Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

I do not hate Lemaitre, I have never hated him nor will I ever stop rooting for him in every race he runs even when I know he will lose, but reality is reality. If your car is not running right you fix it, if it isn't broke you don't fix it, you maintain it. I only care that he either gets back to his natural talent levels or he looks for a fresh start and see where that takes him. It could not be any worse than where and what he is doing now.

As a sprinter myself I know it is not easy to maintain a high level indefinitely without the use of PEDS which all of us hopes he will never use. His best time since he ran 9.92 in 2011 in the 100 is 10.00 in 2013 this year it is 10.14 so in actual fact he has digressed for 3 straight years, his best 200m time since his 19.80 in 2011 is 19.91 in 2012 he has gotten slower in 2013/15/15/16.

He is only 26 years old as of June 11 he should be getting faster or maintaining the 2011/12 times or faster not slowing down unless there is physically something wrong with him. Paint it any way you want but facts don't lie. Time for a change before it is too late.


P.S. I will be rooting for Lemaitre to win in Nancy......:campeon:
I do not hate Lemaitre, I have never hated him nor will I ever stop rooting for him in every race he runs even when I know he will lose, but reality is reality. If your car is not running right you fix it, if it isn't broke you don't fix it, you maintain it. I only care that he either gets back to his natural talent levels or he looks for a fresh start and see where that takes him. It could not be any worse than where and what he is doing now.

As a sprinter myself I know it is not easy to maintain a high level indefinitely without the use of PEDS which all of us hopes he will never use. His best time since he ran 9.92 in 2011 in the 100 is 10.00 in 2013 this year it is 10.14 so in actual fact he has digressed for 3 straight years, his best 200m time since his 19.80 in 2011 is 19.91 in 2012 he has gotten slower in 2013/15/15/16.

He is only 26 years old as of June 11 he should be getting faster or maintaining the 2011/12 times or faster not slowing down unless there is physically something wrong with him. Paint it any way you want but facts don't lie. Time for a change before it is too late.


P.S. I will be rooting for Lemaitre to win in Nancy......:campeon:

There is no rationalizing with RCSMAN, he cares only Christophe stay in France under the guidance of Master Carraz. Thats more important than improving and winning.
Weather in Nancy it's just fresh 16-17°, must run close 20.10 (hope sub). For a better chrono we need 25°. But don't forget, Lemaitre often train in similar weather.
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20.34. The same sort of race we've gotten used to. He beats a bunch of stiffs running in the cold and rain of France. Here's the video:
pour moi

Son finish est meilleur qu'à Rome, son départ moins bon

Vicaut ran 10.09 in Lucern with bad condition and 2x100M in 20 minutes

200M Lucern bad condition (15°c/59°F)

1. Beejay Lee 20.66 (-2M) his SB = 20.23 (1.0)
2. Da Sylva 20.72 his SB = 20.32 (0.9)
3. Talbot 20.79 his SB = 20.39 (-1.8)
4. Webb 20.80 his SB = 19.85 (1.9) :) this sprinter is bizarre
5. Zalewski 20.98 his SB = 20.7 (-1.1)

Bad condition = time around 0.3s/0.4s slower
Mon moyen de faire mes splits est moins bon sur les chronos de canal +, mais j'aurais dit dans les 10.45. Je ne le vois pas du tout en 9.77 il met pas une grande avance au deuxième sur le deuxième 100. Et Lemaitre la dit mon deuxième 100 ce n'est pas encore ça.
Mon moyen de faire mes splits est moins bon sur les chronos de canal +, mais j'aurais dit dans les 10.45. Je ne le vois pas du tout en 9.77 il met pas une grande avance au deuxième sur le deuxième 100. Et Lemaitre la dit mon deuxième 100 ce n'est pas encore ça.

oui les chronos canal+ sont pourris, bon il faut toujours compter 0.45 à 0.47 de décalage comme d'hab, je viens de voir la vidéo HD de cette course je rectifie à 10.55, et donc 9.79 c'est mieux qu'à rome mais ça reste pourris pour lemaitre, regarde quand même le vent qu'il met aux autres entre 140 et 200M et même skyers n'arrive pas à suivre alors qu'il valait pourtant 20.02 l'année dernière, et avait fait sa rentrée en 20.42 en mars et il a assez fortement amélioré son PB sur 100M il y'a 15 jours donc il est en forme.

Mais bon je peux me planter car chercher à analyser avec les chronos de canal+ c'est vraiment pénible

le meeting où il fallait être en ce début de saison c'est à Montreuil, lemaitre aurait déjà ses minimas.

Un truc qui vraiment me scandalise c'est smelyk qui fait 10.10 à 1945 mètres d'altitude, et c'est homologué c'est n'importe quoi, un vicaut ferait 9.7 là bas, c'est grotesque, ça sert à rien de limiter à +2.0M le vent si c'est pour tolérer ces chronos en altitude.
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Another Half Ass performance from Master Caraz's pupil

What happened to this Lemaitre?

or this Against a -3.0 headwind and wet track

Bring this Lemaitre back
Very sad to see this happen to the kid. It's partially Christophes fault as he is so shy. Change in life
is scary but necessary for growth. I think he would rather lose with Carraz than win with another
coach in a far away land. It's his life. I wish him well but it's sad to watch these very rare genetics
go to waste. Don't see any turnaround this year and maybe never. It's been 4 to 5 years. The
writing is on the table.

