Canadian Freedom Fighters

They are going to get rid of the Constitution of Canada next week. Canada has just about fallen. Here is the video. This must be stopped.

No offence to you Lightening, but what is said in that video makes no sense. A constitution of a federation has to be ratified, amended, or rescinded unanimously by member states. Certainly several provinces will object to Trudeau's alleged proposal. Also, the constitutions of the Commonwealth nations are Acts of their parliaments not constructions of states. Those are "constitutions" in name only, but more akin to a species of instruments we call by-laws as they are law applicable internally to a corporation. The difference is those constitutions apply to government not to the peoples. Those Commonwealth constitutions are only "liberally" applied in equity to the peoples that move complaints in those commercial courts. If Trudeau and the political class recklessly abandon the one document millions of Canadian peoples have been duped into believing protected their rights, the facade of government collapses and like wildfire people will quickly learn the remedy: rescision of citizenship and reclamation of their territory. I doubt the Crown wants to risk that.
Trudeau's government is dominated by people carefully groomed by the WEF (World Economic Forum, the leading internationalist organization promoting "The Great Reset" and the totalitarian agenda of the Covid plandemic), starting with Trudeau himself.

WEF 'Infiltration': Rogan Redpilled, Canadian MP Cut Off For Asking - Accused Of Spreading "Disinformation"

Also this:

Klaus Schwab’s Puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ Revealed — Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and Many More
Trudeau's government is dominated by people carefully groomed by the WEF (World Economic Forum, the leading internationalist organization promoting "The Great Reset" and the totalitarian agenda of the Covid plandemic), starting with Trudeau himself.

WEF 'Infiltration': Rogan Redpilled, Canadian MP Cut Off For Asking - Accused Of Spreading "Disinformation"

Also this:

Klaus Schwab’s Puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ Revealed — Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and Many More

Thanks Don I know all about the World Young Global Leaders including Trudeau who they have placed all around the world with their fixed elections. Klaus Schwaub
even bragged that over half of the Canadian Parliment is in his control. They are so confident but I'm hoping it all blows up in their faces. If they win this battle for
humanity we will have no freedom whatsoever. They even want to force vaccinations at their will. Klaus Schwab is the real life Dr. Evil. For those that doubt me go read
his three books he has written. Two of them are "Covid 19 The Great Reset" and "The Fourth Industrial Revolution".
Thanks Don I know all about the World Young Global Leaders including Trudeau who they have placed all around the world with their fixed elections. Klaus Schwaub
even bragged that over half of the Canadian Parliment is in his control. They are so confident but I'm hoping it all blows up in their faces. If they win this battle for
humanity we will have no freedom whatsoever. They even want to force vaccinations at their will. Klaus Schwab is the real life Dr. Evil. For those that doubt me go read
his three books he has written. Two of them are "Covid 19 The Great Reset" and "The Fourth Industrial Revolution".

Though some people everywhere doubt it, the Creator is on our side and we can expect some great surprises in our favor. Thanks be to God.
Here are the N.W.O. United Nations Thugs stepping and walking all over the Flag of Canada.

Here are the N.W.O. United Nations Thugs stepping and walking all over the Flag of Canada.

Good picture. Those aren't police officers. The streamers all said the police officers were the better or good guys. The streamers also said they were imported from Quebec and you can hear Quebec accents when they talk between them. Real tough guys when the other side is peaceful. For some strange reason I don't think those same thugs would be so confident if they had to face armed people firing at them.
Tens of thousands of people amassed for weeks and not a scratch or chip made to any property or man and woman. What does that say about civilized peoples? I suggest it exemplies how we civilized peoples would not descend into chaos and destruction if state governments and their standing armies of policy enforcers disappeared. They are dependent on us not we of them.
Trudeau's government is dominated by people carefully groomed by the WEF (World Economic Forum, the leading internationalist organization promoting "The Great Reset" and the totalitarian agenda of the Covid plandemic), starting with Trudeau himself.
Also this:
Klaus Schwab’s Puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ Revealed — Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and Many More

This is the Corrupt Canadian Govt. protecting Klaus Schwabs Young Global Leaders in the Canadian Parliment.

Tens of thousands of people amassed for weeks and not a scratch or chip made to any property or man and woman. What does that say about civilized peoples? I suggest it exemplies how we civilized peoples would not descend into chaos and destruction if state governments and their standing armies of policy enforcers disappeared. They are dependent on us not we of them.

Good observation but exactly why this will likely fade into oblivion. Perhaps a few overturned cop cars and burnt down neighborhoods would do our "polite and civilized" side some good. IDK damned if you do, damned if you don't at this point.
Canadian Senate was scheduled to vote of the continuation of the War Measures Act that slime devil Trudeau used to attack his political opponents. Ah, but just at the last minute he announces the Act is no longer needed and summarily revoked its use! The Senate was going to deny him the prolongation of the use of the Act and instead of facing headlines that he was defeated he took his ball and went home. Tyrants are typically cowards.
Canadian Senate was scheduled to vote of the continuation of the War Measures Act that slime devil Trudeau used to attack his political opponents. Ah, but just at the last minute he announces the Act is no longer needed and summarily revoked its use! The Senate was going to deny him the prolongation of the use of the Act and instead of facing headlines that he was defeated he took his ball and went home. Tyrants are typically cowards.
This will stick in the minds of the Canadians. They won't forget it. Sure, the hardcore leftists will try to vote him in next time but not the majority. They have had enough and seen enough! "Coward" is the perfect description for bought and paid for political punks like him.
This will stick in the minds of the Canadians. They won't forget it. Sure, the hardcore leftists will try to vote him in next time but not the majority. They have had enough and seen enough! "Coward" is the perfect description for bought and paid for political punks like him.

You're right. But, he's such a coward he likely won't run in the next election because he can't handle rejection.
Good article:

Good read for sure and a bit of optimism for what lies ahead. I've said it before but I certainly feel an undercurrent of a pushback against the currently installed governments throughout the West. Trudeau is pathetic. This site was pointing out things 15-20 years ago that were considering conspiracy theories only to see a greater percentage of the population finally catch up now.
American Freedom News