Caste Football, RIP. . . not!

After some contemplation and seeing how much Caste Football has meant to so many and how difficult it may be logistically to replace it, I've decided to become the Brett Favre of admins and postpone my retirement.

But -- my commitment is only to see the site through the upcoming football season and evaluate then if I will continue with it. If it's still as slow as it often is now, then I'll step aside for good. So. . . if Caste Football is as important as many posters claim it is to them, all of us need to roll up our sleeves and do more.

The decline in posting at some point became contagious and just about everyone cut back. We need to make a commitment to post more and have that become contagious. Posting begets more posting and more traffic, i.e., more interest. I'm asking the veterans who still post here to do more posting, and newer posters who joined in the past few years to also do more. There's been a number of new posters who seemed promising and then all of a sudden they stopped posting rather than posting regularly or semi-regularly. Regular posting and regular posters are what make a forum successful, not irregular or very occasional posters.

I'd also like to see more posts about various sports and individual White athletes. Surely more than a few people here follow hockey, golf, tennis, baseball, UFC, soccer, etc.

Although I obviously can't control what people post, we need more positivity and less doom and gloom. Just about everything not related to sports is depressing these days, so let's concentrate on what the guidelines say -- "keep posts productive." White athletes are a breath of fresh air to root for and we need to emphasize that instead of all the bad things going on.

Some posters in private conversations have kicked around the idea of starting a CF spinoff on Gab or Redditt. Or maybe a video channel on BitChute or some other non-censored site. A weekly internet radio show is something that's been talked about at times but never got out of the starting gate. Promoting CF on comments sections always generates at least a little interest.

We need some other ideas -- and more importantly, follow through. So let's all do what we can in our own way to get Caste Football back on an upward trajectory. "Ask not what Caste Football can do for you, but what you can do for Caste Football."

I've been lurking for years. Stepping up this season.
I probably won't be watching many complete games but I would appreciate the posters who link to youtube clips of highlights of players we have an interest in.

Edit; since I believe in life as a negotiation I am the guy who will pointedly ask an antagonist to up their offer to me or I'm out. We little band of outcasts to the American Empire of POZ can actually ask the powers of the NFL and the networks to deliver a product without the POZ. Yes these people are so insecure that just a few people questioning the conventional wisdom upsets them, and if they rebuff us that's life.
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since I believe in life as a negotiation I am the guy who will pointedly ask an antagonist to up their offer to me or I'm out. We little band of outcasts to the American Empire of POZ can actually ask the powers of the NFL and the networks to deliver a product without the POZ. Yes these people are so insecure that just a few people questioning the conventional wisdom upsets them, and if they rebuff us that's life.

The funny thing is that although they react with outrage whenever someone questions the Narrative, if no one questioned the Narrative the SJW/Antifa's entire reason for existence would go away, as literally their entire lives are centered around endless political warfare and conflict. They need an otherkin to hate. Everyone becoming a liberal is actually the last thing liberals want, similar to how the Jews want the goyim to stay goyim. I had an acquaintance try to "convert" to liberalism but basically get treated like an inferior/apprentice/second class when her new liberal friends found out she voted Republican in past elections, no matter how loudly she howled that she regretted it. She's very confused and upset now. Actually, she has been for a long time. But anyway, the point is that when I first heard that story, I immediately thought of how the Jews make it very difficult for goyim to convert to Judaism (and even if they're accepted, they're still thought of as second class Jews).

Believing in life as a negotiation is a good way to do things. When dealing with liberals, we should either fight back as equals or opt out. The worst thing we can do is play their stupid game and accept the role of punching bag that they want to assign to us.
Are you people still following down on your knees Black Lives Matter/Antifa commy scum football!?
Are you people still following down on your knees Black Lives Matter/Antifa commy scum football!?

Well the site does center around football. I am able to follow it with blinders on - to cheer and root for white athletes only.
Well the site does center around football. I am able to follow it with blinders on - to cheer and root for white athletes only.

