div>
<div>So the mark to improve is 19.96 of Mennea.</div>
<div>I think that between this year and next one , Lemaitre will get it :)</div>


Aug 1, 2010
Swede all people that understand atletics know that in altitude your marks are a lot better.
Mennea had advantage about 0.3 by it.
So in my opinion his time for defeatby Lemaitreis 9.96 by Menneain Sestriere without altitude.
Of course if Lemaitre run in altitude he would run faster too.
And sure Hines or Smith had advantage too , so his record had long time.

Is very curious that the records in Mexico live long time:
100m Hines: almost 15 years
200m Smith: almost 11 years
200m Mennea:almost 17 years
400m Evans: almost 20 years.

Really i think that the altitude is big advantage for the runner.


Jul 16, 2010
Dijon - France
Here is a vidéo about the return of Lemaître to his home-village at Culoz (the crowd is possibly all the residents of this small village
), the woman speaking is his mother, the older woman just after is his grandmother
a few words about what is being said " the man in white: he represents really France" "the kids: when we see him it gives us the desire to practice athletism"

(the link won't stay long)


Jan 22, 2009
Of course high altitude is a big advantage. But that is not the point. The reason I reacted was because I´ve noticed how white all time great sprinters often are being belittled. Menneas fantastic results have been questioned before, but not Tommie Smiths. Nobody says that Smith made his time "just because of the altitude". Nobody says that Borzovs 20,00 just four years later probably was just as good. And finally: Nobody says Menneas record is amazing it was done over 30 years ago and helt on får 17 years.

There is always these compulsive urge for not giving credit. "Borzov was a doped russian who went lucky when the americans missed the quarter finals" or "Wells won gold because of the boycott".

And now it´s Lemaitre (so we can get back to the real topic). If you look at his training background and what he has achieved so far you can clearly see everything is pointing towards the top of the world of sprinting. But is he recognized as a "new Bolt". No. Most of the media I read or listen to seem to have doubts. Thinking he is just hyped because he is white.
I say they have doubts they wouldnt have had if Lemaitre was black. They limit him in ther minds due to his skin color.

Damn it

I even heard swedish commentators over and over again talk about how interesting it would be to se Wariner run 800 meters because he is so slender. They never say that about a good black 400 meter-runner.


Jul 19, 2008
viva lemaitre, he will break ten again this year ,brussels no doubt
. and at last the trolls are decreasing


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
greyghost said:
viva lemaitre, he will break ten again this year ,brussels no doubt
. and at last the trolls are decreasing

Yes, I saw just one troll make an appearance a couple days ago in Waterbed's thread and he had to lie by omission. That's all they have! They only present the pro black facts and not the pro white ones. That liar omitted listing the white short shuttle times, hoping lurkers reading it would not realize that yes, the black 40 times are a little better, but the white shuttle times are also a little better! They don't want the truth that both blacks and whites have many athletic gifts and there are more similarities than differences. They are the true stereotypers and racists.


Aug 9, 2005
Hey track nuts, is the Van Damme track pretty fast? Looks like Christophe will be going against the big boys again on Aug 27. Like I said before, it can go two ways. He can get blown away and tighten up, or a quick start and get pulled toward overachievment.

News - 29.07.2010
Fastest man in Europa to take part in 100m in Brussels
Christophe Lemaitre, who just became 100m European champion, will be competing in the Belgacom Memorial Van Damme. The 20-year-old Frenchman, who became the first white man to run the 100m in less than 10 seconds earlier this month, won the 100m at the European championships in Barcelona this Wednesday with a time of 10.11.

In Brussels Lemaitre will be competing at the 100m with the world's best: Usain Bolt, Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell.


Jul 16, 2010
Dijon - France
Usain Bolt won't be competing in Bruxelles he has a back injury and his season is over (or IMO he's afraid of being blown again by Tyson Gay)


Aug 1, 2010
bk21 if he ran in 9.97 and you saw that he ran with pain in his face, is logical that is injuried.
afried of Gay? heheh i dont think it.
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