Boycott The Hateful Eight

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Some weeks ago, the NYPD and LAPD have called for a boycott of Quentin Tarantino's movie The Hateful Eight.

Article here about the movie, which is possibly even more anti-White than Tarantino's Django Unchained.

And this:

"The entire point of the movie is the purposeful denigration of white people.

That's it. That's all it's for."
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That only reason I would watch that movie is for the Ennio Morricone soundtrack.
I read on other pro-white sites that this hardcore blaxploitation film (has Tarantino made any other variety in the past 10 years?) features a scene in which Samual L. Jackson’s character forces the son of a Confederate solider to strip naked in the snow, march for hours, and perform oral sex on him in exchange for his life. It couldn’t believe something so grotesque, torturous, and fundamentally-demeaning could possibly be shown in a “Rated R†film, but after checking the plot on Wikipedia, it’s true…

As the group eats, Smithers reveals that he knows Warren's letter from Lincoln is a fake, outraging Ruth. In revenge for Smithers having executed black Union soldiers at the Battle of Baton Rouge, Warren taunts him by recounting how he marched his son naked through the snow for hours, manipulated him into fellating him with a false promise of a blanket, and killed him. Smithers reaches for the gun Warren placed next to him and Warren shoots him dead.

This parasite’s foul mind, paired with rich Jewish film producers (Weinstein Co.) is the perfect medium for disgorging the most anti-white films the world has ever known. I wish the very worst for this cretin…which is better than he deserves. Oh, how I would cherish “5 Minutes Alone†with this hateful, detestable, perverted, vile, monstrously-ugly, underbite-sporting Negro-lover...


CAPTION: Tarantino Wins Another Award - "World's Ugliest Human Being"
I will can't stand this creep. I've managed to avoid Django this long , so his newest "hit film" will be on my **** list as well.
What a fcuking creep.

I've never liked Quentin Tarantino, his movies are crap, he looks like an escaped pedophile, and he has consistently pushed black superiority, interracial couples (black male-white female, always a negro with a blond white woman), and Jewish superiority in all of his films, though now not so subtlely.

His film Inglorious Basterds featured a scene where he had a character named "The Jew Bear" who used some sort of hammer to beat the head in of a Nazi officer. I wonder if you could make a movie showing the precise opposite of that scene, but you know, that wouldn't be politically correct. The same film also had a makeout scene between a full blooded negro and a blond haired white woman.

His film Django Unchained was a Black Slave revenge story which featured a slave "getting back" at his White slaveowners by killing them. The movie also featured various scenarios which implied that blacks were more athletic, or physically superior than other races. (Geez, this guy must not follow boxing otherwise he'd see guys like Kovalev, Lomachenko, and Golovkin routinely beating the crap out of full blooded Negroes).

This next film, I probably won't even bother watching. Quite frankly, I have better things to do with my time.

Quentin Tarantino illustrates perfectly that very often it is our own people, white people, who are our own worst enemy. He takes self-loathing to epic proportions. What's even more ridiculous is that he is a cult film maker among 99% of Whites. They all look up to him and his crap films. All the "hipster" white young adults today think he is the best filmmaker ever.

Lol. Everyone on this site should know me now and this is one of the reasons why I always date Middle Eastern and Asian girls.

Too much self-loathing within the white race.
The movie got leaked so that'll hopefully cut into its box office a bit. Really is a shame that the first western the Ennio has composed for in 40 years has to be this POS.
Boycott? I simply dont watch tarentino movies as they are woeful.hes a weirdo.
The movie got leaked so that'll hopefully cut into its box office a bit. Really is a shame that the first western the Ennio has composed for in 40 years has to be this POS.

Money talks. Ennio has to eat too.
Boycott? I simply dont watch tarentino movies as they are woeful.hes a weirdo.

YEP! I don't watch too many movies past 1979 period! Most movies made past the 70's are not very good IMO. There are a few, but not many.

Most of today's actors are horrible, especially when they try to remake an old movie!

The same is true for music. Most of today's music is terrible as compared to the 50's, 60's and 70's.

No originality!
YEP! I don't watch too many movies past 1979 period! Most movies made past the 70's are not very good IMO. There are a few, but not many.

