Biogenesis Scandal


Jul 29, 2008

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Also, many hispanic players are older than they represent themselves to be. The corporate media tends to find this humorous when they mention it at all, but it's no laughing matter to a sport-business with its ridiculous guaranteed contracts. If I was the owner of the Angels I'd sure want to know just how old Albert Pujols is. Not that I have any sympathy for MLB owners, but it's also a fraud on the fans who pay to watch the games.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Interesting that Ryan Braun was punished first, thus becoming the (White) face of the scandal, and then nothing but hispanics after him, including Alex Rodriguez, who is a bigger star than Braun.

Rodriguez, always self-absorbed beyond comprehension even in America's celebrity worshipping dystopia, said during his press conference that he was addressing not only baseball fans but "all the hispanics all over the world," a ridiculous attempt to play a race card. Does he think that everyone who lives in Central and South America are part of his "people," or perhaps anyone anywhere who happens to speak Spanish? What a crock of you know what.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Interesting that Ryan Braun was punished first, thus becoming the (White) face of the scandal, and then nothing but hispanics after him, including Alex Rodriguez, who is a bigger star than Braun.

Rodriguez, always self-absorbed beyond comprehension even in America's celebrity worshiping dystopia, said during his press conference that he was addressing not only baseball fans but "all the hispanics all over the world," a ridiculous attempt to play a race card. Does he think that everyone who lives in Central and South America are part of his "people," or perhaps anyone anywhere who happens to speak Spanish? What a crock of you know what.

A-Fraud (thanks Dixie!) was born in New York. And it should be mentioned that one of the players suspended is Francisco Cervelli. Cervelli is an Italian name and he is the son of an Italian immigrant to Venezuela and a Venezuelan mother. He is basically Italian, from South America, like Manu Ginobilli, and in fact looks a bit more "White" then Manu in some pictures. Not to make too much of it but I think it shows how the whole "hispanic" thing is a BS creation of the MSM and the rest of the Cathedral. At the very least he is a "white" hispanic.


white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Interesting that Ryan Braun was punished first, thus becoming the (White) face of the scandal, and then nothing but hispanics after him, including Alex Rodriguez, who is a bigger star than Braun.

Rodriguez, always self-absorbed beyond comprehension even in America's celebrity worshipping dystopia, said during his press conference that he was addressing not only baseball fans but "all the hispanics all over the world," a ridiculous attempt to play a race card. Does he think that everyone who lives in Central and South America are part of his "people," or perhaps anyone anywhere who happens to speak Spanish? What a crock of you know what.
Yep when backed into a corner play the race card.......:grin: If it wasn't so blatant it would just be hilarious. This is a guy who has never done much for his people with charity work or political causes and used to dye his hair blonde and tried to look as Caucasian as possible....


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Interesting that Ryan Braun was punished first, thus becoming the (White) face of the scandal, and then nothing but hispanics after him, including Alex Rodriguez, who is a bigger star than Braun.

Rodriguez, always self-absorbed beyond comprehension even in America's celebrity worshipping dystopia, said during his press conference that he was addressing not only baseball fans but "all the hispanics all over the world," a ridiculous attempt to play a race card. Does he think that everyone who lives in Central and South America are part of his "people," or perhaps anyone anywhere who happens to speak Spanish? What a crock of you know what.

About two days ago, I caught a few irritating seconds of ESPN’s globe-permeating coverage of Rodriguez’s impending suspension. After a game with the Trenton Thunder, the needle-pricked “A-Fraud†was being interviewed by a Spanish-speaking reporter and kept nodding his head while the man spoke to him in his “native tongue.†Rodriguez suddenly stopped the man and said: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying...can you translate your questions into English?â€

I can't find the video, but I believe this irony-laden moment occurred during this interview…


Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
It always tickles me when a mestizo refers to his, or her self as "Hispanic". They dont even know what they are because they are a jumbled mix of anything. They are certainly not "Hispanic" though.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Speaking of playing the "race card", a few new details regarding the Janus-face Jew leaked out tonight. Apparently, Braun called a number of veteran players to appeal for support last year, specifically impugning the sample collector as an "anti-Semite" and also a Cubs fan. I'm a bit disappointed that he didn't go public with these particular allegations, settling for a more generic method of public scorn and disrespect. Fortunately, I have obtained an artist's rendition of Braun as he shed crocodile tears over the phone to his fellow minority players:


Here's the blurb via ESPN:

According to sources, Braun called veteran players around baseball privately at that time to lobby for their support. In the calls -- confirmed by three sources -- Braun told other players that in the preparation for his appeal, some information had become known about the collector of his urine sample, Dino Laurenzi Jr., including that he was a Cubs fan -- with the implication he might work against Braun, who played for a division rival of the Cubs.
Braun, who is Jewish, also told the players that he had been told the collector was an anti-Semite.
The sources indicate that when Braun made his pleas for support to other players, he did so in anticipation of the possibility that he would lose his appeal. Instead, Braun became the first player to win an appeal.
Oct 18, 2010
I'm just a little bit entertained by Braun's evolution from a White man to a Jew here at CF...

But I'm far more amused by the stereotypically Jewish behavior of throwing around accusations of anti-Semitism when caught in wrongdoing.


Oct 19, 2009
Looks like there will be more names of Roid users coming out soon, at least that's what T.J. Quinn of ESPN is reporting. Quinn is also suggesting there will be quite a few "big name" players that will be fingered by the FED'S. Considering this is all going down in Miami, don't be surprised if most (if not all) players involved here are Hispanic.

One guy loosely linked to theBiogenesis Scandal last year, but went unscathed is Robinson Cano. Hopefully Ortiz or Miguel Cabrera will eventually be exposed as frauds.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Looks like there will be more names of Roid users coming out soon, at least that's what T.J. Quinn of ESPN is reporting. Quinn is also suggesting there will be quite a few "big name" players that will be fingered by the FED'S. Considering this is all going down in Miami, don't be surprised if most (if not all) players involved here are Hispanic.

One guy loosely linked to theBiogenesis Scandal last year, but went unscathed is Robinson Cano. Hopefully Ortiz or Miguel Cabrera will eventually be exposed as frauds.
Supposedly King James was linked to the Bosch clinic too. It just might be a coincidence but LBJ looks rather skinny this off