I still root for Lemaitre and hope he will improve. Carraz will not be here for his whole carreer. I am happy that he performed well in Nancy.
Very sad to see this happen to the kid. It's partially Christophes fault as he is so shy. Change in life
is scary but necessary for growth. I think he would rather lose with Carraz than win with another
coach in a far away land. It's his life. I wish him well but it's sad to watch these very rare genetics
go to waste. Don't see any turnaround this year and maybe never. It's been 4 to 5 years. The
writing is on the table.

He dosent need to go to a far away lan d for a long period of time. Schippers came to the USA for about 2-3 months and that is where they discovered her potential to be a Top world class 100-200 meter sprinter. 2-3 months off season under a different coach and approach will not hurt but maybe help, and if it dosent, at least he tried.
20.34. The same sort of race we've gotten used to. He beats a bunch of stiffs running in the cold and rain of France. Here's the video:

Thanks trackster.
Acceptable considering the conditions and competition. He really should avoid, as far as possible, running in these temperatures, as he risks injury against inferior competition in a meaningless race.
wow watching his races from 2011 and the recent ones his form change is very noticeable , even his block ritual is much different. If you watch his knee now it is not as high as in earlier years, he head comes up quicker now in both 100m, 200m drive phases. His closing speed to finish from 40 metres out seems to have dissipated(lack of speed stamina) and he looks like he is dying after race. I have never seen anyone so out of breath after 200m(speed stamina). His body in 2011 resembled Wariners alot now he is a bit more muscular/heavier maybe 10 lbs mass difference.

Hope he gets back on course with his endurance soon....

No more meaningless races against inferior competition in shitty conditions. Time to move to the southern USA or Caribbean so he can train/ race in better weather conditions. He physically still has 4-5 good years left, do not waste them Monsieur Lemaitre...
wow watching his races from 2011 and the recent ones his form change is very noticeable , even his block ritual is much different. If you watch his knee now it is not as high as in earlier years, he head comes up quicker now in both 100m, 200m drive phases. His closing speed to finish from 40 metres out seems to have dissipated(lack of speed stamina) and he looks like he is dying after race. I have never seen anyone so out of breath after 200m(speed stamina). His body in 2011 resembled Wariners alot now he is a bit more muscular/heavier maybe 10 lbs mass difference.

Hope he gets back on course with his endurance soon....

No more meaningless races against inferior competition in shitty conditions. Time to move to the southern USA or Caribbean so he can train/ race in better weather conditions. He physically still has 4-5 good years left, do not waste them Monsieur Lemaitre...
He still has some minimal time, all he has to do is grow some balls, dump Carraz and ask for help. Its very easy, and there would be lots of top trainers willing to work with him.
9.79 ça me parait tout de même rapide. Ca voudrait dire que Lemaitre aurait pu courir 20.15 dans ces conditions si on retire le meilleur des deux courses.

We just need to expect a good weather for French Championship in 10 days.
9.79 ça me parait tout de même rapide. Ca voudrait dire que Lemaitre aurait pu courir 20.15 dans ces conditions si on retire le meilleur des deux courses.

difficile de combiner de cette façon les 2 courses d'autant qu'à Rome il me semble il faisait 21°c et piste sèche mais bon je pense que dans des conditions correct, lemaitre vaut en ce moment entre 20.10 et 20.15, ce qui n'est pas non plus fantastique

We just need to expect a good weather for French Championship in 10 days.
9.79 ça me parait tout de même rapide. Ca voudrait dire que Lemaitre aurait pu courir 20.15 dans ces conditions si on retire le meilleur des deux courses.

We just need to expect a good weather for French Championship in 10 days.

difficile de combiner de cette façon les 2 courses d'autant qu'à Rome il faisait moins froid et la piste était sèche mais bon je pense que dans des conditions correct, lemaitre vaut en ce moment entre 20.10 et 20.15, ce qui n'est pas non plus fantastique même si il ne faut pas oublier qu'il n'a courût que 2 courses sur 200M.

Espérons qu'enfin il y'ait des bonnes conditions aux France pour savoir ce qu'il en est
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:campeon::campeon::campeon:I propose for sporting purposes predictions on Lemaitre's times in the French finals of the 100 & 200. The times must be based on wind & altitude adjustment. I don't know the venue, therefore don't know the altitude. Madara, RCSMAN?
I submit my predictions: 100 = 10.08(adj.), 200 = 20.10(adj.) = 30.18(adj.)
The winner will have bragging rights based on being closest to the combined (adj.) times either over, under, or right on!!!:campeon::campeon::campeon:
I hope I'm severely OVER!!!
Angers has 65meters in maximum of altitude, so no influence on performance. The weather will be the key.
I think Lemaitre will run sub 10.10 but he will has a wind in his back. But without wind and good weather i see 10.11 and 20.17= 30.28.
Vicaut in 9.92 and 20.28 = 30.20