Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Lol Do you really think i need to create a new account to have a person who is agree with me ?
I never see you before this topic, maybe one time in forum l'Equipe tell again "Hello athletix"
I think i have find one thing will be interessant, I didn't read all the page of first part of this forum but i see a moment where RCSMAN tell us similar things of this Pedro.
Here and the page after :
We can see the similar prediction of Pedro and RCSMAN on Lemaitre race : "4.25 and 4.23 in the second 50. Predict Lemaitre in 9.88 on basic etc."
We can say, "whoao he give us split time, it's certainly true". But one thing is strange, he told Lemaitre do 4.25 in Rome better than Albi 2011. (one have -0.1 the other +2.0) so very strange...
But after, for me, we have the proof, he told only estimation and it's not at all a true,
Why ? :) we can see in this page : RCSMAN tell to ZELLGADISS (who give the split time of French Championship 2012 calculate by Pierre Jean Vazel) :

"You are so immature!!!HELLO to your imaginary friend of the IAAF! What you say is obviously false, it is enough to see the video of the race to verify it !
Thus they cannot be equally in the 60M as your imaginary friend said it !!
Certainly my figures are only an estimation with a margin of error can be of 0.01s or 0.02s purpose. I know that what you say is a lie!"

So our friend RCSMAN tell his prediction is better than PJV and PJV is a liar.

Just for remember who is Pierre Jean Vazel :

Pierre Jean Vazel is often quote when we have article of Split Time. Speed Endurance and other tell it's the source of study. Tyson Gay ask him his split time. Do analyse for IAAF HandBook
And in this moment PJV is in Beijing to do many study.

So make your opinion.

But i think we have an answer to know who are ridiculous, the ignorant and the liar.

Have a good day.
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Hello Mad it's your double Fred23 :)
" margin of error can be of 0"01 or 0"02 surpose" Ah ah so funny :)
6"61 for Lemaitre in Moscow... Euh no 6"53 in fact :) 6"45 for Powell in Areva 2015... 6"37 in fact. Powell front Bailey of 0"11 in 50M London 2012... Same line in fact :) big problem of parallaxe man :)
Hi ! I think he will say, i'm Zelgadiss too LMAO.

I didn't want to be wicked with RCSMAN, but he is so arrogant with people desagree with him, and i know we are only in a forum but i don't accept he accuses me to be a liar, and sorry, i'm not a professional it's sure, but i think i'm not totally ignorant on the track and Field.
And now the picture in 60 M of french championnish 2012 give by PJV :


RCSMAN you can go hide or apologize to Zelgadiss if it's not too tough for you :)
Hi ! I think he will say, i'm Zelgadiss too LMAO.

I didn't want to be wicked with RCSMAN, but he is so arrogant with people desagree with him, and i know we are only in a forum but i don't accept he accuses me to be a liar, and sorry, i'm not a professional it's sure, but i think i'm not totally ignorant on the track and Field.

you said : "And his apologies of injury ... he did his stage well, maybe a little pain, but i see him in Lyon when he should run"

you don't accept i accuse you to be a liar but it's not a problem for you to say that Christophe is a liar. what a joke, what hypocrisis !
Why i'm liar, i live in Lyon, i think you can see it in my profil.
I saw him, and believe me or not but his warm up was normal, Maybe he was out of Shape, certainly,
RCSMAN you feed just the posts who settles you, it's funny. You have not seen the picture i posted ? Zelgadiss say true about PJV. Here is the answer of PJV today :
" La photo c'est de la vidéo 210 images par sec pile sur la ligne du 60m (traits verts on ne les voit pas sur l'image à cause de l'ombre, on devine un trait juste au-dessus de l'epaule droite du juge "

So RCSMAN, i wait your reaction.
And you still have not Said if Mr Pedro 9128 on YouTube it's you or not.
And one word of your margin of error 0"01-0"02 please :) lol it's like 0"08 in fact. 0"08 at least, Fasuba Doha 2016 it's 0"14 :)
Amidst all of this sniping, is there any actual news in regards to Christophe? Y'all have to learn to ignore RCSMAN's personal attacks, responses simply bounce off of the castle that he is standing on while lobbing his barbs. :roto2lol:
Just for reference, here is RCSMAN in his medieval garb......

Laisse tomber Madara c'est le genre de gars qui ne reconnait pas ses erreurs. Il traite un gars de menteur (Zelgadiss), le faisant passer pour un gars qui invente une conversation avec PJV. Je prouve que Zelgadiss disait vrai mais Monsieur RCSMAN ne fait pas son mea culpa. Trop compliqué pour son ego surdimensionné. On l'entendra pas non plus sur ses soi-disant 0"01-0"02 de marge d'erreur alors que ça avoisine le dixième voire au dessus. Pas un mot non plus sur son sub 9"7 ou 6"45 pour Lemaitre. Bref un vrai clown ce gars :) il en est reduit a parler de Trump :)
The next time we will see Lemaitre on 4x100 and 4x200 in World Relay 22th April, with Vicaut for the 100. It could be cool. Sub 38.20 for France could be very good.
What is the composition ? René - Lemaitre - Zeze - Vicaut ? If that's what i say :

10"55 -9"25 - 9"60 - 9"00 = 38"40
It's too tough for the french team to be a medal in London. With 2 guys in 10"30 it's impossible.
2014 They did 38.33 With Remy Lemaitre Bassaw and Vicaut.
I think with Zézé and René they are stronger, and Lemaitre was low in 2014, no big différence with the last bresilian sprinter.
Fred i agree with your split but you forget "the speed of batton", always when we have split of 4x100, when we additione the time of all sprinter, we have always more than final time:
Exemple: Jamaica: 36.84 Carter 10.28-Frater 9.07- Blake 9.09+ Bolt 8.70= 37.14
Jamaica: 37.04 = Carter 10.42+ Frater 8.96 + Blake 9.25 + Bolt 8.80 = 37.43
We have a différence between 0.3-0.4 so your split time it will be 38.00-38.10 :)

And i Think Lemaitre can 9.10-9.15, like his bad shape in beijing 2015.
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Lemaitre did in Barcelona 2010 9.17 in opposite line, i don't know in Daegu and London 2012. 9.14 In heat Pekin, 9.16 in Final with his bad shape.
And i don't know in Berlin 2009 but his come back was very impressive
Lemaitre has a little injury in iliopsoas, he avoids to run in curve. But normaly he will run in World Relays.

Care If he run 10.20, RcsMan will say: "it's normal ! He was injury !!!"
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