Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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It will be on canal plus sport if someone can find a stream for that chanel then we could watch the meet in lievin
Great Start of season for Christophe. But for him to break 9.9 in the 100 and possibly the Euro record, he needs to get his 60 to at least 6.50 - 6.52 He has a great finish, but he will constantly be in the 9.9 range if he cannot improve on his 6.55 60

His body seems similar to last year, not noticing any extra size in his torso. Upper body strength is the key in a short sprint like the 60 meters.
I'm actually confident that he can break his 60 meters p.b. now. He opened up with a 6.59 and 6.57 after a long training camp. These are his first two races and he opened up alot faster than last year in a meet where he knew he will also run the 200 later tonight. I look at these times at a great starting base and I think he can get down to around 6.50 by the indoor champs. The key for me is that he is nailing his starts now. His reaction times are very good. So even though he might not be the most muscular or the most explosive, he will still break all of his personal bests this year in my honest opinion both indoors and out!

I was glad to see that Ramil at least raced in the 200 final against Christophe. "Rocket" Ramil ran a 21.05 which is an improvement on his last time out. I just wish he would have ran the 60 as I wanted to see him improve on his p.b. as well.
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Lemaitre wins the 200m with a bad start and 20,92". Lane 6... the worst for him.
50m 60m Split
1 141 LERONE CLARKE JAM5.636.500.87
2 94 CHRISTOPHE LEMAITRE5.716.570.86
3 134 MICKAEL FRATER JAM5.746.620.88
4 144 PETER EMELIEZE NGR5.736.630.90
5 145 TERRELL WILKS USA5.776.660.89
6 133 MICHAEL TUMI ITA5.766.670.91
7 143 RYTIS SAKALAUSKAS5.786.670.89
8 138 SIMONE COLLIO ITA5.706.680.9

6.57 + 4 x 0.86 = 10.01 for no wind and first outing of the season. Amazing.
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My opinion:
Very good races in 60m and 200m for Lemaitre.
I dont think that Lemaitre can get 6.55 in his first serie, perhaps 6.57 with luck too(his last 10m was 0.88). In the final his final 10m is 0.86.
His reaction time is very good around 0.12x.
If in 100m he get medium RT around 0.13 would be wonderful.

Yes, Lemaitre is now in shape for make around 10.00 in 100m ,it is very good.

Although i see very hard that Lemaitre can break his record 9.92(+2.0).
If he get big wind 1.5-2.0 he can to have options, with normal wind is very very hard.

But im sure that he can break his "basic" time(time converted to 0 meters,and wind 0 m/s).
His record "basic" is in Barcelona 2010 in semifinals with 10.06 and wind -1.2(basic 9.99).
His 9.95 by example in Stockholm with wind 1.0 is around 10.00 basic and his 9.92 +2.0 wind is 10.02 basic.

Im sure that he will break his basic time this year.His record in general(9.92)depends if he is in perfect shape and big wind in my opinion.

In 200m i hope that he run in London 2012, he could get 19.70 and bronze medal :biggrin:
When Lemaitre got 9.92 he had 6.50 at 60m, and with wind 2.0
So if he want improve his time he should get sub 6.5 at 60m when he run in outdoor(very hard in my opinion).
In his first record 9.98 he had 6.55 at 60m and in his 9.96 in Montreuil he had 6.52 at 60m.

This times are official, i got them by a friend that works in IAAF
I think that Lemaitre in indoor can get soon 6.53-6.55.
Anybody know if he go run in World Championship indoor?I dont read nothing about it.
Anybody know what event will run on 18 february? I imagine that 60m true?
If he want compete against the best runners, he have that to improve his first 30m, perhaps is his worst quality against best runners.
Because after 30m, Lemaitre is very fast really ;)

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In his 6.57 yesterday, his first 30m i calculate that he would be around 3.95(he did 3.94 at 30m in his 9.98 where he was 6.55 at 60m).

It is a little slow for compete against the best runners.
When he got 9.92 with 2.0 wind, probably he would be around 3.90 at 30m.

In my opinion he should to train this year and the next ones this part of the race, because the second part of the race is very good for him(although he can improve a few more too).
His ideal time should be a time between 3.85-3.88.
Of course he never will have super big start but i think that with training,motivation and concentration he could be get it.

