Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I think the 9.96 was +0.9

I don't understand the obsession with his basic times even going on track forums no one mentions basic time unless its Christophe

Its called excuses...and only to defend Lemaitre coaches and trainers because they wont admit that they have failed. Lemaitre could be in the top 3 in the world in both the 100 and 200.
"I would not tell regression, but it is very sure that Lemaitre in the last 4 years is not progressing in his times." LOL!!!!!!!!

THATS CALLED REGRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its called excuses...and only to defend Lemaitre coaches and trainers because they wont admit that they have failed. Lemaitre could be in the top 3 in the world in both the 100 and 200.

Top 3 in the world in 100 and 200? You are DREAMING
With people running in 9.6 and 9.7, you are telling unreal things.
And in 200 is not impossible but very hard, he should to be running sub20 usually and it is very tough

For Lemaitre to get finals in 100 and to fight for medals in 200 is a big SUCCESS :smile:
Ok but Bolt in my opinion is clean

He is the bigger freak of the nature, being very slim won world championship junior with 15 years¡¡¡¡ and sub20 with 17 years¡¡¡

He is a prodigy.

Lemaitre is a prodigy too, although his biggest handicap are those 30 first metres, really horrible.
In 200 he will get great times, im sure.

And yes, he will improve, we will see it :biggrin:
Ok but Bolt in my opinion is clean

He is the bigger freak of the nature, being very slim won world championship junior with 15 years¡¡¡¡ and sub20 with 17 years¡¡¡

He is a prodigy.

Lemaitre is a prodigy too, although his biggest handicap are those 30 first metres, really horrible.
In 200 he will get great times, im sure.

And yes, he will improve, we will see it :biggrin:

I'm 50/50 with Bolt, nevertheless clean or not, he still would be the fastest ever. Lemaitre wont improve until he rids himself of his entire training staff and managers.
I'm 50/50 with Bolt, nevertheless clean or not, he still would be the fastest ever. Lemaitre wont improve until he rids himself of his entire training staff and managers.
If Bolt is clean than who is dirty? All of the tell tale signs are there. His looking old for his age, the sudden massive speed gains that his coaches didn't think was possible. His body breaking down after years of doping like a race horse. Shoot German sprint champion Tobias Unger accused him of doping in 2008. Back before steroids and other PED's were the norm in sprinting the one advantage Whites had over Blacks was conditioning, now with SARMS and other PED's that isn't there anymore........

Right after Ben Johnson ran his 9.83 in Rome I rememberpicking up an issue of Track and Field News with him on the cover. The articleon him inside said he could squat well over 600 pounds. The Charlie Francisbook, Speed Trap also reported his heavy squat and bench press weights. On thetrack, Ben was most known for his explosiveness out of the blocks.

There have been studies that have shown world class weightlifters are often faster than world class sprinters in a 10 meter dash. Also,world class weight lifters and throwers regularly have higher standing verticaljumps than high jumpers (power).

What I’m getting at is a person who has as many fast twitchmuscle fibers as Lemaitre (proven by his astounding top speed) could improvehis start drastically if he’d do some power training. I’m not talking aboutbodybuilding, i.e., increasing his volume. I’m talking about focus on low repsquats, leg presses, dead lifts and power cleans. If Lemaitre can squat 225right now (I don’t know that he can), imagine the increased explosion out ofthe blocks if he could squat 450.

A squat of 400+ is not much to ask of someone with Lemaitre’sgenetics. It would just take some serious hard work in the weight room. Hiscontemporaries all put in the time. I’m long and lean and was able to get wayover 400 on the squat and never touched a drug. I agree with the people herewho say he is a potential medal threat, potential top three in the world.

Add in power training, and all these crazy drugs his competitors are taking and he'd be running crazy, Usain Bolt like times.

