Breaking: Multiple Officers Shot in Dallas during BLM Rally

I hope a majority of Whites are finally fed up, but it's hard to know. Hopefully Trump can manage to get an unprecedented percentage of the White vote in November.

I've watched some of BSPN's "O.J.: Made in America," a 30 for 30 mini-series about Simpson. O.J. was incredibly popular among Whites, and continued to be among many even after his acquittal of double murder charges, a crime that it was overwhelmingly obvious he committed, with a mostly black jury letting him get away with it for racial reasons. O.J. the psychopath is the ultimate example of how a room brightening smile and non-threatening manner will instantly endear blacks to most Whites.

The DWF mindset is so successfully indoctrinated that it seems all but impossible to reverse -- remember Reginald Denny and his appalling case of Stockholm Syndrome? But I hope the mass targeting of police, who are still held in high regard by most Whites, will do the trick, because there is indeed no accountability when it comes to black behavior. The double standards, hypocrisy, affirmative action and grotesque pandering to blacks by the "White" power structure for the past half century has only inflamed their hatred and paranoia, which is so often acted out against innocent Whites who are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Blue Lives Matter" bill now the law in Louisiana.

The (((usual suspects))) are, of course, against it, as the current Orwellian "Hate Crime" laws don't apply to straight, White, males. Now, at least it will apply to straight, White, males that are in a police uniform.

Other states are now floating similar legislation.
"Blue Lives Matter" bill now the law in Louisiana.

The (((usual suspects))) are, of course, against it, as the current Orwellian "Hate Crime" laws don't apply to straight, White, males. Now, at least it will apply to straight, White, males that are in a police uniform.

Other states are now floating similar legislation.

But I'd rather they called it Police Defense Act or something instead of mimicking George Soros Schwartz and Barak Hussein Obama's BLM terrorist outfit.

Palin to ‘Sick’ MSM: Stop Claiming Black Lives Matter ‘Thugs’ & ‘Rioters’ Are ‘Peaceful’

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has a stern and simple message for the mainstream media—stop spreading the false narrative that Black Lives Matter agitators are “peaceful.” In an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Sunday, which
Anyone notice the house the killer was living in with his mother? Looks to be about 4,000 to 5,000 square feet. Not a bad crib for a 25 year old. More evidence that he suffered a life of non-stop racist oppression from The Man.
Here's the rap sheet of the Baton Rouge, LA dindu:

The one thing I am baffled at by people who share our point of view is that they think all of this is a move for Obama to federalize the police force. I personally do not understand this as their are many
armed government agencies right now who are doing next to nothing to enforce our borders. I do think that perhaps that
the powers that be would try to get the UN involved however since that corrupt agency fully endorsed the globalist push to eradicate our borders and sovereignty.
Lots of great comments in this thread, and its a pleasure to read them.

The thing that really bothers me about these cop killings is the lack of accountability the government, media, and pop culture puts on the black community and the individual Black shooter who killed the 5 cops. Hilary Clinton has effectively shifted responsibility of the shooting onto White Americans for their current mistreatment of blacks and history of slavery. The Dallas mayor also publicly blamed slavery and the actions of white men for this Negro's crime in killing 5 police officers. Media also repeatedly references mistreatment of blacks as a cause of this crime.

Blacks seem to have no accountability for their actions and are given a pass on responsibilities by the government, media, and pop culture. No one has actually put blame on the shooter or said he did anything wrong. Mainstream media is also refusing to refer to him as a terrorist, but certainly had he been an Arab Muslim they would have immediately labelled him as such.

No accountability whatsoever for the actions of blacks.

To be frank, if Hilary and others in the media and government wont hold this Negro accountable then you have to wonder, maybe a Negro could murder many White Americans and not have to face any jail time because his actions can be blamed on whites? It seems that blacks are given a pass on everything.

This is not going to unite White Americans. You are witnessing the collapse of America and we all have been since the 1960s. This country is fcuked and there is no "saving it" like much of the West. Im surprised Hilary didnt laud the Negro murderer as a national hero, in fact in the future he probably will be thought of as "inspirational".

