All of your messages of support are greatly appreciated. I know I sometimes disparage "virtual communities" but it's great to have a long standing one here on Caste Football at a time like this. It means a lot to me.
Don, I was shocked when I read about your medical condition. I certainly will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. I pray for you to have a complete recovery.
All of your messages of support are greatly appreciated. I know I sometimes disparage "virtual communities" but it's great to have a long standing one here on Caste Football at a time like this. It means a lot to me.
I couldn't agree with you any more. Many of us especially as we get older lose family or they move away, the same with friends and like
you said in a previous post on a different topic that whites are some of the loneliest people on earth as we attacked and isolated more
than anyone on earth. So we must stick together in the real world and in the virtual world. Why I've always called you guys my 2nd family.

God Speed on the recovery even though there is no rush. Just want to see you get better my friend. Glad your doing ok so far and I hope
the healing process goes good.
Don, I was shocked to read this and I am glad you are slowly recovering. I am not religious so I will think positive thoughts for you. You are a warrior and you will come out of this better than ever!!!!!

So a few hours after my interview...

Gods be with you, my friend. I hope you get all better very quickly! We will eventually meet in Valhalla and than I will buy you the beer - or mead! - I promised you.
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Gods bless you, my friend. I hope you get all better very quickly! We will eventually meet in Valhalla and than I will buy you the beer - or mead - I promised you!
Wow...a werewolf sighting! Was wondering if you flew the coup or were just hibernating. Good to see you, sir.
Not the news I was expecting today after being away from the site for a few days.

Don, I’m sorry to hear what happened to you but I am glad that it wasn’t more serious. I’ll be sure to say a few prayers for your full recovery. Hope the Master are compelling this year so you have something to enjoy this weekend.
So sorry to hear about the stroke, Don. You will be in my prayers. A speedy recovery is in your future.
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Hey Don. Haven't seen you on here much since Sunday. Hope your recovery is going ok. One day at at time brother. It may be
slow but steady is the key. Stay positive as we all are praying for you.

Can you please give us an update once every month or two? Hope God heals your body and your strong as ever
again. I also hope you can regain some of the movement you lost. Take care.
I'm making incremental progress but it's a slow go. Basically the damaged nerves have to regenerate and that doesn't happen overnight and there's no guarantee what the end outcome will be. My left arm is numb and tight but my typing ability has already improved some, which is huge. I can't use free weights like before yet as I've lost strength, but I'm pushing as much as I can, which causes quite a bit of pain in my left arm at times but I don't want the arm muscles to atrophy too much.

Thank you all again for the good thoughts and wishes, will continue to give periodic updates on my condition. Unfortunately there's a lot of doctor appointments and therapy sessions to go through in the coming weeks, not my favorite things but hey whatever it takes. I try to think positively and holistically while also taking advantage of what the medical field recommends even as I'm a skeptic of establishment medicine to a degree.
I'm making incremental progress but it's a slow go. Basically the damaged nerves have to regenerate and that doesn't happen overnight and there's no guarantee what the end outcome will be. My left arm is numb and tight but my typing ability has already improved some, which is huge. I can't use free weights like before yet as I've lost strength, but I'm pushing as much as I can, which causes quite a bit of pain in my left arm at times but I don't want the arm muscles to atrophy too much.

Thank you all again for the good thoughts and wishes, will continue to give periodic updates on my condition. Unfortunately there's a lot of doctor appointments and therapy sessions to go through in the coming weeks, not my favorite things but hey whatever it takes. I try to think positively and holistically while also taking advantage of what the medical field recommends even as I'm a skeptic of establishment medicine to a degree.

Glad to hear you are slowly on the mend. You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Positive thought is key to recovery and alleviation of stress also helps the body heal. I think most of us have a heightened degree of skepticism over establishment medicine over the past few years. I think your mindset is clear and you have a great idea on the best path forward in your recovery.
You may also want to try cbd oil. It helps with many people with dementai and alzheimers which I know you don't have. The reason it helps though is that he helps to rewire the damaged nerves of the brain to make new alternate routes. Just my two cents. You mean alot to all
of us here. Good luck and we appreciate the update.
You may also want to try cbd oil. It helps with many people with dementai and alzheimers which I know you don't have. The reason it helps though is that he helps to rewire the damaged nerves of the brain to make new alternate routes. Just my two cents. You mean alot to all
of us here. Good luck and we appreciate the update.
My friend and radio show co-host Patricia is into alternative ways of treating maladies and I've ordered some things like EDTA and DMSO that I've never heard of before and will be following her directions on how to use them. I don't like taking prescription drugs as they all have side effects which then results in new medications with their own side effects being prescribed to combat the other side effects, etc., so will do whatever I can to not become over-prescribed like so many Americans are, and not just old people, Big Pharma is one of the very biggest reasons why there are so many people of all ages who aren't right in the head.
CBD Oil is all natural and it has the part of it taken out that would make you high. You just take a few drops under your tongue once a day.
You hold it there for about a minute and then swallow it. I used it with my mom for many years and it did help her memory and her every day ability to function.

Another plus is it fights cancer. Who knew? Of course the FDA says they don't want us having it. Easier to find now a days.

My friend and radio show co-host Patricia is into alternative ways of treating maladies and I've ordered some things like EDTA and DMSO that I've never heard of before and will be following her directions on how to use them. I don't like taking prescription drugs as they all have side effects which then results in new medications with their own side effects being prescribed to combat the other side effects, etc., so will do whatever I can to not become over-prescribed like so many Americans are, and not just old people, Big Pharma is one of the very biggest reasons why there are so many people of all ages who aren't right in the head.

