Caste Riddle Solved

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White_Savage said:
Ah Jervey, that's the thing. If I may butcher an old cliche abit, the racial makeup of the NFL is the pointing finger and not the moon, a finger you ceaselessly encourage us to fixate on.

Having more Whites running with a football is relatively unimportant, even utterly unimportant, compared with social engineering aspect. If legislation were passed forcing the NFL to have racially proportionate team lineups, because after all, the races are equal and interchangeable, then I would consider that a loss rather than a gain, on so many levels, for freedom, honesty, and racial realism.

The fact that "affirmitive action" for football has not been fomented by a social do-gooder demonstrates that they have motives other than stated. The fact that the average White would poo-poo such an effort and loudly claim the superiority of the alien demonstrates how effective the brainwashing has been. The fact that you yourself poo-poo any conspiracy theory demonstrates deliberate intellectual dishonesty, since even a casual knowledge of history reveals it to be one long series of conspiracies, whose details only come to light with the passage of time. With hindsight, we can see a part of what went on beneath the surface in the past, yet you would deny that there is any reality but the apparent one in the present.

I'm speaking to non-sentient systems of cultural cause-and-effect. You're alluding to conspiracies. I love a good conspiracy, but absense of evidence lends to presumption of the former. The very term "affirmative action" is a defacto statement to African-American affirmation in practice. This is a peculiarity of common vernacular and semantics, not evidence to any over-arching racialist program, except as a by-product.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
jaxvid said:
JerveyGotGypped said:
White Shogun said:
If Madison Avenue, the government, the entertainment industry, et al, deliberately promote anti-white stereotypes

I've gotten the impression that Madison Avenue and the Entertainment Industry got into the promotion of Black American pop culture, not anti-White pop culture.

They got into promoting Black Urban culture because it's easily consumed by that most desired of demographic groups: Young people with disposable income. Young people have eaten up Black American music and pop culture, generally, for 4 generations.

I know, I know...because it's forced down their throats. Just as plausibly, it's likely a simple case of the "culture of youth." See, kids like things that are easy to get. They don't like delayed gratification. Poor urban cultures are all about that sh*t. Poor urban cultures everywhere are like that, because poor people LIVE HAND-TO-MOUTH. So, of course, their music and whatever else tends to be easy to digest. You don't need the benefit of a rote, erudite knowledge of musical theory to "get" rock music or hip-hop or anti-social narcissism and thuggery. Of course it's simple and juvenile. That's the damn point.

You don't need an internationalist conspiracy of Social Engineers to trick juvenile minds into liking "Jack Ass" or "Flavour of Love" because most kids are juvenile.

White Shogun said:
...discriminate against whites in hiring, etc, why would you say this isn't conscious Social Engineering?

Lawmakers set up systems of institutionalised anti-White bias in hiring because they're privileged, lily-livered bourgeios social pedants with more altruism than common sense. Next.

White Shogun said:
What do you believe is the dividing line between conscious and subconscious social engineering?

The same one that divides Mother Theresa and Dr Mengele. They're both manipulative sociopaths doing "God's work"...varying degrees of self-deception, I guess. The effect is the same.

My turn!

First of all I don't know if I like posting on a forum with the likes of a RACIST like JervyGotGypped, here's a guy who uses a vile racist epithet in his avatar. "Gypped" is really a racist slur against those honorable nomadic Romanian peoples that have acquired an unfair reputation for "cheating". Talk about your hate speech!

Jerv actually makes an important point:
"See, kids like things that are easy to get. They don't like delayed gratification. Poor urban cultures are all about that sh*t. Poor urban cultures everywhere are like that, because poor people LIVE HAND-TO-MOUTH. So, of course, their music and whatever else tends to be easy to digest. You don't need the benefit of a rote, erudite knowledge of musical theory to "get" rock music or hip-hop or anti-social narcissism and thuggery. Of course it's simple and juvenile. That's the damn point."

