Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

An analyse show Jimmy Vicaut run as fast as Lemaitre on his 9.92 in 2011 during the last 70m. We know Lemaitre lost 0.10-0.15 just on the 30 first meter against Powell, Gay or Gatlin.
So all say Lemaitre finish was so huge but now Vicaut has the same.

PJ Vazel m'a même dit hier que pour lui vicaut avait déjà les moyens d'être sur le podium à Moscou en 2013.

Et pour info MADARA, Vicaut n'est pas aussi fort que Lemaitre dans les 70 derniers mètres car lemaitre est bien meilleur sur ses derniers 70M qu'en 2012, il est par contre plus mauvais sur ces 30 premiers mètres
Oui-oui je sais mais il ne l'a pas fait.
Comment tu peux insinuer que Lemaitre est meilleur en finish que 2011 alors que ça dernière et seule course où il fait un très bon finish c'est sa demie à Moscou ?
MADARA, en 2011 lemaitre valait 5.70 - 4.30 basic time
en 2013 à moscou en demie, il fait pour moi 5.77 - 4.25 basic time donc 10.02, il était proche même de faire 10.01 puisqu'il fait 9.991 (0.4) arrondi à 10.00.

Etant donné que ses 50 premiers mètres sont bien plus médiocre qu'avant il faut bien que sa 2nd partie de course soit bien meilleure pour faire 10.02, chrono équivalent à son record de France,NON ? et puis ses chronos en salle démontre bien qu'il est moins bon sur 60M
basic time this, basic time that, wind speed, altitude, jet lag, pimple on his ass etc......these are all excuses conjured up by Master Carraz to give an impression that it is not his fault for Lemaitre's regression, that it is outside forces. it is Carraz's fault not only due to insufficient body training but mental training in which he states that Lemaitre should never strive to win against the top guys because he cant, just go for third. Insane!
Carraz must go. the end.
RCS Man will say its cause of the little injury.
Actually, Carraz himself stated that Lemaitre had a similar injury in 2008 and came to win gold in the Junior Championships. Carraz is so out of touch and does not want to face his own failures... and Lemaitre is a pussy for not wanting to leave him. What a shame on such a great natural talent wasted on a old goat who should of retired 4 years ago. ...but Ill say this, I hope Im wrong...
RCS Man will say its cause of the little injury.

Its official...Christophe's race against the Greek in which he came in second was due to one of his shoe laces being a ounce too heavy, plus the wind he was facing was only at his lane, everyone else had the wind at their backs.

PS: RCSMAN is starting to sound like Baghdad Bob, remember him?
All joking aside. We need need to get back to supporting Christope regardless of whether he should switch his coach or not. I think he should but I will continue to root for him regardless. He is the closest talent to Borzov that I have ever seen. He is a sub 10 & sub 20 sprinter. He broke both barriers. History will talk about him a 100 years from now. Let's hope that somehow he can turn his career back in the right direction.

Let's get back to supporting the kid. He is realy the only medal chance we have in the sprints other than Gemeli. Yes 200 meters but I will take it. Hope he does good at the French Champs. Even 2nd in both events there would be fine if the times are good.
Me i just want one thing, Lemaitre find his top speed cause we know if he has this, he will probably has a medal in 200m and will can run near to 10.00 in 100. So please wake up and hurry up Lemaitre !!
All joking aside. We need need to get back to supporting Christope regardless of whether he should switch his coach or not. I think he should but I will continue to root for him regardless. He is the closest talent to Borzov that I have ever seen. He is a sub 10 & sub 20 sprinter. He broke both barriers. History will talk about him a 100 years from now. Let's hope that somehow he can turn his career back in the right direction.

Let's get back to supporting the kid. He is realy the only medal chance we have in the sprints other than Gemeli. Yes 200 meters but I will take it. Hope he does good at the French Champs. Even 2nd in both events there would be fine if the times are good.

IF Lemaitre falls to 2nd in the 200 at the French National Champs, then the French need to bring back the Revolution and go after Carraz like they did Louie XVI :p
Actually, I agree more with Multimaster, that the fault lies more with Lemaitre than Carraz.
Carraz is doing what he can, but it's up to Lemaitre to decide that Carraz's efforts are not good enough.
The decision to change coaches lies with Lemaitre, and if doesn't make that decision, then he is responsible in large part for the results.
Lemaitre seems unwilling to take risks, to go out of his comfort zone, to challenge his status quo.
He continues to work with the same coach, run for a small-time club, stay in a little town, and train the same way. And the results keep getting worse!
Still it seems he doesn't want to step-up to a bigger, and perhaps better, environment.
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"If I was Lemaitre, I'd be in Florida training with all the world class guys" :faint2::faint2:

"world class guys" ? who are this guys ?

