Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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christophe and the french 4x100m relay team gets 2012 olympic bronze medals

usa stripped of 2012 Olympic 4x100m relay silver for Tyson Gay positive ped test. Trinadad moves to silver and France to bronze.
OK, where is the sentence about France ? write it here, I wait... good luck THE liar :dance::dance:

On my next vacation in the middle of January, I will make sure to visit France with my sun tan lotion, beach chair, and pastel colored swimming trunks.... RCSMAN, congratulations, You sir are the King of all the Dooshes! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
On my next vacation in the middle of January, I will make sure to visit France with my sun tan lotion, beach chair, and pastel colored swimming trunks.... RCSMAN, congratulations, You sir are the King of all the Dooshes! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I ask you again READ the article, and tell me where is the sentence about France ? I WAIITTT !!!! :help::help: :dance::dance:
I ask you again READ the article, and tell me where is the sentence about France ? I WAIITTT !!!! :help::help: :dance::dance:

Ill make sure to bring a sunscreen of SPF100 for those very hot January days in France...what a dope! :icon_tongue::icon_tongue::icon_tongue:
Ill make sure to bring a sunscreen of SPF100 for those very hot January days in France...what a dope! :icon_tongue::icon_tongue::icon_tongue:

Sorry, elispeedster can't answer because he lied :bigsmile::bigsmile:

there isn't winter in your country ? CONGRATULATION
Sorry, elispeedster can't answer because he lied :bigsmile::bigsmile:

there isn't winter in your country ? CONGRATULATION

No, there is no winter in my country, neither in yours....What is the best beach to sunbath in France during the months of Dec-Feb?

PS: You still dont get it :bigsmile:
It's notoriously tough to time relay legs, but I watched that 4 x 100 relay (which Christophe ran on tired legs) and timed him at 8.91, from the time he received the baton to the time he passed it on to Pessoneaux.

8.91 with a rolling start while reaching with the baton on both ends (it being a second leg). Let's put that in perspective. When Jamaica set the world record, Nesta Carta ran 9.07 for the second leg. In the second best relay ever run, Michael Frater ran 8.96 for the second leg. In the third best relay ever run, Frater ran 9.01 for the second leg. In the fourth best relay ever run, Frater ran 9.20 for the second leg.

On the all-time relay lists, some of the individual leg times are not known. That said, the list shows only one 2nd leg ever recorded faster than I timed Christophe's--Bernard Williams of the US in the heart of the steroids era.

Interesting, huh?
[h=2]« I’ll be better next Sunday »[/h] May 17, 2015 at 11 h 16 min

Christophe Lemaitre’s got a studious week, after his individual return the 10th of May during the first round of Interclubs.
« We’ve made good training sessions, it’s okay, says Christophe. We’ve well worked. I don’t feel any tiredness. »
« I haven’t watched again my race in Venissieux (10’’16 on 100 m). The analysis just after the race with Pierrot (Carraz, his coach) was sufficient. It wasn’t necessary to speak again about this 100 m. I know what’s waiting for me next weeks. And we know, with my coachs, what was wrong in my race last week. But I’ll be better next Sunday during the second round of Interclubs. »
The four-time European champion could run a 100 m again, or a first 200 m in Tourcoing.
His international return is planned in Rome, the 4th of June, during the Diamond League meeting. Christophe will run a 200 m.
And the 6th of June, Lemaitre will be on 100 m in Marseille, with perhaps a 4×100 relay with Aix-les-Bains.
Lemaitre is back to his disappointing ways....finishing a full 2/10ths of second behind Jimmy Vicaut today in France. Vicaut ran 10.02 and Lemaitre 10.23.
Lemaitre is the most frustrating and disappointing sprinter in history. It is so hard to root for him, when he has so much potential and does so little with it.
Disappointing indeed. I just watched the video a few times. His start seemed adequate, but the famous top end speed just wasn't there. He looked like just another club runner going up against an elite international talent. I really thought he was turning things around this season, too...
Lemaitre is back to his disappointing ways....finishing a full 2/10ths of second behind Jimmy Vicaut today in France. Vicaut ran 10.02 and Lemaitre 10.23.
Lemaitre is the most frustrating and disappointing sprinter in history. It is so hard to root for him, when he has so much potential and does so little with it.

