Caste Riddle Solved

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I've yet to see any evidence that the NFL is losing its television audience. It's far and away the most popular sport when it comes to TV. I don't know how many people subscribe to DirecTV's NFL package, but it's easily in the millions at around $200 per pop. Television made the NFL and still does.

[url] ,3_2_EL22_C03TV_S1.article[/url]
Here's some evidence: They've lost me!
I stopped watching about four years ago. Don't miss it at all. And I agree, I'm an insignificant drop in the bucket. But better to light candle than curse the darkness. I detest the Black Supremicist NFL and refuse support it. So if I can only remove 0.000457% of the NFL's audience, I'm happy to oblige
foreverfree said:
So, was the prescence of a black man, Gene Upshaw, as the president of the NFLPA in 1982 (his last season as a player) and its executive director in 1987 just a front?

People have accused Upshaw of being a puppet for the owners. Really he is very weak and had the union basically busted in 87'. At one point in the 80's the big stars opted out of the union. During the replacement games some stars like Largent played. I recall seeing Todd Christiansen picketing outside the Coliseum and other players walking right on by him. As bad as Billy Hunters' leadership has been for the NBA players his players have guaranteed contracts. The NFL players don't have that and they have the richest league in North America paying their salaries?
Maple Leaf said:
The NHL players are major league sports owners most problematic employees. Before the players were LOCKED OUT by the owners in the most recent labour dispute- that lasted a full year and a half- the players were really heating things up with the owners. The players were openly stating that they wanted no part of "that NFL style cba" that commissioner Gary Bettman, former NBA assisstant commissioner (to David Stern) , was trying to ram down their throats. The players actually had the audacity to demand "entertainers status" and demand revenue sharing! In other words they wanted to have contracts like singers, actors etc. That would have given the players a kind of sub-contractor status and do away with the employee/employer relationship. The owners exploded, went into a long cold war, and in the end the hockey franchises, without revenue streams from network television and the bombardment of advertising that it brings, still had to give the players a minimum salary of 450,000 and a cap of approximately 45 million per team and a minimum cap of about 41 million. Not bad for a "fringe" sport with ratings comparable to the NBA. But can anyone imagine the panic and horror felt by the NFL should the hockey players had been able to change the employee/employer relationship? Share prices would have devalued in half!

And yet, from a part-owner of the Thrashers(a customer of mine), the lockout was the least money the NHL owners had lost in years.

If some of the new owners to the NFL, like Al Snyder of the Washington Redskins, were unaware as to why the Caste System was started or, why it must be maintained, the hockey players certainly reminded him. It seems unlikely to me that Al Snyder would pay 750 million to buy the Redskins in 99, have the team build a new stadium at a cost of 251 million, increase prices accross the board for parking, admission, and so on, and annually squeeze out the lowest, or one of the lowest payrolls, all so that he could help denigrate his fellow whites?

Firstly, its Dan Snyder. Second, the Redskins' payroll has been the top of the NFL since he took over the franchise. Always at the very limit of the salary cap. He's a star-f**ker, and he's always taking on people's leftovers.

Al Snyder has become the picture-boy of the new NFL. I'll correct my previous post, the Redskins have now doubled their valuation of 99 and are now estimated at 1.4 billion. Forget any player, including Manning, Al Snyder is the biggest NFL star. Snyder certainly understands the meaning of marketing the brand first. Many people have heard of the Washington Redskins but most people cannot name 1 player on the sports franchise with the highest value on the planet.

Tremendously unlikely. Clinton Portis, Santana Moss, Sean Taylor, Chris Cooley, Jason Campbell...these are all established or recent NFL superstars.
Matt Bowen Fan: It is Daniel Snyder, I stand corrected.

Check ANY source:

Team payroll rankings 2000 to '06 for the Redskins are
'00-19th, '01-28th, '02-20th, '03-6, '04-1, '05-30,

'03 and '04 are high because, if you had read the cba, signing bonuses count against the cap in the fiscal year they were paid and cannot be deferred as was the case in the early years of the post '87 NFL.

As far as not knowing any players on the Redskins, most Americans cannot name their state senator, or the vice president, or the family that owns Wall Mart for that matter. And it is expected of them to know who plays for the Redskins? It is not an exaggeration in the least to say that most Americans could care less. But the point made in my post above was that high employee turnover obviously benefits the employer. That is how labour is used in the NFL. What league has the shortest careers again?
Don, that link you posted is an opinion/interpretation piece. The NFL's highest single SEASONAL rating was in '93 with a 15.2+/- and the '06-'07 season for Sunday Night Football was 10.9. Neither championship game went over a 20.0 rating but Simon's american talent show rates over 20 every week. Obviously the NFL is the number 1 rated sports program but it is not growing and is not likely to grow either with all of the variety of programming and variety of media to choose from. The monolithic captive audiences are gone with the exception to the Super Bowl game itself.
Maple Leaf said:
Don, that link you posted is an opinion/interpretation piece. The NFL's highest single SEASONAL rating was in '93 with a 15.2+/- and the '06-'07 season for Sunday Night Football was 10.9. Neither championship game went over a 20.0 rating but Simon's american talent show rates over 20 every week. Obviously the NFL is the number 1 rated sports program but it is not growing and is not likely to grow either with all of the variety of programming and variety of media to choose from. The monolithic captive audiences are gone with the exception to the Super Bowl game itself.

