screamingeagle said:
Whites have to stop running. If they have to, whites need to flee to one country or region. Then settle in and defend it against non=white immigrants. Where should we make the stand and why? I am open for suggestions.
We must claim the warm weather regions for our people. These are lands that will be heavily coveted by non-Whites when the collapse occurs.
The cold lands can be ours down the road, but we mustn't allow the non-Whites to push us out of the warm lands.
What do you think blacks in Minnesota and Michigan are going to do when they face freezing to death or moving to a warmer region? There will be much depravity for sure.
I also believe warm weather creates the healthiest Whites (much of Florida is an exception for various reasons and I can't recommend it); it also doesn't appear to offer much in terms of being a strategic locale. Much of Florida has been flooded with complete savages, who display no pretense of civility, and they are raping, murdering, car-jacking, robbing and assaulting Whites at a crazy fast pace.
Why every White doesn't have a CCP in Florida, I don't know? They are blatantly taking White skulls and trying to set records, like they were playing a video game. But, they are defiling real White people.
I, personally, don't want to be added to this morbid list, and not only that, Whites could win more inevitable confrontations if only they were more aware and prepared. They attack our women, our children and our elderly because they don't expect resistance.
Somewhere along the line, many Whites became oblivious to how nature really operates and lost that survivalist fervor; that (what should be) innate drive to be on the top of the food chain in every way.
The brutal truth is the brutal truth and this book isn't finished yet. I desire the truth and more truth, and upon learning it, I don't become "pessimistic" nor do I intend to spread "pessimism." I become INFORMED and I deal with the information as I see fit.
For instance, any honest observer (or someone who's a police officer, etc) will acknowledge that blacks have pretty quick reflexes and are notorious for grabbing Officer's guns and killing them.
Brian Nichols, the Atlanta courthouse shooter and spree killer, is just one of many examples.
That, combined with integration, means one cannot let their guard down for a moment. There are many, MANY, scenarios that Whites need to be prepared for because of the beasts that integration has unleashed.
For those that can't comprehend that things are indeed connected, here's some food for thought:
The media treats Black-on-White warfare and the White Athlete similarly. The newspaper write-ups are standard and Oh So Predictable --- so literally thousand's of write-ups say the same thing. It's just like the stock descriptions that are reserved for White Athletes.
Something tells me they are all getting their
"lessons" from a particular
"school of thought." Where's the "diversity" of thought in "journalism?" It's as if a robot were behind all the write-ups.
For those that don't already know, Whites are
"randomly" raped, murdered, car-jacked, victims of wolfpack attacks by black "youths," abducted and tortured and so on. This
"randomness" has occurred millions of times, and there could not be racial "hate" involved or my newspaper would have surely spelled-it-out for me, right? They don't want me to be unprepared and look the other way, right?
They also like to describe these numerous cases as simply
"tragic." Putting my weak dog to sleep January 7th of this year may have been tragic and a bit sad. She was amazing and no lie, only liked Whites. But, as far as I'm concerned, these numerous and intentional attacks are more than
We must always think 2 steps ahead in this life-and-death chess marathon.
PS: I would like to know if I displayed any hate language. Who decides? If so, what should be my punishment?... Edited by: Deadlift