No self respecting White person, or any decent person, should be looking at those yellow bellied down on their knees commy scum coward traitors. Put them out of business! Ssend them to the welfare center!
No self respecting White person, or any decent person, should be looking at those yellow bellied down on their knees commy scum coward traitors. Put them out of business! Ssend them to the welfare center!

Same goes for all the other damn down on their knees commy scum spectator sports, baseball, basketball, even freaking tennis! It will be good for people to stop watching that crap anyway and participate instead of spectate.
Same goes for all the other damn down on their knees commy scum spectator sports, baseball, basketball, even freaking tennis! It will be good for people to stop watching that crap anyway and participate instead of spectate.

Sports are one of the first things weaponized against white people by the marxists. I prefer to be aware of that, point it out and try to red-pill others. Sports have eroded society and at every corner tried their best to put down and denigrate white males. I don't disagree with you for being totally against most sports - I can certainly respect that. On the other hand I can support white athletes and do not need to be attacked on this site.

Plenty of white players know the score but they also know that they are up against a huge anti-white corporate machine that will blackball them if they speak out against it. I can't fault them as many of us have to unfortunately deal with similar circumstances in our lives to a certain extent. I'd certainly appreciate white athletes if they were able to stand up for themselves, fellow white athletes and speak out against the caste system but the 50+ year spread of the cancer of marxism throughout our society does not allow that. We are the only site on the internet that openly roots for white athletes - think about that for a minute.
The funny thing is that although they react with outrage whenever someone questions the Narrative, if no one questioned the Narrative the SJW/Antifa's entire reason for existence would go away, as literally their entire lives are centered around endless political warfare and conflict. They need an otherkin to hate. Everyone becoming a liberal is actually the last thing liberals want, similar to how the Jews want the goyim to stay goyim. I had an acquaintance try to "convert" to liberalism but basically get treated like an inferior/apprentice/second class when her new liberal friends found out she voted Republican in past elections, no matter how loudly she howled that she regretted it. She's very confused and upset now. Actually, she has been for a long time. But anyway, the point is that when I first heard that story, I immediately thought of how the Jews make it very difficult for goyim to convert to Judaism (and even if they're accepted, they're still thought of as second class Jews).

Believing in life as a negotiation is a good way to do things. When dealing with liberals, we should either fight back as equals or opt out. The worst thing we can do is play their stupid game and accept the role of punching bag that they want to assign to us.

La France we are dealing with terribly insecure people in power at the moment, the one thing they have going for them is they play the Social Game far better than we do, our men and women have all the facts but in the end end up looking like school boys in the principle's office trying to extricate himself out of some conflict with a teacher. These evil people want you to squeal it is all part of the theatre they don't want you questioning their social authority they want you to acknowledge it thru the usual wails and whines.
Same goes for all the other damn down on their knees commy scum spectator sports, baseball, basketball, even freaking tennis! It will be good for people to stop watching that crap anyway and participate instead of spectate.

The only crime you committed with that statement is that you did not sound cool.
The only crime you committed with that statement is that you did not sound cool.

What's that "not sounding cool", some kind of BLM-Antifa neo-bolshevik crime?

Thread below: "We need to stick together as a people."

White people, even supposedly enlightened ones, can't even stick together enough to boycott these stinking spectator sports with the yellow bellied traitors all down on their knees before the mortal enemies of our country and race and civilization!


Red Sox Unveil ‘Black Lives Matter’ Billboard at Fenway Park
What's that "not sounding cool", some kind of BLM-Antifa neo-bolshevik crime?

Thread below: "We need to stick together as a people."

White people, even supposedly enlightened ones, can't even stick together enough to boycott these stinking spectator sports with the yellow bellied traitors all down on their knees before the mortal enemies of our country and race and civilization!