In other words, have NFL ratings "leveled off"?

Maple Leaf said:
Matt Bowen Fan: It is Daniel Snyder, I stand corrected.

Check ANY source:

Team payroll rankings 2000 to '06 for the Redskins are
'00-19th, '01-28th, '02-20th, '03-6, '04-1, '05-30,

'03 and '04 are high because, if you had read the cba, signing bonuses count against the cap in the fiscal year they were paid and cannot be deferred as was the case in the early years of the post '87 NFL.

As far as not knowing any players on the Redskins, most Americans cannot name their state senator, or the vice president, or the family that owns Wall Mart for that matter. And it is expected of them to know who plays for the Redskins? It is not an exaggeration in the least to say that most Americans could care less. But the point made in my post above was that high employee turnover obviously benefits the employer. That is how labour is used in the NFL. What league has the shortest careers again?

Where on the net can I find the full text of the current NFL CBA? Also, since you're Canadian, ML, what is the state of labor relations in the CFL? Has that league ever had any work stoppages?

As for "most Americans" being unable to identify any Redskin, do you mean the typical person in the street? Wonder how many American persons in the street, who don't follow football, can name any Colt or Bear this week?

Maple Leaf said:
Matt Bowen Fan: It is Daniel Snyder, I stand corrected.

Check ANY source:

Team payroll rankings 2000 to '06 for the Redskins are
'00-19th, '01-28th, '02-20th, '03-6, '04-1, '05-30,

'03 and '04 are high because, if you had read the cba, signing bonuses count against the cap in the fiscal year they were paid and cannot be deferred as was the case in the early years of the post '87 NFL.
Any source?

Is that what was actually paid as salary? Because signing bonuses don't count for cap purposes. The 'Skins in 2000 spent $90+ million when the cap was only $67M.

I'd like to see where your numbers are coming from.

As far as not knowing any players on the Redskins, most Americans cannot name their state senator, or the vice president, or the family that owns Wall Mart for that matter. And it is expected of them to know who plays for the Redskins? It is not an exaggeration in the least to say that most Americans could care less. But the point made in my post above was that high employee turnover obviously benefits the employer. That is how labour is used in the NFL. What league has the shortest careers again?

Are you an American? If not, I'd reccommend against going by any polls seen in the media, as I find all of those dubious anyway, given how the numbers are used to slant things, as well as the people polled. Californians and New Yorkers do not represent the majority of the nation, just where the news HQs are located.
I thought he wrote Al Snyder as a joke, a combination of Al Davis + Dan Snyder = Al Snyder.

Matt, I have to agree with Maple Leaf on his assessment of the 'Skins name recognition. I think the only player you listed who has name recognition with the casual fan is Clinton Portis.

Chris Cooley?? I know guys who watch football every Sunday and follow the Cowboys religiously (they play the 'Skins twice a year, of course) who wouldn't recognize him. If you asked a casual football fan who Jason Campbell is they'd have no idea who he is, either.

The people who post here and on other sports related forums are not the casual sports fan. There are people who say they love MMA and follow the UFC but can't name anyone besides Chuck Liddell, Tito Ortiz, and Ken Shamrock.
Heck, White Shogun, I had no idea Jason Campbell was black.
To me Jason, like Ryan, is a very white name. Shows how detatched I've become from watching the NFL.

If I caught the gist of this thread, we've another Canadian, sympathetic to the thesis here of equity in representation, but dissenting to the omni-present boogeyman of secret Social Engineering cabals and cultural-Marxist, internationalist conspiracies.

Maple Leaf, I doubt very much your cogent deconstruction of NFL finance will do much good in dissuading this over-arching belief in The Caste System as a component in a broader "Racial Program" for America.
Since you agree with Maple Leaf's cogent analysis, and it involves playing
one race off against one another, you've again contradicted yourself in
your haste to make a snide, pseudo-intellectually superior remark, Jervey.
You might re-survey your post for the logical error. Bad argumentative

If you can admit this type of thing takes place in the micro market of the
NFL, why would it not apply to society at large? Especially in regard to all
the illegal aliens, H1-b imports, and even legal "open the floodgates"
aliens who are rapidly multiplying here? And why wouldn't the same
moneyed interests promote it--you know, many of the same ones that
own the corporations and the media. Cabal? I don't know. independent
consent and promotion because it serves a common interest?--probably.
What does it matter, if the result is the same.

