Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

wow just watched Lemaitre's after race interview and I just found out after all these years of rooting for him, he has a lisp. My wife has a slight lisp and she is the one who noticed it I had absolutely no idea.

Boltzilla is usually as slow as Lemaitre out the blocks/drive phase yet crushes(ped) just about everyone from 50m on. Gatlin is quick out of the blocks as is Rodgers, Kilty, Rues. At the end of the day it boils down to conditioning, speed endurance, strength, power and who is able to relax the most while maintaining speed the best. Lemaitre does not need his phases broken down into micro seconds he needs conditioning, arm/shoulder/hand form correction and block power.

The kid has more natural talent than just about anyone to hit the track in 20 years.

If his Achilles is messed up I truly hope it is not serious as they can ruin a persons career mentally and physically.

To our French dudes, where can I find a list of the French top ten 100m mens times for 2016?

Upper body power is very important and helps in the start/acceleration phase.
wow just watched Lemaitre's after race interview and I just found out after all these years of rooting for him, he has a lisp. My wife has a slight lisp and she is the one who noticed it I had absolutely no idea.

Boltzilla is usually as slow as Lemaitre out the blocks/drive phase yet crushes(ped) just about everyone from 50m on. Gatlin is quick out of the blocks as is Rodgers, Kilty, Rues. At the end of the day it boils down to conditioning, speed endurance, strength, power and who is able to relax the most while maintaining speed the best. Lemaitre does not need his phases broken down into micro seconds he needs conditioning, arm/shoulder/hand form correction and block power.

The kid has more natural talent than just about anyone to hit the track in 20 years.

If his Achilles is messed up I truly hope it is not serious as they can ruin a persons career mentally and physically.

To our French dudes, where can I find a list of the French top ten 100m mens times for 2016?


wow just watched Lemaitre's after race interview and I just found out after all these years of rooting for him, he has a lisp. My wife has a slight lisp and she is the one who noticed it I had absolutely no idea.

Boltzilla is usually as slow as Lemaitre out the blocks/drive phase yet crushes(ped) just about everyone from 50m on. Gatlin is quick out of the blocks as is Rodgers, Kilty, Rues. At the end of the day it boils down to conditioning, speed endurance, strength, power and who is able to relax the most while maintaining speed the best. Lemaitre does not need his phases broken down into micro seconds he needs conditioning, arm/shoulder/hand form correction and block power.

The kid has more natural talent than just about anyone to hit the track in 20 years.

If his Achilles is messed up I truly hope it is not serious as they can ruin a persons career mentally and physically.

To our French dudes, where can I find a list of the French top ten 100m mens times for 2016?

It's with legal wind, care about parentheses behind the name, significate a foreign sprinter.
Je pense que les 0.51 se ressentent dans les 30 premiers mètres mais après c'est finit. Je veux dire par la que Lemaitre fait les 30 premiers mètres en 3.79 sans temps de réaction quand Vicaut les fait en 3.72, soit 6-7 centièmes sur les 30 premiers mètres. Les 2.65 ou plus de Lemaitre sur la tranche 30-60 ne sont pas affecté par le temps de réaction et les 2.57 de Vicaut n'ont plus. Après c'est sur qu'il y a plus de vent pour Vicaut, mais je pense que l'écart de vent doit jouer pour 1 centième sur une tranche de 20m. De plus je pense que si Lemaitre est vraiment trop trop mauvais entre 40 et 50 il ne peut pas avoir une vitesse suffisante pour finir pas trop mal. Sinon il finirait en 10.25 selon moi. Je pense plus que la course de Lemaitre se décompose en: très bon temps de réaction, premier 30 plutôt pas mal (dans les meilleurs qu'il a fait), 30-50 moyen bof, 50-80 beaucoup trop insuffisant, 80-100 il fait avec la vitesse qu'il avait.

Sorry we said for RCSMAN : Lemaitre need to improve his end of race because his last 50 is bad, and Lemaitre is bad between 40-50m.
Me i said, i think Lemaitre need to improve his topspeed, for me it's the reason of just 10.09 chronos and the big différent between Lemaitre and Vicaut.