Red Sox Unveil ‘Black Lives Matter’ Billboard at Fenway Park

Fenway Sports Group, he is currently chairman of both Liverpool Football Club and the Boston Red Sox.
Tom Werner
Thomas Charles Werner April 12, 1950 New York City, United States

Tom Werner - Wikipedia
Early life. Werner was born to a Jewish family, in New York City; one of three children born to Elizabeth (née Grumbach) and Henry Werner. He has one sister, Patsy Werner Hanson, and one brother, Peter Werner. He was educated at St. Bernard's School in Manhattan, The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut, and graduated from Harvard University in 1971.

Football is even much worse than baseball. They've been running neo-bolshevik halftime shows for years.


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Most of the time you have to maintain the frame when you lay it out. Most of the time when conservatives do their outrage act it just ain't cool, correct but not cool or socially dominant. Some days you walk from the table when the cards don't lay your way but you don't stay there to lose your cash out of principle. If I were BoSox fan on a fan board and I had to comment on that stupid sign I would just say, "Too f*ckin cuck" then shut up and leave.

As for the super jews of sports I for one encourage them in the "Flight from White"
Another mistake I see a lot of those on the Right making is being overly dramatic when announcing their politics, reinforcing the liberal stereotype of nationalism as "shocking" or "wrong." When I tell people that I'm an alt-righter, I use the same tone of voice that I'd use to say, "I like ice cream."

Talk about loving your race like it's the most natural thing in the world, because it is.
Hey everyone @Freethinker has the Castefootball GAB page up now if anyone has a gab account and wants to join.

Also - if you are a lurker or part time poster it would be great if you signed up and/or started contributing to the forum. I see a lot of views on threads - whether it be the NFL or College weekly thread, the college team write-ups/even this thread and the Caste Football RIP thread have a lot of views. I think I speak for most veteran posters - we welcome new members who can make meaningful contributions, bring up personal experiences, share their observations, talk sports. etc. To keep the site going we need more activity and interest from a larger group of people.
I agree with Leonardfan's post, but I'd also like to see more posters "step up their game" and comment more frequently. A few have, which is great to see, but I'm hoping to see many more show their support for Caste Football by joining the conversation more than just occasionally.
Hey everyone @Freethinker has the Castefootball GAB page up now if anyone has a gab account and wants to join.

Also - if you are a lurker or part time poster it would be great if you signed up and/or started contributing to the forum. I see a lot of views on threads - whether it be the NFL or College weekly thread, the college team write-ups/even this thread and the Caste Football RIP thread have a lot of views. I think I speak for most veteran posters - we welcome new members who can make meaningful contributions, bring up personal experiences, share their observations, talk sports. etc. To keep the site going we need more activity and interest from a larger group of people.
Thanks LF. Meant to make a post or thread on it but have had a crazy busy week.

I was hoping that a core of posters could occasionally post on Gab as well (not to the volume that it takes away from CF posting) to drum up interest over there. I plan on posting some new or “exclusive” posts there but I’d mainly like to share great posts directly from CF boards. For example, if posters here consent, I can screenshot the post and share it there and add a link back to our forum. I’d try to do a couple a day (best of the best). Example below:

I sent out a mass email that was supposed to go to all registered users, encouraging them to participate on CF. Did anyone receive it?
I did receive the email Don.

Also if you don't mind I am going to "borrow" the message of your email when I do my posting on other sites to try and drum up more traffic for CF.
It probably won't reach anyone who has changed their email address from whatever one they used when they signed up on CF. But at least we know it's reaching some people.
It probably won't reach anyone who has changed their email address from whatever one they used when they signed up on CF. But at least we know it's reaching some people.

Is it possible for someone to just copy and paste the email here for those of us that cannot read it? If not can we get an idea of what it's about. Thanks in advance.
It's short and to the point. It should say it's from "Caste Football" to those who receive it:

A new football season has started, help Caste Football cover the action as only we can. We're the only site that roots for the "overachievers" with "non-stop motors" who bring their lunch pail to work every day. This has been a miserable year in many ways, but at least we can still cheer for the underdogs. Please stop by and contribute your thoughts and opinions!