I don't understand your point, really. It's quite obvious to any thinking
observer that it is the official policy in government, media, education, and
corporations to racially discrimnate against whites, especially white men,
in all but the highest echelons. Its really indisputable. All that stuff got
put in place by people somehow. Since the elites run the show, I'll safely
make a bet that they did it. Did they all gather in a room? Who cares? It's
irrelevant. All that matters is what actually happens.

Maple Leaf made an excellent point. So racial divide and "diversity" is
promoted to batter down wages, divide the populace, and keep them
fighting amongst each other, so that the elites can keep swimming in
money and unchallenged power. And they use the media and politicians,
bothof whom they own, to promote it. Sounds very illogical and "cabal-
ish" doesn't it? I don't know how he came up with the crazy idea. Never
happened before in history. What a nutjob!
PitBull said:
Cabal? I don't know. independent
consent and promotion because it serves a common interest?--probably. What does it matter, if the result is the same.

Since the elites run the show, I'll safely
make a bet that they did it. Did they all gather in a room? Who cares? It's irrelevant. All that matters is what actually happens.

I've said this before on this board:

A system (re: living organism, social group, etc.) need not possess actual awareness in order to appear to behave as though it does.

Ignorance of this salient fact of systems theory is the base pillar which supports the legacy of guys like Eustace Mullins. And Jihads, for that matter.

What I see going on with goof-ball sports broadcasters with their corny, anti-White archetyping, and with College and pro-scouts, and with the masters who oversee corporate sports-media is alot of simple intellectual dishonesty, misapplied altruism, base chauvenism and avarice.

There's a ghost in those kinds of machines, and it's easy enough to reduce these to conscious Cabals of Social Engineers in the Mullinsian mould. That is, if you like a good magic show.

When, for example, Irvin or Gumbel perpetuate negative stereotyping (or outright slander in the case of the Romo incident) and their media cohorts fail to properly call them on their bullsh*t, that's just intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, not evidence to a conscious Social Engineering.

If there is any effect to disenfranchise the White middle-class, it is as a by-product.

The process matters very much, if you actually intend to deconstruct the logical fallacies involved.

PitBull said:'ve again contradicted yourself in
your haste to make a snide, pseudo-intellectually superior remark...

Sweet ad hominem, my man. I can only guess to your seem taken to florid verbage yourself, so what is your point?
My point is quite clear. You contradicted yourself, and got caught.

By definition, If elites are doing this playing off of one race against
another for monetary gain, it very well is conscious. I don't see what you
are trying to say. Human beings are not merely instinctual, like ants.
They act quite often with deliberate intent, a uniquely human skill.

As far as this being some plot perpetrated by some group who meets
every Wednesday in a business office somewhere in New York, London, or
Zurich, I have no idea. I think its more of a system of imitation amongst
elites as they see it work to their advantage. They may work
independently, or collaborate in groups. But they also buy political power
and strongarm the media and advertisers, many of whom are marxist
"useful idiots", true believers, and/or fellow travelers, and who require
little prodding to tow the line. For the moneyed elite, its profits. For the
cultural marxists, its a way to remake society. For the minorites who hate
whites, its revenge and personal gain. Different aims, same road.

As far as the broadcasters and sports jounalists, many are simply boot-
lickers who are afraid of losing their jobs to the offhand remark which
might stir the racial witch-hunt or lawsuit. CYA all the way, every day, in
every which way.

So as far as I'm concerned, it very well is intentional. The fact that it is
not the dictate of some all-powerful cabal imposing its will on so many
just makes it that much harder to combat. The larger point is that is real
and it is intentional. It is just intentional from a more loosely defined
coalition--from minorities who hate whites, especially white men, and
who want their money, property, jobs, and women, to gays and feminists
who hate straight white men, to do-gooder socialists who believe in the
re-distribution of wealth, to business elites who want to pound down
wages and break unions, to coaltions of foreign governments who actively
promote racial division to make us weaker as a nation so that we can't
thwart their own interests in favor of our own, to trial lawyers who just
want to sue, make a name for themselves as seekers of justice, and
pocket lots and lots of cash (morality as rationalizer!). Think of it as lots
of little streams running into one river.

That's my point.

P.S. I also don't like the condecension. You are not the only smart
person in the room.
If Madison Avenue, the government, the entertainment industry, et al, deliberately promote anti-white stereotypes, discriminate against whites in hiring, etc, why would you say this isn't conscious Social Engineering?

What do you believe is the dividing line between conscious and subconscious social engineering?
PitBull said:
By definition, If elites are doing this playing off of one race against another for monetary gain, it very well is conscious. I don't see what you
are trying to say. Human beings are not merely instinctual, like ants. They act quite often with deliberate intent, a uniquely human skill.

