Canadian Freedom Fighters

Geez Ambrose, and here I and the other hillbilly American posters from flyover country thought all Canadians lived in igloos and spent their entire lives alternating between ice fishing and playing hockey and curling. Wow, provinces and premiers. . . thanks for enlightening us.

:):):) I'm the one living in the country not you, making me more "hillbilly", but most of our fellow Americans wouldn't know where Saskatchewan was or what it is.;)
I would like to think the average American CF poster/reader is a little more knowledgeable about our neighbor to the north than you give them credit for. But random liberals and communists, now that's a different story.

Insiders with the Liberal Party and Prime Minister’s Office have revealed that Justin Trudeau is showing extreme worry over the ongoing truckers’ convoy protest.

Speaking with Elect Conservatives on the condition that they both remain unnamed, the party sources revealed that the government is gravely concerned about the ongoing protests in Ottawa and across the country.

“This is all new territory for them, and not something they ever saw coming,” said one party insider. “They figured that these COVID measures would continue as long as needed, but yeah, it was a shock to the system when they saw the convoy and the number of people cheering them on.”

Another source highlighted the extent to which Trudeau is struggling to cope with the truckers’ convoy; a protest that has inspired millions across the world and promised to continue until all COVID-19 mandates are lifted.

“He’s not dealing well with it – he’s definitely panicked and bruised,” the source said. “I can’t say much more, but it’s not looking good. We’ve never seen him this frustrated or worried about something…yeah, it certainly feels like he’s a deer in the headlights right now.”

Trudeau has amped his rhetoric against the truckers’ protest in recent days, falsely labelling attendees as “racist, homophonic and misogynist”. However, this language is clearly a ploy to tarnish the image of the protesters to whip up public opposition to their cause.

We at Elect Conservatives are proud of the men and women in Ottawa who are protesting for our freedoms and fighting the medical tyranny that has gripped Canada over the past two years. The fact that Trudeau is struggling to cope with the onslaught of support for the truckers – and that numerous provinces have announced that COVID restrictions will be eliminated in the coming weeks – shows that the convoy is working brilliantly.

Keep on trucking, patriots!

No sources named in the article but this is circulating on boards so why not. Even if there are no staffers leaking anything, we are in a war of words and minds so fire this type of story back at them as the old media never ceases to churn out the same against us and has been doing it since their creation.
"They figured those COVID measures would continue as long as needed" LOL. Translation: They thought they could sucker the people into accepting Covid-1984 restrictions permanently as the "new normal," and are now soiling their pants since it's become clear that the majority of people aren't buying it.
"They figured those COVID measures would continue as long as needed" LOL. Translation: They thought they could sucker the people into accepting Covid-1984 restrictions permanently as the "new normal," and are now soiling their pants since it's become clear that the majority of people aren't buying it.

Lol still some fight in people in The West!
Looks like the Canadian convoy has provided a spark for similar action around the world. In my country (New Zealand) truckers and other protestors have converged today on the capital in Wellington, having driven in two groups from the top of the North Island and the bottom of the South Island. There are expected to be at least 1000 vehicles outside parliament today - they are blocking off the streets and have no plans to go anytime soon. The mainstream media is trying to downplay the scale of the movement but for a small country (5m) its a pretty big deal.

We have some of the worst Covid restrictions in the world. Despite only having about 5o Covid deaths throughout the whole pandemic, the country remains tightly locked down and a two-tier society has bee set up between vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

Vaccine mandates have been enforced along a large section of public sector jobs, and with the punitive restrictions put on the movement of the unvaxxed many private companies have also put in place vaccine mandates of their own. The government is now trying to push for the adult population to get booster shots, and the vaccine has been approved for children aged 5-11.
Must See Video: Justin Trudeau Gets Outed by His Own Brother Kyle as Pawn of New World Order Taking Orders from Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations

“He is the face and the lead spokesperson of the Canadian government, but the policies and initiatives that are driving it and are driving this narrative that he continues to push, that in my opinion is anti-freedom and anti-Canadian, is coming down from the higher ups, from groups like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg. They recognise they need to have these strong agents within governments and one thing we have seen within governments all around the world are weak leaders who are able to act as spokespeople.”

