Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Like always this season with Lemaitre, we don't know what he can, if he did European Championship, we could say, he must to win, but, we don't know if he are really in shape. But i think he must really close to Edwards.
Based on the start list, seasons bests etc for the DL Monaco Lemaitre should win this race or at the very worst finish 2nd or 3rd, anything other placing should be considered a failure against a rather weak field.....


"Based on the start list, seasons bests etc for the DL Monaco Lemaitre should win this race or at the very worst finish 2nd or 3rd"

:) Lemaitre is only the 6th best time in this race

"anything other placing should be considered a failure against a rather weak field"

:) you seem so happy
Like always this season with Lemaitre, we don't know what he can, if he did European Championship, we could say, he must to win, but, we don't know if he are really in shape. But i think he must really close to Edwards.
I hope sub 20.15
"Based on the start list, seasons bests etc for the DL Monaco Lemaitre should win this race or at the very worst finish 2nd or 3rd"

:) Lemaitre is only the 6th best time in this race

"anything other placing should be considered a failure against a rather weak field"

:) you seem so happy
His personal best is better than anyone else in the field, number 1. Are you admitting that after his years of training by Master Carraz that he is now only 6th best?
His personal best is better than anyone else in the field, number 1. Are you admitting that after his years of training by Master Carraz that he is now only 6th best?

I'm sorry for you, you can't read, you are illiterate !

sprinstar talk about SB, not PB !

Christophe is 6th best time, it's just a fact !!

I think Christophe can be in top 3 in this race... sorry for you

You can hope the last place for Christophe, you will can say that his trainer is bad, too old, bla, bla, bla
I think based on SB Lemaitre if his speed endurance is there should be able to handle these guys, most of the entries SB are their PB's which dictates they will be hard pressed to finish in the top 3. In regards to SB and PB only 3(PED) of the field's PB's are close to Lemaitre's, so theoretically only 3 others have a small chance of beating him even if he does not perform near the best of his ability. "IF" he performs anywhere near the top of his ability he wins, if not this race then next race, although London will be alot tougher field.

If he is still huffing and puffing like a madman like he is dying then we know he is not at the top of his speed endurance shape. When my 200m sprinters are doing this I through in a series of 250m speed endurance training sessions to build it up, makes a big difference to their performance and their times. If they are huffing and puffing like they are dying at end of 200m it means I have not done my job as their coach. "I" need to do better in working with them......

I still root for him in every race he runs.

Cheers mates...
I'm sorry for you, you can't read, you are illiterate !

sprinstar talk about SB, not PB !

Christophe is 6th best time, it's just a fact !!

I think Christophe can be in top 3 in this race... sorry for you

You can hope the last place for Christophe, you will can say that his trainer is bad, too old, bla, bla, bla
Nice insults, troll. All that I'm saying is that we should EXPECT Christophe to be in the top 3 based on his PB. Just because he's regressed to the point where 20.15 is a cause for celebration does not reflect well on his coaching. Sprintstar is correct in that Lemaitre's speed endurance is very poor.
RCSMAN prêt à calculer les split ? :)

Un Lemaitre au niveau des championnats de France devrait passer vers les 10.35-10.38 au 100 (voir mieux selon ce qu'il aurait fait en finale). Et je pense qu'un 9.7-9.75 est vraiment envisageable. Un bon 20.10-20.15 est envisageable. S'il n'avait pas eu ce pépin j'aurais été prêt a parier gros sur un 20.05 (à coup sur sous les 20.10) là c'est un peu différent.

I don't Know if he is in shape but was possible he win the race.

Tonight sun and 22°
Lemaitre 2nd place 20.24

Alonso Edward wins in 20.10
One thing about Lemaitre, is he has been consistent 20.2-20.3 range, not impressed with it and it wont help in the Olympics.
I dont think he should lose to Alonso Edward. Lemaitre is better than him, I don't care what Alonso Edwards posts time, Lemaitre is much more talented by far, just is having a hard time showing it, for whatever reason.
RCSMAN prêt à calculer les split ? :)

Un Lemaitre au niveau des championnats de France devrait passer vers les 10.35-10.38 au 100 (voir mieux selon ce qu'il aurait fait en finale). Et je pense qu'un 9.7-9.75 est vraiment envisageable. Un bon 20.10-20.15 est envisageable. S'il n'avait pas eu ce pépin j'aurais été prêt a parier gros sur un 20.05 (à coup sur sous les 20.10) là c'est un peu différent.

I don't Know if he is in shape but was possible he win the race.

Tonight sun and 22°

Pour moi il fait 10.34- 9.90 !

bonne place mais chrono clairement insuffisant, les conditions étaient enfin bonne, il y'a le fait qu'il a pas courut depuis 3 semaines du fait de sa blessure mais quand même 9.90 c'est médiocre
Ah Ouais ? Je le vois plus en 10.38-9.86.
Mais même 9.8-9.9 reste très insuffisant. Il ne fait plus de différence comme avant au 120m
Ah Ouais ? Je le vois plus en 10.38-9.86.
Mais même 9.8-9.9 reste très insuffisant. Il ne fait plus de différence comme avant au 120m

oui et on retrouve d'ailleurs ce manque dans ses fins de courses sur 100M, ce qui est un comble étant donné que ses problèmes étaient davantage sur la 1ère partie de course ces dernières années, au vu de ses très bonnes 1ère partie de course qui lui manquait tant ces dernières années, si il retrouve son finish, il peut faire très mal cette année, il est quand même surprenant qu'il est davantage de mal à finir alors qu'il a battu ses records cette années sur les séances longues, bon il est pas impossible qu'il lui ait manqué une course car lui même le disait, désormais il finit les 200M sans être fatigué comme avant, hors si tu regardes bien, il grimace fortement dans la ligne droite et à l'arrivée il est plié en 2 et semble avoir beaucoup de mal à récupérer il semble cramé, donc peut être était ce difficile après 3 semaines sans courir et périodes sans entrainement, d'être performant dès la rentrée.

