Cannon was fired from MTV for his anti semetic comments which one needed a magnifying glass to even vaguely detect.
The quotes from the above post and below comments were acceptable though:
"White people are a little less..closer to animals......True savages acting out of a deficeincy so the only way they can act is evil."
Typically I have a broad definition of free speech but this crosses the line for me.
Worth noting WR Desean Jackson voiced stronger anti semetic feelings but still too mild in my mind for any sort of punsishment. He got a slap on the wrist. But it is very clear black
athletes are given special considerations above all because they are seen as the embodiment of black supremacy and the powers that be don't want to mess up that narrative by firing a speedy black skill player. Not for one second. Which is why Tyreek Hill is still in the league and thriving.
Meanwhile Steve Sailer has been one of the more insightful sociologists on the current black uprising. And in other pieces using government statistics he has carefully pointed out the wide chasm between black violent crime rates compared to other races. Not even close.
Below he discusses the misplaced reverence society is placing on blacks.