“He is not speaking from his heart. I don’t honestly believe… it’s not candid, there is no actual discussion. He is not allowed to actually engage with the Freedom Convoy and with these people, because there is a lot to unpack here and there are a lot of serious questions.”

“Also when you look at the history of people like Jeffrey Epstein and what their role was, to trap people and blackmail people, and you think about a life of opulence and opportunity, you make mistakes and you get coerced into doing something bad.”

Blackmail is a very powerful tool.

I guess this is still developing: after GoFundMe dissolved the truckers' support fund of over $9 million USD, a smaller rival GiveSendGo hosted a similar one. These types of sites seem to take 3-6% of donations as a standard fee, so it's easy money to play off your political idealogues... if it was allowed.

A purple haired tranny weirdo apparently "hacked" this GiveSendGo site and posted the names of businesses and individuals who entered their credit card info to donate. This tranny, btw, seems to be facing zero sanctions, unlike past rivals of the globalist class like Assange and weev. Various news agencies, from the local Ottawa newspaper to the Washington Post, used the list to contact those doxxed donors to mine for quotes for their various hit pieces. Standard hypocrisy from the journalists and mediums who wouldn't touch Hunter Biden because he was "hacked."

But worst of all is that the Canadian government is apparently corroborating with banks to freeze the personal accounts of anyone who donated to the truckers. The pretense is that they could find other ways to use their money to fund this "illegal occupation." This has started, and a Canadian government official said it will continue at a wider scale. This naturally created a "run on banks" where everyone with a pulse is looking to move their cash out as quickly as possible. Allegedly, some Canadian banks just turned off their customer service lines and shut off their websites, and ATM machines aren't being re-filled. This is the way to provoke a legitimate "attack," which will then be used as an excuse to quash all future dissent.

Pray for the truckers and all the victims of this top-down conspiracy!
This is of course, all about control from the string-pulling elites and is multi-faceted. This is the new way they will "war" against any group, people or nation. The new wars don't even need nuclear power and boots on the ground. The World Banks' upper echelons and the super corporations are involved and on board for the overwhelming most part and have the political puppets in their pocket. Fascism, Marxism, Communism, whatever someone wants to call it and however the ideologies overlap, it's all about control and power over others. We are in a downward and dark time in human history and it ain't going away easy.

Man up and be strong (in Christ), my friends.
This is of course, all about control from the string-pulling elites and is multi-faceted. This is the new way they will "war" against any group, people or nation. The new wars don't even need nuclear power and boots on the ground. The World Banks' upper echelons and the super corporations are involved and on board for the overwhelming most part and have the political puppets in their pocket. Fascism, Marxism, Communism, whatever someone wants to call it and however the ideologies overlap, it's all about control and power over others. We are in a downward and dark time in human history and it ain't going away easy.

Man up and be strong (in Christ), my friends.

In my honest opinion the only chance of humanity is to turn back to God and Jesus. I know there are many here that are not christians. I only ask you to think about the world?
Even if your agnostic or athiest, the elite deep state cabal rulers are not. They worship Satan, The Devil, etc. They are all Luciferian. They use their signs and symbols in every
aspect of society from sports to hollywood to music, modeling, banking, art, politics, etc. etc.

So think about it gentlemen? If all the world leaders who enslave us worship Lucifer what does that tell you that they think about God and anyone that believes in him? Even when they talk about God they are only talking in code. They don't worship the Most High God who is the creator. They hate God and Jesus. So to not believe in God or Jesus just has
never made sense to me when you realise that the smartest and richest people fight against him and they rule the world. That is why they don't care about us and want us gone.