Most of today's actors are horrible, especially when they try to remake an old movie!

The same is true for music. Most of today's music is terrible as compared to the 50's, 60's and 70's.

No originality!
100% agreement on all points!
YEP! I don't watch too many movies past 1979 period! Most movies made past the 70's are not very good IMO. There are a few, but not many.

Most of today's actors are horrible, especially when they try to remake an old movie!

The same is true for music. Most of today's music is terrible as compared to the 50's, 60's and 70's.

No originality!

Most movies are tolerable up until about 2010. There are many dozens of palatable films that have been released since 1979, except for maybe a token here and there, or a butt-kicking action womyn (even my favorite movie Robocop suffers from this one), there really weren't that many poz/kwa trash films being released. They have really cranked the dial to a whole new level lately though, in just about every facet of society.
Most movies are tolerable up until about 2010. There are many dozens of palatable films that have been released since 1979, except for maybe a token here and there, or a butt-kicking action womyn (even my favorite movie Robocop suffers from this one), there really weren't that many poz/kwa trash films being released. They have really cranked the dial to a whole new level lately though, in just about every facet of society.

Mediocre(tolerable) means good to some people.

Movies made from 1949-1979, that 30 year window were so much better than from 1980-2010 it's not even funny!

Actors such as James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Paul Newman, John Wayne etc. are on a different level than Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.

Are you kidding me?

As I said, there are exceptions. There are some quality movies in all eras.
It only made $4.6 million in box office receipts its opening weekend, so it's not going to be a hit. Maybe Tarantino's "cult following" is small and getting smaller. I agree with all the comments about him, what a disgusting anti-White creep.
I've never watched any of that piece of trash's filth. Garbage in garbage out the old saying goes, and I believe there is some truth to that. How nice it would be if a micro nuke went off inside his head, and the heads of all of his blighted ilk.
I like Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction but other than those two movies I haven't seen anything else - his anti-white rhetoric is typical of the typical self-loathing white in our society. He just gets to expand on his perverse ideas because he is a member of the Hollywood elite.
Thank you guys for the warning. I was thinking of maybe (and it's a small maybe) going to see this film as I do love Westerns and I also like Kurt Russell. I was even thinking of supporting it as Russell has recently outed himself as a "hardcore libertarian" and has made a great defense of the 2nd amendment. However, the evil force of Tarantino and Weinstein cannot help themselves. Silly me for thinking any other result from these goblins was possible.
I like Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction but other than those two movies I haven't seen anything else - his anti-white rhetoric is typical of the typical self-loathing white in our society. He just gets to expand on his perverse ideas because he is a member of the Hollywood elite.

I really liked “Reservoir Dogs,†too, but I think that film was a reflection of Tarantino’s personality nearly 25 years ago (1992), long before he became a rich, Jew-funded Hollywood Marxist.

Take this scene, for instance, where a group of the crooks are seated in a moving car planning a diamond store heist and they’re making fun of pop culture, Mexicans, and the traditionally poor manner in which Negroes treat their wives/girlfriends...


Much of the movie, which is highly entertaining, is in a similar vein. A group of tough, wise-ass white guys saying masculine, humorous, and un-PC stuff about women, minorities, and each other without giving a damn about what anyone thinks. There were no non-white characters, or even female characters, in the entire movie. The dialog in Reservoir Dogs also seems much more like “real life†conversations...quite a contrast to QT’s future films, all of which seem to feature a superhuman, ultra-deadly, hyper-witty Negro male (Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Hateful Eight), testicle-smashing female (Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, Death Proof), or vile Jew (Inglourious Basterds) in the “hero†role uttering absurd one-liners that nobody would ever say in real life.
Leonardfan said:
I like Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction but other than those two movies I haven't seen anything else - his anti-white rhetoric is typical of the typical self-loathing white in our society. He just gets to expand on his perverse ideas because he is a member of the Hollywood elite.

I really liked “Reservoir Dogs,” too, but I think that film was a reflection of Tarantino’s personality from nearly 25 years ago (1992), long before he became a rich, Jew-funded Hollywood Marxist.

Take this scene, for instance, where a group of the crooks are seated in a moving car planning a diamond store heist and they’re using numerous racial slurs, making fun of pop culture, Mexicans, and the traditionally poor manner in which Negroes treat their wives/girlfriends...


