Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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When is the next race for Lemaitre?

I know that in July he will run in Paris,Monaco and i think that in London(im not sure)
But i imagine that he will run before, true?
Perhaps in national championship or another races probably?

I think that he will run a 200m race next monday at the "Meeting International de Montreuil".
Le meeting international d’athlétisme de Montreuil attirera de nombreux athlètes européens et mondiaux, ainsi que l’élite Française avec Christophe LEMAITRE et les athlètes phares du C.A. Montreuil 93, tels que Teddy TAMGHO, Antoinette NANA DJIMOU, etc.

The schedule:
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The weather in Europe for the summer time has been the worst that I've seen in around a decade. That is helping to slow down alot of these fine young sprinters. That time for Christophe is very good. I want to see him get some races in better conditions. I really wish he was racing in the diamond league race in Rome thursday. Hopefully his next couple of outings will be against a high level of competition and that he can get some hot weather more condusive to fast track times.
Christophe's reaction after the race :

«C'est très bien. J'ai été aidé par le vent. Et je n'ai pas pu me donner à fond dès le départ. J'ai ressenti une petite gêne à l'adducteur gauche, avant la course. J'ai eu un peu peur de partir très vite, de me blesser. Puis, quand j'ai vu que ça allait mieux aux cent soixante, cent soixante-dix mètres, j'ai accéléré. Au moment d'attaquer dans la ligne droite, j'ai été capable de passer devant. Sur ma sortie de virage, je ne me suis pas déporté. J'ai pu m'en servir comme rampe de lancement pour mon deuxième cent mètres. A la fin de ma course, je n'étais même pas fatigué. Je me sens bien. Je suis vraiment là. Je suis sur les bases d'il y a deux ans (quand il avait obtenu la médaille de bronze aux Mondiaux). Je suis monté d'un cran (par rapport à ses courses précédentes).»

next race for Christophe :

In June 9th in Rabat (Morocco)
I agree with Lemaitre that he stepped it up a notch with this race. It's a pretty good time, and will help him with his confidence (something that I feel he lacks) going forward for the rest of the season.
But I don't agree that he is at the same level as he was 2 yrs ago.
Two yrs ago he ran 9.96 at this same meet. I don't think today's race is comparable to that.
I think he will continue to improve in the 200m, and hopefully can get sub 20 times on a regular basis.
But I think his sub-10 days are over. He is not training for the 100m anymore, and he has shown no improvement in the beginning of his races.
However he can still become a superstar in the 200m like Pietro Mennea was.
"But I think his sub-10 days are over. He is not training for the 100m anymore, and he has shown no improvement in the beginning of his races".

REALLY ????? :jaw:

WAIT NEXT WEEK in marocco ! :icon_cool:
In Morocco?Sorry but being optimistic i see him 10 low there.
For me it would be big surprise if he gets sub10 in that race.

By the other hand, in 200 he is in good level, very good race yesterday.
This year other sub20 sure, and it is amazing¡¡¡¡

Only i see him running 100m for to improve his start and first metres, like Bolt made in 2007.

Lemaitre is runner 200, for me no doubts :biggrin:
INTERVIEW Christophe and Pierre Carraz

“C’est clair que je serai sous les vingt secondes cette saison.â€￾ Quelques minutes après un 200 m, bouclé en 20’’17, dans le froid (à peine 10 degrés)

“J’ai eu peur de partir à fondâ€￾, reconnaît Lemaitre. La crainte de la blessure, avec des muscles mis à rude épreuve par le froid".

"Je suis totalement satisfait de ma course, il s’agit d’un très bon temps, estime le quadruple champion d’Europe. Je suis monté d’un cran, par rapport à mon premier 200 m de l’année (20’’35 le 5 mai à Saint-Etienne). C’est prometteur pour la suite de la saison sur cette distance"

Pierre Carraz, son entraîneur, a apprécié “Mais il n’y avait pas d’opposition de son niveau “pour aller plus vite. Car le coach aixois se projette déjà sur les Mondiaux.â€￾ Le niveau s’annonce très fort, il faudra courir en 19’’60 pour aller sur le podium. “

Reste désormais à concrétiser cette montée en puissance sur 100 m, dimanche à Rabat (Maroc). Avec une température a priori clémente, la concurrence de Justin Gatlin (9’’91 cette saison) et Kim Collins (10’’04)

.â€￾ Normalement, je dois aussi courir à nouveau sous les dix secondes cette saison. Mais je ne sais pas si j’en serai déjà capable à Rabat.â€￾ Car il doit encore trouver le bon timing dans sa mise en action, l’équilibre adéquat entre la fréquence et la longueur de sa foulée. De fait, “on va surtout travailler les départs cette semaineâ€￾, précise Carraz.
In the last paragraph, is Lemaitre saying that he is not sure if he is capable of running under 10 seconds in Rabat?
In the last paragraph, is Lemaitre saying that he is not sure if he is capable of running under 10 seconds in Rabat?
Yes. He thinks that he will run sub 10 this year but he's not sure to be able to do that in Rabat.

He says also that he will run sub 20 this year for sure. For this race, he did not give his maximum because he felt a little pain to the left adductor, and because of the cold (10°C). There was a risk of injury. So he started more prudently than usual. In another interview he says that he decided to accelerate at the end of the race because everything was OK.

