Lol do you think i need a second count for justify what i say ? It's not my fault if you said absurd things, but im not a skyzophreneFRED23 = MADARA
If you want to lie, you can use your real name, MADARA, not your new avatar FRED23
you are a coward !
Whoao par contre c'est grave ce que je viens de voir, il dit que Ashmeade passe en 5.65 à Moscou au 50m en demie finale, se qui vaut à peut près 6.51-6.52 au 60. Alors qu'il doit passer un dixième plus vite. Il te sort ça avec une assurance c'est assez grave je trouve. T'as l'impression que c'est vrai alors que c'est n'importe quoi.And here :
Most of what i found date of more than 3 years. You have to go down the comments. So RCSMAN aka Mr Pedro 9128 who is the liar
Quand il faisait 5.70 il faisait 10.00 aujourd'hui avec 5.70 il fait 10.07 donc bon...
For information the guys under 6"40 :
bolt 6"31
Powell 6"32
Greene 6"33
Gatlin 6"34
Fasuba 6"35
Gay 6"36
Blake 6"3?
Surin 6"38
Drummond 6"38
Carter 6"39
I know than Thompson does 6"40 in Beijing but no information about his 9"82.
LOL thank you Fred for all this information, very interessant and we can see a logic in your comment in contrary of RCSMAN If you have another message of génious RCSMAN or Pédro you can tell him or give us the link of messages.
3.36 For Fasuba and 3.25 for Gatlin ... LMAO, but Vicaut 3.36 no, sub 3.40 it's possible i think 3.38 in max for 9.86 +1.8.
And the guys under 3"40 in last 40 :
Bolt 3"27
Gay 3"32
Blake 3"33-3"34 ?
Powell 3"38
Greene 3"39
Gatlin 3"39
Carter 3"39
No information about Mullings 9"80.
3"36 for Fasuba and Vicaut and 3"25 for Gatlin
I didn't know he said that... but yes it's absurd.
RCSMAN you can talk to proove what you say.