Caste Riddle Solved

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Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
The systematic selection and placement of white and black players to an assigned role based on race alone in the NFL is a reality and has been for many, many years -decades to be most precise. One need only ask the questions: what colour is a runningback? Or, what colour is a kicker? These roles are no accident nor coincidence. From the 1970's onward, certain deliberate colour patterns arose in what was to become the grand design of the NFL.
Surely even the most casual observer of the NFL would be forced to admit that the NFL's player to position assigments resemble a rehersed script. The script on this web site is entitled "Caste Football". Caste Football has proven, by the preponderance of examples, that white players are systematically discriminated against and are tacitly removed from the NFL game. But what Caste Football has not done, to my satisfaction, is demonstrated WHY white players are not wanted. For to pass off all of the white exclusion from the field as simply racism by whites themselves seems very inadequate, something else must be at play here. So why such a black preference? Yes, racism certainly has a hand in it but the altogether volume of cases shouts down that answer. Examples of individuals confuse this fact. Individuals can always be explained away but not an entire crowd.
U.S. college football is an accomplice with the NFL in having helped create and now maintain the black monopoly but college football is only an NFL deputy. The NFL acts on its own decisions and must account for its own decisions. Anyone watching Bowl games this year would have certainly observed many whites excelling at many positions so we know there is not a question of supply.
The way to understanding the NFL is to ignore the media, the game, and all of the exaggerated and ingenious chatter used to promote the NFL. The NFL is a business and only a business. The media is a business and only a business. The NFL primarily sells entertainment and the media sells advertising. Both businesses promote each other. NFL teams are the most valuable sports franchises in the world with the Washington Redskins currently being valued at over 1 billion dollars. From a shareholders point of view, the NFL is doing a wonderfull job. May everyone have as profitable day as the NFL. Do not be misguided into thinking that the owners of these franchises somehow love football so much they are willing to tie up hundreds of millions of dollars in them. These teams are valued so much because they make the most profit.
Major League sports franchise values are not assessed in the same way corporations outside of sports are. That is, assets against liabilities and cash flow. Sports franchise values are derived on declared revenue. The revenue comes from gate reciepts and broadcast rights. NFL franchises are unique in that each team presents only 17 live events during their "official" season. MLB franchises must present over 160. Regardless of so few events, the NFL has the biggest, most lucrative, network televison contract. Based on 2002 figures, NFL teams received 73 million dollars each from broadcast rights whereas MLB teams received only 11 million. Broadcast revenues are shared amongst the 32 NFL teams. So too are gate receipts. Home teams take 60% of the gate and visiting teams 40%.
Since the owners collaborate to share income, one would only assume that they would collaborate to share and control costs. And they do. The NFL has an investor friendly collective bargaining agreement (cba) with a salary cap pegged in '06 at 86 million. It is no coincidence that the franchises with the highest values, the highest revenue, also tend to have the lowest payrolls.
One cannot understand a company's business plan without also understanding their approach to human resources. The NFL is no different. NFL franchises hire players in the same way other companies employees. That means, resumes and current assessed abilities are CONSIDERED but do not guarantee an applicant a job. Like any other company seeking employees, the intangibles are just as important, and , most of the time, are MORE important. Like most jobs, the successful applicant is usually one that has some undisclosed qualification which is never revealed to the applicant.
NFL management is not stupid and they are not blind. Every franchise wants to win but the rules in the NFL are that you win or lose with a black majority. The figures above prove that win or loose an NFL franchise is a winner. It is factually incorrect to suggest that winning on the field will alter a team's financial success in any significant way.
The only significant defense the NFL owners have to keeping the wealth they are currently deriving is their firewall, the cba. Legally the cba is a mechanism to maintain workplace standards and assure salary levels, in reality the cba is a mechanism used by the owners to fix costs. Remember: lower costs means higher revenues, means higher team values, which means due diligence to shareholders.
It is a very long story but to try to make it as simple and concise as possible it happened something like this. The players association (union) was formed by white players in 56. The NFL experienced strikes in 68,70,74,75,82, and 87. Throughout that period the NFL became an increasingly black player league until the late 80's and early 90's where it levelled off at 65-70% black. The numbers correlate. The inclusion of qualified blacks into the game without the intentional exclusion of whites was not and is not considered unfair. But, as black numbers rose, it was soon realized that increased black participation would create divisions and competitiveness in the workplace instead of cohesion and collaboration. Blacks were brought in more and more to increase the supply of available workers much in the same way as immigrants are brought into developed countries to compete for work as workplace competition advantages the owners.
The owners seemed more confident that blacks would be less able or willing to organize, negotiate, work in a constructive manner as a group, and collectively attempt to change the financial landscape between the players and the owners.
It was not exceptionally difficult to create a black majority and avoid anti-trust or discrimination law suits. Who was going to complain? All the owners had to do is work the college draft. They simply selected more and more black players every year until they had reached an acceptable percentage that would not turn fans away and hire coaches accomodating to blacks, and the rest fell into place. The owners probably surprised themselves at how accepting their patrons (mostly white) would turn out to be. The colleges noticed how the NFL wanted more and more blacks so they recruited more and more as well. The colleges were only too happy to comply. As changes sometimes take on a life of their own, racial allocations appeared partly to justify changes and partly because many coaches believed them. Notwithstanding, the black majority was orchestrated to cool down the union and its incesstant demands. Blacks made for a softer opponent. No other group in America has had poorer business success other than perhaps the American Indian.
Racism, habit, and stereotyping, are all contributing factors presently in the NFL but to ignore the NFL's history is simplistic. White players were moved out and are kept out because they were ,and the owners still believe, a threat to their botton line. Whites became a menace. A larger number of whites means a stronger players' union, more expensive white stars, longer careers with less disposable players, and the botton line is that it is going to cost the owners more in the long run.
Do not misunderstand what is being said here. The majority of black players in the NFL are legitimate. To deny so is absurd. But so too are many white players that are kept out of the game.
In business, a company needs to better the competition or defeat the competition before they can become competitive. The NFL owners understand what they are up against.Edited by: Maple Leaf

