British workers fight back


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
An English employee was sacked by his Pakistani boss so he could be replaced by cheaper immigrant workers, who were tied to him as they were paying him rent and staying in his accommodation!
"In my case these Poles were being paid the Minimum Wage with a deduction for accommodation and that mean they were tied to the employer.

The sacked Brit said... "I've nothing against the Poles. Some of them are very nice. But this huge influx has distorted the labor market and they are taking jobs from British people.

"My case was an outright example. When I started work at Dominos everyone working there was a local. But within eighteen months I was the last British worker. We had all been replaced by immigrants and I was expected to train them up."

This guy had the wits to take Boss Talib Al Kadhimi to court - but thousands of other low paid workers just put up with this kind of thing and give up on trying to earn a living.


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
England is not the 'real' England anymore, we both know that Devans. Another big problem is migration with thousands of indigenous Brits moving to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA every year. This country will be so different in 50 years time, I dread to think further than that. It's horrible. Even my friends of ethnic backgrounds agree. The impact of Islam on our country is my biggest fear.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
So much for the argument that immigrants are just taking the jobs no one else is willing to do.

Notice also that the sacked worker feels obliged to affirm that he has "nothing against Poles." That's the way the world is nowadays: object to foreigners supplanting you, and you are under suspicion of racism, and so you have to defend yourself.

I'm glad he's standing up though--two can play the game of lawsuits. Time for Britons (and Americans!) to use the legal system against the injustice of contemporary immigrationism.


So what? The English can stop this anytime they want. But they don't. And now all the people they screwed are going to pay them back, right in their homeland.

It would be ironic if 50 million Indians flooded England so TheEnglishman could see just how utterly wrong he is about them. They are dumb, dirty, backwards illiterates. Just 5% of India could literally destroy England and turn the entire place into a slum.

I still get a kick out of white people who think Indians are "the good immigrants". Go to India. See what the average Indian is really like. There are over 1 billion of them. Just a small wave of open immigration from India would obliterate almost any nation in Europe.

And that's just the "good" immigrants.


Apr 14, 2005
TheEnglishman said:
England is not the 'real' England anymore, we both know that Devans. Another big problem is migration with thousands of indigenous Brits moving to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA every year. This country will be so different in 50 years time, I dread to think further than that. It's horrible. Even my friends of ethnic backgrounds agree. The impact of Islam on our country is my biggest fear.

So how many Brits are moving out of country you think? I'm really surprised to hear that to tell you the truth.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
I personally know 2 families that have recently moved from England to beautiful Aussieland. Young families at that.
They are really more my wifes friends than mine as she knows them much better. I remember not long ago (about 5 months) we were at a mutual friends house. As the conversation went from the economy to politics I said "if I was in England I would vote BNP hands down". The wife looked at me and said that the BNP is a dangerous political party. I then made a remark in regards to the British government trying to put Nick Griffin in jail for merely stating facts and I thought that was dangerous. Then she said something like we don't have nothing to do with people like that. I find it interesting that even people who flee their own homeland still manage to live their life in denial.
Sep 24, 2006

One of the better blogs dedicated to the 'counterjihad'. His links page can show you to the others. I warn you; accusations of racism abound for the Euros who oppose Islam, while their leaders are as bad as Bush and Mexico when it comes to working against the people.


Oct 11, 2005
nevada said:
So what? The English can stop this anytime they want. But they don't. And now all the people they screwed are going to pay them back, right in their homeland.

No they cant.Theirs nothing they can do.It's the capitalist system which see immigrants as a lifeblood to its support.The aggresive capitalist economic module in place in the US and Britain more so than other European country's and Japan requires mass immigration to survive.That's the sad truth.The politicians know this,but they no longer represent the interests of normal people but rather a wealthy banking cooperate elite who maximize their power and profit margins through mass migration and the resultant loss of ethnic tribal itentity,replaced by an ugly,culturelss cofee coloured consumer mass.Its the same where you live.The majority of Americans are against immigration,the US probably has the world's most prominant anti immigration movement with thousands of publishers,writers,researchers,websites etc yet despite that Bush still wants to move 100 million maybe two hundred million more in over the next fifty years because that's what the system he serves desires no matter what the people want.I t obviously dos,nt help that men like Bush and seemingly every White man elected to some prominant position over the last fifty years are in fact not real men.Their not men of blood, character conviction,integrity or honour.Bush strikes me as the type of coward that would piss his pants and run the other way if his wife was threatened.The system absolutely hates White men of healthy moral and racial instinct and would stop at nothing to censor,denigrate and demonize men of such character as has happened throughtout the years while opening their establisment doors for the Bush's,Clintons and Blairs of the world.I dont sense that with Putin though.He seems to have the Russian people's interests at heart and is probably one of the few white men in elected power i have time for.Edited by: Iron


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Nevada, we've had this conversation before so lets just accept each others views. You think Indians are scum I think they are generally ok. And by the way, we have as much control over immigration as you do, theres nothing we can do! It's up to the government.