But he doesn't have the cajones to come to the logical conclusion. Yes, black culture is immature, THAT's the point. Yet he cops out and says its because they are POOR. They're always poor. Their culture has never developed "erudite knowledge of musical theory" and has always been thuggish, simple, and juvenile.

Using "Occam's razor" which Jerv is so fond of, the simplest explanation for a culture which is always poor and juvenile is that it's not someone else's fault, but it's something innate in the people themselves.

But that would be racist, so it's a conclusion that Jerv does not have the intellectual courage to make.

As for conspiracies..... if one was to use the standard of evidence required by the government that has been created by the people being accused, then they are GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!

Didn't Bill Cosby go on about that awhile back? So, who shouted him down...conspirators or intellectually dishonest Black pop-culture figures.

Not all cars are sedans, jaxvid.
Please let it stop. This is the most boring thread that I have ever read (and I can't believe that I read the whole thing). It reminded me of my Thermodynamics class in college, thoroughly uninteresting.

I'm through with the long posts.

1) By black culture I meant a lot more than the politicians. I mean the
writers (Toni Morrison, Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou,
etc), academics, blackTV, radio, newspapers, etc. The list is endless.
You're trying to reduce a phenomenon which is pervasive to one which is
more isolated by reducing the pehnomenon to only its political leaders.
Yet the black politicians are popular because they are anti-white. Pay any
attention at all to black media and you will see this. Black culture is
defined by anti-whiteness, period. It pervades it, evelops it, and
dominates it. I know the difference between effect and affect, thanks.

2) Youth culture is more than advertising. You directly omitted at least
one half of my point. Youth culture began quite apart from advertising in
the 20's and 30's, etc., and famously, the 60's, which had nothing to do
with advertising. Pulling the argument into advertising is to mistake
cause and effect. It also shows that you are younger. You cannot fathom
the distinction between the youth culture of the past and the one now
which is pervaded by advertisers trying to cash in on cool. I think that
makes you poorly qualified to comment on the subject.

3) The institutional discrimination against whites is pervasive, in
government, education, corporations, media, academia, and now we find,
in sports as well. I don't have to prove that there is anti-white bias. It is
clear that it exists. It was put into place by not only fear, but also by
malice. You choose to ignore the groups that show the malice (feminists,
minorites, including Jews, gays and lesbians, socialists). If YOU took any
time to research the genesis of such movements, you would see the anti-
white hatred in their writings, and more importantly in their actions. The
burden of proof is on you to show me and everybody else why our own
eyes are lying.

You admitted that Maple Leaf's argument had merit, because his thesis
was more about money than race, or so you thought. But you forgot that
it also was based on playing one race against the other and would require
coordination amongst owners in order to be true. You "f**ked up"! We
caught you! So you backpedalled into some bogus academic theories to
try to weasel out of it and retain your coveted intellectually-superior-to-
white-redneck-racists self image. You can shovel the crap all you want,
but you screwed up and got caught. I'm tired of diverting the topic to
youth culture, evolutionary theory (random, not applicable), game theory
(economic claptrap of a non-predictive discipline that tries to pass itself
off as science), etc.

You would be better off backtracking and trying to show why Maple Leaf
is wrong. That might be a tough row to hoe. Better ****-block it.
Whew! When Pitbull wants to lay down the wood he really does it! Jerv trolls by every so often for a fight and he really got it this time!
JerveyGotGypped said:
The same one that divides Mother Theresa and Dr Mengele. They're both manipulative sociopaths doing "God's work"...varying degrees of self-deception, I guess.

Ah yes, Mother Teresa. She ranks high on everyone's list of manipulative sociopaths. Stalin, Manson, Bundy, Mother Teresa...
That Ghandi was a real bastard too!!!
Bart said:
JerveyGotGypped said:
The same one that divides Mother Theresa and Dr Mengele. They're both manipulative sociopaths doing "God's work"...varying degrees of self-deception, I guess.