In these conditions, 20.17 is very very good.
For me it is very sure.
Lemaitre is excellent runner in 200 and "only" good runner in 100.
In 200 very few runners are capable to get sub20, while in 100 a lot of runners gets easily sub10.

Lemaitre has to run 100m for to get better start and potence, but training mainly his 200m where his options for medal are very high always :biggrin:
For me it is very sure.
Lemaitre is excellent runner in 200 and "only" good runner in 100.
In 200 very few runners are capable to get sub20, while in 100 a lot of runners gets easily sub10.

Lemaitre has to run 100m for to get better start and potence, but training mainly his 200m where his options for medal are very high always :biggrin:

Had Christophe run sub 10 once, then I would agree, but he ran sub 10 a few times at age 20-21. He is a 100 meter specialist and capable of running under 9.9!. He looks to be training harder and getting stronger (should of been training like that from the get-go); in time his body wil adapt to his new musculature and his natural speed wil peak. Its a matter of time. I see a 9.90 and 19.70 this year.
... He is a 100 meter specialist and capable of running under 9.9!.... in time his body wil adapt to his new musculature and his natural speed wil peak. Its a matter of time. I see a 9.90 and 19.70 this year.

Well first of all, Lemaitre is no longer a 100m specialist.
He trained specifically for the 200m at last year's Olympics. His coach continues to move him away from the 100m to the 200m.
Second, what is all this talk about "his new musculature/body"?! You guys make it sound like he put on 10lbs of muscle. We already know that he barely lifted weights in the off season. Did you see the video of his latest race?! He is still a tall, lanky, skinny guy with almost no upper body musculature (especially so for an athlete).

Based on this, plus last season, this indoor season, and his races so far, I don't see a 100m PB coming from him this year.
But since he is training more specifically for the 200m, he might be able to get close to that PB.
Well first of all, Lemaitre is no longer a 100m specialist.
He trained specifically for the 200m at last year's Olympics. His coach continues to move him away from the 100m to the 200m.
Second, what is all this talk about "his new musculature/body"?! You guys make it sound like he put on 10lbs of muscle. We already know that he barely lifted weights in the off season. Did you see the video of his latest race?! He is still a tall, lanky, skinny guy with almost no upper body musculature (especially so for an athlete).

Based on this, plus last season, this indoor season, and his races so far, I don't see a 100m PB coming from him this year.
But since he is training more specifically for the 200m, he might be able to get close to that PB.

"Lemaitre is no longer a 100m specialist.
He trained specifically for the 200m at last year's Olympics. His coach continues to move him away from the 100m to the 200m." YOU ARE WRONG !!!!

"He is still a tall, lanky, skinny guy with almost no upper body musculature (especially so for an athlete)." YOU ARE WRONG !!!!

"I don't see a 100m PB coming from him this year.
But since he is training more specifically for the 200m, he might be able to get close to that PB"


I think that Christophe will run sub 9.90 and sub 19.60 this season !!!
Something substantial please.

He is still a tall, lanky, skinny guy with almost no upper body musculature (especially so for an athlete).

So what is it about increasing upper body musculature that makes a sprinter faster?. Where have you heard this?, who has proved it links/study's carried out?.

Take another look at his 150m race & the competition before commenting. In fact, also look at the womens 150m race too, won by the slender Allyson Felix.
Sorry but i dont see PB 100m for Lemaitre this season.
In 200m is very possible.

For Lemaitre is hard to get sub10 and if he gets several sub10 this year i will be very happy, but PB only is possible with almost perfect race for him and big wind around 2.0 m/s like in his 9.92.

In 200m with big shape and a very good race with Bolt,Blake,... i see him sub 19.8.

We will see, and i wait in Morocco 10.05 or better.
So what is it about increasing upper body musculature that makes a sprinter faster?. Where have you heard this?, who has proved it links/study's carried out?.

Take another look at his 150m race & the competition before commenting. In fact, also look at the womens 150m race too, won by the slender Allyson Felix.

Francois, I appreciate your passion and enthusiasm!:smile:

I did not say that being muscular would make Lemaitre faster. But others are saying that Lemaitre is now more muscular than before and that is making him slower.
I disagree with that excuse.
I don't think Lemaitre is significantly more muscular that it would negatively affect his speed.
Good Luck to Lemaitre!
Francois, I appreciate your passion and enthusiasm!:smile:

I did not say that being muscular would make Lemaitre faster. But others are saying that Lemaitre is now more muscular than before and that is making him slower.
I disagree with that excuse.
I don't think Lemaitre is significantly more muscular that it would negatively affect his speed.
Good Luck to Lemaitre!

More muscular means more strength. More strength helps with the start (1st 30 meters. which is Lemaitre's problem for the 100). It is a known fact. Almost always the best 60 meter runners are thicker and stronger. Lemaitre needs just basic strength (his natural top end speed carries him well to a certain point), which he seems to be developing. It will take some time for his body to adapt to the changes, but in the long run, he will run faster than ever.
Flo-JO was slim woman until that she takes a lot of doping for to get his marks, it is very sure.
NOBODY gets a lot of muscles in 1 year and suddenly she is super athlete with near 30 years when she was only good runner when was young :angry:.....
Very curious, she retires after Seoul when the controls anti-doping are more serious.

Lemaitre will never be like Flo-Jo, he is clean athlete, perhaps his times in 100m will be never wonderful but in 200 he is amazing sprinter :biggrin:
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