caste football removed from google?

Here's my hotmail email that won't come through:
Subject: Censorship
Message Body: I think Google is starting to censor email. If you do a google search on "caste football", nothing comes up.
Observer said:
Don, can we give you our phone numbers?

Don't post them on the board. I like you guys and all, but what do you want me to do with them?
Don Wassall said:
Observer said:
Don, can we give you our phone numbers?

Don't post them on the board.  I like you guys and all, but what do you want me to do with them?

Good advice. We can always pm each other and its more secure. I'm kinda paranoid about the net right now.
Don Wassall said:
Observer said:
Don, can we give you our phone numbers?

Don't post them on the board.  I like you guys and all, but what do you want me to do with them?
Build a Plan C, in case you need to organize the resistance.

Only half joking.

Has anyone else tried my hotmail test?
Observer said:
Has anyone else tried my hotmail test?

Yes, both the 'censor' email and the regular email came through.
White Shogun said:
Observer said:
Has anyone else tried my hotmail test?

Yes, both the 'censor' email and the regular email came through.

I tried the experiment again, and this time my "censor" email came through, but the other did not. Maybe hotmail is just having problems with their upgrade? Maybe their new censorship filtering is coarse at this point? Maybe I'm on a list. Maybe just blind, but I don't think so.
Observer said:
White Shogun said:
Observer said:
Has anyone else tried my hotmail test?

Yes, both the 'censor' email and the regular email came through.

I tried the experiment again, and this time my "censor" email came through, but the other did not. Maybe hotmail is just having problems with their upgrade? Maybe their new censorship filtering is coarse at this point? Maybe I'm on a list. Maybe just blind, but I don't think so.

I think Hotmail just sucks.
I bet they are doing background checks on all this sites' members. There is going to be a witch hunt of sorts. Don't even joke about anything on here because Uncle Sam/Tom would love to use it as a pretense to win some brownie points with the new powers that be.

The 1st amendment does not apply to whites at this time in history so be careful. If the Feds or anyone else tries to cook your goose for mere words call the ACLU. They may not want to help you but history has proven they will.

Take it to court and maybe get a big pay day. I know a guy suing a cell phone co who fired him for giving a friendly huge to a niggress co-worker who always hugged everybody at work herself. They singled him out because he is white. He is not just accepting the mistreatment, he's taking it to court. We are all in this together!Edited by: Furina fan
I also cannot use Google to search for either "Castefootball" or ""<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

I perused some of the subsequent pages in hope the site was, at the very least,pushed back; it wasn't. What I did find wasdisturbing:a site called quantast that misrepresented Castefootball'sdemographics; it indicated falsely, among other things, more women than men, for example: "This site reaches approximately 4,711 U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a young adult, slightly more female than male audience." (Note: I'm not saying we shouldn't encourage females to post; in fact weshould, for the union of the sexes is beneficial)<O:p></O:p>

But the site is giving false info...<O:p></O:p>

Anyone know anything about this resource? It seems there are powers that are bent on sabotaging this site. <O:p></O:p>

Here's the link:<O:p></O:p> by: Alpha Male
That site claims Caste Football's audience is 57% female, which is patently ridiculous, and that CF reaches 4,711 people per month when we get that many in just a few days time.
Don Wassall said:
Is anyone aware of censorship practices by Google? I just googled some extremely hard-core sites dealing with race that make us look like ultra-liberals by comparison, and their homepages and other links were right there.

Like-minded, intelligent, freethinking white people- Caste Football must really be causing a stir. Those others sites probably weren't censored because they validate the left wing agenda where white racial awareness is only hatred, supremacy, and something to do with Hitler. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Damn, the day after Obama becomes president Caste Football is censored. I'm suspicious that this isn't a matter of coincidence.
Don, have you tried Google Webmaster Tools. You can find out how Google views Castefootball and request better exposure. You have to have a Google account though.
This whole thing is bizarre to me. The internet is so vast and full of all types of websites and to think someone is singling us out? I have always used Yahoo to access this site and I had no problem today getting here. But I know Google is the big dog here.
I typed in and it is still there. You can have sites promoting the black athlete and there accomplishments but not for the white athletes. You talk about a double standard. This site is not racist. It is called pride in your heritage. This is a total joke. We need to figure out a way around this Don. It's only going to get worse in the near future. I'm very angry as this is totally unfair. We fight to be considered equal and it scares them.
"Like-minded, intelligent, freethinking white people - Caste Football must really be causing a stir. Those others sites probably weren't censored because they validate the left wing agenda where white racial awareness is only hatred, supremacy, and something to do with Hitler."

Well said. If there is indeed any "conspiracy" behind all this nonsense, what you described is the most likely situation.

Do you guys realize the billions of horrible websites that google DOES NOT filter? Dear god, there are some pornographic websites with unspeakable "fetishes" (castration, beastiality, child porn, etc). Google happily allows these sick, mentally ill forums to go unchecked....but they have seemingly erased all traces of CF. A mere sports website which exposes american athletic myths, lies, and agenda with regards to race.

I doubt it has anything to do with the appointment of our new Madam President, that little puppet has far bigger "racists" to deal with first.

If the powers-that-be actually care that much about this website, they're even dumber than we all think (which is pretty bad). It's really a crime that new, young guys wont be able to find this site the way I did many years ago.

Then again, most of the morons (my generation: 18-25) will happily go along with nearly anything Mr. TV tells them, as long as no logical thought is required.Edited by: Thrashen
The tentacles of the leviathon are vast. On a political blog I do, within three hours of posting some editorial comment on gay marriage and the gay mafia's role in promoting it, and backing it up with a book by two gay psychologists who talked about the propaganda, the publisher of the site was threatened by GLAD. My blog isn't exactly linked to the Drudge Report, how the hell did it get to them so fast? At least it proved the gay mafia was all too real.
I found this in Google's Webmaster/Siteowner help:

How do I remove a page from Google's search results?

In a nutshell

In order to remove website content from Google's index, the website's webmaster must do one of the following actions:

* Change the content of the page itself
* Use a robots.txt file or include meta tags on the webpage. This tells Google to exclude the site from search results.

Maybe someone was able to hack this and get Castefootball blocked?

[url] r=508&cbid=1urtonueohehx&src=cb&lev=answer [/url]
Rise, good research.
I looked at the meta tags (in Internet Explorer, go to View |Source) on a few different pages, but did not see anything suspicious.
Maybe one of the banned posters works for Google.
sport historian said:
I just typed "" in the Google box and it went directly to it.

Thats because you are typing in the address.
Typing in castefootball still does not pull up the main page on google which it used to.
It isn't that you can't find the site if you already know the name, it's that in running searches for 'white running backs,' or 'white corner backs,' or 'white athletes,' Caste Football will no longer come up. It used to be at the top of the search results, now - it doesn't exist.
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