Black Privilege

Black privilege is critical thinking:

No Prison for Man Who Scrawled Anti-White, Racist Abuse on Neighbour’s Door, Made Death Threats

A man who scrawled anti-white, racist abuse on his neighbour’s door and threatened to kill a woman with a knife has escaped prison after the judge heard he was an “absolute delight” and his actions were “certainly not representative”.

Thirty-year-old Kamran Akhtar — previously convicted for screaming “I hate you white people” at police constables who came to arrest him in a criminal damage case — had scrawled messages “peppered with expletives” on his own door and his neighbour’s door, both of which referred to the fact she was white.

No Prison for Man Who Scrawled Anti-White, Racist Abuse on Neighbour’s Door, Made Death Threats

A man who scrawled anti-white, racist abuse on his neighbour’s door and threatened to kill a woman with a knife has escaped prison after the judge heard he was an “absolute delight” and his actions were “certainly not representative”.

Thirty-year-old Kamran Akhtar — previously convicted for screaming “I hate you white people” at police constables who came to arrest him in a criminal damage case — had scrawled messages “peppered with expletives” on his own door and his neighbour’s door, both of which referred to the fact she was white.


P1$$ on that mess! If the "law" won't do its job & serve (justice) and protect...then others need to. If someone threatens your life, that warrants a certain (serious) response...& it's not (always) running to the law (who won't always do its in point).


That ugly, senile, old sheboon needs to know that Constitutional rights were not intended for coloreds....or orientals...or amerindians or women. “All men created equal” applied solely to the White man...not inferiors.
"Pre-med" school student who appears can't shut her trap and collapses into recklessness. A man would have to either be out of his mind, or never having had a right mind, to visit a witch doctor. Here's one possibly in the making.

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"Pre-med" school student who appears can shut her trap and collapses into recklessness. A man would have to either be out of his mind, or never having had a right mind, to visit a witch doctor. Here's one possibly in the making.

There's always an excuse for blacks. They're never held responsible for their own actions. If she's seriously mentally ill why didn't she take her medication?

It's completely insane to let someone with serious mental issues become a doctor, a profession which is high stress and in which lives can be lost. Those who allow this are responsible for whatever negative consequences result from her becoming a doctor.
University of Georgia TA says “Some white people may have to die…’

UGA professor “claims some white people must die” in a social media post he wrote on the University of Georgia’s Facebook page.

According to Campus Reform, UGA philosophy TA Irami Osei-Frimpong made the comment during a conversation on the Overheard at UGA Facebook page. The comment has since been deleted. Osei-Frimpong claimed in May 2017 that Facebook suspended him for quoting from an article which detailed how Texas A&M professor Tommy Curry had said “in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.”

“Killing some white people isn't genocide; it’s killing some white people,” the UGA TA explained in a Medium post. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn't talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination. This should not be controversial.”


But he never got in trouble for saying it.

If a White professor said "Some black people..." - he would be quickly fired and probably charged.

Here's his twitter:

Irami Osei-Frimpong‏@IramiOF Jan 12

Fighting White people is a skill. Really, it's one reason I'm in support of integrated schools. You have to get used to fighting White people. It takes practice. "Blacks
kill Blacks because they have never been trained to kill Whites" -Dr. Bobby Wright

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Thank you, Charles Martel, for posting this article. I don't know who she is but she is one racially aware white woman. We need about 100 million more like her.
I don't agree with his second example of course but you'll see he's right on target:
Some black bozos practicing their privilege and falling into the "We Wuz Kangs" mindset:

In Cannon’s hour-plus podcast, he and Griffin contend that Black people are the true Hebrews and that Jews have usurped their identity.

Cannon then segues into a discussion of skin color — “And I’m going to say this carefully,” he begins — to allege that people who lack sufficient melanin are “a little less.”

Those without dark skin have a “deficiency” that historically forced them to act out of fear and commit acts of violence to survive, he said.

“They had to be savages,” Cannon said, adding that he was referring to “Jewish people, white people, Europeans,” among others.

This newly rising anti-jewish sentiment from blacks which is not being wholesale rejected as it would be if it came out of a white persons mouth is a new twist. Blacks have obviously been pandered too and treated with kids gloves for 50+ years so they are emboldened now - it will be interesting to watch how this all plays out. Outside of blacks with the mindset of Nick Cannon and this bozo radio host being part of a delusional, pampered to and most protected class in America I look forward to seeing the schism continue to grow as the left begins really weeding out each other and in-fighting.

The only thing that irritates me is that both of them are able to get away with the double standard of speaking about white people but that has been going on for decades now anyways. Ideally it wakes up more white folks to the mindset of blacks and how they view white people collectively.
Cannon was fired from MTV for his anti semetic comments which one needed a magnifying glass to even vaguely detect.

The quotes from the above post and below comments were acceptable though:

"White people are a little less..closer to animals......True savages acting out of a deficeincy so the only way they can act is evil."

Typically I have a broad definition of free speech but this crosses the line for me.

Worth noting WR Desean Jackson voiced stronger anti semetic feelings but still too mild in my mind for any sort of punsishment. He got a slap on the wrist. But it is very clear black athletes are given special considerations above all because they are seen as the embodiment of black supremacy and the powers that be don't want to mess up that narrative by firing a speedy black skill player. Not for one second. Which is why Tyreek Hill is still in the league and thriving.

Meanwhile Steve Sailer has been one of the more insightful sociologists on the current black uprising. And in other pieces using government statistics he has carefully pointed out the wide chasm between black violent crime rates compared to other races. Not even close.

Below he discusses the misplaced reverence society is placing on blacks.
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Cannon was fired from MTV for his anti semetic comments which one needed a magnifying glass to even vaguely detect.

