PitBull said:
Kid, you're assuming the statistics are true. They are not. It undermines
your whole argument. Comparing FBI, state and local crime statistics
which are accurate to some BS you found on a website is simply not
credible. Sorry.
I really don't understand you.
I'll say it again: these statistics come from the UN, Interpol, Unesco, World Bank, OECD, and the official federal governments of the individual countries themselves.
How on earth can you say this is not reliable? You're not making any sense anymore.
PitBull said:
You are avoiding the issue. You are the one repeating the same things
over and over. With no evidence at that. I never argued that Europe was
better than America. I argued that both were better than sh*tty Jamaica.
Here is what you said:"Your parents moved here because they think its a better country than
jamaica. So did my great great grandparents. Don't argue that jamaica is
such a great place, then move here."
You're implying here that I somehow said that Jamaica was better than America. Jamaica is a decent place, and that's what I've been arguing, but I never said it was better than America.
That was what you were implying with that passage.
And I'm not avoiding the issue. On the contrary, I've taken almost literary every post that you've directed at me, and responded to it piece by piece with lots of detail. I have not avoided the issue. Quite the contrary, in fact.
And please, don't tell me I have no evidence. I've sourced almost everything I put forth here. I put forth an army of links to my information as I presented it.
So far, you have nothing.
PitBull said:
I didn't move here. I was born here. You moved here.
No, actually. I was born in Queens, NY, and I am a citizen of the US.
My mother was born in Jamaica. My father was from St Vincent. I have lived in Jamaica, as I said, from age 3 months to age 5. I went back when I was 9, and now I'm here.
Once again, you've paid no attention to the posts I've made. I outlined this all to you earlier.
PitBull said:
You argued that
Jamaica was better than parts of Europe. Its not.
In terms of things like corruption and living standards? Yes, it ranks ahead of some places like Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, etc, etc.
PitBull said:
You argued that what
success Jamaica had was mostly because of the blacks there. It is not.
You have not even come close to proving otherwise.
I posted this passage last time in response to this same issue. Refute it, and then talk to me about how intellectually inferior I supposedly am.
"Listen: blacks run these countries. They plan their own individual toursit industries. The hotels, cruise lines and airlines are foreign; the indigenous industry is NOT. They dsign their tourist infrastructure. They market their country. They build the infrastructure.
In some cases, they'll even go as far as to build their own cars for the work
(see here:
This is basic fact. They deserve a ton of credit for this, and anyone with half a brain would give it to them. You're just being ignorant right now."
Now, with that said: prove me wrong. prove that blacks in the government do not plan their tourist infrastructure. Prove that they don't launch government sponsored campaigns to market their country as a proper destination.
Prove that the black government is not the one sanctioning the construction of all those roads and ports, etc, etc. Prove that they are not the ones constructing these things.
PROVE IT. Right now, all you have to say to this is "It's not!"
That won't cut it. Right now, you are losing, and losing pitifully. You HAVE NOT been able to offer substantial evidence to disprove my thesis. You've offered no sources. You didn't even bother to refute my post about the tourism, all you had to say was "It's not!"
That won't cut it. You are losing this debate, and unless you grow a little rationality and sense, then you will continue to be in exactly the same situation.
PitBull said:
The intellectual inferiority of blacks is just racist propaganda.
Fact: the intellectual inferiority of blacks in comparison to other groups
has shown up on every single test of of intellectual aptitude that has ever
been devised. Stanford Binet IQ tests, SAT, ACT, Armed Services Entrance
tests, GRE, MCAT, LSAT, State and Federal aptitude tests, Iowa Basic
Tests, etc, etc, etc. It is one of the most well-backed up phenomena in all
of social science-- a persistent 1.1 standard deviation lower IQ than
whites--15-17 points.
Oh, don't worry, I'm quite aware of that.
However, at the same time I have also found that the reasons for these issues are cultural.
For example: one study showed that black adoptees when raised among white households ended up with about a 95 score on their IQ, a full 10 points higher than average.
You'll note that such a score is about on par with some parts of Europe.
See for yourself.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the_Wealth_of_Nations#Na tional_IQ_estimates
scroll down to see the IQ scores by nation.
PitBull said:
I have facts to back my posts up:
You have some crap you found on an obscure website.
Nationmaster is far from obscure.
And no, you don't have facts. You cannot source, nor can you prove what you say. I have reputable sources to use to prove that what I;m saying is plausible.