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Interesting and plausible argument, Maple Leaf. I believe there that there is more that influences the owner's decision to recruit black players than *just* the cba only, but I'm sure the bottom line, at least as far as the owner's are concerned, is of paramount importance. The media plays a role through it's glorification of all things black, as does the socio-cultural milieu in which we live where blacks cannot be criticized, and the fairy tale of black athletic supremacy, among others. But you have certainly pointed us towards another aspect of the NFL's bias towards black players, one that I hadn't fully considered before reading your post.


Dec 22, 2004
A well thought out piece and i agree with it to an extent. I agree with W shogun that the bottom line doesn't totally explain things but is a BIG factor.. I have thought for some time that football--at all levels now-- has been segregated to the point of distraction. The NBA has semi sort of figured out how to mesh black and white players but it is still a struggle. The NFL is in the dark ages. Instead of trying to get whites and blacks to play together--by that i mean a team that would have say white cbs white wrs. etc not just kickers---the football est. seem content to let things go as Maple Leaf explains. Not too sure about the union stance Maple Leaf takes but his points are well taken. It is true though that MLB union makes the NFL union look like child's play so there is proof in that pudding. Maple Leaf convinced me NFL owners are greedy turds.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
I agree with most of your assesment. The NFL is definitely nothing short of a marketing machine andhas definitely been marketed as urban, hip and as an extenstion of pop culture. As more and more urban and rap, which equals African American has come into popular culture, so has the NFL pushed towards this trend. Though the league relies on probably about 80% of its fanbase that is white, middle class subburbanite, it definitley wants to portray itself as anything but white, which it's marketing stratetgyhas unfairly determined as uncool, boring andstodgy. Sincealot of whites eat this sort of Anti-White blather up nowdays, the league is only too happy to provide them with their wish. Going back to LovieSmith one more time. A perfect example of this ingrained leaguerule, is the way in which Lovie Smith described former Bears runningbackBrock Forsey as "looking more like an equipment manager than a runningback." Obviously it didn't matter what Forsey's skill was, he just didn't fit the NFL part of what a runningback should be. Dreadlocks, gold teeth, sporting gang tats,Urban and ultimately BLACK. It didn't matter that Forsey outperformedhis teammates when given a chance to start, only due to injury I might add.He just didn't look likeanNFL runningback, and was thus labeledunfairly as lacking breakaway speed, having no moves, or no ability to break tackles.Quite theopposite was obviously true, and can be verified by any Bears fans that actually watched Brock play.He came out running witha vengeance when he got his shot. Hitting the holes fast and hard and showing not only the ability to make defenders miss but to catch passesas well. Forsey may not have had the foot speed of someone like Bo Jackson, or possess the freakish agility of someone likeBarry Sanders, but how many other backs can say that as well? Hardly any, yet they are not held to this standard, while Forsey was remined constantly that he didn't have these skills, which meant he couldnt succeed. Forsey certainly had the skills of the majority of backs in the NFL, but due to his race, he just didn't fit the NFL image of what a RB should be. Had he graduated from a school like LSU instead of Boise State, had been been blinged out and ultimatelyblack, he would no doubt have a job somewhere in the NFL at least as a backup right now instead of trying to find a job. He certainly was better and showed more promisethan Bears3rd stringRB Adrian Peterson who has never excelled beyond third string status, despite the coaching staff giving him chance after chance and the Chicago media raving over how much he brings to the team.

