caste football removed from google?

Since this happened I've noticed that every time I check the active users, there seems to beone and only one Google searchbot here at all times. Before there would often be several of them, sometimes a bunch, sometimes none. So it seems like there's much less of a Google presence, but there still is a minimal presence.
Don Wassall said:
Since this happened I've noticed that every time I check the active users, there seems to be one and only one Google searchbot here at all times.  Before there would often be several of them, sometimes a bunch, sometimes none.  So it seems like there's much less of a Google presence, but there still is a minimal presence. 

That's even more eerie. I wonder what that lone searchbot is actually doing?
Here is the phone number guys. We need to either email or call Google. They have no reason to ban us. I recomend that each and everyone of you to call and complain. Be polite, cordial but to the point. We need to demand to be put off the banned list. We have done nothing to deserve this treatment. Thanks for the help guys. We appreciate it.
<DIV =address>Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Whiteathlete is right, I will be making that call. CF is VERY important to me! Thanks whiteathlete for the Phone #
Edited by: P-NutLane
I just added the site to the google index, and will call them shortly. I too have been having problems with the newest version of Hotmail over the past two weeks. I just got back to the internet after being gone for a week. By the way, when I type in "Caste Football" in google, the first result to come up is the CF myspace page. When I type "white running backs" there are no CF results. Same result when typing in "white cornerbacks". This is a horrible development, so we needto allbe vocal to Google about this and try to get it changed.
I just tried to call them but couldn't get anyone on the phone. I kept getting directed to the Google FAQ. Anyone talked to them yet who could provide an extension number that will give you the chance to leave feedback? I'm emailing them now.
I've added the site to the Google index too, but it's probably blocked or however it's censored. There's still one and only one Google searchbot on the site at all times, almost like a permanent sentry. Strange.
You read articles in the U.S. corporate media condemning internet censorship in China, and now Australia is in the act in a big way:

Australian web filter to block 10,000 internet sites

Excerpt: "The pilot will specifically test filtering against the ACMA blacklist of prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well as filtering of other unwanted content," Senator Conroy told Parliament today.

Gotta love that completely vague "other unwanted content," which means any site the government doesn't like.

[url],21985,24645676-661, 00.html[/url]

Looks like the strategy in the U.S. is the same as it is for print publications and the "democratic" political system -- don't censor outright, just keep all opposition marginalized on the fringes.
Guess it won't be long now before we see the last post off aussieaussie and others. Hopefully they have a chance to say good bye before they no longer have access to the site.
Those who have a gmail account can login and go here to try to find out what is going on. It seems tough to actually talk to a person, and this is the best I have come up with so far.

Start a new question about it under "Using Web Search" "Google Web Search Troubleshooting" and "Information in Google's Search Results"
Has anyone else noticed how the Yahoo forums have come to a crawl the past few days? There are a couple I go to, and now both day and night they are very slow, as if some big upgrade is taking place, or maybe some clunky government spy program searching through it and chewing up bandwidth. The censoring by Google, the odd Hotmail "update" and now this Yahoo slow-down, all of which seems to have begun about the time of the elections Yahoo forums slow-down?

Orwell's "Oceania" is on the horizon gentlemen. This is probably (barely) the tip of the iceberg. Good analogy to Google search allowing massive filth, but then removing a sports oriented pro-White site like CF. Our 1st Amendment rights are squarely in the cross-hairs.
A "Sticky Topic" is an envelope with a tack on it. Go back to the happy hour page and notice the two tacked topics at the top. See what I mean?

"sticky" also means it is an important thread, and therefore is stuck (like the Colonel said) at the top of the forum page.
Yes, the importance of the topic is what makes it sticky. Thanks for the elucidation JC!
This is absolutely sickening.I can't believe this is happening.

I went to google and when you put in Caste Football it will bring up other WN sites discussing.

Terrible, but terrific proof of how powerful this site is.
I will agree with Voice.

Think of Shoguns wonderful post on freedom. We are progressive thinkers using logic and appealing to white people who feel left behind by this convoluted government. Of course they consider us dangerous.

Censorship is rearing its head gentlemen. The constitution is the law of the land, and it says we have a right to speak our minds. What will it be?Edited by: InfamousOne
Althoughit can't be totally contributed to the google censorship, CF has just 10 new posters so far this month compared to 22 during the first 27 days of October. Not good news!
Looks like Castefootball has been 'sandboxed,' like this author who's anti-Obama blog has been removed from Google's search engines as well.
I think you are right Shogun. I just emailed thewriter of that article about what happened here.
Agreed WS. I also just finished reading the article. The big question though is there anything that Don could do or is google well within its rights to do this regardless of how unpopular it seems?
Well, if a bunch of gays can force eHarmony to provide a service that hundreds of other businesses already provide, one would think that Google could be forced to provide links to website content, regardless of whether Google approves of such content themselves. And regardless of how many other search engines there are out there that do provide direct links to Caste Football.
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