Now that is a good time in those conditions. It's right around where I thought he would be. I think he is progressing fine. I only have a couple of worries at this point. One is still his lackluster start and drive phase. Second is that I'm worried that they are overracing him a little at this point. After next weekend, he will have raced around 5 out of 6 weekends. They need to be careful not to over do it in training or in races. I'm serious as many guys can get burned out before they even get to mid summer. I hope after next weekends race in England that they give him two weeks of rest.
Overall though he is looking ok but we are all hoping that he can regain his form of a few years ago. With his improved form and added muscle, I do see him running a few sub 10's and many sub 20's this summer. Whether on not he can break his personal bests remains to be seen. I hope that he can but it's still a little too early to say. I'm really excited to see him next weekend in the street race. We should be able to a live feed of the coverage of that!
If anyone has a video of todays 100 meters win by Christophe, please post it. Thanks guys.