Much of the movie, which is highly entertaining, is in a similar vein. A group of tough, wise-ass white guys saying masculine, humorous, and un-PC stuff about women, minorities, and each other without giving a damn about what anyone thinks. There were no non-white characters, or even female characters, in the entire movie. The dialog in Reservoir Dogs also seems much more like “real life” conversations...quite a contrast to QT’s future films, all of which seem to feature a superhuman, ultra-deadly, hyper-witty Negro male (Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Hateful Eight), testicle-smashing female (Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, Death Proof), or vile Jew (Inglourious Basterds) in the “hero” role uttering absurd one-liners that nobody would ever say in real life.
Thank you guys for the warning. I was thinking of maybe (and it's a small maybe) going to see this film as I do love Westerns and I also like Kurt Russell. I was even thinking of supporting it as Russell has recently outed himself as a "hardcore libertarian" and has made a great defense of the 2nd amendment. However, the evil force of Tarantino and Weinstein cannot help themselves. Silly me for thinking any other result from these goblins was possible.
A good western released a few months ago starring Kurt Russell is Bone Tomahawk.

At this point I wonder how much thought is put into his scripts. I know at one time he spent years as a clerk and rehashed Reservoir dogs for many years. Now he might write his new movies within a year.

He also has his favorite actors like Jackson who he will cast as stereotypical Black bad ass.

I'm starting to wonder if he is becoming unhinged from abusing narcotics.

I seem to recall a dispute about his liberal usage of the word ni#$er. Racial policeman Spike Lee accused him of abusing the word and being obsessed with being Black. I truly think his being abandoned by his father caused this obsession with being a bad ass as his father led an a typical life ie acting, singing, fathering numerous children.
Mediocre(tolerable) means good to some people.

Movies made from 1949-1979, that 30 year window were so much better than from 1980-2010 it's not even funny!

Actors such as James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Paul Newman, John Wayne etc. are on a different level than Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.

Are you kidding me?

As I said, there are exceptions. There are some quality movies in all eras.

If you had said James Cagney I could agree, but Humphrey Bogart is a one-note actor and I simply cannot stand James Stewart. I like John Wayne but he has no depth either. Brad Pitt and DiCaprio are better actors than every actor you listed with the lone exception of Paul Newman who himself starred in quite a bit of leftist, criminal lionizing, white-hating trite. I find most classic movies severely overrated with some exceptions namely White Heat, Out of the Past, The Killing, and the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Hitch**** gets raved about but other than Psycho I find practically every film he directed to be unbelievably boring and nearly unwatchable, case in point: Rear Window. I think most people only pretend to like this trash in an effort to appear smarter and more sophisticated than they actually are.

The 1980-2010 time window delivered: The Thing, 12 Monkeys, RoboCop, Terminator 1, Back to the Future, Moon, Thief, Heat, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, Unforgiven. I would pit these films against anything from 1949-1979.
If you had said James Cagney I could agree, but Humphrey Bogart is a one-note actor and I simply cannot stand James Stewart. I like John Wayne but he has no depth either. Brad Pitt and DiCaprio are better actors than every actor you listed with the lone exception of Paul Newman who himself starred in quite a bit of leftist, criminal lionizing, white-hating trite. I find most classic movies severely overrated with some exceptions namely White Heat, Out of the Past, The Killing, and the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Hitch**** gets raved about but other than Psycho I find practically every film he directed to be unbelievably boring and nearly unwatchable, case in point: Rear Window. I think most people only pretend to like this trash in an effort to appear smarter and more sophisticated than they actually are.

The 1980-2010 time window delivered: The Thing, 12 Monkeys, RoboCop, Terminator 1, Back to the Future, Moon, Thief, Heat, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, Unforgiven. I would pit these films against anything from 1949-1979.

Don't forget The Fugitive, easily one of the best movies of all time.
The 1980-2010 time window delivered: The Thing, 12 Monkeys, RoboCop, Terminator 1, Back to the Future, Moon, Thief, Heat, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, Unforgiven. I would pit these films against anything from 1949-1979.
I like many of the newer movies, but I enjoy many of the older ones too, partly because most are not anti-White.