You have absolutely nothing.
PitBull said:
Not one of these
so-called facts is has been independently verified, no metrics are given
for real comparitive evaluation, just subjective ratings, and no evidence
was given as to how the so-called statistics were compiled.
Interpol, UNESCO, the UN and the World Bank did a whole ton of that when they compiled these stats.
None of it's subjective. It's actual information from the most reputable sourcing we have today. These are actual sociologists, economists, and professional researchers giving us this info.
It's all been sourced, repeatedly.
PitBull said:
Crime stats on blacks and their
intellectual inferiority have been compiled and verified by independent
sources time and time again--local, state, federal governments, private
left wing and right wing organizations, service agencies, etc.
That;s exactly what has happend at nationmaster. You're making no sense right now.
The only reason you are not accepting these stats is because they do not show white superiority the way you want them to.
Furthermore, the fact is that you're right, statistics on the black crime rate have been gathered and shown. Nationmaster itself shows that South Africa has one of the worlds highest murder rates, along with jamaica. The US government has shown it's stats as well pertaining to the black crime rate here.
However, the stats I'm showing you here and not designed to refute those stats. They are simply different stats that show a different story altogether.
If you can find a way to accept stats from the US government pertaining to racial crime, but can't find a way to accept stats from the UN, Interpol and the World Bank pertaining to crime, then you're just silly. And you're ignorant.
PitBull said:
I've dealt with blacks, seen how they work, and know quite a bit about
foreign building up of infrastructure. I've met a lot of different people
from different countries from all over the wowrld--black africans, indians,
chinese, latinos, europeans--all over. I remember talking to guys from
Nigeria who moved here. I asked them about Africa. You know what
these guys said? They shook their head and said thank God I got out of
that God forsaken continent. That's a quote.
Yes, and? My stepfather is a Ghanaian. He tells me that Nigeria's largest city, Lagos, is hell on earth, and that nobody should have the misfortune of living there.
What does that have to do with Botswana or the other black countries I mentioned?
PitBull said:
That doesn't mean that
blacks don't do work--but it's not the intellectual work, the engineering,
the design, the finance, the planning that makes a country work. Blacks
perform the menial tasks. They might be the politicians, but they are not
the movers.
Doesn't hold up. If such a scenario were completely true then there would be no successful black countries anywhere at all.
Some black people must know how to plan, must know how to organize, and must know how to finance their nations. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a successful black nation.
And, the fact is that there are successful black nations. There are many unsuccessful black nations. Do you know why those black nations are unsuccessful? Because their government has no idea how to plan or organize.
Do you know why certain black countries ARE successful? Because they actually know what the heck they're doing! It's really that simple!
PitBull said:
Yep, you're the Fred Sanford of goofy internet website black racist
garbage with no realation to reality. I know. I read it on a website. It
said Dante Xavier Ellison was full of crap. It must be true. It showed a
picture of a 45 year old black guy building a house of cards with a copy of
the Final Call on his computer table.
Source? I've not heard about this.
PitBull said:
You and yours moved here because America was a better place than
Jamaica. You're not taking chances, with all the AA handouts and welfare,
all the plentiful jobs, easy credit, etc.
We took plenty of chances. Had my mother moved back to jamaica after I was born, things would have been way easier for us. We already are in the upper social status down there. We already have plenty of houses, lots of family, etc, etc, back there.
But my mother wasn't like my grandparents who moved to England for a while and then came to stay back in Jamaica. My mother wanted to stay in America. She wroked hard. We did not get AA. We were dirt poor for some time. That's part of why I had to go live in Jamaica when I was younger; things were just toohard up here.
We were not eligible for all those welfare benefits, etc, etc, because my mother wasn't a citizen. We fought for everything: crappy apartments, crappy people, thieves, pests, etc, etc.
And now we live well. We have fought to get where we are, as hard if not harder thananybody else.
We don't get benefits. We don't prosper because of AA. My mom expects literally NOTHING from white people; she'll talk tot hem, she will befriend them, but she is wary and always has been because she lives in a white environemnt; she believes that racism is still common.
She does not complain about it, she simply goes and works every single day, thinking that she will need to get FAR better work done in order to succeed bewcause of the supposed racism.