You're talking about a "moneyed elite" with designs to busting unions' capacities for unity and self-determination. Naturally, they'd do good in discriminating for those with a tendency to such things; that is to say those from the middle and working classes whom are liberal-educated with a cultural tradition to labour interests. Demographically, in America, it stands to reason they'd tend to be White.

So are they discriminating against Whites specifically on account of race? I don't see that, necessarily, as a conscious design toward acrimony between races specifically. Rather a by-product, right?!

What you're doing is conflating cause with effect. People do this all the time, including very smart, well-educated people; this is not a matter of anyone condescending anybody else. F**k, I do it all the time when I get drunk and some girl's idiot room-mate ****-blocks me...the conspiracy is not so much for me to go home and jerk off, rather for her to protect the pussy.

PitBull said:
I think its more of a system of imitation amongst elites as they see it work to their advantage. They may work independently, or collaborate in groups. But they also buy political power and strongarm the media and advertisers, many of whom are marxist "useful idiots", true believers, and/or fellow travelers, and who require little prodding to tow the line. For the moneyed elite, its profits. For the cultural marxists, its a way to remake society. For the minorites who hate whites, its revenge and personal gain. Different aims, same road.

It is just intentional from a more loosely defined coalition--from minorities who hate whites, especially white men, and
who want their money, property, jobs, and women, to gays and feminists who hate straight white men, to do-gooder socialists who believe in the re-distribution of wealth, to business elites who want to pound down wages and break unions, to coaltions of foreign governments who actively promote racial division to make us weaker as a nation so that we can't thwart their own interests in favor of our own, to trial lawyers who just want to sue, make a name for themselves as seekers of justice, and pocket lots and lots of cash (morality as rationalizer!). Think of it as lots of little streams running into one river.

All sorts of very different groups drawn of very different circumstance with very different interests. If we were biologists arguing the peculiarities of birds and bats, I'd be bitching about what's called convergent evolution. Anyhow, this is the same sort of gross reductionism feeding the semantic hell-fires of Jihads. I absolutely see where you're coming from, and I won't insult you and me both with similarly simplistic liberalisms.

Ultimately this kind of thing is drawn from a powerful sense of Social Justice and sincere altruism, not unlike suicide bombers. I bet you think it's bullsh*t when talking heads on the tube tell you they "hate America" or that Mohammed Atta and the others were "evil cowards." You know as well as I do that when well-meaning media hucksters try to feed you those lines, they do so with the best of intentions. They sincerely believe this is what you need to they're guilty of a similar brand of intellectual dishonesty.

An Islamofascist would cite it as evidence to a Zi0n1st-media conspiracy to emasculate the martyrs. And who could blame him? It stinks, so it naturally must be the very same lying liars! My understanding is that Mohammed Atta was a very intelligent, well-educated, socially-responsible guy. Alot of the most overt, bigotted racists that I've met are, all else considered, often very decent human beings.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
White Shogun said:
If Madison Avenue, the government, the entertainment industry, et al, deliberately promote anti-white stereotypes

I've gotten the impression that Madison Avenue and the Entertainment Industry got into the promotion of Black American pop culture, not anti-White pop culture.

They got into promoting Black Urban culture because it's easily consumed by that most desired of demographic groups: Young people with disposable income. Young people have eaten up Black American music and pop culture, generally, for 4 generations.

I know, I know...because it's forced down their throats. Just as plausibly, it's likely a simple case of the "culture of youth." See, kids like things that are easy to get. They don't like delayed gratification. Poor urban cultures are all about that sh*t. Poor urban cultures everywhere are like that, because poor people LIVE HAND-TO-MOUTH. So, of course, their music and whatever else tends to be easy to digest. You don't need the benefit of a rote, erudite knowledge of musical theory to "get" rock music or hip-hop or anti-social narcissism and thuggery. Of course it's simple and juvenile. That's the damn point.

You don't need an internationalist conspiracy of Social Engineers to trick juvenile minds into liking "Jack Ass" or "Flavour of Love" because most kids are juvenile.

White Shogun said:
...discriminate against whites in hiring, etc, why would you say this isn't conscious Social Engineering?

Lawmakers set up systems of institutionalised anti-White bias in hiring because they're privileged, lily-livered bourgeios social pedants with more altruism than common sense. Next.

White Shogun said:
What do you believe is the dividing line between conscious and subconscious social engineering?

The same one that divides Mother Theresa and Dr Mengele. They're both manipulative sociopaths doing "God's work"...varying degrees of self-deception, I guess. The effect is the same.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped

Please make some kind of distinction between black culture and anti-
white culture. They are synonymous. Name one mainstream black figure
that has anything good to say about white people, especially about white
men. Any black historical figures? Anything? Anybody? Ergo, the
promotion of black culture is the promotion of anti-white culture. Prove
me wrong.

