Caste Football, RIP

What should the new name of this site be?

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I looked it up, there seems to be coverage of of them from this year

Tommy Morrison case update, sons Trey (100%), Kenzie still KO happy | WBN - World Boxing News

Boxrec seems to list one of their son's most recent fights as october last year.

We need to see him more than once a year, especially since he is 30 already and still needs to step up in class. His little brother looks to be a good boxer but not quite the same potential. The younger one looks more like TM where as the older one throughs those same viscous hooks as his old man.
I like the idea of keeping the brand "Caste" while changing the name slightly to respect Don's original site

It will be a shame that I won't be able to go through the archives and see how everyone reacted to a certain event in sports history. I only joined in 2019 but I've read posts going back to 2005 through the search bar wondering what the CF perspective of a key event was.

Maybe we should archive some of the key threads on here and put the archive links in a pastebin.
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No doubt, all of CF archives need to be moved to the new named site. I voted for When the decision is made who will rudder the ship please advise and a money order will be forth coming.
When I think of my best-shared CF moments I think of the following: Germany's epic World Cup Win, Packers winning the 2011 SB, with Gordy leading the way, Wlad Klitschko win against Haye, CMAC getting 1000 yards running and 1000 yards receiving, Gerhart's epic stolen Heisman. Trophy robbery season, Kelly Pavilks victory on becoming the Undisputed Middle Weight Champion., Tyson Fury win against Wilder in their 2nd fight. and many others.
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I have no idea where to post this? Anyway I don't recall anyone predicting this all out black assault of the last five months. And that it would culminate in the black blackmail and 24/7 shouting we have been witnessing the past week. In fact it was not that long ago when the NFL started the ball rolling with the kneeling thing which by the way seems like a walk in the park now compared to the crap going down now.

I was always curious that blacks went totally wild when sports went dormant. Now they are pulling this new devious act when sports are not played in front of crowds. Are they using that as a shield and seizing their opportunity to cause mayhem fully well knowing the repercussions as far as fan pullback won't be readily charted properly?

It seemed at the time all that NFL kneeling was starting to turn off too many fans for comfort so eventually the whole thing died down and things sort of got back to "normal." I don't recall one single human being predicting that blacks would come back a year or two later with a much more dangerous agenda?

The only fan gauge we have now is TV ratings. The problem with ratings when it comes to the NBA or even the NHL is that it is late summer ( these are late fall/winter sports) so the ratings are hard to compare. Initial reports had the NHL doing relatively ok whereas the NBA had taken a dip. Now with this new spasmodic episode by blacks one would think the NBA playoffs TV ratings will take a even bigger hit? We will find out.

But my guess is all sports would have been facing a much bigger backlash than we saw during the NFL kneeling time period and that it boils me that we won't get to see that in action at least in the short term.

And perhaps by the time stadiums and arenas get filled up with fans again a lot of the furor might be died down and most but not all fans will come back in full support. Not sure?

I don't think I speak for myself where I want to see fan backlash to such a degree that it makes it loud and clear this black BS act will not be tolerated. And I do not think it is a coincidence that blacks have decided to go full bore knowing damn well that fan backlash will be pretty much muted because pro sports are not being played in front of potentially "hostile" crowds.

Time will tell.
That was an enjoyable Super Bowl. Call it Caste Football's last hurrah as I'll be taking CF offline after a 16 1/2 year run.

Don't know exactly when yet, depends on how it works procedurally at the hosting company's end, but should be relatively soon so wanted to give everyone a heads up.

This has not been an easy decision and not one done lightly or hastily as evidenced by the first post in this thread being written back in August.

There have been lots of great threads and individual posts on the unique site that is Caste Football that have educated and enlightened many since September of 2004. Thanks to all posters who supported what Caste Football stood for and aspired to be and who made positive contributions over the years.
So Don are you still interested in moving the archives to a new site, a collaboration of current members?
That was an enjoyable Super Bowl. Call it Caste Football's last hurrah as I'll be taking CF offline after a 16 1/2 year run.

Don't know exactly when yet, depends on how it works procedurally at the hosting company's end, but should be relatively soon so wanted to give everyone a heads up.