Je ne sais mais honnêtement ça fait longtemps que je l'avais pas vu si fatigué après une course

on verra ce qu'il dit de sa course
Espérons que le travail paye comme en 2013 entre Londres et les championnat du monde, il avait retrouvé sa vitesse de pointe.
If Lemaitre cannot run faster in London than he did today in Monaco he will not make it out of quarter finals in the 200m in Rio. It is interesting how after several years of coaching he still has terrible upper body form. Any high level coach and a willing student can correct these deficiencies over 1-2 years, yet he still flails around like a 14 year sprinter after so many years of training. Wallace Spearmon is another who has gotten slower over the last 3-4 years but he is admittedly lazy in his training, he even admits to this in a few interviews. His Dad has called him out on this on several occasions. My point is if you do not want to improve you wont. Natural talent will only take you so far....
If Lemaitre cannot run faster in London than he did today in Monaco he will not make it out of quarter finals in the 200m in Rio. It is interesting how after several years of coaching he still has terrible form. Any high level coach and a willing student can correct these deficiencies over 1-2 years, yet he still flails around like a 14 year sprinter after so many years of training. Wallace Spearmon is another who has gotten slower over the last 3-4 years but he is admittedly lazy in his training, he even admits to this in a few interviews. His Dad has called him out on this on several occasions. My point is if you do not want to improve you wont. Natural talent will only take you so far....

and weir he has regressed, his trainer is bad ? he's the same than bolt

where is Dix, weir, edwards, gemili, ndure, etc, etc

elite sport is not a playstation game.

that's so stupid
Espérons que le travail paye comme en 2013 entre Londres et les championnat du monde, il avait retrouvé sa vitesse de pointe.

peut être vont ils appuyer sur les séances de sur-vitesse, je pense quand même que lemaitre en ce moment à au moins 9.80 dans les jambes, donc de quoi ce soir faire 20.14, là je pense qu'il y'avait une histoire de manque de course, à suivre le 22 à Londres
peut être vont ils appuyer sur les séances de sur-vitesse, je pense quand même que lemaitre en ce moment à au moins 9.80 dans les jambes, donc de quoi ce soir faire 20.14, là je pense qu'il y'avait une histoire de manque de course, à suivre le 22 à Londres

je viens de trouver ça sur un site :

Après cette sortie au stade Louis-II, quel est le sentiment ? Sa réponse sur Canal+: "C’est encore perfectible. J’ai de l’acide lactique dans les jambes en fin de course, j’ai du mal à garder les genoux hauts et la fréquence. Je manque de compétition sur cette distance mais ça me remet dedans, ce sera mieux la prochaine fois. Ça fait du bien. Il faut tenir la distance, rester bien placé malgré la fatigue. J’ai manqué un peu de jambes, mais si ça finit bien, ça peut aller plus vite. Donc c’est bien." On comprend l’idée, qui était déjà celle-là après son 200m de Rome début juin: puisque Lemaitre arrive enfin à démarrer fort, ça peut exploser s’il retrouve son finish et parvient à tout assembler !

bon pas surpris :

sans le lactique il peut gagner 10 à 15 centièmes je pense sur la fin de course (9.75 - 9.80), pour moi lemaitre vaut 20.10 - 20.15 actuellement vent nul, c'est pas mal, mais il faudra être plus fort pour exister aux JO. Il lui reste 1 mois pour être en 19.90 - 19.95 vent nul pour viser la médaille
If Lemaitre cannot run faster in London than he did today in Monaco he will not make it out of quarter finals in the 200m in Rio. It is interesting how after several years of coaching he still has terrible upper body form. Any high level coach and a willing student can correct these deficiencies over 1-2 years, yet he still flails around like a 14 year sprinter after so many years of training. Wallace Spearmon is another who has gotten slower over the last 3-4 years but he is admittedly lazy in his training, he even admits to this in a few interviews. His Dad has called him out on this on several occasions. My point is if you do not want to improve you wont. Natural talent will only take you so far....
True, Lemaitre needs to try a completely different approach for once, it may or may not work, but at least try, there is nothing to lose.
True, Lemaitre needs to try a completely different approach for once, it may or may not work, but at least try, there is nothing to lose.
You are lazy illiterate! You know nothing of sprint! Lemaitre has not regressed! He is same as Usain Bolt! lol!
to all the flamers on my post you give me a good chuckle lol The proof is in the pudding.....

FootballDad....why so are you being so insultive and hostile? Anyone here can express their opinions freely, like 'em or hate 'em but be mature about it. Grab a beer and chill out.....

RCSMAN, as I am relative newbie here can you enlighten me as to your extensive sports/athletic background?

to all the flamers on my post you give me a good chuckle lol The proof is in the pudding.....

FootballDad....why so are you being so insultive and hostile? Anyone here can express their opinions freely, like 'em or hate 'em but be mature about it. Grab a beer and chill out.....

RCSMAN, as I am relative newbie here can you enlighten me as to your extensive sports/athletic background?

LOL! you haven't been here long enough to understand what Footballdad is saying but you shall see it will come... :)
elitespeedster....his spelling and grammar are atrocious. :) I dont think English is his first language?

I guess I will have to wait in gripped irons for that lol

Sprintstar: FootballDad wasn't criticizing you he was imitating RCSMAN. RCSMAN's grammer is poor because he is French and English is not his first language. Comedy of errors.
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