Racially aware whites need to understand the score. Hoping for other whites to wake up is never going to happen. These liberals will always give a pass to criminal Negro behaviour. And these whites will "go down with the ship" in terms of the declining quality of life in USA. USA is descending to 3rd world status reminds me of South Africa. The best thing racially aware whites can do is leave and if you cant do that atleast distance yourself from mainstream society as much as possible.

This lack of accountability is at the center of the cultural collapse. Its a lack of morals. No one is accountable (bankruptcy law, credit, affirmative action, gender pay gap, Christians not being accountable to the Bible, legalizing pot, single moms getting hand outs) and its bringing the West down. Asians dont employ these tactics and thats why China and India are passing us. Good on them, i say.

Never underestimate white liberals and their inherent ability to excuse a Negro of all wrongdoing. In the "Crime Thread" there are many examples of Negroes murdering Whites (sometimes White family members), only for White liberals to blame the murder on "income inequality", or even other whites for oppressing the Negro murderer, and befriend the Negro murderer. These white liberals need to be called out as a huge part of the problem, along with the Negro criminals and Zionist newsmakers.

As Ive posted on this site there are even instances of a Negro yelling "**** white people" while he attacked Whits with knives and the white liberals and establishment refused to call it a hate crime and on some level would even blame Whites for the Negroes behaviour.

Zero accountability and Western society is surely going down the toilet. (Not that I care about that mind you :p)
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Corporate news media is evil. They create a narrative for their own purposes and if happens to fall apart after a lot of chaos and blood has been shed it's on to the next marxist narrative without blinking.

The Investigators: New details show eerily similar incident involving Sterling, police

story and video
Well one thing you can say for Micah X and the other cop shooting a-holes is that they are strident in standing up for what they feel is in their peoples best interest. They are willing to lay down their lives for the cause. Compare that to the thousands of White Nationalist tough guys on the internet and yet not a single one of them actually goes out and does anything. Not that I support or encourage it but keyboard rage is pretty pussified compared to actually going out and getting in your enemies face.

Other then Dylan Roof who pulled a miserable stunt going after a soft sympathetic target of peaceful black church goers, is there one guy that's put his ass on the line against any of the real scum? Angry old bus guy? That's the best we got? No wonder....
Well one thing you can say for Micah X and the other cop shooting a-holes is that they are strident in standing up for what they feel is in their peoples best interest. They are willing to lay down their lives for the cause. Compare that to the thousands of White Nationalist tough guys on the internet and yet not a single one of them actually goes out and does anything. Not that I support or encourage it but keyboard rage is pretty pussified compared to actually going out and getting in your enemies face.

Other then Dylan Roof who pulled a miserable stunt going after a soft sympathetic target of peaceful black church goers, is there one guy that's put his ass on the line against any of the real scum? Angry old bus guy? That's the best we got? No wonder....

Yea, great points. I mean its one thing to post opinions online anonymously and its another thing to go out and publicly do something about it with your name or identity out there. Any clown can post online. Thats why Don Wassall deserves so much credit for his public pro-White work. There is nothing anonymous about that and in doing so he is more committed to the cause than any of the other posters here. And because of that his opinion should be more respected than others' here. David Duke is also a great example of a man standing up for his beliefs publicly, even if doing so causes him to be shunned.

Guys who are really committed to this cause need to be willing to put themselves out there otherwise we will always remain a non-mainstream collection of anonymous opinionholders. Personally, Ive donated money here, called in, and posted many pics which is not a lot but its still more than the majority of posters here. Ive also spoken about launching a porn site and thats me doing what I want and putting myself out there. I am pro White but Im also intrigued by the idea of an alpha male and paying women for sex, so much so that Im willing to document it and go public.

People need to ask themselves what their values are and how committed they are to them? As I said, any joker can post crap online but things start getting for real when you attach your name or identity.