I think there is much truth also to what you say about the CBA and the league wanting the softer target in black players.


Apr 14, 2005
Great point Maple Leaf and I applaude your open mindedness as so often the majority of us just want to fixate on one reason why something happens rather than thinking outside the box as you have done. The NFL is a marketing machine. As long as whites are the majority at the most important, prominate, and most publicized postion, QB, then the NFL always knows it has a backdrop to fall back on in terms of appealing to white fans. So as long as whites continue to dominate the QB position in the NFL it will always be satisfied with the current black quarterback becuase its a proven formula to them:
10 blacks + 1 white QB = RATINGS!!!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
whiteCB said:
As long as whites are the majority at the most important, prominate, and most publicized postion, QB, then the NFL always knows it has a backdrop to fall back on in terms of appealing to white fans. So as long as whites continue to dominate the QB position in the NFL it will always be satisfied with the current black quarterback becuase its a proven formula to them: 10 blacks + 1 white QB = RATINGS!!!

Then why are they trying to put more blacks in at quarterback?


Oct 15, 2004
Doubtless, there is something in what you say Maple Leaf. Though from a different perspective even the loathsome Bryant Gumbel tends to agree with you. This from an ESPN article from last August.

NEW YORK -- The job status of Bryant Gumbel, scheduled to be the play-by-play broadcaster on the eight late-season games on the NFL's in-house network, could be the subject of a discussion by NFL officials after Gumbel's suggestion that Paul Tagliabue show his successor "where he keeps Gene Upshaw's leash."

Tagliabue said Monday that incoming commissioner Roger Goodell and Steve Bornstein, who runs the NFL Network, will discuss the remarks after Goodell takes office Sept. 1.

Gumbel addressed his closing remarks on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" last Tuesday to Goodell.

"Before he cleans out his office," Gumbel said, "have Paul Tagliabue show you where he keeps Gene Upshaw's leash. By making the docile head of the players union his personal pet, your predecessor has kept the peace without giving players the kind of guarantees other pros take for granted. Try to make sure no one competent ever replaces Upshaw on your watch."

Tagliabue strongly disagreed with the tenor of Gumbel's comments.

"I think things that Bryant Gumbel said about Gene Upshaw and the owners are about as uninformed as anything I've read or heard in a long, long time, and quite inexcusable because they are subjects about which you can and should be better informed," Tagliabue said.

Edited by: surfsider

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The NFL is a business, and so is the media, but they are more than just businesses. The NFL is intertwined with the corporate media and thus with the power structure in the U.S. What is the Super Bowl but a day-long orgy celebrating mindless consumption, patriotism, and theideologydriving the Cultural Marxists who design and manipulate the masses through sports and the media? Black athletic supremacy is now part and parcel of the "multicultural" myths presented to the masses which undergird American "freedom and democracy."