Right after Ben Johnson ran his 9.83 in Rome I rememberpicking up an issue of Track and Field News with him on the cover. The articleon him inside said he could squat well over 600 pounds. The Charlie Francisbook, Speed Trap also reported his heavy squat and bench press weights. On thetrack, Ben was most known for his explosiveness out of the blocks.

There have been studies that have shown world class weightlifters are often faster than world class sprinters in a 10 meter dash. Also,world class weight lifters and throwers regularly have higher standing verticaljumps than high jumpers (power).

What I’m getting at is a person who has as many fast twitchmuscle fibers as Lemaitre (proven by his astounding top speed) could improvehis start drastically if he’d do some power training. I’m not talking aboutbodybuilding, i.e., increasing his volume. I’m talking about focus on low repsquats, leg presses, dead lifts and power cleans. If Lemaitre can squat 225right now (I don’t know that he can), imagine the increased explosion out ofthe blocks if he could squat 450.

A squat of 400+ is not much to ask of someone with Lemaitre’sgenetics. It would just take some serious hard work in the weight room. Hiscontemporaries all put in the time. I’m long and lean and was able to get wayover 400 on the squat and never touched a drug. I agree with the people herewho say he is a potential medal threat, potential top three in the world.

Add in power training, and all these crazy drugs his competitors are taking and he'd be running crazy, Usain Bolt like times.

I been saying this for the last 3 years. ...but Lemaitre is handled by coaches and trainers who are stubborn.
Why didn't he run faster?
The wind was good!

its been this way for the last 3 years...he just doesn't have it anymore; I think his trainers messed up on his early development and he has not been able to recover from it. I hope I'm wrong but so far 3 years and counting...
This was supposed to be a work session, more than a race, for Lemaitre. He apparently has been working very hard the past 2 1.2 weeks and is still pretty tired. Still, with a wind that strong, I would like to have seen a much better time.
heat 10.14 (2.2)
final : 10.13 (1.2)

I don't know why Lemaitre runs in these small meets and club meets against no competition. No other sprinter at his level does this, especially in mid-season.
To me it serves no purpose.
He doesn't run hard enough to run a fast time that would improve his confidence. He doesn't run against competition to improve his racing; and he is not getting the experience of running at a big meet atmosphere with pressure.
It really seems like a waste of time.
I don't know why Lemaitre runs in these small meets and club meets against no competition. No other sprinter at his level does this, especially in mid-season.
To me it serves no purpose.
He doesn't run hard enough to run a fast time that would improve his confidence. He doesn't run against competition to improve his racing; and he is not getting the experience of running at a big meet atmosphere with pressure.
It really seems like a waste of time.

He also doesn't have anyone to push him in training. he should work with other top level sprinters in the offseason for a few weeks (come to the US and train at a top track college). This may help his confidence and push him to faster times. Nothing wrong with change especially if you have not improved - actually regressed - every year. Common sense.

[h=2]Bruno Marie-Rose[/h]

Recordman du monde du 4x100m en 1990.
«Christophe est à un palier»
«Par rapport à ma propre expérience, je sais qu’on fait des performances assez tôt. Il y a une certaine forme d’insouciance ou de progression continue, ce qui fait qu’il y a un premier pic dans une carrière. Puis le corps change, et il faut retrouver des sensations. Je pense que Christophe Lemaitre est à ce palier. Il doit retrouver ce qu’il faisait de manière plus naturelle. Mais il faut aussi être patient. Là, on s’impatiente, parce que, il y a trois ans, c’était ''Christophe Lemaitre, 9''92, les yeux fermés''... Oui, tant qu’il n’y arrive pas, on peut s’inquiéter. Mais, moi, je suis confiant. L’année dernière, il est arrivé en finale des Championnats du monde, alors qu’on se posait les mêmes questions.»