à noter que christophe a fait en 2012 un bon 3.92 au 30M et avec un RT de 0.166 dans une course avec vent défavorable donc avec un RT comparable au France ça fait du 3.87 et pourtant dans cette course de 2012, il ne fait que 6.56 au 60M
à Moscou c'est 3.94 au 30M avec un RT de 0.171
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Il finit en 3.53 les 40 derniers mètres ? C'est lent même avec du vent de face.

dans cette course il a les pires difficultés pour dépasser vicaut pourtant loin d'être le finisseur qu'il est aujourd'hui, bon rappelons qu'il faisait très froid (14°c) et la piste était mouillée, ça joue aussi sur la performance, mais sa fin de course était loin d'être bonne de toute façon car les mauvaises conditions sont pour tout le monde

pour info chrono donné par PJV
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Mercy bouquet!

وكراهية الاجانب RCSMAN ومعجنات عازفو (19.80) mescegnating الابيض وحمام الطين croaking استسلام القرود لمحبى (9.92 2.0 واط) وظائف ابدا جيد الضفادع العداءين الابيض بات يحب احرق الفرنسى المحمص. Caraz 6.55) مجنون قط امريكى جيد dhimmitude يستحق الاسلام الذين يعيشون فى ذلك lisps كريستوف 10.09
muscular injury (1cm) for Christophe !

it's still planified that he runs in european championship
I think, Christophe limps on his right leg. You can see it in the video from RCSMAN at 2:25/2:26 and further.
It was after the race : (Facebook official CL)
Malheureusement je n'ai pas pu prendre part à la finale à cause d'une douleur subie juste après la course lors de la décélération après la ligne d'arrivée. Rien de bien grave selon les médecins où je devrais reprendre les entraînements normalement dans quelques jours et etre prêt pour la suite de la saison
Christophe Lemaitre will decide on Saturday of his participation in European championships (in July 6-10th in Amsterdam) where he is registered on 100m, 200m, and 4x100m. Suffering from a lesion in the right calf, he trained on Thursday. " It goes better and better, explains his trainer, Pierre Carraz. But we shall take no risk.
Lemaitre will say tomorow if he will do European Championship.

it's official, christophe won't run in european championship

"I wanted to go there but I would not have been 100%. There, we are going to be able to continue to work for Rio", confide Lemaitre, who should participate in the Leagues of diamond of Monaco (in July 15th) and of London (in July 22-23rd).
What a disaster. So sad that Lemaitre cannot go but his injuries have been a problem for several years now and it's not just
due to age. I won't go beyond that. Just a terrible situation. If I had my choice I would rather have him run in the Euro Champs than the Olympics. At least he has a chance for medals. In Rio he most likley won't win anything.
Christophe Lemaitre has decided on Saturday evening, after a last training and a discussion with his coaches. Even there’s no more pain after his muscle injury, which appeared on 100 m heats during the French championships, he has chosen to not compete in the European championships in Amsterdam next week.
“I feel no pain but I’m not well prepared, he said. I missed three big training sessions, I cannot run on a maximum speed. It’s not necessary to be in the championships if I’m not efficient.”
On Monday and Tuesday, Christophe could only walk and run slowly. He couldn’t work to be on the top and get medals in the European championships. But he hopes he can train correctly in few days. “I’ll work with the feeling. I’ll see if the pain is back when I run faster and faster.”
Christophe hopes he could race well for the Diamond League meeting in Monaco the 15th of July (200 m). He’ll also be on the start in London the 22th of July (100 or 200 m).
Lemaitre is a heartbreaker.
If you're rooting for him, he will disappoint you 9 out 1o times.
I am not rooting against him, but I've learned better than to pin any sort of hope on him.
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WL and 55: I agree Teeters has form issues especially his foot angle and excessive ankle pronation. But 9.995 can't be overlooked.
Sorry, I posted this in the wrong thread.
Christophe Lemaitre feels better. The muscle injury is over. Last week, he trained well: two days with though sessions and on day off, twice. “It was okay, I’m in good shape, I feel no pain, he says. I can run fast on 200 m in Monaco on Friday. It would be okay for me, there’s no reason to fail.”

During European championships, Christophe appreciated the silver medal for french 4×100 m. “The handover were better in final. It gives confidence for Olympic Games. But we’ll have to take more risks if we want to get a medal.”

Next week, Christophe will also run a 200 m in London (the 22th) against Usain Bolt. His last race before OG.
Based on the start list, seasons bests etc for the DL Monaco Lemaitre should win this race or at the very worst finish 2nd or 3rd, anything other placing should be considered a failure against a rather weak field.....

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