The Caste System supports the power structure's ideology that blacks are "equal" to whites when it comes to intelligence, and superior when it comes to physical prowess, in other words it's an important part of the ideology being used to make whites third class citizens in America even as they are being systematically replaced through Third World immigration, miscegenation, and low birth rates. A large and racially aware white population is the only potentialthreat to those who run USA, Inc., and whoregard the entire planet as their plantation, which is why the white man is the enemy of the putative "whites" who have power and therefore white menmust be degraded in every way, 24/7.

By any objective measurement, blacks lag way behind whites in just about every measurement of wealth and accomplishment. They are disproportionately represented in the media, but everyone realizes this is done to promote "multiculturalism" and "diversity," even those who support it.

All blacks really have is "rap," which is repellant to most whites, and their beloved basketball and football (and sprinting). The artificial construct known as the Caste System has as its purpose, besides that of degrading whites, that of uplifting blacks, raising their self-esteem, and keeping them relatively content with their collective lotat the bottom ofAmerican society.

The Caste System began in earnest with the Cultural Revolution which began in earnest in 1968. That's no coincidence; others here have posted the infamous quote from the early 20th century by communist Israel Cohen about raising the black man's status in societyand mixing the races by upliftingblacks in sports. There is a lot more to the NFL and the media than just a pure bottom line; there is a social and racial agenda involved too.

Once something "goes black," the unwritten rule is that it stays that way -- forever. The only exceptions have been in boxing and basketball, but those two sports have encountered something in recent years that football doesn't have -- competition from whites outside the U.S. As long as football remains an American sport the Caste System can be continued indefinitely, as long as there remains little or no opposition from the whites it discriminates against.

The NFL is rewarded by the media for its Caste System throughthe media'spublicity abilities. The media also enforces the Caste System by indoctrinating both fans and ordinary people from birthto believe that blacks are far superior athletes to whites, as part of the ongoing emasculation of white men. The media promotion of the Caste System is soomnipresent and uncontradictedthat it would be the envy of any openlytotalitarian system in the success it has had in making nearly one hundred percent of white Americans truly believe -- and openly accepting -- of thelie that they are inferior to blacks in athletic ability (and fighting ability, sexual prowess, etc.)

As far as college, the bowl games were not so much different than NFL contests. Most teams resembled NFL teams in the racial composition of their lineups. And most SEC teams -- which are the NFL's main pipeline of talent -- are even blacker than the average NFL lineup. The major college programs and the NFL are as one in support of the Caste System.

Coaches also know that there is no reward for fighting against the long-entrenched status quo. Successful black teams are lauded while a successful mostly white team is reviled (ala the Houston Astros).

There is a lot of inertia and monkey see monkey do aspects involved as well, as well as appeasing blacks and maintaining team "unity" by having blacks at most or all of the appropriate positions.

The Caste System has become ludicrous, and the criminal nature of so many NFL players, along with the drop in fundamentals and the rise in selfishness, is starting to open some eyes, but not to the discrimination against whites. The league will undoubtedly continue to try to crack down on the worst excesses of behavior on and off the field, while the demographics of the rosters remain overwhelmingly black. The NFL is a very profitable monopolyand ismore important to the ruling class than any religion or opposition political movement because it is America's religion. It will take a critical number of white athletes and fansunderstanding what is going on andopposing it, before Football, Inc. will change any of its ways. In that way it's no different than the political status quo or the economic status quo or the wayany successful institution of influence and power will fight to maintain its way of doing things.

