Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Lemaitre 10.18 with +0.1 and very poor last 50. Like i said this winter.

Even though the time isn't gonna turn heads I like it that he ran this time with no wind assistance and did it despite a poor finish. He has a long ways to go but I expect his next time out will be around 10.10 aprox with a normal wind. It's just good to see him racing again. I hope he can stay healthy. Injuries have really hurt his career for the last 4 or 5 years.
Lemaitre 10.18 with +0.1 and very poor last 50. Like i said this winter.

LOL it's normal it's his first 100M.

Good start he is as fast as Perez in first 60M (perez 60M = PB 6.49) then the last 50M are very slow, it's normal for a first 100M.

a good race after his injury.

Lemaitre in Montreuil tonight, i hope close To 10.10

you said "do you think it will justify his 10.20 basic time all the saison (Without Championship) ?"

and for his first 100M after his injury, you wanted him to run 10.10. What a joke !

sorry for you, for his first 100M after his injury he run faster than yours wishes for this year 10.18 BASIC TIME :)
I said it, but it was a troll, i said just after the french championship indoor. He will run 10.12-10.15 all the saison and 10.05 in championship.
Yes it was injury but again for the same since 2013 we cant really estimate the level of Lemaitre because he had a problem in his preparation.
The problem is we will dont see him like 2010-2011 and for me it was i have fun to see Lemaitre race.

What is your estimation of his 60m split ?
I said it, but it was a troll, i said just after the french championship indoor. He will run 10.12-10.15 all the saison and 10.05 in championship.
Yes it was injury but again for the same since 2013 we cant really estimate the level of Lemaitre because he had a problem in his preparation.
The problem is we will dont see him like 2010-2011 and for me it was i have fun to see Lemaitre race.

What is your estimation of his 60m split ?

"I said it, but it was a troll" :confundio1:

quelle activité immature et quelle mentalité de merde !

et bien troll Lemaitre si ça t'apporte de la joie dans ta vie tant mieux, que veux tu que je te dise... Les gens sont d'une connerie, mon dieu !
Listen if you want to think im a troll and stupid do it. But i think the greatest troll here its you. When we ask you a question you are impossible to answer. You just answer when you want.
I know Lemaitre will be in shape in WC if he hasnt again an injury. But if you dont understand i want to see Lemaitre run well all the season. I cant do anything for you.
If you like to see him run well two times in the year, ok great for you. But not me.

So for you what is his time in 60m yesterday ?

Tu veux que je le marque en français?
Listen if you want to think im a troll and stupid do it. But i think the greatest troll here its you. When we ask you a question you are impossible to answer. You just answer when you want.
I know Lemaitre will be in shape in WC if he hasnt again an injury. But if you dont understand i want to see Lemaitre run well all the season. I cant do anything for you.
If you like to see him run well two times in the year, ok great for you. But not me.

So for you what is his time in 60m yesterday ?

Tu veux que je le marque en français?

"Listen if you want to think im a troll"


Who said that ? "I said it, but it was a troll"

it's YOU

so YOU said you are a troll !

Tu reconnais troller mais tu ne veux pas être considérer comme un troll, bref quand tu auras un minimum de cohérence et d'honnêteté intellectuelle tu viendras me voir, moi j'ai passé l'âge de ces gamineries.

Quand à ta question, ça ne sert plus à rien de répondre puisqu'il n'y a pas d'honnêteté chez toi et pas d'honnêteté = perte de temps.

regarde toi avec tes prévisions ridicule, tu ne les assumes mêmes pas, et quel est l'intérêt de troller, faut il te préciser que tu n'as pas 12 ans et que tu es censé te comporter comme un adulte.

Tu dis tout et son contraire, il y'a quelques heures tu as rectifié tes prévisions à 10.12 - 10.15 et 10.05 pour les champs et après tu nous expliques que tu vois Lemaitre en forme pour les championnats.

10.05 en championnat, tu appelles ça être en forme, pas moi.

et je ne parle même pas de ton autre pseudo nouvellement crée
Mais remet les choses dans son contexte on sort d'un hiver où t'as justifié tous les chronos en salle de Lemaitre parce qu'il avait eu une blessure après tignes.
Lemaitre se blesse à la réunion, donc je te dis est ce que ça va justifier tous ses chronos qui vont être décevant de la saison estivale ... j'ai dit c'est un troll, mais c'est ironique, c'est un pique, appelle le comme tu veux. Mais en déduire que chaque chose que je dis sur Lemaitre est un troll c'est toi qui fait preuve malhonnêté. Car chaque chose que je dis j'essaye de l'appuyer avec des faits

10.12-10.15 et 10.05 en championnat je l'ai annoncé après les championnats de France indoor déjà. Et oui pour moi 10.05 pour Lemaitre c'est être en forme par rapport au reste de sa saison. Car comme je l'ai expliqué cet hiver. Il n'a pas retrouvé ça vitesse max comme à ses années les plus fastes et donc je le verrai pas sous les 10 vent nul. J'espère me tromper.

Sur les prévisions je pense qu'il est pour toi difficile de parler d'honnêteté quand on voit que tu ne réponds et n'assumes pas les chronos que t'as indiqué dans le passé.
Et je pense que tu ne veux plus te prêter au jeu des pronostiques, ce qui est compréhensible quand on voit tes anciennes estimations, notamment en 2012
De plus j'ai pas besoin d'un compte secondaire pour appuyer ce que je dis. Je ne sais pas du tout d'où tu sors ça.
as a guy who only ran 10.56 in the 100m when I was young lad and at my best I would have killed to be able to run 10.18. To be able to know what it feels like to run that fast......what a freakin joy that must be......

Maybe he runs faster this year maybe he doesn't, I have just decided to watch and support him no matter what happens this fact as a Canadian I cheer for sprinters from other countries because the Canadian Champ is not white....

You two need to stop squabbling like old housewives....

Cheers on yah mates!
I tend to agree he should run around the 20.20-20.30 mark. I am extremely interested to see how Tortu does in this race as well.
Very good run for both of these guys. Especially Tortu. At his age he ran phenomenal and didn't crack under
pressure and lose his form. He has an exciting future ahead.

We have around 4 or 5 20 year old guys that could all end up being elite talents. Only time will tell but it's a
very exciting time in track. I want to see the white sprinter movement continue to grow like a wave. It would
help shut up guys like Jon Entine and many other racists. I'm also happy to see asians doing great too.
Christophe : "It's a good race if you think about my lack of specific work on the distance." I'm around my usual times here, but with work in less this season because of my injury. I have a good margin of progression, there I finished as I could, my legs no longer go forward. In the turn, it shows that I suffer, I tried to revive but in the end it was logically hard. I pay for my lack of lactic sessions, which I have not been able to do over the last few weeks. I still take the second place, behind Grasse. It is always good to compete against big competitors in the Diamond League, I am sure that with more work, it will go faster, and so be able to stay in contact with Andre. We will see in two weeks what it will give to the European Team Championships in Lille.
I see Lemaitre in 10.47-9.82. It's not very good for him but after his injury it's not bad, it's similar to DL London last year, he will be at minimum with the same shape like Rio in WC this year.
Need to run in two weeks close to 20.10 (10.40-9.7)
. His comeback speed is still there which is a great sign - from almost last to 2nd place, but he seems to fear running the curve at full speed maybe due to going out his lane?
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