I however, do not think the same way, which could be evidence by the fact that I even take the time to come here and talk with you. I don't really believe in racial Affirmative action. I don't want your grievances. I do not want your benefits. I do not want to be part of a black quarterback. I don't want to tear down any cltures. I don't have the time to chase after your women; I don't need to waste my time with girls now. I don't have time to lie and to cheat. I'd rather gain a good education so I can EARN money, rather than take it.
I live by a code of honor. Stealing money is not honorable. Earning money, and reaching a high level through intensive study is honorable. I will hone my intellect the same way I've been honing my debating skills over the past 2 years, just so I can reach the level you see now.
I strive to be the best. I strive to maintain a high average in my classes. I strive to surpass others with my work, and stay at that level. When I get older, I may want to joiun the air force and become a fighter pilot. If I follow through with this, then I WILL become a fighter pilot. Not because I'm black, but because I will DEFEAT my opponents and get into that cockpit and fly as well if not better than everyone else.
I don't come here to mooch and put money in my pockets. My mother did not come here for money, because if she wanted that, she could have stayed in Jamaica and lived well like the rest of my family does down there. Instead, she came here, and fought, so I could have a better life. And I will fight to. I will not stand here and be told by the likes of you that I am inferior, that my family is full of leeches, and that I am nothing more than a parasite.
My mother didn't care about money. My grandparents didn't care about money. My family is full of intellect: my uncles is an associate vice president at Harvard. I have 5 cousins who have attended Ivy League schools, and at least 4 or so aunts and uncles who have done the same. I have an Aunt who is a head of a government division in the UK.
I come from a family full of doctors, lawyers and educators. We got here because we work, not because of benefits.
We don't cry about benefits. We don;t have time to do that. We don't need to waste our time crying about grievances here and there. We get places because we fight for things, because that is the only way you get something.
My grandfather could have also been a doctor, if he wanted to. Had he stayed in England, he could have made a ton of cash by simply climbing up the system and reaching a high level; it's not hard for us.
But instead, he chose to leave England and come back to jamaica. He left a deans position in England to come down and be a dean at a small, upstart Jamaican college. Why? He didn't care about money; he wanted to help his countrymen.
He became a well known educator, and to this day people still remember him although he passed 4 years ago. He didn't come to leech anywhere. He didn't come to gain benefits. he fought for what was right, and he adhered to a code of honor that I find unmatched in many men today.
My mother could have stayed in Jamaica, married a wealthy Jamaican man, and lived very well. She could have listened to my grandparents, who wanted her to pursue law. Had she done so, she would have made far more money than she has now.
But she didn't She chose a career with human resources. Why? Because she wanted to work with people. And why did she come here to do it? because while she knew it would be harder to rise up,she wanted me to have n opportunity. And I will take that opportunity.
Do you know why I type so well at my age? It's not because I leeched and cheated to learn anything. I type well because I study rigorously. I honed my language skills not only by debating, but by studying every chance I got. My grades are always high in english; that's not affirmative action. That is hard work.
I don;t go out and party on fridays. Heck, it's friday today. Most of the other kids I know are having social get togethers right now. Not me. I;m on the computer: i've got homework and debating to do.
I don't have time for that youthfull behavior. I have never even been to a party. I've never had a girlfriend. It's not that I don't want to be socially well off, but I understand the work it takes to become an academic.
Do you know why I debate so well? Because I have honed that skill over time. 2 years ago, I could not debate at all very well. That was when I first found this site.
2 years later, and I have improved greatly in that respect. Not because of affirmative action, but because of hard work.
I AM worthy. My family is worthy. We are as honorable and worthy as any white, asian, hispanic, or other black family is, if not more so. And damned if I will sit here and watch while you attempt to destroy my honor and that of my families with your racialist barbs and insults.
PitBull said:
Running away from reality, valid arguments, and
referencing worthless, non-verifiable propaganda from bogus websites
doesn't change the truth.
You've not done a damn thing against me so far. I have yet to look at your family, your history, and your legacy and actually tell you to your face that it is worthless, and that your family is full of leeches, etc. I haven't dishonored your heritage by calling your family a group of white priveledge beneficiaries or moochers. I have not dishonored your home country by calling it a sh*tty place.
You, however, have done that to me this whole time, and in a very short span of time. You have no honor, PitBull. None whatsoever. No concept of chivalry, and no concept of respectful debate.
You will not win this debate because not only have you no honor, but you also lack the knowledge of proper debating technique(read:sourcing).
Keep going. Keep insulting, keep laughing. It will get you nowhere, and everyone sees your behavior for exactly what it is.