Edited by: Don Wassall


Dec 15, 2005
The NFL is more politics than anything. The elites want to remain elite and are white. It is interested that Left Tackle is the second highest position in the game behind quarterback.
The NFL doesn't care about providing the best brand of football, but rather making people watch the games. What better way to have people watch games than brainwashing them into thinking that they're better than you.
If you look at speed statistics, you'll find that most black wide receivers do not have the speed that the media claims they have and I bet the percentage of people with sub 4.4 forties by race closely matches the population of the United States minus say 1/2 of the hispanics as the recent ones don't play football.Edited by: Freedom

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I vote for Don's post it's own permanent spot on the front page. Can't be broken down any better than that.
May 1, 2006
O think Mapl Leaf has hit the nail on the head. If white fans start being less accepting of the cast system, Then I bet you will see more white players. I am not so sure that his is not already happening. I just do not know what level is the tipping point.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
wow! i am away for a couple of days, and miss out on some VERY impressive discourse. i second White Shogun's motion regarding Don's post, as it is INCREDIBLY insightful and analytic. great job, Don!

and kudos to you, as well, Maple Leaf. that kind of careful consideration of the facts will be what eventually destroys the Caste System. hopefully sooner, rather than later.

great work, gentlemen!


Aug 6, 2006
Don Wassalls Post: "A masterpiece"
Think about all of the mainstream media types that will read Dons' work,"and trust me,they are reading it",after wiping there collective brows,and stopping themselves from shaking,know that they cannot decieve themselves any longer about "the way things really are".

They are not even allowed to think the thoughts that Mr.Wassall so eloquently puts into words!As they look in on their young children sleeping so safe and sound,do they not realize that if the course is not reversed,that the future of their kids is in great peril.

If they continue to toe the corporate,prostituted media line,their grandchildren have no chance whatsoever!Will they continue to back up to the pay window to collect their paychecks that are handed out by the "social engineers"who are planning our destruction?

You bet they will,but this web site is showing the tip of the iceberg!Lets hope many more people come onboard to help spread the word.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Great thread guys.
Thoughtful post by Maple Leaf, and as always words of wisdon from the "racial conscience of sports" Don Wassall.

It's enough to give one hope that just maybe this can all be turned around.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Good posts by both Maple Leaf and Don. I never really looked at it from that angle before, but it makes sense. Look at the sports with the weakest players unions: NBA and NFL, two predominately black sports. Now look at the sports with the strongest players unions: NHL and MLB, two predominately white sports. See a pattern? The reason why our culture is becoming more and more dumbed down is because it gives the powers-that-be no competition. Thats why they're so adament on pushing (c)rap and hip-hop music on the youth of today because a stupid populace is one that is easy to control. The average black has something to the effect of 20 IQ points less than the average white. The NWO-led NFL realizes this, and they put in just enough token whites to keep Joe Six-Pack interested (otherwise it would be an all black league and that would be nothing short of an unmitigated disaster) while keeping the majority black at around 65-70% It all works in NWO's favor


Oct 20, 2006
I think Maple Leaf has done a fantastic job of pointing out an angle which
many of us here have overlooked. Union busting has been a big push of
the elites since the 60's and 70's. People forget all the union busting that
went on in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Unionization really gained
great footholds during WWII and afterward, and wasn't able to be busted
because of labor shortages and the war. But in the 60's, anti-
unionization started up again in earnest. I don't see why it wouldn't apply
to the NFL as well, except in this case, to make the union as weak as they

Don also had a great post. I think the anti-white propaganda is to loosen
us up here for more immigration--lots more! The elites think we need
tons of low wage labor to compete with China and India. So they are
destroying our culture as much as they can in order to preach
multiculturalism to soften us up for it. They also passed the hate crime
stuff to punish us if we fight back. Its pure evil.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Don Wassall said:
The NFL is a business, and so is the media, but they are more than just businesses. The NFL is intertwined with the corporate media and thus with the power structure in the U.S. What is the Super Bowl but a day-long orgy celebrating mindless consumption, patriotism, and the ideology driving the Cultural Marxists who design and manipulate the masses through sports and the media? Black athletic supremacy is now part and parcel of the "multicultural" myths presented to the masses which undergird American "freedom and democracy."

The Caste System supports the power structure's ideology that blacks are "equal" to whites when it comes to intelligence, and superior when it comes to physical prowess, in other words it's an important part of the ideology being used to make whites third class citizens in America even as they are being systematically replaced through Third World immigration, miscegenation, and low birth rates. A large and racially aware white population is the only potential threat to those who run USA, Inc., and who regard the entire planet as their plantation, which is why the white man is the enemy of the putative "whites" who have power and therefore white men must be degraded in every way, 24/7.