For example, Cecil De Mille's movies such as The Crusades have a Christian theme. Nowadays the Christian crusaders are portrayed as stupid, cruel and evil as in Kingdom of Heaven.

In older movies, the main character usually doesn't need to have a token Negro sidekick like in Unforgiven and The Shawshank Redemption. Compare the modern version of The Four Feathers with a Negro saving a pathetic white man's life, to the 1939 movie where the lifesaver is heroic white British man, as he was in the 1902 novel. The old 1939 version is historically accurate, showing the Battle of Omdurman, while the modern one is not and portrays the British as inept and stupid in battle.

In older movies, women are usually feminine and white men are rarely effeminate.

A lot of the former alpha male actors such as Charlton Heston, Errol Flynn, Gary Cooper, and Clark Gable are much better than most of today's male lead actors such as the somewhat effeminate Leonardo DiCaprico.

However, the few older movies most highly recommended by today's homosexual or Jewish movie critics are not really the better ones. The critics like movies such as Breakfast At Tiffany's because the director was gay or Jewish, or 12 Angry Men (1957) because the movies are anti-White and more in line with today's anti-White Cultural Marxism.

But try some of these good ones:

The Four Feathers (1939)
Bataan (1943)
Arrowhead (1953)
55 Days at Peking (1963)
Ben-Hur (1959)
The Charge of the Light Brigade(1936)
Henry V (1944)
The Dawn Patrol (1938)
Khartoum (1966)
The Crusades (1935)
The Lost Patrol (1934)
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935)
King of Kings (1961)
Objective, Burma! (1945)
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)
The Sign of the Cross (1932)
Quo Vadis (1951)
The Ten Commandments (1956)
Vera Cruz (1954)
The Pride of the Yankees (1942)

Here's an excellent movie from a few years back that the critics hated, because it portrays a white man in a positive way.

The Last Confederate (2005)
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If you had said James Cagney I could agree, but Humphrey Bogart is a one-note actor and I simply cannot stand James Stewart. I like John Wayne but he has no depth either. Brad Pitt and DiCaprio are better actors than every actor you listed with the lone exception of Paul Newman who himself starred in quite a bit of leftist, criminal lionizing, white-hating trite. I find most classic movies severely overrated with some exceptions namely White Heat, Out of the Past, The Killing, and the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Hitch**** gets raved about but other than Psycho I find practically every film he directed to be unbelievably boring and nearly unwatchable, case in point: Rear Window. I think most people only pretend to like this trash in an effort to appear smarter and more sophisticated than they actually are.

The 1980-2010 time window delivered: The Thing, 12 Monkeys, RoboCop, Terminator 1, Back to the Future, Moon, Thief, Heat, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, Unforgiven. I would pit these films against anything from 1949-1979.

The Terminator, Back to the Future, The Thing? I know you're kidding now! You're hilarious!

How about, Raging Bull, The Color of Money, and Wall Street. I forgot about those classic 80's movies.

Good call with Cagney though.

1949-1979 include High Noon, On the Waterfront, Giant, The Caine Mutiny(Bogart), The Old Man and the Sea, The Hustler Cool Hand Luke, and Hud (Newman), Bonnie and Clyde, Patton, The Godfather, Rocky, The Deer Hunter, Kramer vs. Kramer, the Buddy Holly Story, ETC.

I didn't have time to list every great actor. Here's some more: George C. Scott, William Holden, Steve McQueen, Rod Steiger, Marlon Brando, Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Charleton Heston. How many more do you want?

You take Leo and Pitt and anyone else you can name in the modern era and I'll take my list all day long!

AGAIN! As I said there have been quality movies in all era's, but anything past 1989 is nowhere near the movies of the 50's, 60's 70's, and I have to admit there were some really good movies in the 80's also.

As far as actors stance politically, most are leftist. That doesn't take away from their acting ability. obviously there were more conservative actors from the 40's to the 70's than there are now.
The Terminator, Back to the Future, The Thing? I know you're kidding now! You're hilarious!

How about, Raging Bull, The Color of Money, and Wall Street. I forgot about those classic 80's movies.

You're trying to diss The Thing and yet you throw out Wall Street? :hand:
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