Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

"9.82-9.83 vent nul c'est 5"63-4"20 ce qui est totalement faisable". "Dans combien de temps ? D'ici la fin de sa carrière " (y'a 3-4 ans)

:) Ça nous fait donc du... allez 6"46 ou 6"47-3"36. C'est a mourir de rire là :) Quel visionnaire ce RCSMAN :)

Pour en revenir a Rabat 2013 et les 9"98 (+2.9) de Lemaitre donc grosso merdo 10"12 vent nul ce bon RCSMAN voit Lemaitre en....5"84 vent nul aux 50. Oui oui 5"84 lol. 5"84-4"28 vent nul ou 5"77-4"21 (+2.9). Là c'est du grand délire :) sur du 60-40 ça fait du 6"68-3"44 vent nul ou 6"61-3"37 (+2.9). Imaginer Lemaitre passer en 6"68 vent nul aux 60 faut vraiment être déconnecter de la réalité :)
C'est pour ça que j'aimerais bien avoir le split de cette course. Parce que moi je vois bien Lemaitre en 6"61 sur cette course également, mais pas avec +2.9 mais vent nul. Légère différence quoi :)
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1) Webb
2) Mitchell Blake
3) Lemaitre
4) Talbot
5) Hugues
6) Young
7) Martina
8) Gemili
9) Kerley
Lemaitre 20.29: "it's was good, because i'm return after injury, i had difficulty with the end of the race beacause i couldn't really work this part of race."
Lemaitre 20.29: "it's was good, because i'm return after injury, i had difficulty with the end of the race beacause i couldn't really work this part of race."

the world of the trolls... !

:) what's a stupid and immature activity
9"6-19"4 what a stupid prediction :)

What are you guys doing? You responded in English. I was really hoping you could post in " frog " form.
I wish the best for Lemaitre but he has seen no improvement from 5 to 6 years ago. He is still young and not washed up but my heart tells me to latch onto somebody with more future potential as if CL ever runs sub 10 again I will start taking French classes and eat a lot more cheese. I hope Erasmus or Purola pulls through sooner than later.
I almost wonder if adding muscle mass was really the right thing for Lemaitre. He was faster when he had a slighter build. He also didn't seem to get injured as much back then. I was one of the posters who thought he should add muscle but maybe that wasn't the right move for him. Anyone else think this as well?
I almost wonder if adding muscle mass was really the right thing for Lemaitre. He was faster when he had a slighter build. He also didn't seem to get injured as much back then. I was one of the posters who thought he should add muscle but maybe that wasn't the right move for him. Anyone else think this as well?

"I was one of the posters who thought he should add muscle but maybe that wasn't the right move for him"

and I was the only one of the posters who thought the opposite
Everyone said Lemaitre needs to win in muscle, when you are 0.1 seconde lower in 30 first meters against the best sprinter, it's cause of muscle.
Everyone said Lemaitre needs to win in muscle, when you are 0.1 seconde lower in 30 first meters against the best sprinter, it's cause of muscle.

EVERYONE ? not me, i said the opposite

"when you are 0.1 seconde lower in 30 first meters against the best sprinter, it's cause of muscle"

Christophe is faster than aikiness
Are you sure ?
It's not you who said Lemaitre has a ferrari motor in a 2cv Body ?

At 30m Yes Lemaitre is better than Aikines but not at 10m.
C'est marrant, RCSMAN y'a 3-4 ans disait que si Lemaitre n'était pas performant sur la mise en action c'était a cause de sa faible musculation. Et dès qu'il sera meilleur au squat il progressera très vite dans ce domaine. Ah oui c'est vrai c'était sous son autre pseudo Mr Pedro, ça compte pas :)

The summer season is similar to the roller coaster for the french Sprinter for the moment. Touched in April in his left thigh, the bronze medalist on the track to the 2016 Olympics began to find his feelings before a new physical glitch, this time to the calf, forced him to give up the European team championships, from 23 to 25 June. A very inconvenient timing for one who had just passed the minima for the world Championships in the 200 m, June 8 in Rome (20 "29).

"It is worse than before his injury
, said his coach Pierre Carraz AFP." He was recovering the shape but now his times in training are not as good. He still needs to work and run. He won't run fast, Sunday but the sequence of London with the Championships of France (14-16 July in Marseille), where he will run 100 and 200 m, will do him good. We'll really know how his shape is after the championship"."

Lemaitre said he needs more sessions of sprint in the legs"but assured AFP don't have"no concerns", even if"the injury has a little all broken"at the time where it is"felt great and that the lap times in practice gave high hopes. "

For now, he is far from the best in the world
"It's a pity, he said. Work I have done in recent years allows me to quickly get back in shape. Anyway, I always try to keep a positive attitude. "I trust in my preparation, my ability to address present on D-day, for the Championships."

Nonetheless, time is now running for the four-time European champion on the road of the big London championship. As the high current density on the sprint still more complicated his task. Its 10 "18 carried out on 100 m, 1 June to Montreuil, and his best time in the 200 m (20" 29 ") do not allow him to compete with the top of the international sprinter and means about the chasm that separates Jamaicans sprinters (Bolt, Blake), Americans (Coleman, Gatlin, Belcher), South African (Van Niekerk, Simbine) or Canadian (De Grasse)."

"This is going to be difficult this year, there are new ones arriving and it goes fast", admitted Pierre Carraz. After the Championships of France, Lemaitre will line up in the 200 m at the meeting in Monaco, where is expected the legendary Usain Bolt, before heading to London.
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Lemaitre Will run lane 7, Perfect for him, we Will see what he can already do against potential finaliste. But we need to be true with us, no one in this race (without Lemaitre) can have a medal this year in 200.
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