Ditto with the promotion of feminist culture and gay and lesbian culture.

Oops, I was trying to be cute! The culture of youth? What's that, some
sort of marxist creation? Or maybe a Madison Ave. creation? More than
likely the former, adopted by the latter to make money. What is it that
distiguishes "youth culture" from adult "culture"? Rebellion against adult
"culture"--work, responsibility, the building of family and community?
The use of drugs and the engaging in promiscuity? Exactly. Yet, the so-
called "youth culture" is a very recent creation, historically speaking. In
the past, before the artificially extended period of schooling, there was no
youth culture--simply a transtion from childhood to young adulthood.
People matured faster, started working younger, and married and had
kids younger too. The so-called youth culture was an attempt by those
who were able to extend the level of schooling and who had the means to
delay taking on the role of adulthood while engaging in all the carnal
pleasures of being an adult. In other words, youth culture is an invention
which is by definition decadent. It is no coincidence that youth culture
has been coopted by the marxists in the media and in academia to
promote their socialist agenda. Who doubts that that academia and the
media are populated by cultural marxists? Youth culture = rebellion.
Marxism = rebellion. The only aspect of youth culture that doesn't mirror
cultural marxism is the recent rise of materialism in youth culture (enter
Madison Ave.). But the social policies are exactly equivalent. Replace the
ruling culture with the rebellious one. Replace the ruling people with the
rebellious ones. See, its really quite simple.

In this regard, it is natural that black culture is promoted. People have
been lusting after chinese food and eating that up for the past four
decades too, but I don't see chinese culture being promoted by Madison
Ave. Chinese culture is not one of rebellion. Black culture has the unique
distinction of being completely dysfunctional and entirely rejecting of
white values and culture. Therefore, it has been adopted by the cultural
marxists who rule Madison Ave. and the academic world as the preferred
form of rebellion of oppressed proletariat for them to push their marxist
dreck. Children's view of the world and their preferences are greatly
shaped by others. I would hardly call 13 year olds (or 17 year olds for
that matter) artistically savvy. We've all been there. We know how it
works. We were all largely driven by what we saw on TV and what our
peers did, who also watched TV. That's one of the reasons I don't watch
TV. Pure propaganda. Of course the kids are propagandized. By
everybody, in fact. And that entails deliberate intent on the part of the
propagandizers. Your bogus theory of unintentional change in social
patterns and mores is really quite ridiculous. I believe in bandwagons,
but someone got the wagon moving in the first place. Why you choose to
ignore that is beyond me. I would think anyone could see through the
veil of fog quite easily. Maybe if you work a little harder at it, you can

Also, you really need to brush up on the definition of culture. The only
thing that marks culture is that it is handed down from one generation to
the next. How you can define it as such when all the particulars of youth
culture change from generation to generation, I have no idea. The only
things that remain constant, rebellion, hedonism/materialism, etc.
dovetail nicely with what I outlined above. Fifty years of trying to
overturn middle class white culture and values. Cultural marxism.

Thanks for agreeing with Shogun and the rest of us on point #2. It makes
it all the more likely we are right about everything else as well.
Disguising the fact that you agree with your opponents by making it look
as if their point is really your point is weak. Please work on your debating

Your last point is not only irrelevant, but also idiotic. You need to lose
your arguments more gracefully, without looking like a nutjob. Its time
to put the books down and walk away slowly.
Oh well, I'm a johnny-come-lately to this one, but I'll toss in a couple of thoughts. I think most everyone has fired off some good points.

There is no doubt that the manipulation is conscious. The caste-system is real and it is meant to serve a purpose in a much larger "game".

For instance, white kids have been gobbling up black 'music' because that's what's offered. By that I mean that the number of white artists and choices has been narrowed. At the same time, non-white performers have received more and more publicity and 'space'. Go to any music store. You are surrounded by Africanized rap and crap. It is rare for a white male performer to be promoted as relentlessly as any black performer. The same thing we see in sports. There is little doubt this is intentional. There is no altruism connected to this. This is not done as some type of service to help blacks raise themselves up. They won't, they don't, and the government and 'the elites' as some want to call them know this.

It's hard not to notice that the white behavior pushed by MTV (and much of the other media directed at youth) is either idiocy, a la "Jackass" - or any number of shows that have white girls fighting to win a date with some moronic black at Spring Break. Black and increasingly 'hispanic' culture and behavior are forever portrayed as the epitome of cool, hip, vibrant. Yeah, free yourself from the drudgery, the stodginess of white culture.

The folks grinding whites into the ground have deliberate goals in mind. Independent, free thinking whites are a danger to any group in power. It is the intelligence and creativity of whites that make them a threat. Hence they are targeted. Does anyone really believe the anti-white stance in schools and media is due to altruism? Is an accident? Has no intent? Watch this; u_K-AKeep in mind the bulk of the people that control the media and academia in the US, control the content of textbooks and curricula, are the sons, grandsons, great grandchildren of the vile, hateful, hypocritical cultural vampires who directed the Russian Revolution, and ran the Soviet Union for decades. Same methods are used today via schools and media in the US.

