Good to know. Thanks Don. I thought it might be some sort of dos attack trying to bring down the site because of the way we cover and discuss the draft.
Thanks Don. Was worried that the net neutrality was already having an effect on the board. Glad it's ok.
The site is instantly timing out and giving an error message a lot of late, it's being worked on.
There will be a server migration this Saturday, October 9th. The message I received states "we expect 8 to 10 hours of downtime between the hours of 3:00 pm EST and 12:00 am EST."

If it does take place at the predicted time it will occur during the usual height of posting on the weekly college football thread, but there's nothing I can do about it other than to give everyone a heads-up.
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Bump for those who might have missed it. See post #58. The times mentioned for the migration are likely an educated guess more than anything definitive so just be ready for downtime.
The site has been very slow today because of a "SYN flood attack" whatever that is. It appears to be running ok now.
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The Caste Football site is being migrated to another server at 2 am Eastern time Thursday morning, so if the site is down for a while or not working properly that's why. Actually the site has been down for brief periods quite a bit of late which is why it's being moved.
Thanks for all your continued efforts Don to keep getting the truth out there and doing the work of the bold and the outliers.
Don Wassall is one of our best friends as he has always fought for white rights in sports and in life. Thank you my good friend.
the site frequently times out before loading for me ... that’s even before attempting to log in. i’ve tried numerous times throughout the past two days, and unfortunately the problem arises far more often than not.

it timed out when i posted the last time, as well, but this is the first time i’ve been able to load the site since then so i don’t know if it loaded my post or not.
I think (hope) the issues are now fixed. Some of the posts from the past few days that disappeared have been recovered while others appear to be lost permanently. Let me know if you still have any issues accessing the site.
Yea! Glad to see we're back!!
American Freedom News