Black countries/societies

Pitbull, you and Jaxvidmade minced meat out of his silly notions.Without his input, it would be somewhat boring around here, don't you think? He isn't as obnoxious (yet) as some anti's and is always good for laughs. We all know the score. Edited by: Bart
Meh, whatever. If you don't have enough honor to show even a bit of chivalry, pitbull, then there's no point in hanging around. And if you have not enough chivalry to respect another users intelligence, Bart, then there is even less point of sticking around. We know very well that nobody here has minced anything I've said, and the fact that you're saying that right now is just an insult, to be quite honest.

People have probably seen this debate. They've watched this thing play out. And it's not hard to guess what they think. Become more honorable, and then maybe there is a slight chance of any sort of WN logic catching on.

Even I have learned something from debating with WNs over the years, and some of my views have changed as a result. Totally brushing off enemies and remianing COMPLETELY ignorant, even in the face of defeat, will get you no place. I'll give Jaxvid a little credit here: he was at least able to concede a point or two when it became obvious they were indefensible, and I too had to concede a bit as well.

A good commander can see trouble on the horizon, and knows when to pull out in order to plan his next attack.

I think I'll just take my leave of absence right about now.

As for my age, I don't know what else I can show you to confirm that. I gave you a ton of info before, but I suppose there is no point in backing it up now.

Whatever the case, salutations, and good luck.
FG30, I put up with your BS long enough. Chivalry? Do you even know
the meaning of the word? Its not a debate if you don't recognize other
people's points. That's a discussion. This is a pro-white site, not a pro-
black or pro-jamaica site. I thought my posts were long, but yours were
ridiculous. The guy is liar--look at his last post--he says he's fifteen, but
has been debating WN "over the years". Please. The rest of his stuff is
made up of the same false junk. You're right Bart, we all know it. But I
don't see why anyone here should have to suffer the endless posts, or
spend time refuting each point. Its wearing me out. The last thing I want
to see is a black having the last word on any of these threads because
everyone else was just worn out from his endless pro-black propaganda
posts. It just encourages more of the same, giving him the last word. Its
supposed to be a pro-white site, but the blacks get the last word?

Don't worry--he'll be back with his friends soon enough. Anyway, I don't
run anything around here. If you guys want him around, stick up for him.
I just can't have a discussion or a debate with people who don't recognize
their opponents points. His BS should be refuted, but its wearing me out.
It just drives me crazy. If you want to take up the baton, go for it. I'd
rather read up on the other threads here.
Futuregohan30 said:
A good commander can see trouble on the horizon, and knows when to pull out in order to plan his next attack.

Next attack?Oh, gosh darn it all, and I thought you were here just for fun and fellowship.
Is this thread done? I thought so. I originally moved it to a seperate thread so if anyone wanted to partake in the debate or read about it they could. I was hoping to avoid having it spill over into other threads.

futuregohan has been a polite anti for the time he has been on the site and has limited most of his loooong posts to seperate topics so I don't think it was particulary divisive. I'm not big on banning anyone unless they become hostile and it's Don's choice anyway.

I guess FG is going away, probably for the best as he has certainly had his say on these issues and now we are at the point of arguing in circles. When that happens emotion and frustration sets in and you have as a result the last few posts.

I think FG did a good job with the poor material he had. He really had to milk those few bright spots for any chance of defending his position. Good job though. I hope he has success in his life and returns to Jamaica to help out his ancesteral homeland (and feel free to take 30 million of your close friends with you

I really think Pitbull did one heckofva job in reply, geez I would post something and then read Pitbull's reply and think "why did I even bother?" when his posts were so much better then mine. Good stuff, logical, rational, and with some bite, made for really good reading.

Also interesting reading FG's personal history, you read that and think "if only there were more of his people like that!" but there aren't many, or at least not enough, and as we all know that is really the problem.

For my next vacation I'm going to Botswana!
Even blacks have no interest in moving to black countries, including Botswana.