Right now infact theres a debate on the radio about immigration (a serious one aswell which has been advertised) and there are some furious people on there yet still the government won't listen. We will have to get violent in numbers
! But it's not going to happen.

White CB, I heard about three hundred thousand (300,000) Brits are migrating each year, which is a hell of a lot of people considering the population of England is 50 million and UK about 65 million. Those Brits migrating are mostly white middle class, which give it time will leave the British white working class even more frozen out of society. Our indigineous working class is very confused right now. They feel very left out and unfairly treated by the government, which is why they are far more violent than they were 50 years ago. They are angry! They drink and fight too much so they can forget about their bad treatment from the government.

Aussie, my sister is in Brisbane at the moment staying with my South African relatives who now live in Caloundra. She has a year visa and will probably end up moving there. My parents will probably retire on the Gold Coast. Australia is definatly the Brits first choice. Do you Aussie actually mind so many Brits invading despite most Aussies having a British background? I remember like a year ago there were riots between Anglo Aussies and Muslim Lebonese. What was that about? As for the BNP, you can only vote for them in certain places (normally mostly white working class areas that feel they are the next area to be flooded by immigrants). You can't vote for them in my area, I probably would vote for them but I have my doubts because a lot of them have criminal records (aparently) and have some Nazi's in their ranks which I'm strongly against.

Iron, well said.
Oct 24, 2005
Whites have to stop running. If they have to, whites need to flee to one country or region. Then settle in and defend it against non=white immigrants. Where should we make the stand and why? I am open for suggestions.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
screamingeagle said:
Whites have to stop running. If they have to, whites need to flee to one country or region. Then settle in and defend it against non=white immigrants. Where should we make the stand and why? I am open for suggestions.

We must claim the warm weather regions for our people. These are lands that will be heavily coveted by non-Whites when the collapse occurs.

The cold lands can be ours down the road, but we mustn't allow the non-Whites to push us out of the warm lands.

What do you think blacks in Minnesota and Michigan are going to do when they face freezing to death or moving to a warmer region? There will be much depravity for sure.

I also believe warm weather creates the healthiest Whites (much of Florida is an exception for various reasons and I can't recommend it); it also doesn't appear to offer much in terms of being a strategic locale. Much of Florida has been flooded with complete savages, who display no pretense of civility, and they are raping, murdering, car-jacking, robbing and assaulting Whites at a crazy fast pace.

Why every White doesn't have a CCP in Florida, I don't know? They are blatantly taking White skulls and trying to set records, like they were playing a video game. But, they are defiling real White people.

I, personally, don't want to be added to this morbid list, and not only that, Whites could win more inevitable confrontations if only they were more aware and prepared. They attack our women, our children and our elderly because they don't expect resistance.

Somewhere along the line, many Whites became oblivious to how nature really operates and lost that survivalist fervor; that (what should be) innate drive to be on the top of the food chain in every way.

The brutal truth is the brutal truth and this book isn't finished yet. I desire the truth and more truth, and upon learning it, I don't become "pessimistic" nor do I intend to spread "pessimism." I become INFORMED and I deal with the information as I see fit.

For instance, any honest observer (or someone who's a police officer, etc) will acknowledge that blacks have pretty quick reflexes and are notorious for grabbing Officer's guns and killing them. Brian Nichols, the Atlanta courthouse shooter and spree killer, is just one of many examples.

That, combined with integration, means one cannot let their guard down for a moment. There are many, MANY, scenarios that Whites need to be prepared for because of the beasts that integration has unleashed.

For those that can't comprehend that things are indeed connected, here's some food for thought: The media treats Black-on-White warfare and the White Athlete similarly. The newspaper write-ups are standard and Oh So Predictable --- so literally thousand's of write-ups say the same thing. It's just like the stock descriptions that are reserved for White Athletes.

Something tells me they are all getting their "lessons" from a particular "school of thought." Where's the "diversity" of thought in "journalism?" It's as if a robot were behind all the write-ups.

For those that don't already know, Whites are "randomly" raped, murdered, car-jacked, victims of wolfpack attacks by black "youths," abducted and tortured and so on. This "randomness" has occurred millions of times, and there could not be racial "hate" involved or my newspaper would have surely spelled-it-out for me, right? They don't want me to be unprepared and look the other way, right?

They also like to describe these numerous cases as simply "tragic." Putting my weak dog to sleep January 7th of this year may have been tragic and a bit sad. She was amazing and no lie, only liked Whites. But, as far as I'm concerned, these numerous and intentional attacks are more than "tragic."

We must always think 2 steps ahead in this life-and-death chess marathon.

PS: I would like to know if I displayed any hate language. Who decides? If so, what should be my punishment?...
Edited by: Deadlift