Ah yes, Mother Teresa. She ranks high on everyone's list of manipulative sociopaths. Stalin, Manson, Bundy, Mother Teresa...

jaxvid said:
That Ghandi was a real bastard too!!!

The problem: Why is there evidence of white discrimination?

The Maple Leaf Hypothesis: Blacks are being used as union
busters to enhance profit.

The Wassall Hypothesis: Eugenics

The Jervy Hypothesis: Intellectual dishonesty

The C Darwin Hypothesis: The effect of social politics. (Which
most whites suck at and most blacks excel at)

Experiment: Obtain quantitative and qualitative data regarding
the treatment and portrayal of white Americans with regards to
Don, if I put words in your mouth, or misinterpreted your thesis, I
apologize. I used the term eugenics based on this statement.

Don Wassall said:
The Caste System supports the power
structure's ideology that blacks are "equal" to whites when it comes
to intelligence, and superior when it comes to physical prowess, in
other words it's an important part of the ideology being used to
make whites third class citizens in America even as they are being
systematically replaced through Third World immigration,
miscegenation, and low birth rates.  A large and racially aware white
population is the only potential threat to those who run USA, Inc.,
and who regard the entire planet as their plantation, which is why
the white man is the enemy of the putative "whites" who have power
and therefore white men must be degraded in every way, 24/7.

I took this as the main idea of your explanation of white
discrimination and white males generally being portrayed as idiots
(which was well supported). So, If Eugenics is a social philosophy,
which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits
through various forms of intervention (third World immigration,
miscegenation, and low birth rates for whites), and the power
structure sees blacks as equal IQ and physically superior, to me the
caste system is a eugenic effort to achieve a perceived sociological
improvement. That was my interpretation of your essay. Edited by: C Darwin
I don't see any eugenics program to improve blacks being undertaken. Eugenics is a dirty word to the powers that be as they want the masses of all backgrounds to be cattle incapable of challenging their rule.I use "Caste System" in a slightly tongue-in-cheek way to draw attention to the problem of discrimination against whites in sports and the systematic degradation ofwhite athletesby the media and the "fans." If anythingthe Caste System is part of the greater trend toward dysgenics, a policy of dumbing down and racially mixing whites through various means as well as conducting psychological warfare against us in order to have us willingly accept reduced roles in all areas of society as we're being replaced by Third Worlders. Edited by: Don Wassall
Or to put it another, cruderway, we're all n*ggers to the ruling class. Our rulers don't have a high opinion of blacks, nor are they trying to "uplift" them. Blacks are used as a weapon against whites as part of a broader strategy to bring down whites, because a strong, unified white population is the "white" ruling class'sbiggest perceived threat. It's about maintaining power and that's about the only thing our corrupt masters excel at,and they do it by keeping the masses divided against each other by race and even by gender, and whites further hopelessly divided among themselves by innumerableeconomic, political and moral factions. Edited by: Don Wassall
C Darwin said:
The problem: Why is there evidence of white discrimination?

The Maple Leaf Hypothesis: Blacks are being used as union busters to enhance profit.

The Wassall Hypothesis: Dysgenics (Don's term)

The Jervy Hypothesis: Intellectual dishonesty

The C Darwin Hypothesis: The effect of social politics. (Which most whites suck at and most blacks excel at)

Experiment: Obtain quantitative and qualitative data regarding the treatment and portrayal of white Americans with regards to context.

The Shogun Hypothesis: E. All of the above.

I see evidence of all these theories in what's transpiring around us. Maple Leaf's theory is confined to the actions of the owners in the NFL. They are able to take said action through intellectual dishonesty on the part of whites, and perhaps blacks as well. This intellectual dishonesty is a by-product social politics. People lie about race because of social politics, not the other way around.

I don't see any of these theories as counter to any of the rest. They're all intertwined. Edited by: White Shogun
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