He says we must be patient even though it's been 3 years.
How patient should we be? How many years should we wait to see this natural progression?
«Christophe est à un palier»
«Par rapport à ma propre expérience, je sais qu’on fait des performances assez tôt. Il y a une certaine forme d’insouciance ou de progression continue, ce qui fait qu’il y a un premier pic dans une carrière. Puis le corps change, et il faut retrouver des sensations. Je pense que Christophe Lemaitre est à ce palier. Il doit retrouver ce qu’il faisait de manière plus naturelle. Mais il faut aussi être patient. Là, on s’impatiente, parce que, il y a trois ans, c’était ''Christophe Lemaitre, 9''92, les yeux fermés''... Oui, tant qu’il n’y arrive pas, on peut s’inquiéter. Mais, moi, je suis confiant. L’année dernière, il est arrivé en finale des Championnats du monde, alors qu’on se posait les mêmes questions.»


En attendant Godot

But Christophe has good chances.
Adam Gemili will not run the 100m, Jimmy Vicaut has problems with his muscles (hamstring)
Very good Lemaitre, 10.16 jogging 20m :thumbsup:

I only see superior to Vicaut and Dasaolu, and both are doubtful with possible injuries...

I see easily bronze medal, i laugh so much when i remember stupid comments here about OTHER runners that in theory ran faster than Lemaitre heheheheeh

Who? Reus? hehehe he was destroyed by Lemaitre by 2m jogging 20m :dance::dance::dance:
Very good Lemaitre, 10.16 jogging 20m :thumbsup:

I only see superior to Vicaut and Dasaolu, and both are doubtful with possible injuries...

I see easily bronze medal, i laugh so much when i remember stupid comments here about OTHER runners that in theory ran faster than Lemaitre heheheheeh

Who? Reus? hehehe he was destroyed by Lemaitre by 2m jogging 20m :dance::dance::dance:

Yes good race for Chistophe
Yes, i saw to Vicaut ending the race with bad face, so i had doubts.

It is sad because really i dont like that the sprinters are injuried.
He is amazing runner, 10.06 at 80% is really amazing, soon he will get sub 9.9, im sure.

Without Vicaut probably, only Dasaolu is big rival and umm i dont know i have doubts too about his performances in 2 series consecutive in few time: semifinal and final
Today i did not see him very smooth....

If finally Lemaitre gets gold, in these moments his chances improve so much, i will be surprised and happy :icon_grin:
En retrait depuis deux ans, le sprinteur demeure ambitieux avant les championnats d’Europe qui débutent mardi à Zurich.
En 2010, Christophe Lemaitre, 20 ans, explosait au plus haut niveau en signant un triplé inédit en sprint (100, 200 et 4 × 100 m) aux championnats d’Europe de Barcelone. Médaillé de bronze mondial sur 200 m l’année suivante, le grand blond vit, depuis, une période plus difficile et n’est plus passé sous les 10 secondes sur 100 m depuis trois ans. Le recordman de France du 100 et 200 m (9’’92 et 19’’80) se croit pourtant capable d’un nouveau triplé cette semaine à Zurich.
LE FIGARO. - Comment vous sentez-vous avant ces championnats d’Europe?
Christophe Lemaitre : Physiquement, ça va. Je n’ai pas eu de pépin physique depuis ma blessure en juin, une élongation ou une contracture. Un truc bénin, mais il a fallu que je lève le pied. Que quelques jours. On n’a pas perdu trop de temps.
Cet été, vous avez été convaincant sur 200 m, beaucoup moins sur 100 m. Où vous situez-vous?
Après un 100 m pitoyable à Paris (dernier du meeting Areva en 10’’28, NDLR), je me suis rassuré lors des championnats de France, puis à Monaco et à Castres. Surtout sur 200 m. Je sais que je suis à un très bon niveau sur la distance (20’’08). Sur 100 m, ça prend du temps, mais les chronos descendent petit à petit. Il faut que ça descende encore à Zurich.
Ces mauvais temps sont-ils dus à vos problèmes récurrents au départ?
C’est vrai que mon plus gros problème, c’est mon départ, ma mise en action. C’est dans les 10-20 premiers mètres que je perds le plus de temps. Mais des choses se sont mises en place à Castres (lors de son dernier 100 m avant Zurich, bouclé en 10’’13), j’ai senti de meilleures sensations, des choses intéressantes.
Voir que je suis en retrait, ça m’énerve un peu. Ça me fout la rage même