Hope this helps to wake a few of you up. Either way I love all of you guys. God and Jesus love you even more than anyone on earth ever could

May God help us. We will fight this as humanity but we need to be on the right side of history.
This is just a little sample of what they are doing to peaceful protesters worldwide. They are even doing this to children, the elderly and women.
Seems to be the most tyrannical, draconian, harsh lockdown and crackdown measures are in the Western world (White countries). Not saying the other countries aren't having some of this but...hmmm, just a coincidence I'm sure.
Trudeau declared marital law and then ordered thousands of police from different forces and different units to move peaceful, partying, people and their property off streets on Ottawa. The arrests were photo-ops as the body snatchers were just setting the kidnapped people free 15 miles away at a shopping mall. The only violence and loss of property was done by the police. Thousands of people there and not one so much as threw a snowball at the police! How's that for self-control and discipline. Now you wonder why they were targeted? The entire police operation was a disaster for both the police and the ruling government. Media from around the world both left and right condemned what the police did and even questioned why police were even there in the first place. The two people run over by horses -including an elderly woman with a walker- was the worst moment of this tryannical event.
The truckers drove to areas outside of the city and are re-grouping for more protests using different tactics. The supporters have spread out and away and will return when called to. The tents and supplies were getting packed up and taken away by the trucker's helpers and supporters. A few men and one woman that have helped raise funds for the cause have been arrested and charged with mischief, and most if not already are expected to be out on bail in a couple of days.
Trudeau is incredibly stupid. A man of remarkable stupidity. All the truckers went there for was to get decrees revoked and the vaxx passports eliminated. All it would have taken and cost Trudeau was a few sentences of words that ended everything which was on its way out anyway. But no. Trudeau would not so much as send anyone to even talk to the protesters.
The Senate is going rescind Trudeau's martial law. Trudeau now has to face the backlash for having attacked freedom -a founding principle of Western civilization. Now the protesters will not be satisfied with the end of decrees and the passport system, now the protesters will up the ante to demanding a change in government. Because Trudeau called to force without cause against the people, a confidence vote may be forthcoming, and Trudeau's own party may depose him before the people get a chance to.
There is no public man than cannot be humbled. Some men never learn their limitations until it is too late.
Great write up Ambrose. Everything you said is true but it has now escalated again. The United Nations has brought in their own U.N. Armies now. There are UN Airplanes
that have landed in many different parts of Canada. They soldier are covering their faces and badge numbers. They are hired hitmen out to enforece for the Dictator Trudeau.

This is going to get really interesting up north. Hoping they can stand strong. The Amercian Trucker Rally is on it's way. I'm worried about potential false flags coming out of
both capitals. Everyone needs to be alert at all times. Watch out for more psy-ops and disinfo infiltrators.
Trudeau is the epitome of what is wrong with political leaders today.

He despises the common working people.
Great write up Ambrose. Everything you said is true but it has now escalated again. The United Nations has brought in their own U.N. Armies now. There are UN Airplanes
that have landed in many different parts of Canada. They soldier are covering their faces and badge numbers. They are hired hitmen out to enforece for the Dictator Trudeau.

This is going to get really interesting up north. Hoping they can stand strong. The Amercian Trucker Rally is on it's way. I'm worried about potential false flags coming out of
both capitals. Everyone needs to be alert at all times. Watch out for more psy-ops and disinfo infiltrators.

Thanks Lightening. I've seen photos and videos about the U.N. planes but cannot confirm a U.N. para-military presence. In a paradoxical way the UN is actually our ally with the U.S. , Canada, Australia, and N.Z. all signing onto UNDIP last year. Now we have yet another treaty that is enforceable internationally and is being enforced and carried out for those that now what it means and how to use it. The protesters said the police that were doing the beatings were Quebers: they were speaking French with Quebec accent between them. Many local police expressed their dislike of those goons and many local police helped the protesters by turning a blind eye and letting people in and out. We can see this all on streams from the event. It is remarkable to watch how the plandemic and its attributable events are in many ways doing the opposite of what the Internationalists and the Freemasons had intended it to do. The wrecking ball is swinging back their way.
Thanks WL!,
For all these videos. We are watching and it is evident people are waking up across the world. Truth CANNOT BE STOPPED! These violent traitorous "cops" in every nation doing this deserve the penalty for treason in their respective nations because they are all taking orders that ultimately are international in essence. We know who the string-pullers are at least in the general sense. The specifics can be worked out later. This is self-defense time and personal rights cannot be violated the way they currently are. We are at war with the powers that shouldn't be. Wake up everyone you can guys!
American Freedom News