Whites have been demoralized. Thoroughly. Look up the 1948 Detroit riots on the web. The blacks went crazy. Whites picked up baseball bats and went after the blacks, sending them packing in short order. What happens these days? Over the decades, too many whites have fall under the spell of the deliberate brainwashing, the anti-white demoralization, and they wouldn't defend their home from a bunch of black savages on the rampage. I've seen far too many whites freeze up at times when they should have been free swinging, trying to defend themselves. It's not natural.

Wow, getting off beam I guess. There is little doubt in my mind that sports is indeed part of a racial plan in the US. I wouldn't doubt that team owners (not all) are not aware, or have been taught, been conditioned, to poo-poo any talk of 'plans' as being kooky, of being noise from darn conspiracy theorists. Look at baseball. Flooded with latin players. For-no-reason-at-all? Does anyone really think there aren't enough whites to fill the positions being taken up by drug bloated Dominicans etc? Team ownership in the major sports must be lucrative, and incentives are created to make sure everyone enjoys the wealth and to make sure they tow the line. We are not privy to all that goes on behind closed doors. Sure, there's no such thing as conspiracies. The people who are coaches and owners have been through the same 50 years of brainwashing. How many of them are insightful enough, smart enough, to be able to look at things sideways, and think for themselves is the question. How many of that few have the guts to speak up or openly question things? Probably none. Almost as bad as the folks in DC who dance to the tune of the "neo-cons" etc. This includes both "parties". Two party system my ass.

Anyway, if you drive whites to the same level as blacks and browns, make them feel inferior to these two groups, you won't have much competition at the top. Make them feel guilty and inferior in school. Make them feel second rate on the playing fields.

The success of whites in boxing and basketball lately is almost like a backlash. I believe we are seeing the signs of the same in track and field. Youth does rebel. White youth are rebelling, probably in unconscious fashion at the moment. It's likely some are brainwashed, and figure they'll 'play anyway' - and to their surprise they find out they have talent. Witness Stern's behavior regarding the NBA draft. We'll let 'ya draft junior highschoolers, just keep the Europeans to a minimum. Lord knows what would happen in the NFL if the big strong Euros (especially Nordics and Slavs) suddenly developed a passion for football. With few blacks around to 'interfere' as what has happened in the US. Well drilled, all white European teams with a decade of hard play under their belts? They would DESTROY any majority black football team from the US. Utterly destroy them. Destroy them as badly as white self confidence and self esteem have been destroyed in the US.

Well, I hope some of this makes sense. It's late, gotta go!
Ah Jervey, that's the thing. If I may butcher an old cliche abit, the racial makeup of the NFL is the pointing finger and not the moon, a finger you ceaselessly encourage us to fixate on.

Having more Whites running with a football is relatively unimportant, even utterly unimportant, compared with social engineering aspect. If legislation were passed forcing the NFL to have racially proportionate team lineups, because after all, the races are equal and interchangeable, then I would consider that a loss rather than a gain, on so many levels, for freedom, honesty, and racial realism.

The fact that "affirmitive action" for football has not been fomented by a social do-gooder demonstrates that they have motives other than stated. The fact that the average White would poo-poo such an effort and loudly claim the superiority of the alien demonstrates how effective the brainwashing has been. The fact that you yourself poo-poo any conspiracy theory demonstrates deliberate intellectual dishonesty, since even a casual knowledge of history reveals it to be one long series of conspiracies, whose details only come to light with the passage of time. With hindsight, we can see a part of what went on beneath the surface in the past, yet you would deny that there is any reality but the apparent one in the present.
JerveyGotGypped said:
White Shogun said:
If Madison Avenue, the government, the entertainment industry, et al, deliberately promote anti-white stereotypes

I've gotten the impression that Madison Avenue and the Entertainment Industry got into the promotion of Black American pop culture, not anti-White pop culture.

They got into promoting Black Urban culture because it's easily consumed by that most desired of demographic groups: Young people with disposable income. Young people have eaten up Black American music and pop culture, generally, for 4 generations.

I know, I know...because it's forced down their throats. Just as plausibly, it's likely a simple case of the "culture of youth." See, kids like things that are easy to get. They don't like delayed gratification. Poor urban cultures are all about that sh*t. Poor urban cultures everywhere are like that, because poor people LIVE HAND-TO-MOUTH. So, of course, their music and whatever else tends to be easy to digest. You don't need the benefit of a rote, erudite knowledge of musical theory to "get" rock music or hip-hop or anti-social narcissism and thuggery. Of course it's simple and juvenile. That's the damn point.