By any objective measurement, blacks lag way behind whites in just about every measurement of wealth and accomplishment. They are disproportionately represented in the media, but everyone realizes this is done to promote "multiculturalism" and "diversity," even those who support it.

All blacks really have is "rap," which is repellant to most whites, and their beloved basketball and football (and sprinting). The artificial construct known as the Caste System has as its purpose, besides that of degrading whites, that of uplifting blacks, raising their self-esteem, and keeping them relatively content with their collective lot at the bottom of American society.

The Caste System began in earnest with the Cultural Revolution which began in earnest in 1968. That's no coincidence; others here have posted the infamous quote from the early 20th century by communist Israel Cohen about raising the black man's status in society and mixing the races by uplifting blacks in sports. There is a lot more to the NFL and the media than just a pure bottom line; there is a social and racial agenda involved too.

Once something "goes black," the unwritten rule is that it stays that way -- forever. The only exceptions have been in boxing and basketball, but those two sports have encountered something in recent years that football doesn't have -- competition from whites outside the U.S. As long as football remains an American sport the Caste System can be continued indefinitely, as long as there remains little or no opposition from the whites it discriminates against.

The NFL is rewarded by the media for its Caste System through the media's publicity abilities. The media also enforces the Caste System by indoctrinating both fans and ordinary people from birth to believe that blacks are far superior athletes to whites, as part of the ongoing emasculation of white men. The media promotion of the Caste System is so omnipresent and uncontradicted that it would be the envy of any openly totalitarian system in the success it has had in making nearly one hundred percent of white Americans truly believe -- and openly accepting -- of the lie that they are inferior to blacks in athletic ability (and fighting ability, sexual prowess, etc.)

As far as college, the bowl games were not so much different than NFL contests. Most teams resembled NFL teams in the racial composition of their lineups. And most SEC teams -- which are the NFL's main pipeline of talent -- are even blacker than the average NFL lineup. The major college programs and the NFL are as one in support of the Caste System.

Coaches also know that there is no reward for fighting against the long-entrenched status quo. Successful black teams are lauded while a successful mostly white team is reviled (ala the Houston Astros).

There is a lot of inertia and monkey see monkey do aspects involved as well, as well as appeasing blacks and maintaining team "unity" by having blacks at most or all of the appropriate positions.

The Caste System has become ludicrous, and the criminal nature of so many NFL players, along with the drop in fundamentals and the rise in selfishness, is starting to open some eyes, but not to the discrimination against whites. The league will undoubtedly continue to try to crack down on the worst excesses of behavior on and off the field, while the demographics of the rosters remain overwhelmingly black. The NFL is a very profitable monopoly and is more important to the ruling class than any religion or opposition political movement because it is America's religion. It will take a critical number of white athletes and fans understanding what is going on and opposing it, before Football, Inc. will change any of its ways. In that way it's no different than the political status quo or the economic status quo or the way any successful institution of influence and power will fight to maintain its way of doing things.
Don has a point about boxing having unique circumstances that have led to whites re-emerging as contenders and champions and not marketing ploys. Also keeping the union weak has surpressed wages in the NFL. The NFL has the best tv contract yet it's superstars get less money than baseball and until the NHL corrected its labour market roughly the same as a fringe sport like hockey?


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Uh, Don, Maple Leaf could you repeat that please? I didn't get it...

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Uh, Don, Maple Leaf could you repeat that please? I didn't get it...


Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
I have read all of your comments and I appreciate the direct replies.

Further to what was stated above, it is fascincating to compare the NFL to other major league sports. Baseball owners may have wanted to do remove whites from the game but they found they could not because of a lack of supply of blacks, especially pitchers. Instead, baseball owners have tried, with a certain degree of success, to bring in players from other countries. Yet, baseball maintains its white majority and the players still enjoy a free market, free agency, and no salary cap.