Come on Lemaitre :biggrin:
For Christophe to increase his short sprint speed, he needs to heavy strength train. Adding a little muscle and strength will not slow him down as long as he keeps his strength/weight ratio up.

His body has not changed from last year. It is apparent he does not like to lift heavy weights. He wont improve as much without added strength. If this kid bulks up a little, especially in his shoulder area, he can run 9.7 and 19.5. His top speed is already there. He just needs more power.
I've just had an opportunity to watch all of the videos. Wow. What a great start to the season. 6.57 for his first meet? Who else has done that?

But the real show was in the 200. Woeful start. Can't get going out there in lane 6, too much curve. By the end of the second curve, he's nearly last place, and he even appears to bobble. Then with only 40 m left he finally finds a place where he can run and just passes everyone buy. And 20.92 isn't dreadful to start the season.

I think Christophe looked terrific yesterday, and, FWIW, Guliyev was charging like a madman at the end of the 200 as well.
Remember guys indoor times are always a bit slower, especially for taller guys like Lemaitre. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on comparing split times from his outdoor times last year. He is stronger and faster this year IMO. I think after a few more races it will be evident.
I noticed Collio was at 5.70(2nd place) at 50m, but finished in last place. Something must have happened to him in the last 10m? I know he's a bit older, but it doesn't seem right.
I think lemaitre will go sub 6.5 and if he does so then he might even run a 9.7 100m in the season watching him how he performed on his first meet I can see that he improved his topspeed mechanics and power output look at him from 30 to 60m raw power once he starts to peak in his speed indoors than anything is possible BTW it takes a couple of starts to get your start right especially for a tall guy look at bolt
<font color="#000000" face="arial, sans-serif"><span style="line-height: 16px;">I think he reached his 100 meter top and 60 meters becuase he runs like 0.85 second split without wind in some races &nbsp;which is the top speed white limit without hill training.the white limit for first 60 meters is 6.34 or sobut i don't think lemaire will change much of his 6.55, but becuase he imporved with linear ratio or close to it from 2008 with 6.73 and 10.28 to 6.55 and 9.92 i see no reasen that this &nbsp;close to lineair improving ratio will change.Also his technique is not perfect but fine but when you have realtively slow 60 meters , your technique in start gets layed under a microscope but there are 6.4 60 meter sprinters with less technique then lemaitre.strengthinh his legs in the gym improves his weight to power ratio but the advantage gets away becuase his gravity point will be lower.but still the strength training is finme becuase it makes you improve on average like 1.7% becuase tendons get stretched.but i don't think when you do what leamitre does un weight training it has to be more.tendnons cant be stretched much.His 10.06 with -1.6 Barcelona &nbsp;meter would be 9.85 or so with prefect wind .but 50% of sprinters run their best race when taking off the wind into a head wind and around 50% with pushing wind.becuase leamitre is a consistent sprinter permormer his pb would probably be when he finines his career with a big wind 1,5 or so when for average spinrter their record is on average with 0.4 meter pushing.It is influenced by luck and consistency.<br><br>I sound like a pessimist but I would just love to see lemaitre do hill training like 3 times a week and imporve another 2.55%.most sprirters do 0 or once a week.for most sprinters &nbsp;once a week is the least good they can do becuase for most once a week do make the neurtransmitters think it was an incindent so they don't adjust so it is totally waisted time.most need 2 times a week and a relaltively parasympatetic runner with few slowing down deceleration type &nbsp;like leamitre needs probaly even 3 times a week.<br><br>Nearly all spinrters it looks when they sprint like it isn't optimal but that is becuase nearly all people have not the same right as left leg circumfernce tight and calves.So to run optimal they run a bit asymetrical.I wouldn't be suprised if Craig pickering has relatively big differnce between left and right tigh volume muscle.<br><br><br><br><br></span></font>
Please note that with 5.71 at 50m CL equals his personal best on this distance.

This is excellent.
Today CL competed on 60m at meeting of Val-de-Reuil (France).

Heat: 6.69 (winner, bad start).
Final: 6.59 (winner).
Good time for Lemaitre 6.59 in a not very fast track i think.
The next week in the french championship she should can break his 6.55 PB ;)
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