You don't need an internationalist conspiracy of Social Engineers to trick juvenile minds into liking "Jack Ass" or "Flavour of Love" because most kids are juvenile.

White Shogun said:
...discriminate against whites in hiring, etc, why would you say this isn't conscious Social Engineering?

Lawmakers set up systems of institutionalised anti-White bias in hiring because they're privileged, lily-livered bourgeios social pedants with more altruism than common sense. Next.

White Shogun said:
What do you believe is the dividing line between conscious and subconscious social engineering?

The same one that divides Mother Theresa and Dr Mengele. They're both manipulative sociopaths doing "God's work"...varying degrees of self-deception, I guess. The effect is the same.

My turn!

First of all I don't know if I like posting on a forum with the likes of a RACIST like JervyGotGypped, here's a guy who uses a vile racist epithet in his avatar. "Gypped" is really a racist slur against those honorable nomadic Romanian peoples that have acquired an unfair reputation for "cheating". Talk about your hate speech!

Jerv actually makes an important point:
"See, kids like things that are easy to get. They don't like delayed gratification. Poor urban cultures are all about that sh*t. Poor urban cultures everywhere are like that, because poor people LIVE HAND-TO-MOUTH. So, of course, their music and whatever else tends to be easy to digest. You don't need the benefit of a rote, erudite knowledge of musical theory to "get" rock music or hip-hop or anti-social narcissism and thuggery. Of course it's simple and juvenile. That's the damn point."

But he doesn't have the cajones to come to the logical conclusion. Yes, black culture is immature, THAT's the point. Yet he cops out and says its because they are POOR. They're always poor. Their culture has never developed "erudite knowledge of musical theory" and has always been thuggish, simple, and juvenile.

Using "Occam's razor" which Jerv is so fond of, the simplest explanation for a culture which is always poor and juvenile is that it's not someone else's fault, but it's something innate in the people themselves.

But that would be racist, so it's a conclusion that Jerv does not have the intellectual courage to make.

As for conspiracies..... if one was to use the standard of evidence required by the government that has been created by the people being accused, then they are GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!
Bravo: jaxvid, Savage and Callen. Wonderful reading, great mindnastics!
PitBull said:
Jervey, Please make some kind of distinction between black culture and anti-white culture. They are synonymous. Name one mainstream black figure that has anything good to say about white people, especially about white men. Any black historical figures? Anything? Anybody? Ergo, the promotion of black culture is the promotion of anti-white culture. Prove
me wrong.


Promotion of Black Popular culture as affect.


Anti-White cultural phenomena as effect.


Mainstream Black figures never say anything good about White people because they're disingenuous chauvenists who deal in racial chicanery for a living. At least the loud ones. They're the ones you hear because their message resonates with similarly conditioned big-mouthed members within their minority target audience...this is hardly a Black phenomenon. Anyhow, it's bullsh*t, and I call bullsh*t on intellectually dishonest Whites who fail to call them on their bullsh*t. Still not evidence to anything other than what I've drawn out previously.

About a month ago, I got into an argument about the Michael Richards incident with a couple of (White) people, whereupon a (Black) acquaintance came upon us; the other two guys immediately got into the act of codifying their points and practicing what I'd call intellectual dishonesty as a result. It was all well-meaning, but ultimately disingenuous, and the conversation became meaningless. I've seen this same thing happen when the topic is the Chinese Head Tax and Asians are present (even when they're Filipino.) Incidious cultural Marxism or misapplied altruism and intellectual dishonesty? You're saying you know it's the former; my point is that your evidence is to EFFECT.

PitBull said:
The culture of youth? What's that, some
sort of marxist creation? Or maybe a Madison Ave. creation? More than likely the former, adopted by the latter to make money. What is it that distiguishes "youth culture" from adult "culture"? Rebellion against adult "culture"--work, responsibility, the building of family and community? The use of drugs and the engaging in promiscuity? Exactly. Yet, the so-
called "youth culture" is a very recent creation, historically speaking. In the past, before the artificially extended period of schooling, there was no
youth culture--simply a transtion from childhood to young adulthood. People matured faster, started working younger, and married and had kids younger too. The so-called youth culture was an attempt by those who were able to extend the level of schooling and who had the means to delay taking on the role of adulthood while engaging in all the carnal pleasures of being an adult. In other words, youth culture is an invention which is by definition decadent. It is no coincidence that youth culture has been coopted by the marxists in the media and in academia to promote their socialist agenda. Who doubts that that academia and the media are populated by cultural marxists? Youth culture = rebellion. Marxism = rebellion. The only aspect of youth culture that doesn't mirror cultural marxism is the recent rise of materialism in youth culture (enter Madison Ave.). But the social policies are exactly equivalent. Replace the
ruling culture with the rebellious one. Replace the ruling people with the rebellious ones. See, its really quite simple.