Basketball players should be ashamed of themselves for not taking more advantage of their situation. Despite having very poor seasonal television ratings of 1.5-2, the NBA has a network television contract and is given an unjustifiable amout of advertising through sports reports. It is unjustifiable because the ratings are alsmost as poor as the NHL who has no network television money. The ratings tell the real truth: Americans are not watching basketball. In comparison, the television show Survivor has a 9.3 seasonal rating. The point being here is that the basketball players are given a situation where the money is going to the franchises from broadcast rights, substantial gate receipts in some cities, but the players have a salary cap 53 million, no minimum team payroll, and the same base salary of 450,000. This with a very small roster compared to the other major league sports. Why haven't the players fought for more players per team? Why not a double the base salary since they have less than half of the employees as other sports franchises. Why so many exclusionary covenants permitted by the cba? Too many what ifs.

The NHL players are major league sports owners most problematic employees. Before the players were LOCKED OUT by the owners in the most recent labour dispute- that lasted a full year and a half- the players were really heating things up with the owners. The players were openly stating that they wanted no part of "that NFL style cba" that commissioner Gary Bettman, former NBA assisstant commissioner (to David Stern) , was trying to ram down their throats. The players actually had the audacity to demand "entertainers status" and demand revenue sharing! In other words they wanted to have contracts like singers, actors etc. That would have given the players a kind of sub-contractor status and do away with the employee/employer relationship. The owners exploded, went into a long cold war, and in the end the hockey franchises, without revenue streams from network television and the bombardment of advertising that it brings, still had to give the players a minimum salary of 450,000 and a cap of approximately 45 million per team and a minimum cap of about 41 million. Not bad for a "fringe" sport with ratings comparable to the NBA. But can anyone imagine the panic and horror felt by the NFL should the hockey players had been able to change the employee/employer relationship? Share prices would have devalued in half!

If some of the new owners to the NFL, like Al Snyder of the Washington Redskins, were unaware as to why the Caste System was started or, why it must be maintained, the hockey players certainly reminded him. It seems unlikely to me that Al Snyder would pay 750 million to buy the Redskins in 99, have the team build a new stadium at a cost of 251 million, increase prices accross the board for parking, admission, and so on, and annually squeeze out the lowest, or one of the lowest payrolls, all so that he could help denigrate his fellow whites? Al Snyder has become the picture-boy of the new NFL. I'll correct my previous post, the Redskins have now doubled their valuation of 99 and are now estimated at 1.4 billion. Forget any player, including Manning, Al Snyder is the biggest NFL star. Snyder certainly understands the meaning of marketing the brand first. Many people have heard of the Washington Redskins but most people cannot name 1 player on the sports franchise with the highest value on the planet. I find it difficult to believe that Al Snyder would think of himself responsible to help alter the psyche of white men in America instead of just being responsible to try an appreciate his franchise.

It would seem to me that the inferiority felt by a black majority NFL is an AFFECT rather than a purpose. If the NFL owners were trying to make whites feel inferior than why wouldn't they just remove all whites from the game. The NBA was, and still is to a great extent, almost all black and television ratings indicate that nobody seems to care.

If the media are trying to make whites feel inferior through the NFL then they do not seem to be doing a very good job of it. Seasonal ratings for America's highest rated football show, NBC's Sunday Night Football, are a paltry 10.9! That means appproximately 90% of Americans watching television are not tuning in. They are watching 20+ rating performers such as CSI and Grey's Anatomy.

The best days of the NFL appear to be behind them at least from a popularity point of view. The word is that the broadcasting contracts are not going to be as lucrative after the next deal is struck. Edited by: Maple Leaf

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Another very thought provoking analysis, Maple Leaf, a great follow up to your first post in the thread.

I didn't realize the TV numbers were that low for the NFL. It seemed to me that business is booming in the NFL, in fact better than ever.

From a purely anecdotal standpoint, I agree with your assessment of the decline of the NBA. I know very few people personally who watch any NBA basketball at all, and those who do only watch their favorite teams on special occasions. It's a very telling comparison you've made between the NBA and the NHL. Listening to the media, one could only surmise that the NHL is a dead and dying sport, yet according to your figures the NHL is on par with the NBA in total numbers of television viewers and salary, despite the fact the NBA is raking in the money from the networks. Very interesting, indeed.