Lemaitre is still jet lagged and legs tired after running 3 races in 1 month, don't be ignorant like Elispeedster, he knows nothing of sprint!
Vicaut's basic time would equate to just sub 10 taking wind into consideration and I'm not sure Lemaitre has achieved sub 10 on a basic time.
Whatever, Vicaut is looking good early on and may well finish the season as French 100 metre number ONE.

Lemaitre had better get his head into gear. The Moroccan who finished less than a metre from him was 3.5m down on Lemaitre when he raced and beat Gatlin in Morocco last year
Lemaitre is back to his disappointing ways....finishing a full 2/10ths of second behind Jimmy Vicaut today in France. Vicaut ran 10.02 and Lemaitre 10.23.
Lemaitre is the most frustrating and disappointing sprinter in history. It is so hard to root for him, when he has so much potential and does so little with it.

I'm voting for the Pole, Marian Woronin as the most disappointing sprinter in history. Sports writes commenting on sprinting in general and Lemaitre's first sub 10 in particular were blowing off about "technically, the first white under 10 was Woronin's 9.997" or something.
Yet I watched him languish in so many big sprint races. Never saw him come close to winning anything.
[h=2]« This bad 100 m is a blessing in disguise »[/h] May 28, 2015 at 14 h 16 min
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Photo KMSP

Christophe Lemaitre had taken his loss pretty hard, last Sunday in Tourcoing (2[SUP]e[/SUP] on the 100 m in 10’’23 behind Jimmy Vicaut, 10’’02).
After few days, the four-time european champion mentions his failure.
What was your feeling after the race ?
« I was really disappointed. I should run faster, be able to fight with Jimmy (Vicaut). It was a very bad race, very low technically. »
What was wrong ?
« The first part of the race was good, I was close to Jimmy. But when I wanted to accelerate, my legs didn’t work well. I need to train in overspeed. »
The problem is technical, no psychological ?
« There’s no psychological problem. I was ready in my mind to run fast and fight. »
This disappoitment has disappeared now ?
« I haven’t it any more in my mind. Now, I’m focused on the next meetings. We’re working technical basis. During the two last years, we’ve worked hard endurance and physical strength. We’ve forgotten to work technical basis. We thought it was okay but it wasn’t. »
How long does it take to solve this problem ?
« I’s difficult to know exactly. But I think it will work again soon. There’s a week of work before the 200 m in Diamond League in Rome. Perhaps it will be okay. But we are just an the end of May. It was a mean trick last Sunday. Fortunately, we’ve got enough time to make adjustments until the world championships. This bad 100 m is a blessing in disguise »

every year, same excuse...not technical, legs heavy, jet lag, blah blah.... *yawn*

He will get smoked in the 200 meters, his next race...
so Vicaut will be the Frenchman in the Rome 100 metres this week. Lemaitre is not going to be the French superstar unless there's a big turnaround - and soon
so Vicaut will be the Frenchman in the Rome 100 metres this week. Lemaitre is not going to be the French superstar unless there's a big turnaround - and soon

Lematire was supposed to do the turn around 4 years ago. It is probably too late...we shall see....remember, every year he progresses in training..lmfao
Lematire was supposed to do the turn around 4 years ago. It is probably too late...we shall see....remember, every year he progresses in training..lmfao

I still can't believe how far Christophe has regressed. It's not too late yet but the time is drawing near. He needs a new coach and trainers. I will add one thing very few have touched on here. Many sprinters don't believe they are the best. The mental aspect of sprinting isn't discussed much. Matt Shirvington used to talk about it alot. He even was seeing a dr to help him to be even more confident. The power of the mind is amazing. You have to visualize doing things before you can. Christophe had the confidence a few years ago but he now seems very unsure. I hope he can get some fast times in races soon to regain his confidence.

He still is one of the top 10 sprinters on earth. I hope somehow, someway he can get back to form. One bad race or season means nothing if he can erase that from his memory. Go out there and start winning again. It's easier said than done but I hope he can stay positive. He has to get his confidence back or else his career will be mediocre at best in his prime years.
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