This has not been an easy decision and not one done lightly or hastily as evidenced by the first post in this thread being written back in August.

There have been lots of great threads and individual posts on the unique site that is Caste Football that have educated and enlightened many since September of 2004. Thanks to all posters who supported what Caste Football stood for and aspired to be and who made positive contributions over the years.

Thanks for keeping it going for 16 1/2 years Don. This was my go to site for sports since I discovered it back in 2005 or 2006. I tried my best to pull in new members over the past football season from Twitter, Gab, Breitbart and other sites comments sections but it was an uphill battle.

For those interested @Freethinker was kind enough to get a Gab group going back in September to try to keep us together. I hope more of you join Gab and the CF group over there so we can at least keep the spirit Caste Football alive and our unapologetic support for white athletes going.

Here is the Gab Group link:
I hope we can save it with most of the members going forward. There is so little to be positive about these days. We needs sites like this for our moral. Whites worldwide are under constant attack.

My vote would be for Leonardfan to be put in charge of where we go from here. I would like to be involved and I'm sure most of the posters here will gladly go to the new host site. Sad to see the original
site go but we understand Don. Thanks for everything and I wish you a happy life. Maybe you can post on a new site occasionally if we can find one. I don't want to this site dissapear. That would be tragic.
I hope we can save it with most of the members going forward. There is so little to be positive about these days. We needs sites like this for our moral. Whites worldwide are under constant attack.

My vote would be for Leonardfan to be put in charge of where we go from here. I would like to be involved and I'm sure most of the posters here will gladly go to the new host site. Sad to see the original
site go but we understand Don. Thanks for everything and I wish you a happy life. Maybe you can post on a new site occasionally if we can find one. I don't want to this site dissapear. That would be tragic.

I'm going to Gab with @Bucky and @Freethinker. You do not need to provide your name, phone number or any other personal data that can indentify you. @Freethinker was already generous enough to pay the costs for a Gab Pro membership for 2 years. We might as well use it or lose it. I'll take another gander at seeing if I can setup a free website with a format similar to CF anonymously but if I recall from my research back when Don first made the announcement it was determined that Gab is the best option.

Gab's traffic increase since the twitter expulsion at the beginning of the year has been very high so that is probably the best option to have any sort of pro white athlete platform. It's a different format for sure and we won't be able to have the organization of the CF but we can at least keep the spirit and message of the site alive.
Just f.y.i. There are so many video sites that are uncensored now. We should get a channel at, bitchute, odysee or and create a caste sports channel. Some of them even provide cryptocurrencies for the amount of views. Then we
could have a link to the gab site. I'm already there and we will all have to post on there primairly when this site goes down. Gonna be a sad day but the message and site must survive.
I appreciate you creating this site and keeping it going for so long. I learned a lot on it. I'll miss it and my fellow posters.
I signed up for GAB but can't figure out how to access Caste Football there. It keeps asking me to log in even though I have already done so...
Thank you for this site Don! While sad to see it end, I understand. However, the fight against the great replacement continues and it is up to all of us here to fight back. We will not go quietly into the night...
Can't thank you enough for this site and the work you have done over the years fighting for whites.
Sad to see it go, but it was great the little bit I got to use it. Really opened my eyes to how white athletes are treated at every level at almost all sports. Hope an alternative pops up soon. Thank you for keeping it up for so long.
This site has been a part of my sports viewing ever since I found it. I will miss it when it's gone. Thank you, Don.
My honest opinion is that we should use Gab to help promote and grow the site along with a video channel later on. I also think we need to have the site on a normal message board platform like it is here. Gab makes
it very difficult to post and read everything in a normal orderly fashion. It's better than nothing and I do think we should continue to use it. I'm just saying that we need a normal message board like this one. It doesn't have to
be this one but I do love this format and company. I will put up the first $200 dollars towards buying a site but we need to organize quickly. I have to go out of town briefly so I won't be back on until until thursday night or friday.
Let me know your guys thoughts. My first preference would be to buy a site domain on this web hosting service we are using now. Just change the name but have a similar format. :)