I don't know what EDTA is but I've used DMSO for years. Just be careful that u know what it is as it draws anything on the skin into your body, so u don't want to put it on top of, say, insect repellant, or in the case of Bud Lite's poster creature or 4 star Admiral Rachel Levine, on top of yr makeup.

"My friend and radio show co-host Patricia "

Not my friend Patty R!? She's the one who brought me to yr Populist Party meeting years ago! No, can't be, She wld hv told me...but i know she used to do radio shows in NJ slips my mind.

" I don't want the arm muscles to atrophy too much."

Can u do isometric exercises? Those can be done even if someone is bedridden to keep the muscles from atrophying, which unfortunately can happen pretty fast. In fact isometrics and variations thereof r my favorite exercise these days.
I don't know what EDTA is but I've used DMSO for years. Just be careful that u know what it is as it draws anything on the skin into your body, so u don't want to put it on top of, say, insect repellant, or in the case of Bud Lite's poster creature or 4 star Admiral Rachel Levine, on top of yr makeup.

"My friend and radio show co-host Patricia "

Not my friend Patty R!? She's the one who brought me to yr Populist Party meeting years ago! No, can't be, She wld hv told me...but i know she used to do radio shows in NJ slips my mind.

" I don't want the arm muscles to atrophy too much."

Can u do isometric exercises? Those can be done even if someone is bedridden to keep the muscles from atrophying, which unfortunately can happen pretty fast. In fact isometrics and variations thereof r my favorite exercise these days.
I can still somewhat do push-ups, dips and pull-ups, so it appears my upper left arm and shoulder lost less strength than the lower half, which still has a long way to go.

I remember Patty from NJ very well. We had really good groups of Populists in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and NYC. I was out that way a lot for meetings and other activities for a number of years. Made a lot of friends, some of whom I'm still in touch with. One lives in Bucks County on about 15 acres of land very close to the Jersey border. He would have regular informal get-togethers that would draw anywhere from 20 to 40 people from PA, NJ, NY and VA, including at different times a PA state senator, a historical revisionist of note, and even Jared Taylor back in his early days after he started American Renaissance.

I was probably in eastern PA, NJ and NY State over 50 times between 1988 and the mid-1990s as we always had balloted Populist Party candidates and various functions ongoing. We had a Populist Party candidate on the ballot for every New Jersey congressional district one year, a helluva feat for an under-financed right wing third party. Many good times were had in that state. Still have some cousins in NJ and even lived there for a year when I was a tyke.
I can still somewhat do push-ups, dips and pull-ups, so it appears my upper left arm and shoulder lost less strength than the lower half, which still has a long way to go.

I remember Patty from NJ very well. We had really good groups of Populists in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and NYC. I was out that way a lot for meetings and other activities for a number of years. Made a lot of friends, some of whom I'm still in touch with. One lives in Bucks County on about 15 acres of land very close to the Jersey border. He would have regular informal get-togethers that would draw anywhere from 20 to 40 people from PA, NJ, NY and VA, including at different times a PA state senator, a historical revisionist of note, and even Jared Taylor back in his early days after he started American Renaissance.

I was probably in eastern PA, NJ and NY State over 50 times between 1988 and the mid-1990s as we always had balloted Populist Party candidates and various functions ongoing. We had a Populist Party candidate on the ballot for every New Jersey congressional district one year, a helluva feat for an under-financed right wing third party. Many good times were had in that state. Still have some cousins in NJ and even lived there for a year when I was a tyke.
I know from personal experience that high blood pressure isn't obvious until it's extremely high. Did you have high blood pressure before the stroke?

I started experiencing side affects of high blood pressure about a year and half ago and started a regular cardio routine again as I was waiting for our cautious government allowing gyms to open without restrictions. Since then I have dropped about 15 pounds and probably more than that of fat but I'm not too sure that my blood pressure would be down without medication.

All anecdotes would be appreciated.
I've taken supplements for many years. I've found it's ALWAYS better to take too little of something rather than too much. You don't want to introduce an unknown variable into the equation when you are trying to better a problem. The only thing I've taken mega doses of is B-5, Pantothenic Acid. It's the main ingredient in the substance drone bees give to a single bee to turn it into the queen, discovered by biochemist Roger Williams. It's never been found to be the least bit toxic. Even vitamin C can be taken in too large a quantity. It and zinc lower bio available copper, which is needed for cholesterol metabolism (both good and bad cholesterol). If you take zinc, you need copper in the amount of 1 mg of copper for every 15 mg's of zinc.

There are VERY few things I've read about that won't affect you somehow when taken in too great a quantity or for too long. I take a little vit. D, but not the amount some of these fools are taking for Covid. It's a pseudo hormone.

I've never read anything but good regarding Coenzyme Q10, black seed oil, EPA oil (it is EPA and not DHA that is effective), and magnesium (when it is buffered with an acid like citrate or taurate). These you can be pretty certain to be safe with, and they benefit people with quite a few ailments.

One last thing. There is an engineer on the internet that has written quite a lot on what he believes to be the fact that vitamin A is actually poisonous to the body, whether in carotenoid or already formed A. He has several near 300 page books on his website but at the moment I can't find it.
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