I don't claim to know a perfect formula when it comes to banning individuals or locking threads. I don't like to see people get angry over threads that become circular or personal. I know I quit reading this one when the quotes and counterquotes started becoming book length. In fact, I find the method of continually parsingsomeone else's postswith selected quotes to be one thatoften doesn't leadto satisfactory discussions. Anditcan be doublyfrustrating when you're participating in one that keeps going and going.

If Gohan is the age he says he is, he's quite impressive in knowledge and writing ability, I think anyone would have to give him that. He's also very tenacious. Maybe someday he'll be part of a rational discussion between the races on issues that we're not allowed to talk about openly and honestly now. He's not going to win an unwinnable argument against any of the posters here, but he likes to try anyway. Time restraints make it advisable for all of us to pick our battles carefully.

I've been advised at times when a thread is getting me mad to let it run its course, and I think that's the best general policy. I've acted impetuously a couple of times in the heat of emotion and later regretted it. PitBull, you're a fine addition to the board, please keep giving us your input. Edited by: Don Wassall
I dont see how Future Gonad finds any time to do school workand practice football and take care of his other responsibilities when he spends hour after hour defending the quality of lifeof the godforsaken countries of Africa here on this board
. Edited by: robcat
I don't mind Gohan, either. He has been polite in all of his posts and hasn't blatantly tried to be 'in your face' with any of his attacks. His more aggressive responses seemed more mild compared to some of those against him. He also at least attempted to defend his point with statistics and other sources than merely just quoting the same old tripe.

Having said that, like Don, I stopped reading when everyone began quoting two or three other posts in every response. IMO the arguments became specious when we began arguing about crime rates in Africa versus Norway. Despite the 'stats,' I don't know of any Norwegians moving to Botswana or any other place in Africa because the quality of life is better there. You have to appreciate 'Gohan's effort, but really... there is no way to win that argument, no matter what the CIA Fact Book says.

Stats from foreign countries can be very misleading. Everyone in Cuba is a communist. Everyone in Iraq voted for Saddam when he was still in power. Those things may be true 'statistically,' but they do not represent the truth about the way people feel and act in their normal, everyday lives. There is no way I'd venture off the plantation in Jamaica, no matter what the Jamaican government says about crime rates. I don't trust the police in Mexico, no matter what the government says about fighting corruption. I could list many other examples but I think we all know what I'm saying.

To Gohan: Thanks for playing. If you are genuinely a 15-year old child of Jamaican immigrants, you are way ahead of the curve. If not, you did an excellent job of trolling all of us here on CF.

To Pitbull, et al: Thanks for taking the time to rebut Gohan. I'm sure it took a lot of effort to research some of the data and compose counter arguments. I'm glad someone took the time.
"What's for dinner honey?" "Rats again?'Zimbabwe sure is doing well after displacingand killing off the whitefarmers. Now, who would have guessed the country would go to hell so quickly with blacks in charge?

[url] /index.html[/url]

Living off rats to survive in Zimbabwe

(CNN) -- Twelve-year-old Beatrice returns from the fields with small animals she's caught for dinner.

Her mother, Elizabeth, prepares the meat and cooks it on a grill made of three stones supporting a wood fire. It's just enough food, she says, to feed her starving family of six.

Tonight, they dine on rats.

"Look what we've been reduced to eating?" she said. "How can my children eat rats in a country that used to export food? This is a tragedy."

This is a story about how Zimbabwe, once dubbed southern Africa's bread basket, has in six short years become a basket case. It is about a country that once exported surplus food now apparently falling apart, with many residents scrounging for rodents to survive.


But Shadrack Gutto, of the Center for International Political Studies, said Zimbabwe is on the verge of collapse.

"The reality is it's really grinding down and not improving," he said.

The downslide began, critics say, in 2000 when the government crippled the country's prime commercial farms by running off white farmers and redistributing the land to Mugabe's cronies. At least a dozen white farmers were killed and dozens were injured and hospitalized. Thousands more fled the country and the land. Most of that land now lies empty and abandoned.
American Freedom News