The quotes from the above post and below comments were acceptable though:

"White people are a little less..closer to animals......True savages acting out of a deficeincy so the only way they can act is evil."

Typically I have a broad definition of free speech but this crosses the line for me.

Worth noting WR Desean Jackson voiced stronger anti semetic feelings but still too mild in my mind for any sort of punsishment. He got a slap on the wrist. But it is very clear black athletes are given special considerations above all because they are seen as the embodiment of black supremacy and the powers that be don't want to mess up that narrative by firing a speedy black skill player. Not for one second. Which is why Tyreek Hill is still in the league and thriving.

Meanwhile Steve Sailer has been one of the more insightful sociologists on the current black uprising. And in other pieces using government statistics he has carefully pointed out the wide chasm between black violent crime rates compared to other races. Not even close.

Below he discusses the misplaced reverence society is placing on blacks.

Good article - I find it ironic he is using the caste system now to describe what is happening as the purpose of this site when it was established 15+ years ago laid out the caste system as it pertains to sports and it's projection into greater society. It's amazing how far ahead of it's time the message of this site was and how everything laid out here and discussed is becoming reality all around us.

Also it looks like Nick Cannon is getting a job offer from none other than the 50 year old rapper who still goes by the name P. Diddy:
Dwyane Wade tweets support for Nick Cannon, deletes message following backlash

Dwyane's lack of foresight causes him to cop-out and delete his tweets after a predictable backlash, I'm of course incredibly skeptical about his stated intentions about supporting Nick Cannon after deleting the tweets, he's definitely trying to cover himself.

How would Farrakhan feel about his trans kid?
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Before I do a brief overview of the utterly predicable cookie cutter caste by the numbers ESPN 2022 top 300 high school football prospects I wanted to proclaim my sheer distaste of the new "Its a black world and we are just living in it" moment in time.

This black uprising, which was always bubbling right under the surface, reminds me of certain cultural touchstones. It has the upside down surreal dislocation of " The Planet of the Apes" ( no I am not comparing blacks to apes although their penchant for violence can't be ignored), the savagery of "Lord of the Flies" and an inverted and more potent 1950's style "Red Scare" that is fashionably called "cancel culture" these days. Shades of a "black" Nazi overthrow and the kind of guilt shaming of Whites seen in "The Scarlett Letter" loom in the background too. That is how I see it. Of course in everyday life as people go about this business and at least where I live there are no black and white confrontations playing out at all. The media sure likes to cook this topic up see CNN.

This is a power movement that is a one sided affair. It's very aim is to elevate blacks and humiliate and demote Whites. Not to mention a grab fest as they attempt to take away things that Whites have worked hard to earn. In fact don't be surprised if blacks get hired in jobs at the great expense of Whites as we move forward. There are already big corporate initiatives underway to do just that. And the end result of all this tumult? My guess is a more violent less stable and much more dysfunctional society. And perhaps most importantly a society devoid of joy and hope. Things are bad enough now as it is, just imagine? Perhaps one is better off not thinking about it.

There are so many things I can't stand about black "culture" from the way they often wear their clothes to the way they talk. I detest rap music. As blacks are on a seek and destroy mission with White arts ( a museum curator was recently fired for having the audacity to display a few White artists) one wonders what is next on their list? Will they massacre the Sistine Chapel and replace it with black graffiti? Will they burn the books of writers like Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters? Will they remove all White classical music from society since it wasn't inspired by black music? Chuck Berry was right after all I guess, roll over Beethoven. They have already replaced a White statue with a statue of a black lies matter woman with her fist defiantly raised in the air.

Like so many people I used to look forward to going to the movies. But slowly but surely it has been getting harder to find a decent movie anymore. I am a big fan of comedies which include R rated raunchy comedies which always used to feature some chicks' tits and ass. Nowadays the only thing you will see is a man's naked ass.

But if you thought things were bad the past 15 years or longer wait until we see the fruits of labor after everything is filtered through the black lies matter lens? On the national news last night a White reporter (does he realize he will be replaced in a matter of weeks) is egging on a 5 year old black girl who is complaining she doesn't see enough people like "her" in movies as her mother ( who trained her like a dog) sits grinning nearby.

Heck I thought one saving grace for blacks was their sense of humor but even that has pretty much evaporated. There was a perfect opportunity for Bubba Wallace to show some self deprecation during the fake noose incident. He could have laughed it off and said he regrets putting his fellow drivers through a ceremony fit for a King. Instead he doubles down on his anger. He was actually pissed it wasn't a racist noose incident.

About that top 300. Well there are some White OL and a few White QBs. Also a few White tight ends, linebackers and defensive ends sprinkled in mainly at the bottom half of the 300. Not many overall though. Zero White running backs, wide receivers, defensive backs or players labeled as athletes. Come on we can't start getting greedy.

It didn't take me very long to decipher the racial make up of the list. Below is just a sampling of "special" black names that blanketed the list. Yet one more annoying aspect to black culture, their ass wipe first names. Hard to pronounce not to mention spell. And who doesn't cherish that stinking apostrophe. Cripes back in the day blacks had regular names. But there is nothing regular about these days. Below is a list of some of our future stars. I can't wait to see them shine on Sundays:

Laterrance, Gi'Bran, Le'Veon, Shemar, Ephisians, Jacurri, Tyehaun, Raleck, Tajh, Jovantae, Khamauri, Shazz, Maalik, Erriyon, Jyaire, J'mond, Niwafe, Jaheim, Jazuin, Tetairoa, Trequon, Emarrion and Khurtiss.

I guess the common black name of Curtis as in Mayfield just doesn't cut it anymore. Now it is Khurtiss. Shemar? That's a good one. Sounds like an all female 70's disco band.

Get me out of here.
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American Freedom News