Le départ a toujours été votre point faible, mais vous parveniez à aller vite. Pensez-vous avoir régressé dans ce secteur?
Un peu, oui. Quand je courais plus vite, ce n’était pas un problème aussi important que maintenant. Mais je me suis tellement focalisé sur ces départs qu’un blocage s’est peut-être créé et fait que, maintenant, j’ai encore plus de mal. À l’entraînement, quand je faisais mes départs sans trop y penser, ça allait mieux. Il faut juste qu’en compétition je ne me concentre pas uniquement sur le départ mais sur l’ensemble de ma course.
Vous revendiquez être mauvais perdant. Comment vivez-vous vos difficultés depuis deux ans?
Un peu mal, forcément. Car à chaque meeting, je vise la victoire et à abaisser mes chronos. Et voir que je suis en retrait par rapport aux meilleurs mondiaux sur 100 m, ça m’énerve un peu. Ça me fout la rage même !
N’avez-vous jamais envisagé de quitter Aix-les-Bains pour poursuivre votre progression ailleurs?
Non. J’ai tout ce qu’il me faut ici pour travailler : une piste, une piste en herbe, un gymnase, une salle de musculation… Et je me sens bien ici, tout simplement ! Si je quittais Aix, je me sentirais mal. Et je ne pense pas que ce soit parce que je suis à Aix que je régresse. C’est autre chose.

Qu’est-ce qui vous manque alors par rapport à 2011?
(Il réfléchit.) Je n’ai plus l’insouciance de mes débuts. Je cogite peut-être plus. C’est ce qui fait que je ne suis plus aussi performant, je pense. Car, quand on est en course, on ne doit penser qu’à soi, pas à des détails techniques. La technique, on doit la travailler à l’en*traînement et ensuite l’exécuter automatiquement, en compétition. Comme Pierrot (Carraz, son entraîneur) l’a dit, je ne suis plus un gamin, je ne suis plus aussi insouciant. Et, des fois, c’est pénalisant.

N’y a-t-il pas également trop d’attentes autour de vous? Cela vous pèse-t-il?
Non, que les gens me regardent ou pas, je m’en fous. Personne ne va me mettre la pression sur un 100 m. C’est moi qui me dis : « Il faut que je fasse ci ou ça. » Des fois, à l’entraînement, je fais des trucs bien parce que je ne pense pas aux détails. Il faut que j’arrive à ça en compétition. Il faut que je pose mon cerveau et que je fonce sans me poser de questions.
Le doute s’est-il installé?
Non, j’ai toujours confiance en moi. L’objectif de ma saison, c’est Zurich. Pas les meetings. Je me suis entraîné pour l’événement en pensant avoir fait la préparation la plus adéquate pour réussir. Si je ne suis pas bon à Zurich, là par contre, il y aura matière à se poser des questions…
Vous débarquez en favori sur 200 m, mais plus comme outsider sur 100 m. Est-ce une position qui vous plaît?
Je n’aime pas me donner un rôle avant un championnat. Les chronos de la saison servent à savoir qui sera à surveiller, mais ça ne garantit rien. En grand championnat, les chronos ne servent à rien. L’objectif, ce sont les titres. Si je suis champion d’Europe en 10’’20, je m’en fous.
Vous avez clamé viser le triplé 100-200-4×100 m, comme en 2010. Seules ces trois médailles dor vous satisferaient
Mon objectif, c’est trois médailles d’or ! Je me suis entraîné dur toute la saison pour ça. Si je ne les décroche pas, je ne serai pas content. Je resterai sur ma faim.

Interesting Interview...

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