Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

okee dokee lets have some light hearted fun on this blog...

Lemaitre-10.15 and 20.25=30.40 I also think he will place 3 in 100m and 4th in 200m

not really interested in Vicaut

Okay, adjusted for wind, I'm guessing 10.13 in the 100. For the 200, I'm going to be optimistic that his indoor time is more indicative of his current ability than his recent outdoor form. So I'll go 19.99, assuming he's pushed by Vicaut (like Sprintstar, I couldn't care less about Vicaut's times). My numbers add up to 30.12.

LeMaitre's a good kid, by the way. Perennially disappointing, but we have to accept him for what he is. He isn't superman. He's got a speech impediment and a lot of psychological insecurities. No reason to crucify him for not wanting to leave Aix, even though he might be a smidge faster with better training partners. At some point, the criticism is just mean. Maybe we should be thankful that he has overcome his disabilities to accomplish what he has. Moreover, his running style seems to have been better suited to his younger, leaner body. Sometimes maturation doesn't make people faster. Ask poor Mary Cain about that. All this Carraz-bashing is based on misdirected bitterness more than reason. We simply don't know that Christophe wouldn't be doing worse under another coach in an environment that might be harder on him. He might have quit years ago. Yes, I wish Christophe trained and ran with faster partners in a warmer locale where every race wasn't run in blustery cold, wet weather (which is what he has faced in nearly every race for the past five years, if you go back and look), but he just hasn't been able to make that move and none of us have walked a mile in his proverbial mocassins. Asics mocassins. Anyway, the only thing we can say with absolute certainty that would have improved his times is drugs.
Okay, adjusted for wind, I'm guessing 10.13 in the 100. For the 200, I'm going to be optimistic that his indoor time is more indicative of his current ability than his recent outdoor form. So I'll go 19.99, assuming he's pushed by Vicaut (like Sprintstar, I couldn't care less about Vicaut's times). My numbers add up to 30.12.

LeMaitre's a good kid, by the way. Perennially disappointing, but we have to accept him for what he is. He isn't superman. He's got a speech impediment and a lot of psychological insecurities. No reason to crucify him for not wanting to leave Aix, even though he might be a smidge faster with better training partners. At some point, the criticism is just mean. Maybe we should be thankful that he has overcome his disabilities to accomplish what he has. Moreover, his running style seems to have been better suited to his younger, leaner body. Sometimes maturation doesn't make people faster. Ask poor Mary Cain about that. All this Carraz-bashing is based on misdirected bitterness more than reason. We simply don't know that Christophe wouldn't be doing worse under another coach in an environment that might be harder on him. He might have quit years ago. Yes, I wish Christophe trained and ran with faster partners in a warmer locale where every race wasn't run in blustery cold, wet weather (which is what he has faced in nearly every race for the past five years, if you go back and look), but he just hasn't been able to make that move and none of us have walked a mile in his proverbial mocassins. Asics mocassins. Anyway, the only thing we can say with absolute certainty that would have improved his times is drugs.

19.99 ?

You said his trainer and his training was bad but for you christophe can run sub 20 :) it's so funny WHAT HYPOCRISY !

it's impossible to run sub 20 with a bad training and bad trainer
:campeon::campeon::campeon:I propose for sporting purposes predictions on Lemaitre's times in the French finals of the 100 & 200. The times must be based on wind & altitude adjustment. I don't know the venue, therefore don't know the altitude. Madara, RCSMAN?
I submit my predictions: 100 = 10.08(adj.), 200 = 20.10(adj.) = 30.18(adj.)
The winner will have bragging rights based on being closest to the combined (adj.) times either over, under, or right on!!!:campeon::campeon::campeon:
I hope I'm severely OVER!!!

if the weather is good (22°c/no rain)

i think 10.12 basic time (2nd place)
i think 20.10 basic time (1st place)
O.K..........thank you Madara for getting the feet running (and the venue location altitude).
So far we have
Madara 10.11 + 20.17 = 30.28
sprintstar 10.15 + 20.25 = 30.40
trackster 10.13 + 19.99 = 30.12
RCSMAN 10.12 + 20.10 = 30.22
Elispeedster 10.20 + 20.2(0) = 30.4(0)
fernchris. 10.08 + 20.10 = 30.18
Anyone else who joins our competition I will add to an updated list.
Good luck :campeon::campeon::campeon: and may we all be very wrong in the best way possible for Christophe, merci beaucoup!
interesting video, I also found it interesting how at 1:57 the woman thinks it is ok to touch Vicaut's butt, wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed?
I will go with 10.14 and 20.23 for Christophe. I hope he runs faster than that but he has
not showed good form or fitness this year.
Lemaitre last year had run a correcte race in French Championship, if he doesn't do a good race, it will be very very worrying
Up-dated addition:
So far we have
white lightning 10.14 + 20.23 = 30.37
Madara 10.11 + 20.17 = 30.28
sprintstar 10.15 + 20.25 = 30.40
trackster 10.13 + 19.99 = 30.12
RCSMAN 10.12 + 20.10 = 30.22
Elispeedster 10.20 + 20.2(0) = 30.4(0)
fernchris. 10.08 + 20.10 = 30.18

Our man Christophe looking suave and being the very model of a dashing figure.