Youth culture is a sort of positive feed-back loop of cause-and-effect, and need not any magical genesis of the sort you're getting at.

Commercial interests have long known that targeting youth demographics, urban demographics and lower-income demographics is most lucrative in the case of corporal commodities. Kids are bad with money, urbanites are loose with money, and low-income groups are wont to wasting money on crap like 40oz malt liquor and basketball shoes.

In the '80s, Urban culture became a perfect memetic vector in moving commodities through demographics best suited to them. These groups respond to LOUD, BOMBASTIC marketing techniqes, so by all means, it should APPEAR that their culture is dominant.

In the '90s, for example, it's commonly presumed that rap and hip-hop were the most dominant categories of popular music, when in fact country and classic rock was far more lucrative. The thing is country music doesn't move $200 nikes and what-have-you because PEOPLE OVER 30 ARE NOT LOOSE WITH THEIR MONEY!!! So there is no positive-feedback loop of media volume in this demographic. Similarly, "grunge" is not attached to commerce aside from that incidental to the music (concert tickets, CDs and 2nd-hand flannel shirts.) This brand of music sort of plateau'd accordingly.

Poor people are alot like kids. They're into conspicuous displays of status and they're not into delayed gratification. What the f**k target demographic would you cater to if you intend to generate huge streams of free-moving commerce?

Based on similar logical fallacies, anti-semitic Afrocentrist revisionists like Farakhan presume that crack and Colt45 are targeted as part of some plot to destroy Blacks. You've similarly conflated cause with effect.

PitBull said:
In this regard, it is natural that black culture is promoted. People have been lusting after chinese food and eating that up for the past four decades too, but I don't see chinese culture being promoted by Madison Ave. Chinese culture is not one of rebellion. Black culture has the unique distinction of being completely dysfunctional and entirely rejecting of white values and culture. Therefore, it has been adopted by the cultural marxists who rule Madison Ave. and the academic world as the preferred form of rebellion of oppressed proletariat for them to push their marxist dreck. Children's view of the world and their preferences are greatly shaped by others. I would hardly call 13 year olds (or 17 year olds for that matter) artistically savvy. We've all been there. We know how it works. We were all largely driven by what we saw on TV and what our peers did, who also watched TV. That's one of the reasons I don't watch TV. Pure propaganda. Of course the kids are propagandized. By everybody, in fact. And that entails deliberate intent on the part of the propagandizers. Your bogus theory of unintentional change in social patterns and mores is really quite ridiculous. I believe in bandwagons, but someone got the wagon moving in the first place. Why you choose to ignore that is beyond me. I would think anyone could see through the veil of fog quite easily. Maybe if you work a little harder at it, you can too.

The food metaphor is beyond spurious...people attach huge amounts of personal and cultural significance to their music in a way uncommon to any other form of cultural expression. Black Urban music continues to prove itself commodifiable to youth because it's easily denominated. It's simple and easily conjures up powerful corporal emotions like sexuality and status-posturing.

Juvenile minds bereft of the benefit of parental provisioning love sex and posturing. This is true in any culture or race at any point in history. If you want to run a sucessful record label, you sell country twang with melodramatic tales to the oldies, and you sell promiscuity and bling to the kiddies. Nowhere in this do I see necessity for Z()G to push things along.

PitBull said:
Also, you really need to brush up on the definition of culture. The only thing that marks culture is that it is handed down from one generation to the next. How you can define it as such when all the particulars of youth culture change from generation to generation, I have no idea. The only things that remain constant, rebellion, hedonism/materialism, etc. dovetail nicely with what I outlined above. Fifty years of trying to overturn middle class white culture and values. Cultural marxism.

Culture is a bunch of game-theory matrices of self-interest and reciprocal altruism of the genetic (Darwinian) and the memetic (Dawkinsian) sort. It's a bugger of a lot more complicated than that. If it were this static, we'd expect all children of immigrants to speak with accents, drive poorly and squirrel away their pennies.

PitBull said:
Thanks for agreeing with Shogun and the rest of us on point #2. It makes it all the more likely we are right about everything else as well. Disguising the fact that you agree with your opponents by making it look as if their point is really your point is weak. Please work on your debating skills.

I don't know which point you're getting at here. Please use the html embedding aids and post to points specifically. I can only guess that I agreed to the evidence of promotion of Black Urban pop culture? I have no idea. Anyhow, I'm agreeing to point of effect, not cause.

PitBull said:
Your last point is not only irrelevant, but also idiotic. You need to lose your arguments more gracefully, without looking like a nutjob. Its time
to put the books down and walk away slowly.

More ad hominems. Great.

Look here:

conscious social engineering:unconscious social engineering::dr josef megele:mother theresa


deception:self-deception::evil:altruism::human experimentation:denial of reproductive rights to the disenfranchised poor

Catch my drift?
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