People may not be paying that much attention to the media in their efforts to promote black athletes, but that doesn't mean they certainly aren't trying!

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I have a question for Maple Leaf and/or Don (or perhaps someone else here could answer this as well) If the NFL is pulling in such crappy ratings numbers, then why is it always refered to as a "well oiled machine" Is the NFL really just a paper tiger disguised as a commercial juggernaut or what?

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
Lance Alworth, I will try and answer your question.

The NFL isn't criticised very often because anyone in any significant position to criticise the league is associated with it in some way. Network televison paying for broadcast rights does not want to discourage or turn away viewers and rival networks, while not broadcasting the NFL directly, still try to attract viewers to their sports reports and television shows about the NFL. Everyone is working in some syndicated way and hosts, commentators, and writers do not want to say something that may offend their employer or client.
Remember it didn't take much for Rush Limbaugh to get axed....

In many respects the NFL is a "well oiled machine". It depends on how you look at it. Revenues are up everywhere, in some cities more than others. They have built bigger and bigger stadiums with more seats and more private boxes, prices have risen, and many new "creative" revenue streams have been built. Attendence is great. Stadiums almost always sell out. The owners never have to look to fill seats so they can divert their time and budgets towards building revenue from other sources. The owners have the players locked into a cba that discourages all owners from keeping employees around for more than 2-3 years. The longer a player plays the more money he will earn regardless of merit. So why keep anyone around for a long time and build the players brand? Instead, run the players in and out and promote the brand that really matters: the team name and logo. NFL franchises are the most highly valued anywhere, so they are doing an effective and profitable job and, hence, are a "well oiled machine".

Contrary to that arguement is the fact that ratings during the regular season are low compared to other shows on television. Simply put, does any believe that the show CSI is being paid 12 billion for 3 years of broadcasting? Probably not a quarter of that and I'm being VERY generous.

With the stadiums full and all other minor revenue streams maximized where is there room for growth? Growth should come from greater television audiences and possibly satelite subscriptions but that has proven not to be the case. The NFL cannot only blame the networks for flat ratings. The networks can only broadcast the product that is on the field.

The highest rated regular season games this year were between New England and Indianapolis. Why? I don't know. Was it because the two best white players in the game were playing against each other? Maybe, but I don't know.
The NFL certainly needs to improve ratings if growth is going to continue so why not develop more white stars? Black people like to watch black stars so why do we try to deny that white people like to watch white stars? Boxing promoters know the value of a white star why has the NFL ignored this?

What I described in my first post on this topic seems to me the only valid answer to pre-87 NFL. The modern era, the post 87 era, white exclusion is not as necessary to the owners formula: they have the cba they want and now can move on. Maybe they will discover on their own that more white offensive players could generate higher audiences. But companies usually do not make big changes until they are forced to when things go wrong.

Incidently, do not underestimate the value of even 1 or 2 really big stars. Bird and Jordan made the NBA what it was in the 80's and 90's. The supreme match-up between 2 heavyweights: one white and the other black; one a supreme sniper and the other a kangaroo (no insult intended). The difference was how the two got started. Jordan entered the league with a parade in front of him, bird carried his own bag. But, surprise, surprise, given the opportunity Bird shot out the lights.

Edited by: Maple Leaf
Oct 24, 2005
Good posts by maple leaf and don.
I always felt that the creation of the caste system in the NFL was to lower the salaries of the players. It is a basic rule of capitalism, if you can get the workers to do the same amount and quality of work at a lower wage, the owner takes home more money.
Since your average black player tends to major in football in college instead of developing a skill, he has little bargaining power.
The highest paid player is usually the QB. This explains the quest for the great black QB. This is where the caste system falls apart. They cannot find a pool of blacks who can perform adequately at this position. They tried with Kordell Steward and Michael Vick but it has failed.
The result is that the white fans see the caste system and lose interest in the NFL.


Nov 7, 2004
So, was the prescence of a black man, Gene Upshaw, as the president of the NFLPA in 1982 (his last season as a player) and its executive director in 1987 just a front?

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