Let me clarify. I don't follow closely where these guys train. I would go wherever tyson gay or justin Gatlin or Mike Rodgers train and start training with them. I always thought they train in Florida. Other option would be to head over to Jamaica and train with bolt and powell and company. Running against those guys everyday in practice would get you faster. And then when facing top guys in an actual race you are much more comfortable and confident.
Good point.
Training with top ranked sprinters can only make you better, and as you said, will give you more confidence when facing them in a race.
As it stands now, he must either be training alone or training with some club level sprinters.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that is not an optimal situation.
Good point.
Training with top ranked sprinters can only make you better, and as you said, will give you more confidence when facing them in a race.
As it stands now, he must either be training alone or training with some club level sprinters.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that is not an optimal situation.

Ah...Terrible Judgement. Carraz Knows all...Christophe just ran a 9.7 in training while juggling swords no are just a ignorant xenophobe.

'It will come , you shall see' ~rcsman
Let me clarify. I don't follow closely where these guys train. I would go wherever tyson gay or justin Gatlin or Mike Rodgers train and start training with them. I always thought they train in Florida. Other option would be to head over to Jamaica and train with bolt and powell and company. Running against those guys everyday in practice would get you faster. And then when facing top guys in an actual race you are much more comfortable and confident.

Gartlin, Gay, Powell, great examples, great training for these guys... with doping product.

I agree, Christophe would be faster with doping product, but sorry for you, Christophe is not like your heroes, Gay, Gatlin, Powell
Gartlin, Gay, Powell, great examples, great training for these guys... with doping product.

I agree, Christophe would be faster with doping product, but sorry for you, Christophe is not like your heroes, Gay, Gatlin, Powell

And what's about Vicaut? Is he also on "juice"?
Three or four years ago Christophe was faster than Jimmy. Actually he's 0,2 sec. (100m) behind Vicaut (see last race)
OK, Lemaitre is normally in best form at big/great championships, perhaps he will be 0,1 sec. behind Vicaut in Bejing.
But there is no doubt: Vicaut is faster (if he stays healthy).
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Gartlin, Gay, Powell, great examples, great training for these guys... with doping product.

I agree, Christophe would be faster with doping product, but sorry for you, Christophe is not like your heroes, Gay, Gatlin, Powell
Those guys are far from my heroes pal. But, they are the fastest sprinters in the world currently. Just because he trains with then doesn't mean he has to dope up like them. This is common sense man, don't be so stubborn. :)
Those guys are far from my heroes pal. But, they are the fastest sprinters in the world currently. Just because he trains with then doesn't mean he has to dope up like them. This is common sense man, don't be so stubborn. :)

really ? :smiley::smiley::smiley: , and Vicaut trains with...:huh::huh:
Those guys are far from my heroes pal. But, they are the fastest sprinters in the world currently. Just because he trains with then doesn't mean he has to dope up like them. This is common sense man, don't be so stubborn. :)

You cant reason with him. RCSMAN is The King of excuses. Whether Gay, Bolt, Galtin etc ped's or not, Lemaitre has not improved in over 4 years! That says something like...His Training....His Coach....His Environment....SUCK!
really ? :smiley::smiley::smiley: , and Vicaut trains with...:huh::huh:

I am sure Vicaut has better training partners/environment but most importantly a BETTER COACH! who has seen Vicaut progress every year, not regress...Try again
Those guys are far from my heroes pal. But, they are the fastest sprinters in the world currently. Just because he trains with then doesn't mean he has to dope up like them. This is common sense man, don't be so stubborn. :)
I seem to recall Hession saying he trained in Jamaica with either Bolt and friends or Asafa and friends and he said he was too pooped out to keep up after a few weeks. Now there is no way that people of predominate West African ancestry have better stamina than Europeans(on average). This phenomenal emergence of speed endurance that various runners have suddenly exhibited is because of something that dormant poster Harold has eluded to. PED's in sprinting always helped anerobic capabilities but until around the late 90's weren't doing much for aerobic capabilities and recovery. Now sprinters take the same endurance drugs that middle and long distance drug cheats take.

Ps. Christophe has regressed in the 100 but I am not too sure he has regressed in the 200, what he shows in Beijing will tell us where he is this year as his times have been all over the place in terms of his chances to make a final in the 100 or medal in the 200.
really ? :smiley::smiley::smiley: , and Vicaut trains with...:huh::huh:
Lemaitre has Pessonnaux who are in 10.55
Vicaut has Biron 10.18, Anouman 10.31, Jeffrey John 20.38 Vulgaire 10.35 all better than Pessonaux, Ok not the same level than Vicaut but best french after Lemaitre.
Lemaitre has Pessonnaux who are in 10.55
Vicaut has Biron 10.18, Anouman 10.31, Jeffrey John 20.38 Vulgaire 10.35 all better than Pessonaux, Ok not the same level than Vicaut but best french after Lemaitre.

:smiley::smiley: fantastic

et Marie Josée Perec et Christine Arron, elle s'entrainait avec quelle championne en France ? AUCUNE

ah les athletix et leur raisonnement simpliste
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Those guys are far from my heroes pal. But, they are the fastest sprinters in the world currently. Just because he trains with then doesn't mean he has to dope up like them. This is common sense man, don't be so stubborn. :)

nickel Ashmeade trains with tyson Gay and... yesterday ashmeade ran 20.96, AMAZING TIME !! :biggrin:
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