For you a big wet symbolic french kiss from your best CF bud. For him you must forevermore praise Caraz without a hint of sarcasm.
For the rest of us just bragging rights.View attachment 1369
Bud, if Christophe runs both sub 10 and sub 20 This year I will gadly praise Caraz and apologize to my pal rcsman. I have said this every year. I want to be proven wrong.
:campeon::campeon::campeon:I propose for sporting purposes predictions on Lemaitre's times in the French finals of the 100 & 200. The times must be based on wind & altitude adjustment. I don't know the venue, therefore don't know the altitude. Madara, RCSMAN?
I submit my predictions: 100 = 10.08(adj.), 200 = 20.10(adj.) = 30.18(adj.)
The winner will have bragging rights based on being closest to the combined (adj.) times either over, under, or right on!!!:campeon::campeon::campeon:
I hope I'm severely OVER!!!
You should write the rules for adjusted times (how to compute them) otherwise there will be serious dispute for sure. :boxing:
You should write the rules for adjusted times (how to compute them) otherwise there will be serious dispute for sure. :boxing:

Thank you Izwal for the heads up. The following is a calculating converter provided by Loyola Marymount University based on the Mureika and Linthorne standards which are pretty universal but not without dispute. The sites provide automatic calculations for both 100 & 200 respectively.

100 meter calculator converter:

200 meter calculator converter:

For those of you who are seriously geeky math nerds who remember Calculus and care about esoteric formulas the following links show how the calculator works and why the Iaaf recognizes their own "suggested" tables (there is no such thing as OFFICIAL conversion times) are lacking in accuracy and quote Mureika & Linthorne as the authorities on this subject matter.

Ha ha ha if your head is spinning since it's it all very complicated and even far more so than those articles which are basically the "dummy's introduction to wind & altitude adjustments."
If anyone feels there's a better method please suggest and have at it as we just want to have fun with this.
Up-dated addition:
So far we have
Izwal ? + ? = ?
Texas Flash 10.08 + 19.98 = 30.06
white lightning 10.14 + 20.23 = 30.37
Madara 10.11 + 20.17 = 30.28
sprintstar 10.15 + 20.25 = 30.40
trackster 10.13 + 19.99 = 30.12
RCSMAN 10.12 + 20.10 = 30.22
Elispeedster 10.20 + 20.2(0) = 30.4(0)
fernchris. 10.08 + 20.10 = 30.18
Last edited:
"I think if Lemaitre went to the States for training it would definitely help him alot."

Yes America is the place to be, the kingdom of track and field !
sorry but America is not the center of the world !

american method is what ? gatlin DOPED, montgomery DOPED, Tyson gay DOPED, Crawford DOPED, Mitchell DOPED, williams DOPED, lewis DOPED etc, etc, all sprinters ran sub 10

what is the efficacity of american method, i don't know because the best american sprinter are doped.

Not only AMERICA knows about track and field, France and the other countries also !

there are a lot of great athlete in France

100M : vicaut 9.86, Lemaitre 9.92, Christine arron 10.73, perec 10.96
200M : lemaitre 19.80, Perec 21.99
400M : Perec 48.25
400Mh : Perec 53.21
800M : Bosse : 1.42.53, patricia Djaté 1.56.53
1500M : Baala 3.28.98
pole vaul : Galfione, lavilennie etc, etc

this is the best french athletes in history, and DOPED = 0, that's difference with the american sprinter

I like america but it's stupid to think America is the place to be for track and field, it's false

i say that because, France like others countries knows about track and fields, not only AMERICA

"Supporting Lemaitre is a good thing but defending mediocrity with a multitude of excuses is not conducive to helping this superior sprinter."

the mediocrity is when a guy say "carraz is too old" it's not an argument, "carraz is not an elite trainer, his training is bad", do you live in aix les bains, no, so you don't know about his training, etc, etc THAT'S MEDIOCRITY, because is just stupid accusation and it's disrespectful.

My English is too bad to explain correctly what i would like to say.

Where is kilty, where is hari, where is gemili and the others promising sprinters, the elite sport it's not a video game, it's very difficult, more complicated what you say

Sorry i forgot my dear Maurice, an other great sprinter :)

"In April 2008, the New York Times reported that Greene had paid Mexican discus thrower Angel Guillermo Heredia $10,000, which Heredia claimed was in payment for performance-enhancing drugs. Greene admitted meeting Heredia and making the payment, but claimed it was common for him to pay for "stuff" for other members of his training group, and reiterated that he had never used banned drugs."
RSCMAN I am still rolling on the floor with laughter, everyone who knows anything about sprinting already knows Maurice Greene was doping...nothing new here.
Up-dated addition:
So far we have
lactaking 10.11 + 20.09 = 30.20
Izwal ? + ? = ?
Texas Flash 10.08 + 19.98 = 30.06
white lightning 10.14 + 20.23 = 30.37
Madara 10.11 + 20.17 = 30.28
sprintstar 10.15 + 20.25 = 30.40
trackster 10.13 + 19.99 = 30.12
RCSMAN 10.12 + 20.10 = 30.22
Elispeedster 10.20 + 20.2(0) = 30.4(0)
fernchris. 10.08 +20.10 = 30.18

And then there were 10, will we reach the dirty dozen? Stay tuned.
American Freedom News